
时间:2015-10-27 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名



Result Code
All Unlockables unlockitall
Player Ability
Give Cash ($100,000) cheese
Weapons [Note 1] letsrock
Vehicle No Damage vroom
Repair current vehicle repaircar
Clear Notoriety goodygoody
Infinite Sprint runfast
Disable Warden Spawns nowardens
Instant Warden Notoriety instantwarden
Unlock Blast superblast
Unlock Buff superbuff
Unlock Death From Above superdfa
Unlock Stomp superstomp
Unlock Telekinesis supertk
Disable Super Movement nosupermove
Disable Super Powers nosuperpowers
ASCII mode ascii
Big Head mode bigheadmode
Disable Glitch FX noglitchcity
Evil Cars evilcars
Fast Forward (time speeds up) fastforward
Heaven Bound (corpses rise into the air) fryhole
Insane City insanecity
Mascots (mascot pedestrians) mascot
Pimps and Hos (pimps and prostitutes pedestrians) hohoho
Vehicle Smash (smash vehicles easily) isquishyou
Silverlink [Note 2]
Golden Gun (one-hit kills) goldengun
Rated M++ (everyone killed explodes into blood) notrated
Slow Motion (time slows down) slowmo
DLC [Note 3]
All Super Upgrades dlc_sosuper
Infinite Ammo dlc_unlimited_ammo
Infinite Clip dlc_unlimited_clip
Infinite Mass dlc_car_mass
Never Die dlc_never_die
Super Power Strength 100% dlc_superduper

Note 1: This code unlocks the alien RPG, automatic rifle, baseball bat, heavy pistol, heavy SMG, McManus 2020, and semi-auto shotgun.

Note 2: These cheats must first be unlocked in the game before they can be used.

Note 3: These cheats require the purchase of the "Executive Privilege Pack" DLC in order to use them.


解锁所有奖励 unlockitall

现金(100,000) cheese

解锁商店所有武器 letsrock

载具无损坏 vroom

修復当前的载具 repaircar

清除通缉度 goodygoody

无现耐力 runfast

解锁超能力 superblast

解锁超能力 superbuff

解锁超能力 superdfa

解锁超能力 superstomp

解锁超能力 supertk

取消快速跑步 nosupermove

取消超级力量 nosuperpowers

大头模式 bigheadmode

疯狂驾驶 evilcars

时间加速 fastforward

尸体浮上天 fryhole

疯狂的城市(应该是疯狂路人 insanecity

路上都是吉祥物 mascot

路上都是皮条客和妓女 HOHOHO

载具战车模式(不知道该怎翻 isquishyou

黄金枪(子弹攻击力增强??) goldengun

血肉模煳(死后尸体爆开) notrated

慢动作(不知道有没有效) slowmo

奇迹时代3 芦苇蛇与震荡蛇性价比分析

《放逐之城》地图种子大全 开局地图推荐



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