
时间:2015-11-17 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名



  镜之边缘:催化剂 中敌人的种类介绍

  Guardians, Protectors, and Enforcers learn how to defeat them all


  In the city of Glass, information is power. When meeting enemies face to face, you want to be armed with the knowledge to exploit their weaknesses and maximize your advantages. In this post, you’ll learn about the different enemy types and some details to help prepare you for the fight against the ruling Conglomerate.

  在玻璃城中,信息即是力量。 当与敌人短兵相接时,你总会希望具备足够的知识,充分利用敌人的弱点和你的优势来对抗他们。在这篇文章中,你将了解到不同的敌人类型和以及一些有用的细节,帮助你对抗 联合企业(Conglomerate)。

  As always, Producer Jeremy Miller is standing by to give us all the information we need. Read on – you’ll know your enemy in no time.

  像上次一样,制作者Jeremy Miller将向我们介绍所需的相关信息,你们马上就可以了解到游戏中各种蠢萌的敌人了。


  What are the different types of enemies will Faith encounter?


  In the beautiful mid-hiCaste city of Glass, guns are seen as barbaric, disruptive, and unnecessary. In Mirror’s Edge™ Catalyst this is reflected in the enemies you will encounter.

  在美丽的中高等级(制度)的玻璃城里,枪支被看做是野蛮,具有破坏性且没有必要使用的武器。在 镜之边缘:催化剂 中,你可以从遇到的敌人上看到这一点。(就是说菲丝不用枪,敌人也不用枪?)

  First, we have the Guardians. The most common face of Kruger Sec to a well behaved employ. A constant reminder to the employs to closely follow Conglomerate policy and keep job performance high. Runners have been dealing with them for years and the Guardians offer little challenge to even a relatively new cabal member.

  第一个要介绍的是 监护者 。他们是受雇于克虏格的最常见的面孔。他们的工作是确保其它员工遵守联合企业的政策并高效完成工作。信使(Runners)已经和他们打了很多年交道,监护者们甚至给相对较新的小集团成员带来挑战。


  The next level of training produces Protectors. An uncommon and uncomfortable sight for Employs as their presence is often associated with direct policy enforcement, a demotion, or even deportation to lower caste facilities.

  当完成了下一阶段的训练后,监护者 就会晋升成 保护者。保护者是不常见但令人相当不爽的存在,他们不仅是受雇于 联合企业 的眼线,更有着直接执法权,可以根据政策(由于没有了政府,所以联合公司的政策相当于法律)将员工降级,甚至驱逐到下级的设施。

  Resistant to damage and able to counter or retaliate against repeated attacks, their increased level of competence and protective gear make them a serious threat when found in groups.



  What about organized resistance, or even riot control in the world of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst?


  There has been little to no overt resistance to Conglomerate rule in Glass since the November Riots. Still, KrugerSec has a class of units called Shock Protectors trained and ready to handle large groups or difficult employs or loCastes. Equipped with the Kinetic Pacifier, one or two can effectively corral large groups and force them to the ground.

  自 十一月暴动 发生后,反对的声音基本就销声匿迹了。但是,克虏格有一单位专门应对暴乱群体或问题员工和低等成员,他们就是冲击者。他们配有动能镇静者(应该就是下图中的拳套),一两下就足以有效的控制住一堆人,迫使他们伏地。

  Shock Protectors are tough and extremely resistant to direct attacks. Keep moving and use your momentum to attack while traversing the environment. If you get stuck on the ground, shift away from their attacks and counter with a kick from behind. If you’ve unlocked “Stun Advantage”, you can take advantage of a stunned or stumbling Shock Protector by shifting in close and delivering a few quick punches before breaking away to rebuild your speed and keep out of range.



  Who are the Enforcers?

  那么,执行者 又是怎样的敌人呢?

  The Enforcers are the special tactics team of KrugerSec, trained in tactical positioning and high damage ranged combat. The Enforcers are however only lightly trained in close quarters fighting.

  Used for external military purposes they have only been present in correctional facilities or as Gabriel Kruger’s personal bodyguards. This is about to change.


  When in combat with the Enforcers, keep moving and keep your Focus high. Close distances fast and take them out quickly – ignoring them can be fatal. They are hesitant to fire near friendlies which can be used to your advantage.



  What is the toughest enemy type Faith will encounter?


  That would be the Sentinel. They are the Elite level of KrugerSec and represent the highest trained enemy you will face. The training program is shrouded in secrecy but their effectiveness is undebatable. They keep employs safe – often from themselves.


  The Sentinels are fast, tenacious, and quick to deliver punishment. When facing a Sentinel, keep moving, do advanced traversal to build some distance, and attack from the air as much as possible to avoid being countered. Taking them on face to face is difficult as they can knock you off your feet with a single heavy punch before following up quickly with sequence of attacks designed to beat you into submission. The “Switch Place” move is extremely useful and can help level the playing field.

  哨兵快速,顽强并能迅速地予以惩戒。当面对一个哨兵,保持移动,做高级的移动动作来拉开一些距离,从空中进行攻击以尽可能避免被反击。和他们面对面战斗是困难的,因为他们一个重拳就可以打趴你,并跟进一系列攻击让你彻底无法翻身。 “换位”移动(应该是游戏中的一项升级)是非常有用的,可以帮助搬回劣势。

  We hope this post has prepared you well to take on the forces of the Conglomerate when Mirror’s Edge Catalyst launches. Stay tuned for more articles about combat and other gameplay.

  我们希望这篇文章足以让你在游戏发布时准备好面对 联合企业 的势力。最后不要忘了关注我们的官网,你会看到更多关于战斗或其他方面的文章。




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