
时间:2016-04-25 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名

Step 1:Character Generation ——角色创建

Row #1:Gender ——性别

Row #2:Race ——种族

Row #3:Class ——职业

Row #4:Background ——出身背景

Step 2:Appearance and Voice ——外貌及语音

Step 3:Attributes ——属性

Step 4:Skills ——技能

Row #1:Coercion ——社交/口才→进阶级社交/口才→专家级社交/口才→大师级社交/口才


Row #2:Stealing ——偷窃→进阶级偷窃→专家级偷窃→大师级偷窃

Row #3:Trap-Making ——陷进设置→进阶级陷进设置→专家级陷进设置→大师级陷进设置

Row #4:Survival ——生存→进阶级生存→专家级生存→大师级生存

Row #5:Herbalism ——草药学→进阶级草药学→专家级草药学→大师级草药学

Row #6:Poison-Making ——制毒→进阶级制毒→专家级制毒→大师级制毒

Row #7:Combat Training ——战斗训练→进阶级战斗训练→专家级战斗训练→大师级战斗训练

Row #8:Combat Tactics ——作战策略→进阶级作战策略→专家级作战策略→大师级作战策略

Step 5:Talents ——天赋


Warrior ——战士系

Row #1:Powerful → Threaten → Bravery → Death Blow

Row #2:Precise Striking → Taunt → Disengage → Perfect Striking

Dual Weapon ——双持武器系

Row #1:Dual-Weapon Training → Dual-Weapon Finesse → Dual-Weapon Expert → Dual-Weapon Mastery

Row #2:Dual Striking → Riposte → Cripple → Punisher

Row #3:Dual-Weapon Sweep → Flurry → Momentum → Whirlwind

Archery ——射术系

Row #1:Melee Archer → Aim → Defensive Fire → Master Archer

Row #2:Pinning Shot → Crippling Shot → Critical Shot → Arrow of Slaying

Row #3:Rapid Shot → Shattering Shot → Suppressing Shot → Scattershot

Weapon and Shield ——盾系(看名字是武器和盾牌,但其实都是盾牌关联的)

Row #1:Shield Bash → Shield Pummel → Overpower → Assult

Row #2:Shield Defense → Shield Balance → Shield Wall → Shield Expertise

Row #3:Shield Block → Shield Cover → Shield Tactics → Shield Mastery

Two-Handed ——双手武器系

Row #1:Pommel Strike → Indomitable → Stunning Blows → Critical Strike

Row #2:Sunder Arms → Shattering Blows → Sunder Armor → Destroyer

Row #3:Mighty Blow → Powerful Swings → Two-Handed Strength → Two-Handed Sweep


Mage ——法师系

Row #1:Arcane Bolt → Arcane Shield → Staff Focus → Arcane Mastery

Primal ——元素系(Primal的意思是原始的、根源的,翻成原力有点怪,其实就是元素系法术)

Row #1:Flame Blast → Flaming Weapons → Fireball → Inferno

Row #2:Rock Armor → Stonefist → Earthquake → Petrify

Row #3:Winter's Grasp → Frost Weapons → Cone of Cold → Blizzard

Row #4:Lightning → Shock → Tempest → Chain Lightning

Creation ——创造系(以Buff法术和召唤法术为主)

Row #1:Heal → Rejuvenate → Regeneration → Mass Rejuvenation

Row #2:Heroic Offense → Heroic Aura → Heroic Defense → Haste

Row #3:Glyph of Paralysis → Glyph of Warding → Glyph of Repulsion → Glyph of Neutralization

Row #4:Spell Wisp → Grease → Spellbloom → Stinging Swarm

Spirit ——精神系(杂七杂八的法术)

Row #1:Spell Shield → Dispel Magic → Anit-Magic Ward → Anti-Magic Burst

Row #2:Mana Drain → Mana Cleanse → Spell Might → Mana Clash

Row #3:Walking Bomb → Death Syphon → Virulent Walking Bomb → Animate Death

Row #4:Mind Blast → Force Field → Telekinetic Weapons → Crushing Prison

Entropy ——混乱系(以Debuff法术和控制法术为主)

Row #1:Weakness → Paralyze → Miasma → Mass Paralyze

Row #2:Vulnerability Hex → Affliction Hex → Misdirection Hex → Death Hex

Row #3:Disorient → Horror → Sleep → Waking Nightmare

Row #4:Drain Life → Death Magic → Curse of Mortality → Death Cloud


Rogue ——盗贼系

Row #1:Dirty Fighting → Combat Movement → Coup de Grace → Feign Death

Row #2:Below the Belt → Deadly Strike → Lethality → Evasion

Row #3:Deft Hands → Improved Tools → Mechanical Expertise → Device Master

Row #4:Stealth → Stealthy Item Use → Combat Stealth → Master Stealth

Dual Weapon ——双持系

注:请参考战士的Dual Weapon,都是相同的战斗天赋。

Archery ——射术系



我翻成了持续消耗。说明一下这个“持续消耗”,比如你有100的stamina(耐力值),再开个upkeep 30的姿态的话,





Step 6:Review ——总览


~~ The End ~~




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