
时间:2017-05-12 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名


  _grum: I just added something mysterious but wanted to the game! Will be one of those things you cannot do without when you go back a version :D

  _grum: 我在游戏加入了一些我想要的秘密功能!如果你不回滚版本的话你发现不了它 :D

  _grum: Oh this will only get me love from the people who love @SeargeDP and even he loves it ;)

  _grum: 只有爱Searge的人甚至是Searge爱他的人才能得到我的爱 ;)

  _grum: I can say that it took me about an hour to build it. (So no, sorry, it's not the API :p)

  _grum: 我可以告诉你我花了一个小时来制作它。(所以,抱歉,这和API无关 :p)

  _grum: Yes, it will be in the next snapshot ... I guess tomorrow?

  _grum: 对,它会在明天的快照中出现……我猜是明天?(相对于北京时间应该是今天)

  _grum: It has to do with items, blocks, entity, commands. That should help right?

  _grum: 它会对物品、方块、实体、命令产生影响。这应该会帮助你吧?


  _grum: I just added something mysterious but wanted to the game! Will be one of those things you cannot do without when you go back a version :D

  _grum: 我在游戏加入了一些我想要的秘密功能!如果你不回滚版本的话你发现不了它 :D

  _grum: Oh this will only get me love from the people who love @SeargeDP and even he loves it ;)

  _grum: 只有爱Searge的人甚至是Searge爱他的人才能得到我的爱 ;)

  _grum: I can say that it took me about an hour to build it. (So no, sorry, it's not the API :p)

  _grum: 我可以告诉你我花了一个小时来制作它。(所以,抱歉,这和API无关 :p)

  _grum: Yes, it will be in the next snapshot ... I guess tomorrow?

  _grum: 对,它会在明天的快照中出现……我猜是明天?(相对于北京时间应该是今天)

  _grum: It has to do with items, blocks, entity, commands. That should help right?

  _grum: 它会对物品、方块、实体、命令产生影响。这应该会帮助你吧?



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