龙腾世纪审判 多利安全队友对话中文翻译一览

时间:2016-02-29 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名



  Dorian: 一个灰袍招募者。听起来真有趣。



  Blackwall: 这就是你对灰袍守护者的看法?

  Dorian: 这没那么糟。我有几个最好的朋友也是杀人犯。

  Blackwall: 他们是通过牺牲自己来赎罪的男人和女人。他们为了你这样的人战斗。为了你们这些穿着丝绸和天鹅绒,就会动动嘴皮子……和有偏见的人。

  Dorian: 现在是谁有偏见了?


  Dorian: 你有多了解“我们这类人”,Blackwall?


  Dorian: 对于某些经常被棒槌敲到脑袋的人来说,可能是一样的。

  Blackwall: 当心我敲你的脑袋。

  Dorian: 这就是我料到你们这类人会做的事。

  Blackwall: 你是怎么把你的头发弄成这个样子的,Dorian?靠魔法?

  Dorian: 靠适当的清洁和梳理。也许你们三个都该了解一下。

  Dorian: 我经常好奇普通人对法师自由的看法。

  Blackwall: 如果你真的在乎,你可以问。

  Blackwall: 噢,但等一下,这举措包括了和我这样肮脏的平民说话。

  Dorian: 没错,就说这么多吧。

  Dorian: 你在那个村庄里俘获了一位年轻女士的视线,Blackwall。

  Blackwall: 我确信你弄错了。

  Dorian: 你说得对,她毫无疑问是在看我。

  Dorian: 对“Andraste使者”这事有什么看法吗,Blackwall?

  Blackwall: 为什么这么问?

  Dorian: 只是需要知道你还能有点更高深的思想。为了安慰下我自己。

  Blackwall: 那你最好给我一块拼字游戏。

  Dorian: 如果我给你一块拼字游戏你就会做吗?

  Blackwall: 没门。

  Blackwall: Corypheus。你们中的一员,不是吗?

  Dorian: 我们中的一员?就像是个宠物?像是只想要成为神明的巨大暗裔仓鼠?

  Dorian: “Dorian,你为什么不能管管你的小伙伴呢?Corypheus又尿在地毯上了!”

  Dorian: 在这句类比里,地毯是指Haven。

  Blackwall: 他是,还是不是一个塔文特魔导师?

  Dorian: 意味着“世上的万恶之源”?他们是一回事,不是吗?

  Blackwall: 有时候确实觉得是一回事。

  (如果判官和Blackwall 搞上了)

  Blackwall: 我知道你在Skyhold打探我和判官的事,Dorian。

  Dorian: 只是想要确认它是不是谣言,大块头。你明白的。

  Blackwall: 我不确定我明白,你为什么感兴趣?

  Dorian: 出于学术目的?我们的后人会想了解的。

  Blackwall: 别、管、这、事。

  (如果判官和Dorian 搞上了)

  Dorian: 我在酒馆里无意听到你问别人我和判官的事,Blackwall。

  Blackwall: 我不确定我是否听得没错。

  Dorian: 你有问题?你的胡子因为好奇而颤抖吗?

  Blackwall: 我不会窥探判官的事的。

  Dorian: 你确定?我能画张示意图给你。

  Blackwall: 不用了,谢谢。


  Blackwall: Redcliffe 里发生的事最好不要传播出去。

  Dorian: 哦?为什么不要?

  Blackwall: 你觉得如果人们知道了法师能改变未来的话,法师的境况会变得更好吗?

  Dorian: 先不去提不是这么回事儿,我怀疑人们会以任何借口讨厌我们。

  Blackwall: 那你不该给他们更多理由。

  Dorian: 当剑被发明出来的时候,所有人都是这个反应吗?“噢,我发红的屁股啊!把这些会用这尖尖的玩意儿的家伙都圈起来再把他们关起来!”

  Blackwall: 这不是一回事儿,你知道的。


  Dorian: We have a Ben-Hassrath with us? A spy. An actual Qunari spy.

  Dorian: That doesn't strike anyone as a bad thing?

  Iron Bull: Says the Vint. When we're fighting Vints.

  Dorian: That's... not a terrible point. Okay.

  Dorian: I hope it doesn't bother you to travel alongside a "Vint," Iron Bull.

  Iron Bull: That what you are? You people all kind of look the same to me.

  Dorian: I'm also a mage. Would you prefer me bound and leashed?

  Iron Bull: I'd buy you dinner first.

  Dorian: Hopefully before you sewed my mouth shut.

  Iron Bull: Depends how much you keep yapping.

  Iron Bull: Must grind your gristle the "Elder One" is some crazy Vint asshole, huh?

  Dorian: I'm not thrilled to discover we should take those old legends at face value.

  Iron Bull: Guess he thinks the modern Imperium is a real letdown, too.

  Dorian: Why wouldn't he? Tevinter once covered all Thedas, its glory only matched by its depravity.

  Dorian: It'd be like Koslun showing up and learning the Qunari didn't conquer the world after all.

  Iron Bull: Hmm, yes. Priesthood's been trying to explain that one for centuries.

  Iron Bull: Nice work with the magic back there, Dorian. You're pretty good at blowing guys up.

  Dorian: It's significantly more impressive than hitting them with a sharp piece of metal.

  Iron Bull: Hey, whoa, let's not get crazy.

  Iron Bull: Dorian, you've been to Minrathous, right?

  Dorian: Of course. I'm not a plebian.

  Iron Bull: You ever been to that place in the Vivazzi Plaza? With the big, cracked bell hanging off the roof?

  Dorian: With the dancers, yes. You're making me homesick.

  Dorian: You've killed lots of my countrymen, I take it?

  Iron Bull: Sure, usually when I'm being paid for it.

  Dorian: What? Never just for fun?

  Iron Bull: I'm here, aren't I? Man's gotta take his fun where he can get it.

  Iron Bull: That staff's in pretty good shape, Dorian.

  Iron Bull: Do you spend a lot of time polishing it?

  Dorian: (Groans.)

  Iron Bull: Better hike up your skirt, mage boy.

  Dorian: I'm not wearing a skirt.

  Iron Bull: You trip on that bustling whatever, don't come crying to me.

  Dorian: No Qunari would accept a Tevinter mage so easily... unless it was a ruse. When should I expect a knife in the back?

  Iron Bull: You ever use that fancy magic of yours to burn down a dormitory full of kids?

  Dorian: Err... not today.

  Iron Bull: (Laughs.) Then I wouldn't worry. Lots of other people need a knife in the back first.

  Dorian: Watch where you're pointing that thing!

  Iron Bull: Dirty.

  Dorian: Vishante kaffas! I meant your weapon!

  Iron Bull: Think I know what your problem is, Dorian.

  Dorian: I have only the one?

  Iron Bull: You see a man who's burned out, who left his people and entire life behind... and for what?

  Dorian: You're not suggesting we're similar.

  Iron Bull: How's that mirror treating you? Pretty picture, isn't it?

  Dorian: I may vomit.

  Iron Bull: Wait, wait, I'll flex a little for you. Make it easier.

  Dorian: What does the Qunari priesthood tell your people about losing the war?

  Iron Bull: Ehn. The usual. Water comes, water goes, but eventually the tides wear away the mountain. Blah, blah, blah.

  Dorian: They've been fighting Tevinter for centuries and still haven't won.

  Iron Bull: Wait, you think we've been at war all this time?

  Dorian: It's barely an eye-watering slap fight, I'll grant you, but every now and again it heats up.

  Iron Bull: (Chuckles.) That's just force of habit. A real invasion's different.

  Dorian: What are they waiting for?

  Iron Bull: Don't know. Someone to tell someone to tell someone it's on again, I guess.

  Dorian: So they're the Chargers and you're the Bull. That's clever.

  Iron Bull: Worked that out on your own, did ya?

  Iron Bull: You gotta keep the name simple, so the nobles get it. They pay us to fight, not to entertain at tea.

  Dorian: That I'd like to see.

  Dorian: You seemed remarkably comfortable at the Winter Palace, Bull.

  Iron Bull: I do my best.

  Dorian: You didn't knock over a single priceless statue, or fart even once near the dessert table.

  Iron Bull: That you know of.

  Dorian: I'm surprised you never spent time in the Tevinter courts. They would adore you.

  Iron Bull: I did. After awhile, the saddle just got too heavy.

  Dorian: Vishante kaffas! Don't you ever bathe?

  Iron Bull: Sometimes. You want to watch, don't you?

  Dorian: I'd rather stand upwind.

  Iron Bull: Human sweat smells like pork that's been sitting in the sun. Just saying.

  Dorian: I will never understand why Qunari warriors spend half their time running around bare-chested.

  Iron Bull: You see a member of the Beresaad in full armor, you run, because it's war.

  Dorian: They should wear armor all the time!

  Iron Bull: Then they'd have to invade everyone. You're so bloodthirsty.

  Dorian: (Growls.)

  Iron Bull: You doing all right, Dorian? I know family stuff can be rough.

  Dorian: What would you know about it? True Qunari don't have families.

  Iron Bull: Finding out you don't fit in with the people who raised you?

  Iron Bull: Having to walk away from everything you grew up with, knowing you've disappointed the ones who loved you?

  Iron Bull: I might know a bit. Takes a tough man to do it, too. So good on you, you big old fop.

  Dorian: Yay. Good on me.

  Dorian: Why is it always so cold? How do you southerners stand it?

  Iron Bull: What's the matter? Not enough slaves around to rub your footsies?

  Dorian: My footsies are freezing, thank you.

  (If neither is in a romance with the Inquisitor)

  Iron Bull: Quite the stink-eye you've got going, Dorian.

  Dorian: You stand there, flexing your muscles, huffing like some beast of burden with no thought save conquest.

  Iron Bull: That's right. These big muscled hands could tear those robes off while you struggled, helpless in my grip.

  Iron Bull: I'd pin you down, and as you gripped my horns; I. Would. Conquer. You.

  Dorian: Uh. What?

  Iron Bull: Oh. Is that not where we're going?

  Dorian: No. It was very much not.

  (If neither is in a romance with the Inquisitor)

  Iron Bull: So, Dorian, about last night...

  Dorian: (Sighs) Discretion isn't your thing, is it?

  Iron Bull: Three times! Also, your silky underthings, do you want them back, or did you leave those like a token? Or...wait, did you "forget" them so you'd have an excuse to come back? You sly dog!

  Dorian: If you choose to leave your door unlocked like a savage, I may or may not come.

  Iron Bull: Speak for yourself.


  Dorian: Solas,我了解到你研究灵体?

  Solas: 没错。

  Dorian: 在我家乡那儿,我们让灵体成为仆役。

  Solas: 我听说过。

  Dorian: 它们能变成的样子奇妙极了,你该看看的。

  Solas: 塔文特帝国对于一个精灵来说不是最安全的地方。

  Dorian: 啊,对。我明白。

  Dorian: 你把灵体当作仆役来使用吗,Solas?你完全可以抓到它们。

  Solas: 没有。它们是活生生的智慧生物。违背它们的意愿对他们施展缚灵是该被谴责的。

  Dorian: 它们能有多少“意愿”?它们是灵界没有形态的产物。

  Solas: 恩……

  Dorian: 建设性地使用它们又没害处,我家乡那儿大部分法师都对它们很好。

  Solas: 而且任何显示出拥有魔法天赋的就会被释放,是吗?

  Dorian: 什么?灵体没有魔法天赋。

  Solas: 哦抱歉,我以为你在说你们的奴隶。

  Dorian: Solas,你有时让你的法杖发出的那小闪光……你是在把外界的能量收为己用吗?

  Solas: 是的。这么做会清除魔法能量并造出一个不那么稳固的随机屏障来削弱进来的魔法。

  Dorian: 妙极了。这是塔文特手法。我没见过这世上其他地方的人这么做过。

  Solas: 这手法不属于塔文特,它是精灵技法。

  Dorian: 噢!这就意味着我们……还是别说了。

  Solas: 但还是可以继续说说塔文特魔法奇观的。

  Solas: 我很惊讶你竟没有练血魔法,Dorian。塔文特不是流行这个吗?

  Dorian: 那我们是一样惊讶的,你在月光下全裸起舞的次数也比我预料的要少。

  Solas: 塔文特人对精灵的了解还是这么精准。

  Dorian: 我想要看你用歌声让鲜花盛开的景象,一次也好。

  Dorian: Solas,你这一身行头是怎么回事?

  Solas: 抱歉?

  Dorian: 不对,该抱歉的是你的衣服。你是什么?某种林居者吗?

  Dorian: 这是某种Dalish 文化吗?你不是不喜欢Dalish吗?还是说这是某种宣言?

  Solas: 不是。

  Dorian: 好吧,它对我说“流浪叛教法师”来着。


  Vivienne: 更确切地说,是“不洗澡的流浪叛教法师”。

  Dorian: Solas,不管怎么样,我很抱歉。

  Dorian: 精灵城Arlathan 听起来像是个有魔力的地方,我的祖先们摧毁了它……

  Solas: Dorian……别说了。

  Solas: 帝国崛起又衰落。Arlathan 在它的兴盛期也没比你的塔文特“无辜”多少。

  Solas: 你对古代精灵的怀旧之情,不管它有多浪漫,都是没有意义的。

  Solas: 如果你真的想弥补你们以前犯下的罪过,那就去释放现今住在塔文特的全种族的奴隶。

  Dorian: 我……不知道我能做到这一点。

  Solas: 那你又有多抱歉?

  Solas: 我注意到你在某次攻击时附上了无效化的附魔。

  Dorian: 这个无效化附魔可以瓦解任何在附近游荡的外界魔法因子。接下来东西就会烧得更旺。

  Solas: 你这样不会浪费过多魔法来盖过你自己带来的无效化效应吗?

  Dorian: 啊,不会。我稍稍扭曲了幽幕来使得法术之间产生距离。

  Solas: 当然。你考虑过突然停止这幽幕扭曲化来增强相关能量吗?

  Dorian: 像是甩鞭子?是的,我试过一次。那让我的牙齿尝起来怪怪的。


  Sera: 你们两的对话一点也不正常!

  Dorian: 我不敢相信你到了灵界里。肉体进了灵界。

  Solas: 你觉得这是值得骄傲的一项成就吗?

  Dorian: 这是历史上第二次有人做到这一点。它并不渺小,Solas。

  Solas: 在人类历史上。

  Dorian: 对,灵界对于我们人类来说还是一个谜。也许会一直是一个谜。

  Solas: 也许这一点最好维持这个样子。

  Dorian: 让我搞搞清楚,Solas。

  Dorian: 你是一个叛教法师——不是Dalish 精灵也不是城市精灵——你独自住在森林里研究灵体。

  Solas: 你有意见吗?

  Dorian: 没有,没有。你是一片特别又独特的雪花。活在梦想里吧。

  Solas: 你的魔法技艺令人影响深刻,Dorian。

  Dorian: 你不是第一个这么说的。

  Solas: 但你为什么不用一个没那么……闪……的方式施法来节约一点魔法呢?

  Dorian: 没错,如果我只吃白饭和蔬菜,我会活得更久,但这事就是不可能发生。

  Dorian: 啊, Solas。你吓到我了。你总是那么……不起眼。

  Solas: 拜托大声点!我听不见你说什么,都被你的衣服挡到了!

  Dorian: Corypheus 带着的那个球……你确定它起源于精灵吗,Solas?

  Solas: 我相信是这样的,为什么要这么问?

  Dorian: 魔导师协会的档案里有一些画,画着手持相似球体的男人们。

  Dorian: 早在魔导师之前就有记载。也许出于古代造梦者之手。


  Solas: 也许是的。古代人类从精灵那里拿走了不少东西。

  Dorian: Corypheus才刚穿越时空不久。恩……


  Dorian: A Grey Warden Recruiter. That sounds interesting.

  Blackwall: It's not easy finding people willing to shoulder such a terrible responsibility.

  Dorian: Here I thought you poked around prisons, hunting for murderers desperate to escape the noose.

  Blackwall: That's what you think of the Wardens?

  Dorian: It's not such a terrible thing. Some of my best friends are murderers.

  Blackwall: They are men and women, atoning for what they've done by giving of themselves. They fight for people like you. People in silks and velvets. Who talk... and judge.

  Dorian: Who's judging now?

  Blackwall: I know your kind.

  Dorian: What do you know of "my kind", Blackwall?

  Blackwall: I know that what comes out of your mouth is the same drivel that comes out of theirs.

  Dorian: It might sound that way to someone who's been clubbed on the head too often.

  Blackwall: Careful I don't club you on the head.

  Dorian: That's what I'd expect from your kind.

  Blackwall: How do you get your hair to do that, Dorian? With magic?

  Dorian: With proper hygiene and grooming. Maybe all three of you should get acquainted.

  Dorian: I've often wondered what the average man thinks about mage freedom.

  Blackwall: If you really cared, you could ask.

  Blackwall: Oh, but wait. That would involve talking to a dirty commoner like me.

  Dorian: True. So much for that.

  Dorian: You caught the eye of a young woman in that last village, Blackwall.

  Blackwall: I'm sure you're mistaken.

  Dorian: You're right. She was undoubtedly looking at me.———————

  Dorian: Any thoughts on this "Herald of Andraste" business, Blackwall?

  Blackwall: Why?

  Dorian: Just need to know you're capable of higher thought. For my own comfort.

  Blackwall: Then you'd be better served giving me a word puzzle.

  Dorian: You'd do a word puzzle if I gave it to you?

  Blackwall: Not a chance.

  Blackwall: Corypheus. One of yours, isn't he?

  Dorian: One of mine? Like a pet? Like a giant darkspawn hamster with aspirations of godhood?

  Dorian: 'Dorian, why can't you look after your little friends? Corypheus peed on the carpet again!'

  Dorian: In this analogy, the carpet is Haven.

  Blackwall: Is he or is he not a Tevinter Magister?

  Dorian: Meaning 'the source of everything bad and evil in the world'? They are the same, yes?

  Blackwall: Certainly feels that way at times.———————

  Blackwall: It’s interesting watching you, Dorian. The way you carry yourself when you use magic.

  Dorian: I am very good at the whole magic thing.

  Blackwall: No, it’s not that. You find joy in it, not shame. And it shows.

  Dorian: Why be ashamed? Power should be respected, not swept under the carpet.

  Blackwall: Something we “southerners” need to learn, perhaps?

  Dorian: Maybe you’re not a complete moron.

  Blackwall: We were having a moment, and now you’ve ruined it.

  (If the Inquisitor is in a romance with Blackwall)

  Blackwall: I understand you were asking about me and the Inquisitor at Skyhold, Dorian.

  Dorian: Only verifying certain rumors, Big Man. You understand.

  Blackwall: I'm not certain I do. Why the interest?

  Dorian: Academic? Future generations will want to know.

  Blackwall: Leave. It. Be.

  (If the Inquisitor is in a romance with Dorian)

  Dorian: I overheard you at the tavern, Blackwall, asking about the Inquisitor and I.

  Blackwall: I was unsure I'd heard correctly.

  Dorian: You have a question? Are your whiskers quivering with curiosity?

  Blackwall: I would not pry into the Inquisitor's business.

  Dorian: Are you certain? I can draw diagrams.

  Blackwall: No. Thank you.


  Dorian: 我必须承认,Cassandra ,我从没听说过这些“真理探索者”的事儿。

  Cassandra: 你为什么会听说过?他们不存在于塔文特。

  Dorian: 但他们是什么呢?某种超级圣殿骑士?它是某个南方的秘密吗,像是适当的清洁卫生?

  Cassandra: 曾经是,我们在暗中工作,监视圣殿骑士和法师。

  Dorian: 啊。这工作显然起到了重大作用。

  Cassandra: 你的伶牙俐齿没给你带来任何好处。法师反叛运动甚至以我们的力量都无法控制。

  Dorian: 我不小心知道你对我撒谎了,Cassandra。

  Cassandra: 我对你撒谎了?

  Dorian: 你说法师反叛运动是超越探索者的力量能控制的事。我听说你们的教团本可以防止这事,但却在它发生后马上引领圣殿骑士加入了战争。

  Cassandra: 这……这就是我离开教团的原因,是的。

  Dorian: 膝跳反应般地为你的前任同志们辩护。我非常理解。

  Cassandra: 你之前对探索者的评价是不公正的,Dorian。

  Dorian: 哦?他们不为法师带来和平负责?

  Cassandra: 如果有人只因为某些魔导师和奴隶的行为就对塔文特妄下断语你会怎么说?没错,就让我们摈弃你的祖国吧,它没有一点值得挽回名誉的品质!

  Cassandra: 探索者毫无疑问失败了,但这情况很复杂,而且你非常清楚这一点。

  Dorian: Cassandra,我母亲有一个Pentaghast家的朋友。也许你认识他。

  Cassandra: Pentaghast是一个很大的家族,Dorian。我不可能认识每一个人,我也不想认识所有人。

  Dorian: 非常胖的男人。有三层下巴,四座豪宅,五个出卖你的法子,我母亲常这么说。

  Cassandra: 哦。我确实认识他:我的表亲Loren,他还有一双不安分的手。

  Cassandra: 我猜你父亲回到塔文特了,Dorian 。

  Dorian: (叹气)希望如此。

  Cassandra: 我父亲在我很小的时候就死了。我几乎记不清他了。

  Dorian: 我不会说你是幸运的,因为这不是真的,但有些时候……

  Cassandra: 我明白,我同情你。


  Dorian: 为什么,Cassandra ,我从没见你笑得这么多过!

  Cassandra: 我没有在笑。

  Dorian: 你现在没笑,但只是在我指出这一点之后。

  Cassandra: 我不是一个轻浮的女学生,Dorian。

  Dorian: 如果你没脸红就更有说服力了。


  Cassandra: 你最近经常微笑,Dorian。

  Dorian: 我总是微笑。人们喜欢我的笑容,他们也应该喜欢!我有棒极了的牙齿。

  Cassandra: 你总是在恍惚地看着远方时这么笑吗?

  Dorian: 这取决于离晚饭还有多长时间。


  Dorian: I must admit, Cassandra, I've never heard of these "Seekers of Truth."

  Cassandra: Why would you? They do not exist in Tevinter.

  Dorian: But what are they? Some manner of super-Templar? Is this one of those Southern secrets, like proper hygiene?

  Cassandra: Once, we worked from the shadows, monitoring Templars and mages alike.

  Dorian: Ah. That clearly worked out well.

  Cassandra: Your glibness does you no credit. The Mage Rebellion was beyond even our power to control.

  Dorian: Incidentally, Cassandra, I'm well aware you lied to me.

  Cassandra: I lied to you?

  Dorian: When you said the Mage Rebellion was beyond the power of the Seekers to control. I've since heard your Order could have prevented it, but instead led the Templars into war once it started.

  Cassandra: It... is why I left the Order, yes.

  Dorian: Knee-jerk defense of your former comrades? I quite understand.

  Cassandra: Your earlier judgment of the Seekers was unfair, Dorian.

  Dorian: Oh? Were they not responsible for keeping peace with the mages?

  Cassandra: And what would you say if one judged Tevinter solely on the actions of some of its Magisters and slavers? Yes, let us dismiss your homeland as not having a single redeeming quality!

  Cassandra: The Seekers failed, without question, but the situation was complex and you well know it.

  Dorian: Cassandra, my mother has a friend who's a Pentaghast. Perhaps you know of him.

  Cassandra: The Pentaghasts are a large clan, Dorian. I cannot know them all, nor would I want to.

  Dorian: Enormously fat man. Three chins, four mansions, five ways to sell you out, as Mother liked to say.

  Cassandra: Oh. I do know him: Cousin Loren, with the wandering hands.

  Cassandra: I take it your father returned to Tevinter, Dorian.

  Dorian: (Sighs) Let's hope so.

  Cassandra: My father died when I was very young. I barely remember him now.

  Dorian: I won't say you're lucky, because that's not true, but there are days...

  Cassandra: I understand. You have my sympathy.

  (If the Inquisitor is in a romance with Cassandra)

  Dorian: Why, Cassandra, I've never seen you smile so much!

  Cassandra: I am not smiling.

  Dorian: Now you're not, but only because I pointed it out.

  Cassandra: I am not a giddy schoolgirl, Dorian.

  Dorian: That would be easier to believe if you hadn't just blushed.

  (If the Inquisitor is in a romance with Dorian)

  Cassandra: You're smiling a great deal these days, Dorian.

  Dorian: I always smile. People like my smile, and they should! I have excellent teeth.

  Cassandra: Do you always do it while staring dreamily into the distance?

  Dorian: It depends how long until dinner.


  Dorian: 你不是附身在某个人类的身上,Cole?你……看起来就是这幅模样?

  Cole: 是的。

  Dorian: 但是灵体真正的样子总是像怪物似的,至少看起来不自然。

  Cole: 这个世界对于它们来说难以理解。它太真实了。这就是它们看起来奇怪的原因。

  Dorian: 那……这是你想要的样子?

  Cole: 我想要帮助别人。外貌并不重要。

  Dorian: 你能改变你的形态吗,Cole?如果你要想看起来像别的东西的话?

  Cole: 但我不想要看起来像别的东西。

  Dorian: 恩。有些魔导师如果能召唤出一个假冒人形的恶魔的话,他们会高兴坏了。

  Cole: 他们会利用它伤害别人。

  Dorian: 你说得对,他们确实会。

  Dorian: 你需要吃东西吗,Cole?或是睡觉?

  Cole: 我以为这些对我来说是必须的,但实际上我不需要。古老的歌曲可以吸引我。

  Dorian: 这意味着某些东西,我不知道具体是什么,但它意味着些什么。

  Dorian: 那你受伤的时候是怎么回事?你为什么流血?是因为你觉得你必须流血吗?

  Cole: 这是你流血的原因吗?

  Dorian: 我——那个——呃,没错,你把我难倒了。

  Cole: 你问了很多问题,Dorian。

  Dorian: 我对你感到好奇,我不知道像你这样的存在也是可能的!

  Cole: 我也对你感到好奇。

  Dorian: 如果你想的话,你也可以问我问题。我不确定你为什么会想这么做,但是——

  Cole: 噢好极了!谢谢你!

  Dorian: 我……会后悔的,不是吗?

  Cole: Dorian,你说过我可以问你问题的。

  Dorian: 是真的。(叹气)我确实这么说过。

  Cole: 你为什么对你的父亲这么生气?他想要帮你,你知道他想的,但是——

  Dorian: 我不确定我是否能解释给你听。

  Cole: 你爱他,但是你很生气。这些感情参杂在一起,在你的体内沸腾直到它们揉成一个结。

  Dorian: 有时候……有时候爱是不够的,Cole。

  Cole: “爱是不够的。”够用来干吗?你没有解释,Dorian。

  Dorian: (叹气) 我真希望自己解释过了。

  Cole: 他的脸出现在看台上,看着我通过考试。他是那么骄傲,泪水盈满他的眼眶。任何能让他高兴地事,任何事。

  Cole: 为什么这些不再是真的了?

  Dorian: Cole,这……这不是一个可以边走边说的话题。拜托别提它了。

  Cole: 我在伤害你,Dorian。言语缠绕,渴望,伤害着你。你说过我可以问的。

  Dorian: 我知道我说过。只是你问的这些事……非常私人。

  Cole: 但它让你痛苦。我想要帮忙,但它被爱缠住了,我没法不撕开它,如果我想解开它。

  Cole: 你把他抱得那么紧。你让这一切继续伤害你,因为你觉得伤痛是你的本性。你为什么这么做?

  Dorian: 有人能让他停下吗?放逐他让他回到灵界之类的!

  Inquisitor: Cole想要帮你。也许你该让他这么做。

  Dorian: (叹气) 棒极了!每个人都是这么的乐于助人!


  Inquisitor: 你是一个成年人了,Dorian。如果你想要他停下,那就告诉他。

  Cole: 对不起,我让事情变得更糟。

  Dorian: 不,我才是那个该抱歉的。你当然不明白。只是……暂时让我就这么着吧。

  Dorian: 我一直在想该怎么解释给你听,Cole。

  Dorian: 事情是这样的,有时候你爱的那个人也是最让你失望的那个人。

  Dorian: 你觉得如果他们爱你,他们就会理解你。他们就不想要伤害你。

  Dorian: 所以你觉得被背叛了。你会说一些永远收不回的话。

  Cole: 滚出去。你不是我儿子。

  Dorian: 没错,像这样的话。

  Cole: 他希望自己不是真心的。

  Dorian: 你喜欢冬宫吗,Cole?

  Cole: 里面有好多漂亮的帽子!

  Dorian: 你有试着跳舞吗?还是说你隐身躲在里面了?

  Cole: 跳舞很难。你得用心还有你的脚去倾听音乐。

  Dorian: 还有不要在其他舞者的脑袋里瞎转。

  Cole: 好多同时要做的事。


  Cole: 你现在更快乐了,Dorian。

  Dorian: 这轻快,撩人的感觉就是快乐吗?那我猜你是对的。

  Cole: 又是期盼又是好奇,又是受伤又是渴望。如果他不要我了怎么办?

  Dorian: 但他要我。

  Cole: 现在你笑了!好极了。

  Cole: 你为什么离开家乡,Dorian?

  Dorian: 你知道为什么的。我得阻止Venatori 。

  Cole: 不止这些……有个男人,拥有和你一样的眼睛……愤怒地在卵石间行走,“我只能靠自己了”。

  Dorian: 又在我脑袋里挖东西了,是吗?

  Cole: 你说过我可以问问题的!

  Dorian: (叹气)更像是邀请某个人到你家里,然后他偷了银器走了!

  Dorian: Cole, 你得在我扔火球时更小心地舞动你的匕首。

  Cole: 它不会伤到我的。它是来自友方的攻击。

  Dorian: 它们不总是以你希望的样子出现。

  Cole: 你的衣服看起来像灵界,Dorian。

  Dorian: 梦幻般的东西,用神秘包裹着的色彩和感官的大爆炸。

  Cole: 它亮闪闪的。

  Cole: 你在施法时能感到灵界包围着你吗,Dorian?

  Cole: 它们拉扯着幽幕,被力量拉出,接着被推到这一边。

  Dorian: 所以当我施放火球时,是灵界在对我说peek-a-boo?(注:Peek-a-boo是大人把脸一隐一现来逗小孩发笑的游戏)

  Cole: 我不觉得它这么说了。

  Dorian: 除非它说了我要烧掉你的脸,别的我不想听。

  Dorian: Cole,这些是真的衣服吗,还是——?

  Cole: 它们是真的。它们还能是什么?

  Dorian: 我以为它们是你用法术变的,就像你的肉体一样。

  Cole: 你能变出你的衣服吗?这就是它们看起来这个样子的原因吗?

  Dorian: 别在意,忘了我说的。

  Dorian: 那个小伎俩,Cole,你研究别人的脑内世界对此窥探一二的时候,你选择自己想看到的东西吗,还是随机的?

  Cole: 必须是痛苦的事,或是能帮助这痛苦的事,这是召唤我的来源。

  Cole: Rilienus,上等威士忌般的皮肤,颧骨落下阴影,微笑时勾起唇角。他会愿意的。

  Dorian: 我……会感激你别再这么做的,拜托。

  Cole: Dorian,我英俊吗?

  Dorian: 你什么?

  Cole: 你总是说你英俊。那我呢?我分辨不来。

  Dorian: 你很好。也许该重新挑顶帽子。

  Cole: 但我喜欢我的帽子。

  Cole: Dorian,奴隶是什么?

  Dorian: Festis bei umo canavarum!

  Cole: 但你说了我可以问问题的!

  Dorian: 没错。只是……这个问题去问判官吧。

  Cole: Dorian,我希望你可以告诉我。

  Dorian: 我会给你画张示意图。够吗?

  Cole: 不够。

  Dorian: 很好。因为你想要试试那个的念头吓到我不只一点点。

  Dorian: Cole,我床上的木头鸭子……是你吗?

  Cole: 不是。我不是一个木头鸭子。

  Dorian: 我是说是不是你放在那儿的?

  Cole: 是的?但我找不到有小轮子的那种。抱歉。

  Dorian: Cole,你能听到魔法?

  Cole: 是的,我可以,你不行吗?

  Dorian: 法咒有时候会发出声音,但……我不觉得我们听到的是一个声音。

  Cole: 你的法咒不会对你低语吗?像是来自远方的奇怪的音乐?

  Dorian: 最近没有。

  Cole: 那我们听到的不是一个声音。

  Dorian: Cole,你在Corypheus攻击 Haven时看到他了。你读到的他的内心……是什么样的?

  Cole: 里面有恐惧。像是憎恶之池的黑暗。许多事情变了,我得阻止这一切。屈服于我的意志。

  Dorian: 他真的进入了黑暗之城吗?是真的吗?

  Cole: 背叛,模糊的边界,像是一张假画。太久之前,太多困惑。

  Dorian: 我会……把它当做是“也许”的。

  Cole: 人们想要杀我,让事情变得更困难。

  Dorian: 阻止自己被法师束缚这事有进展了吗,Cole?

  Cole: 还没。

  Dorian: 赶紧做!你舞动匕首的速度很快。我可不想要你把它对着我。


  Dorian: You're not possessing a human body, Cole? You... actually look like that?

  Cole: Yes.

  Dorian: But a spirit's true form is always monstrous, or at least unnatural.

  Cole: The world doesn't make sense to them. It's too real. That's why they look wrong.

  Dorian: And... this is how you want to look?

  Cole: I want to help. Looking doesn't matter.

  Dorian: Can you change your form, Cole? If you wanted to look like something else?

  Cole: But I don't want to look like something else.

  Dorian: Hmm. There are magisters who'd be ecstatic if they could summon a demon who could pass for human.

  Cole: They would use it to hurt people.

  Dorian: You're right about that. They would.

  Dorian: Do you need to eat, Cole? Or sleep?

  Cole: I thought I had to. But I don't. The Old Songs can pull me.

  Dorian: That's something. I don't know what, but it's something.

  Dorian: What about when you're injured? Why do you bleed? Is it because you think you have to?

  Cole: Is that why you bleed?

  Dorian: I-- well-- uh, yes. You have me there.

  Cole: You ask a lot of questions, Dorian.

  Dorian: I'm curious about you. I had no idea something like you was possible!

  Cole: I'm curious about you, too.

  Dorian: You can ask me questions, if you like. I'm not sure why you'd want to, but--

  Cole: Oh, good! Thank you!

  Dorian: I'm...going to regret this, aren't I?

  Cole: Dorian, you said I could ask you questions.

  Dorian: It's true. (Sigh) I did say that.

  Cole: Why are you so angry at your father? He wants to help and you know he does, but--

  Dorian: I'm not certain I can explain it to you.

  Cole: You love him, but you're angry. They mix together, boiling in the belly until it kneads into a knot.

  Dorian: Sometimes... sometimes love isn't enough, Cole.

  Cole: "Love isn't enough." Enough what? You didn't explain, Dorian.

  Dorian: (Sigh) I was rather hoping I had.

  Cole: His face in the stands, watching as I pass the test. So proud there's tears in his eyes. Anything to make him happy. Anything.

  Cole: Why isn't that true anymore?

  Dorian: Cole, this... is not the sort of discussion for walking around. Please drop it.

  Cole: I'm hurting you, Dorian. Words winding, wanting, wounding. You said I could ask.

  Dorian: I know I did. The things you ask are just... very personal.

  Cole: But it hurts. I want to help, but it's all tangled with the love. I can't tug it loose without tearing it.

  Cole: You hold him so tightly. You let it keep hurting, because you think hurting is who you are. Why would you do that?

  Dorian: Can someone tell him to stop? Banish him back to the Fade or something!

  Inquisitor: Cole wants to help you. Maybe you should let him.

  Dorian: (sigh) Marvelous! Everyone's so helpful!


  Inquisitor: You're an adult, Dorian. You want him to stop, tell him.

  Cole: I'm sorry. I keep making it worse.

  Dorian: No, I'm sorry. Of course you don't understand. Just... leave me with it for now.

  Dorian: I've been trying to imagine how to explain it to you, Cole.

  Dorian: The thing is, sometimes the ones you love are also the ones who disappoint you the most.

  Dorian: You think that if they love you, they should understand. They shouldn't want to hurt you.

  Dorian: So you feel betrayed. You say things you can't ever take back.

  Cole: Get out. You are no son of mine.

  Dorian: Yes, like that.

  Cole: He wishes he hadn't meant it.

  Dorian: Did you enjoy the Winter Palace, Cole?

  Cole: There were so many wonderful hats!

  Dorian: Did you try dancing? Or did you skulk around invisibly?

  Cole: Dancing is hard. You have to listen with your feet as well as your heart.

  Dorian: And not poke around in the heads of the other dancers.

  Cole: There's a lot to do all at once.

  (If the Inquisitor is in a romance with Dorian)

  Cole: You're happier now, Dorian.

  Dorian: Is that what that light, tingly feeling is? I suppose you're right.

  Cole: Wishing but wondering, wounded and wistful. What if he doesn't want me after?

  Dorian: But he did.

  Cole: Now you're smiling! It's good.

  Cole: Why did you leave your home, Dorian?

  Dorian: You know why. I had to stop the Venatori.

  Cole: It was more...it was the man with your eyes...angry, walking on cobblestones, 'I'm on my own now'

  Dorian: Digging around in my head again, are you?

  Cole: You said I could ask questions!

  Dorian: (sigh) Rather like inviting someone into your house and they walk off with the silverware!

  Dorian: Cole, you should be careful dancing around with those daggers when I'm throwing fire.

  Cole: It won't hurt me. It's friendly fire.

  Dorian: That doesn't always mean what you think it means.

  Cole: Your clothes look like the Fade, Dorian.

  Dorian: The stuff of dreams, an explosion of color and sensation wrapped in an enigma.

  Cole: It's shiny.

  Cole: Can you feel the bits of Fade around you when you cast spells, Dorian?

  Cole: They pull around the Veil, pulled with power, then pushed through to see this side.

  Dorian: So when I cast a fireball, it's just the Fade saying Peek-a-boo?

  Cole: I don't think it says that.

  Dorian: If it says anything other than I'm going to burn your face off, I don't want to hear it.

  Dorian: Cole, are those real clothes, or-?

  Cole: They're real. What else would they be?

  Dorian: I thought maybe you'd conjured them, like your physical form.

  Cole: Do you conjure yours? Is that why they look like that?

  Dorian: Never mind, forget I said anything.

  Dorian: That little trick, Cole, when you dip into someone's mind and take a drink? Do you choose what you're looking for, or is it random?

  Cole: It has to be hurt, or a way to help the hurt. That's what calls me.

  Cole: Rilienus, skin tan like fine whiskey, cheekbones shaded, lips curl when he smiles. He would have said yes.

  Dorian: I'll... thank you not to do that again, please.

  Cole: Dorian, am I handsome?

  Dorian: Are you what?

  Cole: You say you're handsome all the time. Am I? I can't tell.

  Dorian: You're all right. Might want to rethink the hats.

  Cole: But I like my hats.

  Cole: Dorian, what's a slave?

  Dorian: Festis bei umo canavarum!

  Cole: But you said I could ask questions!

  Dorian: That's true. Just...go ask the Inquisitor this one.

  Cole: Dorian, I really wish you would tell me.

  Dorian: I drew you a diagram. Isn't that enough?

  Cole: No.

  Dorian: Good. Because the thought of you trying that frightens me more than a little.

  Dorian: Cole, the wooden duck I found on my bed... was that you?

  Cole: No. I'm not a wooden duck.

  Dorian: I mean did you put it there?

  Cole: Yes? I couldn't find one with little wheels, though. I'm sorry.

  Dorian: Cole, do you hear magic?

  Cole: Yes. I do. Don't you?

  Dorian: Spells sometimes makes a sound but... I don't think we hear the same thing.

  Cole: Don't your spells whisper things to you? What is and could be, music in the mind of strange, far away places?

  Dorian: Not lately.

  Cole: Then we don't hear the same thing.

  Dorian: Cole, you saw Corypheus when he attacked Haven. What was your... read on him?

  Cole: Fear inside. Blackness like a pool of hate. So much has changed, I need to stop it. Bend it to my will.

  Dorian: Did he actually walk into the Black City? Is that true?

  Cole: Betrayal, blurred at the edges, like a faded painting. Too long ago, so much confusion.

  Dorian: I'll... take that as a "maybe."

  Cole: There were people trying to kill me. That makes it harder.

  Dorian: Any progress on protecting yourself from binding, Cole?

  Cole: Not yet.

  Dorian: Hop to it! You're quick with those daggers. I'd rather not have them pointed at me.


  Dorian: 你那些箭是从哪儿搞来的,Sera?你有几百支箭。

  Sera: 从你屁股里来的!

  Dorian: 那我的屁股该开家店的!它的库存显然丰富极了。

  Dorian: 让我高兴下,Sera。在我说“恶魔”时你想到了什么?

  Sera: 箭。

  Dorian: 好吧。“魔导师?”

  Sera: 箭。

  Dorian: 不怎么有用。但考虑到我们的历史,我会接受的。“奇术?”

  Sera: 什么?

  Dorian: 魔法产物。有用的奇迹。

  Sera: 噢噢噢。箭。

  Dorian: (叹气)

  Dorian: 我不敢相信你害怕魔法,Sera。它是一项天赋,就像这个世界之于我,就像你的弓之于你。你当然会明白没什么好去畏惧一个被恰当使用的工具的?

  Sera: 把这些话说给那些对着人们的脸挥舞工具的“恰当的”法师听。

  Dorian: 只是你的想象而已。

  Sera: 那Coryphemus又怎么说?他又有多少“恰当的工具”?

  Varric: (如果在队)要是你问我,我会说几乎还不够。

  Sera: 还有那些反叛法师?他们又有多少“恰当的工具”?

  Dorian: 那不是——我觉得我说不下去了。

  Sera: 这就对了,恩,我不在乎你多有天赋。别把它强塞到别人不需要它出现的地方。

  Vivienne: (如果在队) 造物主啊,她怎么会是不明白呢?

  Blackwall: (如果在队) (大笑)

  Cole: (如果在队) 我不懂了。

  Sera: 怎么了,Dorian?别看我了。

  Dorian: 我在想,多让你熟悉下的话,会不会治愈你对魔法的怀疑。

  Sera: 我不需要和你的工具熟悉。

  Dorian: 请别再说“工具”了,考虑到魔法能达成的成就。它们对你和所有人来说都是有益的。就像造物主说的那样,“魔法为服务而生。”

  Sera: 我不在乎。我喜欢你,Dorian。别毁了这一点。

  Sera: 你们那些魔导师,他们都长了张Corypheus的脸吗?

  Dorian: 不能这么说。Corypheus是独一无二的。我们发现它是最早的暗裔之一。

  Sera: 我的意思是,他们都是疯子吗?想要当神?像这样“木哈哈哈哈!”地笑?

  Dorian: 哦,这点啊。不全是这样,但有不少。

  Sera: 你们让他们活着?为什么?

  Dorian: 总是有更多像他们这样的人出来。像Corypheus这样的人不是先天所致,是后天铸就的。


  Sera: 你和判官,嘿?是什么样的?马上长枪比武?

  Dorian: 稍稍少了些马,当然,有更多的喝彩。

  Sera: (大笑)好。

  Sera: 你笑起来不像个塔文特人。

  Dorian: 那塔文特人笑起来该是什么样的?

  Sera: 残忍又愚蠢,像是……(崩坏地笑)

  Dorian: 哦别。除非你拿到魔导师执照,否则你不允许这么笑。

  Sera: 我就知道!Varric 欠我一块金币。

  (如果判官没有和Iron Bull或是Dorian好上)

  Sera: (笑)

  Dorian: 有什么好玩的?

  Sera: 你、和、Bull。(笑)

  Dorian: 我、我很高兴能娱乐到你,但我能从我的私事中获得什么是我的私事。

  Sera: 我知道你获得了什么。

  Sera: 就像是从树上掉到蛋奶冻里。

  Sera: 太高了!哐!太快了!哐!叶子!哐!哗!

  Dorian: 我不确定哪一点更糟,是你的嘲讽还是你的精准。

  Iron Bull: (如果在队)呃,取决于树上还剩什么。

  Cole: (如果在队)叶子。

  Varric: (如果在队) 叶子?


  Dorian: 我看到你能从你那卓越的情人那儿找到挺多乐子的。(注,Dorian在此处说“情人”时用的是古语,所以下文Sera听不懂)

  Sera: 什么?它正在附近表演吗?

  Dorian: (如果判官是法师)不是!哎哟,不是!我是指你显然挺享受你的新恋情的。

  Dorian: 你没法找到更私人的魔法入门指导了。

  Sera: 她不一样,所以没关系。

  Dorian: 有这么简单?

  Sera: 可以这么简单。为什么不行?

  Dorian: (如果判官不是法师) 我是说你显然挺享受你的新恋情的。

  Sera: 那你为什么不这么说?

  Dorian: 我这么说了,用了一些你显然不明白的词。

  Sera: 用你知道,别人不知道的词有什么意义?你能和谁去说这些词?

  Dorian: 为了我们两个人好,我还是收回这个问题吧。

  Sera: 遗憾,因为我们很好。这就是我在她被怪人包围时还跟着她的原因。

  Sera: 恶魔!飘动的袍子!

  Dorian: 贼!狗臭味!

  Sera: 邪教垃圾!

  Dorian: 奸诈的teyrns!

  Sera: 什么?如果你瞎编个词出来就不符合“你们这类人是狗屎”的游戏规则了!

  Dorian: Teyrn是一个费雷登的爵位,它代表的地位只在皇室成员之下。我以为你们都知道。

  Sera: 你……呃……自以为是!

  Dorian: 太晚了!轮到我了。

  Sera: 呸!


  Dorian: Where did you get all those arrows, Sera? You've got hundreds.

  Sera: From your arse!

  Dorian: Well my arse should open up a shop! Apparently it's quite prolific.

  Dorian: Indulge me, Sera. What do you think of when I say "demon?"

  Sera: Arrows.

  Dorian: Fine. "Magister?"

  Sera: Arrows.

  Dorian: Not helpful. But given our history, I'll accept it. "Thaumaturgy?"

  Sera: What?

  Dorian: Magical endeavors. Helpful wonders.

  Sera: Ohhh. Arrows.

  Dorian: (Sighs.)

  Dorian: I can't believe you're scared of magic, Sera. It's a gift as mundane to me as your bow to you. Surely you see there's nothing to fear in a properly used tool?

  Sera: Tell that to all the "proper" mages wavin' their tools in peoples' faces.

  Dorian: There's an image.

  Sera: What about Coryphemus? How many "proper tools" does he have under him?

  Varric: (if in party) Not hardly enough, if you ask me.

  Sera: And the rebel mages? How many "proper tools" have they raised?

  Dorian: That's not-- I don't think I can continue.

  Sera: Right, well, I don't care how gifted you are. Don't cram it where it's not wanted.

  Vivienne: (if in party) Maker, how does she not know?

  Blackwall: (if in party) (Laughs)

  Cole: (if in party) I'm lost.

  Sera: What, Dorian? Stop looking at me.

  Dorian: I'm wondering if familiarity would cure your suspicion of magic.

  Sera: I don't need to be familiar with your tool.

  Dorian: Please stop saying "tool," and consider how much magic can accomplish. There are benefits for you and everyone; as the Maker said, "magic exists to serve."

  Sera: I don't care. I like you, Dorian. Don't ruin it.

  Sera: Your Magisters. They all like Corphy-face?

  Dorian: Not quite. Corypheus is one-of-a-kind. An original darkspawn, it turns out.

  Sera: I mean, are the all crazy? Wanting to be gods? "Muahahaha!" like that?

  Dorian: Oh, that. Not all of them, but enough.

  Sera: And you let them live? Why?

  Dorian: There's always more where they come from. Men like Corypheus aren't born, they're made.

  (If the Inquisitor is in a romance with Dorian)

  Sera: You and the Inquisitor, hey? What is that like? Jousting?

  Dorian: Fewer horses, marginally. More cheering, definitely.

  Sera: (Laughs) Nice.

  Sera: You don't laugh like a Tevinter.

  Dorian: How is a Tevinter supposed to laugh, exactly?

  Sera: Cruel and stupid, like... (cackles.)

  Dorian: Oh no. You're not allowed to laugh like that until you get your magister license.

  Sera: Knew it! Varric owes me a sovereign.

  (If Inquisitor is not in a romance with Iron Bull or Dorian)

  Sera: (laughs)

  Dorian: Something particularly funny?

  Sera: You. And Bull. (laughs)

  Dorian: I-I'm glad it amuses you, but what I get from my affairs is my affair.

  Sera: I know what you get.

  Sera: It's like falling through a tree into custard.

  Sera: Too high! Wham! Too fast! Wham! Leaves! Wham! Splat!

  Dorian: I'm not sure which is worse, the mockery or the accuracy.

  Iron Bull: (if in party) Eh, depends how much rest the trees had.

  Cole: (if in party)Leaves.

  Varric: (if in party) Leaves?

  (If Inquisitor is in a romance with Sera)

  Dorian: I see you're having fun with your illustrious paramour.

  Sera: What? Is it showing?

  Dorian: (if Inquisitor is a mage) No! Ugh, no! I meant you appear to be enjoying your new relationship.

  Dorian: You couldn't ask for a more personal introduction to magic.

  Sera: She's different, so it doesn't matter.

  Dorian: It's that simple?

  Sera: Could be. Why not?

  Dorian: (if Inquisitor is not a mage) I meant you appear to be enjoying your new relationship.

  Sera: Then why didn't you say that?

  Dorian: I did, in words you apparently don't understand.

  Sera: What's the point of words you know, but others don't? Who would you say them to?

  Dorian: Let me do us both a favor and retract the question.

  Sera: Pity, because we're great. That's why I'm following her around with weirdies.

  Sera: Demons! Flappy robes!

  Dorian: Thieves! Dog stink!

  Sera: Culty shits!

  Dorian: Treacherous teyrns!

  Sera: What? It's not a proper game of 'Your people are shit' if you make up words!

  Dorian: Teyrn is a Fereldan title, beneath only the family of the king. I'd have expected you of all people to know that.

  Sera: You're...well, that's...Smartasses!

  Dorian: Too late! I believe that's my round.

  Sera: Piss!

  Dorian: I can't figure you out, Sera.

  Sera: That's a surprise, innit?

  Dorian: You just picked up a bow one day, and poof! Expert marksman! A veritable savant!

  Sera: A what?

  Dorian: A savant. A natural. Meaning you needed no training.

  Sera: Not your business if I do or didn't. Like I don't ask if you "naturally" shoot fireballs out your arse, or just opinions.

  Dorian: I'll... keep that in mind.


  Dorian: 我们有个Ben-Hassrath了?一个间谍。一个真正的奎因间谍。

  Dorian: 这点没有让任何人觉得是件坏事吗?

  Iron Bull: 这话来自于一个vint,他在我们和vint战斗时这么说。(注:vint似乎是Iron Bull对塔文特人的特有称呼。)

  Dorian: 这点……说得不错。好吧。

  Dorian: 我希望你不要为和一个“vint”一起行进而感到烦扰,IronBull。

  Iron Bull: 你是吗?你们这些人在我看来都一个样。

  Dorian: 我还是个法师。你会更希望我被绑起来吗?

  Iron Bull: 我会先请你吃顿晚饭。

  Dorian: 希望那是在你把我的嘴缝起来之前的事。

  Iron Bull: 这取决于你叫的有多惨。

  Iron Bull: 必须磨碎你的骨头·长者是某个疯狂的Vint混蛋,恩?

  Dorian: 发现我们只该看这些古老传说的表面含义并没有让我激动。

  Iron Bull: 我猜他会觉得现代的帝国真是一个退步。

  Dorian: 他为什么不会?塔文特帝国曾统治着整个Thedas,只有它的荣耀能与它的堕落相抗衡。

  Dorian: 就像是Koslun 现身然后发现奎因人没有征服世界一样。

  Iron Bull: 恩,是的,这几个世纪以来传教士都试着解释这一点。

  Iron Bull: 你刚刚魔法使得不错,Dorian。你非常擅长把人炸飞。

  Dorian: 用锐利的金属对付他们显然更让人影响深刻。

  Iron Bull: 嘿,哇哦,我们还是别说远了。

  Iron Bull: Dorian,你去过Minrathous,对吗?

  Dorian: 当然。我不是个平民。

  Iron Bull: 你有去过在Vivazzi广场的那地方吗?那个屋顶上挂着一个有裂缝的大钟的地方?

  Dorian: 还有舞者在那里,是的。你让我想家了。

  Dorian: 你杀过很多我国家的人,我猜?

  Iron Bull: 当然,通常是在有人付钱给我让我这么做的时候。

  Dorian: 什么?没有单纯为了乐趣这么做过?

  Iron Bull: 我在这里,不是吗?男人得在找得到乐子的地方享乐。

  Iron Bull: 那法杖状态真好,Dorian。

  Iron Bull: 你花很多时间保养它吗?

  Dorian: (呻吟)

  Iron Bull: 最好把你的裙子提起来点,法师男孩。

  Dorian: 我没有穿裙子。

  Iron Bull: 你要是在忙乱的时候被它绊倒可别来找我哭。

  Dorian: 没有哪个奎因人会这么容易接受一个塔文特法师的……除非这是一个诡计。我什么时候该提防向我后背捅来的刀子?

  Iron Bull: 你有用过你那美妙的魔法来烧毁满是孩子的宿舍吗?

  Dorian: 呃……今天没有。

  Iron Bull: (大笑) 是我就不会担心。许多人得先被捅刀子。

  Dorian: 注意点你那玩意儿对着的方向!

  Iron Bull: 下流。

  Dorian: Vishante kaffas! 我是说你的武器!

  Iron Bull: 我想我知道你的问题是什么了,Dorian。

  Dorian: 我只有一个问题?

  Iron Bull: 你看到有个男人精疲力竭,离开他的族人,抛弃过去的生活……为了什么?

  Dorian: 你不是在暗示我们两相似吧。

  Iron Bull: 你从这镜子看到了什么?漂亮的景象,对吗?

  Dorian: 我可能要吐了。

  Iron Bull: 等等,我会把这说辞为你改变一点的。放轻松。

  Dorian: 奎因传教士是怎么向你的族人们诉说输掉那场战争的。

  Iron Bull: 呃。就通常那套说辞。水来了又走,但最终潮汐会磨平高山的。巴拉巴拉。

  Dorian: 他们和塔文特斗争了几个世纪但还是没有赢。

  Iron Bull: 等等,你以为我们总是在打仗?

  Dorian: 它勉强算得上是一场让人含泪的扇耳光战,我同意你,但有时它会变得激烈。

  Iron Bull: (轻笑) 只是习惯的力量。真正的入侵还是有区别的。

  Dorian: 他们在等什么?

  Iron Bull: 不知道。某人去告诉某人去告诉某人战争又开始了,我猜。

  Dorian: 那么,他们是“Chargers”你是“Bull”。还挺巧妙的。(注,不太确定这里是什么梗)

  Iron Bull: 你自己琢磨出来的,是吗?

  Iron Bull: 你得让名字简单,贵族们才能明白。他们花钱是让我们战斗的,不是请我们在喝茶时表演的。

  Dorian: 这个我倒是想要看看。

  Dorian: 你似乎在冬宫里自在极了,Bull.

  Iron Bull: 我尽力了。

  Dorian: 你一个无价的雕像都没有撞倒,也一次都没有在甜点桌附近放屁。

  Iron Bull: 你知道的。

  Dorian: 我为你没有花时间在塔文特宫廷呆过感到惊讶。他们会喜欢你的。

  Iron Bull: 我去过。过了一会儿鞍具就变得太重了。

  Dorian: Vishante kaffas! 你就没洗过澡吗?

  Iron Bull: 有时候洗。你想要看,不是吗?

  Dorian: 我宁愿站在上风口。

  Iron Bull: 人类的汗闻起来像是被阳光曝晒的猪肉。我就随口这么一提。

  Dorian: 我一直不明白为什么奎因战士花一半的时间裸着胸膛跑在外面。

  Iron Bull: 你看到一个全副武装的Beresaad,你就得逃,因为战争开始了。

  Dorian: 他们该一直穿着铠甲!

  Iron Bull: 那他们就会侵略所有人。你好嗜血啊。

  Dorian: (低声咆哮)

  Iron Bull: 你还好吗,Dorian?我知道家里的事可以变得很艰难。

  Dorian: 你怎么知道?真正的奎因人没有家人。

  Iron Bull: 发现和抚养你长大的人合不来?

  Iron Bull: 不得不背井离乡,明白自己让那些爱你的人失望了?

  Iron Bull: 我也许略知一二。坚强的人才能做到。所以,为你感到高兴,你这纨绔子弟。

  Dorian: 是啊,我也感到高兴。

  Dorian: 为什么这里总是这么冷?你们这些南方人是怎么忍受的?

  Iron Bull: 怎么了?没有足够的奴隶来按摩你的脚吗?

  Dorian: 我的脚冻坏了,谢谢。


  Iron Bull: 你眼神有够下流的,Dorian。

  Dorian: 你站在这儿,活动你的肌肉,喘得像头除了征服没有其它念头的驮兽。

  Iron Bull: 没错。这双肌肉发达的手会在你无助地在我手下挣扎时把你的袍子撕开。

  Iron Bull: 我会把你按在身下,在你抓住我的角的时候,我、会、征、服、你。

  Dorian: 呃,什么?

  Iron Bull: 哦。这不是我们的未来吗?

  Dorian: 不是,不太可能是。


  Iron Bull: 那么,Dorian,关于昨晚……

  Dorian: (叹气) 你就是不会说话谨慎点,是吗?

  Iron Bull: 三次!还有,你那些丝绸内衣裤,你想拿回去,还是说你想把它们留下当做纪念?还是……等等,你是故意把它们“忘”在那里,好有借口下次回来拿吗?你这狡猾的狗!

  Dorian: 如果你选择像个野蛮人似的不关门的话,我可能,又或者不可能过来。

  Iron Bull: 随你怎么说。



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