
时间:2015-10-20 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名


Run him over with a car(开车压死他)

Strangle the life out of him(用窒息的方式取走他的生命)

Throw him into the east river(把他扔进东河)

Execute him with a pistol(使用手枪处决)

Put a bullet between his eyes with a headshot(把一颗子弹打到他两眼之间做个爆头)

Tenderize him with a melee weapon execution(使用近战武器处决来令他倒地)

Choke him with the garrote wire (使用绞喉丝勒死他)

Toss him off a high ledge (把他从高处扔下来)

Brutalize him with a punch execution(用拳头处决他)



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