
时间:2017-12-25 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名


  游戏园我的世界官方群:325049520  256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!

  玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入:141931866 群一起联机玩游戏哦!


  如果你有心仪的作品或者心得分享的话,欢迎来游戏园投稿,大家可以点击>>>投稿<<<进行投稿哦~ 有奖品哦~

  Oh happy day it’s Snapshot Time! We are releasing a new snapshot with several bug fixes, internal changes and probably also some new bugs. It would be amazing if you want to report any non-reported bugs you find in our bug tracker! Many thanks!


  While we plan to keep larger new features as a surprise to reveal at Minecon, some of the smaller changes will make it into snapshots in the following next weeks. And this snapshot has…


  Notable changes:


  Shields will now keep enchantment level and durability when crafted with banners


  Added an infinite loop


  Added some more subtitles


  More things will burn in the furnace (we don’t recommend wool as your main fuel though, and don’t even want to mention carpets…)


  We have not lowered the range for using beds (we did add a proper error message though :) )


  Fixed some crashes


  Removed the infinite loop again, it took too long to finish


  Bugs fixed in 16w33a:


  [Bug MC-4582] - Can’t eat, throw, or shoot while looking at an Iron Door/Iron Trapdoor

  [Bug MC-4582] - 看着铁门或铁活板门时不能吃、扔东西或射箭

  [Bug MC-5330] - Range for using bed is lower than normal range

  [Bug MC-5330] - 使用床的范围小于正常范围

  [Bug MC-9691] - Inconsistency: Some wooden items don’t burn in furnaces

  [Bug MC-9691] - 不一致性:有些木质物品不能在熔炉中燃烧

  [Bug MC-14525] - name tag item doesn’t work on entities with right click ability

  [Bug MC-14525] - 命名牌不能用于有右键点击功能的生物

  [Bug MC-30630] - Double grass and fern use 2 different biome colors for top and bottom

  [Bug MC-30630] - 高草丛和蕨在高低部分使用了两种不同的生物群系颜色

  [Bug MC-49666] - Trades Not Randomized for Farmer Villager

  [Bug MC-49666] - 农民村民的交易不是随机的

  [Bug MC-75726] - Broken error message when loading (broken?) resource packs

  [Bug MC-75726] - 加载(出错的?)资源包时的错误信息错误

  [Bug MC-82811] - Attempting to use currently unusable items bobs item up and down

  [Bug MC-82811] - 试图使用当前不可用的物品会使得物品上下抖动

  [Bug MC-82965] - Main hand item use animation plays when using offhand (3rd person mode)

  [Bug MC-82965] - 使用副手物品时会播放主手物品的动画(第三人称视角)

  [Bug MC-87048] - Putting Design on Shield will cause Shield to lose Enchantment

  [Bug MC-87048] - 在盾牌上添加花纹会使其失去附魔

  [Bug MC-91209] - Inconsistent word separation in chat help for F3+[key] combinations (resource packs, render distance)

  [Bug MC-91209] - F3+[按键]组合键帮助中的部分单词应当用空格分开(resourcepacks和renderdistance)

  [Bug MC-92294] - Elder Guardians drop normal sponge instead of wet sponge

  [Bug MC-92294] - 远古守卫者掉落普通海绵而不是湿海绵

  [Bug MC-93371] - No armor stand breaking sound in creative mode

  [Bug MC-93371] - 创造模式没有盔甲架破坏音效

  [Bug MC-94303] - Filling/emptying bucket/bottle sound doesn’t play for cauldrons

  [Bug MC-94303] - 炼药锅不播放填满或倒空水桶或瓶子的音效

  [Bug MC-102683] - Elder Guardians use the same subtitles as normal Guardians

  [Bug MC-102683] - 远古守卫者使用了和普通守卫者相同的字幕

  [Bug MC-106030] - No longer receives xp when shift clicking ingots in furnace

  [Bug MC-106030] - 用Shift+点击收取熔炉汇中的物品不能得到经验

  [Bug MC-106045] - Fishing rod does not appear cast in offhand

  [Bug MC-106045] - 副手中不显示丢出的鱼竿

  [Bug MC-106067] - Unable to dye banners

  [Bug MC-106067] - 不能将旗帜染色

  [Bug MC-106072] - Resource pack loaded as FOLDER doesn’t show in-game anymore

  [Bug MC-106072] - 文件夹形式的资源包不在游戏内显示

  [Bug MC-106100] - Crash reported by Hopper

  [Bug MC-106100] - 一个来自Hopper的崩溃报告

  [Bug MC-106101] - Another crash reported by Hopper

  [Bug MC-106101] - 另一个来自Hopper的崩溃报告

  [Bug MC-106116] - Achievements which rely on crafting the item (such as Benchmarking or Time to strike!) don’t unlock when shift-clicking

  [Bug MC-106116] - Shift+点击合成不会解锁通过合成物品得到的成就(例如这是?工作台!或出击时间到!)

  [Bug MC-106133] - Skeletons / Stray / Wither Skeleton with Tipped Arrow in Offhand No Longer Shoot Tipped Arrows

  [Bug MC-106133] - 副手持有药箭的骷髅、流髑或凋零骷髅不发射药箭

  [Bug MC-106152] - Zombie Villager has no independent subtitles

  [Bug MC-106152] - 僵尸村民没有独立字幕

  [Bug MC-106168] - Using spawn egg on side of block spawns mobs inside transparent blocks

  [Bug MC-106168] - 在方块侧面使用刷怪蛋会在透明方块内部生成生物

  [Bug MC-106172] - Wither Skeleton / Zombie Pigman emits a constant hissing sound despite not being on fire when standing on a submerged fence

  [Bug MC-106172] - 没有着火的凋零骷髅或僵尸猪人当站在水下的栅栏上时不断发出滋滋声

  [Bug MC-106190] - Husk / Zombie Villager drop zombie head when killed by charged creepers

  [Bug MC-106190] - 尸壳或僵尸村民被闪电苦力怕炸死时掉落僵尸的头

  [Bug MC-106193] - No enchantment books when you fishing

  [Bug MC-106193] - 钓鱼钓不出附魔书

  [Bug MCBBS+1s] - Elder is 90 years old

  [Bug MCBBS+1s] - 长者90大寿

  Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!


  To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (See the “new profile” dialog).

  如果你想试玩快照,请打开官方启动器并点击“New Profile”按钮,选中“snapshots”并选择“Enable experimental development snapshots”并点击保存。如果想切换到普通的版本,你可以在启动器左下角按钮上方的下拉菜单中选择。在开始快照前备份你的世界或在不同的文件夹中启动快照(见“new profile”对话框)。

  Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.










  游戏园我的世界官方群:325049520  256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!

  玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入:141931866 群一起联机玩游戏哦!


  如果你有心仪的作品或者心得分享的话,欢迎来游戏园投稿,大家可以点击>>>投稿<<<进行投稿哦~ 有奖品哦~

  Oh happy day it’s Snapshot Time! We are releasing a new snapshot with several bug fixes, internal changes and probably also some new bugs. It would be amazing if you want to report any non-reported bugs you find in our bug tracker! Many thanks!


  While we plan to keep larger new features as a surprise to reveal at Minecon, some of the smaller changes will make it into snapshots in the following next weeks. And this snapshot has…


  Notable changes:


  Shields will now keep enchantment level and durability when crafted with banners


  Added an infinite loop


  Added some more subtitles


  More things will burn in the furnace (we don’t recommend wool as your main fuel though, and don’t even want to mention carpets…)


  We have not lowered the range for using beds (we did add a proper error message though :) )


  Fixed some crashes


  Removed the infinite loop again, it took too long to finish


  Bugs fixed in 16w33a:


  [Bug MC-4582] - Can’t eat, throw, or shoot while looking at an Iron Door/Iron Trapdoor

  [Bug MC-4582] - 看着铁门或铁活板门时不能吃、扔东西或射箭

  [Bug MC-5330] - Range for using bed is lower than normal range

  [Bug MC-5330] - 使用床的范围小于正常范围

  [Bug MC-9691] - Inconsistency: Some wooden items don’t burn in furnaces

  [Bug MC-9691] - 不一致性:有些木质物品不能在熔炉中燃烧

  [Bug MC-14525] - name tag item doesn’t work on entities with right click ability

  [Bug MC-14525] - 命名牌不能用于有右键点击功能的生物

  [Bug MC-30630] - Double grass and fern use 2 different biome colors for top and bottom

  [Bug MC-30630] - 高草丛和蕨在高低部分使用了两种不同的生物群系颜色

  [Bug MC-49666] - Trades Not Randomized for Farmer Villager

  [Bug MC-49666] - 农民村民的交易不是随机的

  [Bug MC-75726] - Broken error message when loading (broken?) resource packs

  [Bug MC-75726] - 加载(出错的?)资源包时的错误信息错误

  [Bug MC-82811] - Attempting to use currently unusable items bobs item up and down

  [Bug MC-82811] - 试图使用当前不可用的物品会使得物品上下抖动

  [Bug MC-82965] - Main hand item use animation plays when using offhand (3rd person mode)

  [Bug MC-82965] - 使用副手物品时会播放主手物品的动画(第三人称视角)

  [Bug MC-87048] - Putting Design on Shield will cause Shield to lose Enchantment

  [Bug MC-87048] - 在盾牌上添加花纹会使其失去附魔

  [Bug MC-91209] - Inconsistent word separation in chat help for F3+[key] combinations (resource packs, render distance)

  [Bug MC-91209] - F3+[按键]组合键帮助中的部分单词应当用空格分开(resourcepacks和renderdistance)

  [Bug MC-92294] - Elder Guardians drop normal sponge instead of wet sponge

  [Bug MC-92294] - 远古守卫者掉落普通海绵而不是湿海绵

  [Bug MC-93371] - No armor stand breaking sound in creative mode

  [Bug MC-93371] - 创造模式没有盔甲架破坏音效

  [Bug MC-94303] - Filling/emptying bucket/bottle sound doesn’t play for cauldrons

  [Bug MC-94303] - 炼药锅不播放填满或倒空水桶或瓶子的音效

  [Bug MC-102683] - Elder Guardians use the same subtitles as normal Guardians

  [Bug MC-102683] - 远古守卫者使用了和普通守卫者相同的字幕

  [Bug MC-106030] - No longer receives xp when shift clicking ingots in furnace

  [Bug MC-106030] - 用Shift+点击收取熔炉汇中的物品不能得到经验

  [Bug MC-106045] - Fishing rod does not appear cast in offhand

  [Bug MC-106045] - 副手中不显示丢出的鱼竿

  [Bug MC-106067] - Unable to dye banners

  [Bug MC-106067] - 不能将旗帜染色

  [Bug MC-106072] - Resource pack loaded as FOLDER doesn’t show in-game anymore

  [Bug MC-106072] - 文件夹形式的资源包不在游戏内显示

  [Bug MC-106100] - Crash reported by Hopper

  [Bug MC-106100] - 一个来自Hopper的崩溃报告

  [Bug MC-106101] - Another crash reported by Hopper

  [Bug MC-106101] - 另一个来自Hopper的崩溃报告

  [Bug MC-106116] - Achievements which rely on crafting the item (such as Benchmarking or Time to strike!) don’t unlock when shift-clicking

  [Bug MC-106116] - Shift+点击合成不会解锁通过合成物品得到的成就(例如这是?工作台!或出击时间到!)

  [Bug MC-106133] - Skeletons / Stray / Wither Skeleton with Tipped Arrow in Offhand No Longer Shoot Tipped Arrows

  [Bug MC-106133] - 副手持有药箭的骷髅、流髑或凋零骷髅不发射药箭

  [Bug MC-106152] - Zombie Villager has no independent subtitles

  [Bug MC-106152] - 僵尸村民没有独立字幕

  [Bug MC-106168] - Using spawn egg on side of block spawns mobs inside transparent blocks

  [Bug MC-106168] - 在方块侧面使用刷怪蛋会在透明方块内部生成生物

  [Bug MC-106172] - Wither Skeleton / Zombie Pigman emits a constant hissing sound despite not being on fire when standing on a submerged fence

  [Bug MC-106172] - 没有着火的凋零骷髅或僵尸猪人当站在水下的栅栏上时不断发出滋滋声

  [Bug MC-106190] - Husk / Zombie Villager drop zombie head when killed by charged creepers

  [Bug MC-106190] - 尸壳或僵尸村民被闪电苦力怕炸死时掉落僵尸的头

  [Bug MC-106193] - No enchantment books when you fishing

  [Bug MC-106193] - 钓鱼钓不出附魔书

  [Bug MCBBS+1s] - Elder is 90 years old

  [Bug MCBBS+1s] - 长者90大寿

  Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!


  To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (See the “new profile” dialog).

  如果你想试玩快照,请打开官方启动器并点击“New Profile”按钮,选中“snapshots”并选择“Enable experimental development snapshots”并点击保存。如果想切换到普通的版本,你可以在启动器左下角按钮上方的下拉菜单中选择。在开始快照前备份你的世界或在不同的文件夹中启动快照(见“new profile”对话框)。

  Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.











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