
时间:2017-09-29 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名


I feel thirsty 我很渴

I’m thirsty 我很渴

I need a drink 我想喝水

I feel like having a drink 我想喝点水

I want to drink something 我想喝点东西

I really need to drink 我真的需求喝水

I'm dying of dehydration 我快要脱水了


My stomach grumbles 我的肚子咕咕叫

I'm feeling hungry 我感受很饿

I want to eat something 我想吃点东西

I feel hungry 我感受很饿

I'm extremely hungry 我感受十分饿

My stomach grumbled violently 我的肚子叫的凶猛

I'm starving 我十分饿

I'm dying of starvation 我快饿死了


My stomach feels stuffed 我的胃很涨

I feel really full 我十分饱

My stomach feels completely full 我的胃感受很饱

My stomach feels absolutely stuffed 我的胃感受很涨

I feel over-fed 我吃撑着了

My stomach feels much more full then it's normal 我的胃比正常情况下饱许多

I am close to vomiting 我简直要呕吐了

I think I'm going to vomit 我觉得我立刻要呕吐了

I'm going to vomit 我要呕吐了

My feet hurt 我的脚很痛

My feet are sore 我的脚很酸

My feet are damaged badly 我的脚受伤了

My feet are bleeding 我的脚出血了

My feet are hurting badly 我的脚十分痛


I have a funny taste in my mouth 我口中有异味

My mouth tastes funny 我嘴里滋味很怪

I notice a weird taste 我发现嘴里滋味很怪

My mouth tastes weird 我嘴里滋味很怪

I feel nauseous 我想吐

I feel queasy 我感受想吐

I feel like throwing up 我觉得想吐

I feel dizzy 我觉得头晕

I feel light-headed 我觉得头晕

I feel faint 我觉得头晕

I feel unsteady 我觉得很不稳

I am close to vomiting 我快要吐了

I think I'm going to vomit 我想我快要吐了

I'm going to vomit 我快要吐了

I feel cramps in my stomach 我感受胃疼痛


I feel tired 我感受很累

I feel run-down 我感受很疲倦

I feel worn-out 我感受很疲倦

I feel exhausted 我感受很疲倦

I feel extremely tired 我感受十分疲倦

I feel like taking a nap 我想睡一瞬间


My wounds are itchy 我的创伤很痒

I have itchy wounds 我的创伤很痒

My wounds are infected 我的创伤感染了

I have infected wounds 我的创伤感染了

My wounds are seriously infected 我的创伤感染严峻

I have seriously infected wounds 我的创伤严峻感染

I'm feeling hot 我感受很热

It's really warm 感受有点热

My wounds hurt less 我的创伤不太痛了

My wounds look cleaner 我的创伤看上去洁净了些


I cough 我咳嗽了

I sneeze 我打喷嚏了

I feel my nose dripping 我流鼻涕了

My nose feels congested 我鼻子堵了

I have a runny nose 我流鼻涕了

My throat is sore 我喉咙痛

I feel sore throat 我喉咙痛

My throat hurts 我喉咙痛

I'm feeling hot 我感受很热

I'm burning up 我感受很热

I'm sick with sweat 我直冒虚汗

My clothes are soaking with sweat 我的衣裳上都是汗

I feel cold 我感受冷

I start to shiver 我开端颤栗

I feel shivery 我感到颤栗

I'm shivering 我在颤栗

I can feel blood dripping 血在滴

My clothes are damp with blood 我衣裳上都是血

I can feel blood dripping off my body 我感到血在流

I feel warm blood on my clothes 我的衣裳上都是血



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