
时间:2015-10-06 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名



hot-headed:reckless and easily excited this character creates conflicts - 鲁莽冲动,容易酿成冲突

pompous:this character constantly exagger ates their own skills and performance - 高调张扬,总是不停的吹牛逼

modest:this character dislikes pompous people - 低调谦虚,不喜欢那些乱吹牛逼的人

joker:always cheerful this character makes fun of everything and everyone - 乐观开朗,做好每一件事

serious:rescue is a serious business and this character lets others know it as well - 庄重,热爱消防事业

diligent:this character knows the joy of a hard day's work - 勤奋,三头六臂的工作狂

social:everyone is a friend of this character whether they want it or not - 社交狂,能更好与同事相处

shy:this character prefers solitude to company of others - 害羞,喜欢独处

sloven:wherever he hoes this character leaves a mess - 邋遢大王,总能留下一堆烂摊子

tidy:nothing gladdens this character more than a clean station - 干净整洁

careful:think before you leap is this character's motto - 小心谨慎

father-figure:this character is a friendly, shining example to all rookies - 友好的光辉榜样

schadenfreude:this character jokes at the expense of others,especially rookies - 幸灾乐祸,欺负新手

easygoing:this character is prone to procrastination - 懒散的慢性子

athletic:athletic personnel are more skilled in gym exercises - 运动员,运动更熟练

culinarist:culinarists are very good cooks,they are great in kitchen duty! - 伟大的厨师,提高士气

strategist:strategists enable you to organize larger number of units for dispatch during alerts - 战略家,能够派遣更多的单位

mechanic:mechanics keep your vehicles and equipmnt in good condition - 机械师,更好的保养车辆及特殊配置



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