《家园卡拉克沙漠》远征指南翻译 剧情与历史介绍

时间:2016-03-04 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名



  Kharak Planetary Analysis

  Diameter 7000kilometers

  Circumference 21,991 kilometers

  Density Low

  Age 6.7billion years (approx.)

  Hydrographic % 31

  Population 293,050,000(approx.)

  Kharak is a small, arid world on the inneredge of the habitability zone surrounding its star. This results in anequatorial temperature approaching the boiling point of water with large,complex life only possible in the temperate polar regions. The planet’sadvanced age means that it is well past its era of geological upheaval.

  For the past half-billion years, the mostpowerful shaping force on its surface has been erosion. This has resulted invast, shifting deserts that have buried most of Kharak’s ancient temperatebiomes, and swallowed what was once a complex chain of small seas that girdledthe world until approximately 250 million years ago.

  The sands that cover these once-fertilebasins are particularly treacherous, and the surface can shift hundreds ofmeters in seconds under the right conditions. There are ancient stories ofentire kiithid being wiped out while trying to migrate through this region, andeven the desert-skilled Gaalsien and Manaan give these regions the respect theyare due, and travel only on vital business.

  Kharakid Biology

  Modern-day biologists divide life on Kharakinto two broad categories: Native and Abnormality. Native life includes avariety of plants, animals and biota. Larger life forms include insects, aviansand several marsupial species, the largest being the friendly, knee-highomnivorous haariri. As one passes from the sheltered polar areas and into theopen deserts, the vast majority of native

  lifeforms seek shelter under the sands orride the winds ahead of the massive sandstorms, filtering the dust for microbeswhipped up from the surface.

  In the Abnormality category, there are onlythree lifeforms: ourselves, a few bacterial strains, and the ubiquitous andannoying riiti. In all of Kharak, only ourselves and a small, grain-eating pestshare enough common DNA and skeletal traits to be considered kin. Thus the namefor our biological category. We are clearly separate from the rest of theKharakid biosphere, as we have not found a single ancestor species forourselves or the riiti in the fossil records of the planet, while every otherform of life on Kharak seems to be connected in a great chain of being.

  Kharakid Environment

  While our technology has grown in leaps andbounds over the past hundred years, the greatest hindrance to expanding ourpower and control over this world is its weather. Even on days considered nominal,the only truly clear communication takes place at the poles and at sea, wherethe air is relatively clear. Over the deserts, there is so much staticgenerated by the shifting of sand that radio reception is often marginal atbest.

  Most large storms begin their cycle in thesouthern hemisphere. One-quarter of the surface area of our world is nothingmore than a flat reflective surface, where the low-pressure superheated airrising to the edge of the ionosphere sucks cooler moist air in from the MajiirianOcean. The resulting high-speed heat exchange generates large sandstorms on anearly daily basis.

  For the past 50 years, the rate ofsuperstorms has been increasing. The largest yet recorded covered the entiresouthern hemisphere for thirteen days, and has been cited as a majorcontributor to the loss of the Ifriit Naabal on her expedition and surveymission in 1106.









  水文情况: 31%











  半个世纪以来,超级风暴出现的几率一直在上升。有记载的最大的一次,风暴覆盖了整个南半球,持续了13天。人们认为这次风暴导致了Ifriit Naabal号母舰在1106年的远征考察任务当中失事。



  根据命令,我和我的家族直系得以对1068年发射的西拉之眼(Siila's Eye)环境监测卫星截获数据进行分析。虽然直到10年后,数据过滤器才启动,但应该足够掩饰真相了。


  自从理性时代以来,人们一直认为卡拉克是个充满活力的星球,没人质疑过这件事。可是一旦从太空来看,就会发现一个黑暗的事实,即使是我们也没有做好接受现实的心理准备。沙漠正在全球范围内扩张,比地表观测得出的结论要快十倍。在这样的速度下,三姊妹之海(the Seas of the Three Sisters)将在200年内干涸。紧接着,沙漠会吞噬极地的山脉,我们最后一块耕地也会被掩埋。而灌溉系统倚仗的地下水层也在缩小,比最初的推断要快六倍。

  即使由于对轨道残骸开展了研究,我们在能源和冶金方面取得了长足的进步,最长也不过350年,卡拉克就将无法支持我们物种的生存。我们会继续关注这一情况,利用卫星的帮助,改良模型。赞美您的智慧,因为是您决定了继续提供资助。并且我们会继续听从您智慧的指示,对公众掩饰真相。我们同意,如果将真相告知处于挣扎当中的人民,将会引起一场灾难,在这个时刻,足以引发另一场异端战争(Heresy Wars)。疯狂的加奥森人会利用这场悲剧,宣称这一切,就是我们种族已遭到审判的证据。



  -克泽尔·纳巴(K`zell Naabal)


  As ordered, my immediate family and I wereable to intercept and analyze the initial data returns from the Siila’s Eyegeneration of environmental monitoring satellites launched in 1068. Our datafilter did not engage until late the following decade, but it should besufficient to obscure the trends from which we have drawn our own conclusions.

  We have checked and rechecked the data forfive years now, and there can be little doubt, my Sa. Kharak is dying.

  No one since the Age of Reason would arguethat Kharak is a robust world, but even we were not prepared for the dark truththat was revealed once we were able to view this world from space. The sandsare spreading globally, nearly ten times faster than our surface observationshad suggested. At this rate, the Seas of the Three Sisters will be dry within200 years. Soon after that, the desert will overwhelm the last of the polarmountains, and the last of our arable land will be dust. The natural aquifersour irrigation systems depend upon are also shrinking, over six times fasterthan initial predictions.

  Even with the leaps and bounds in power andmetallurgy that the orbital debris ring has brought us, our best case scenariois that in less than 350 years, Kharak will be unable to support our species.We will continue to monitor the decline and refine our models with the new lineof Eye sats. We bless your wisdom, that you have continued to fund them. And wewill defer to that same wisdom, Naabal-Sa, as we continue to obscure and hidethis data from the general public. We agree that to tell our struggling peoplethat all this progress is moot would be a disaster, at this moment. It might beenough to bring on another age of Heresy Wars. We would not put it past the madGaalsien to use this tragedy as some kind of proof our race has been judged andfound wanting.

  That being said, no secret can stay buriedforever. My family is loyal, and will follow the will of our Sa. We have beentrue for centuries, since long before the day that our people emerged from Tiirunder your Ancestor’s rule, to set this world aright. But please be aware thatthe current rate of decline will become impossible to hide very soon. The truthwill be known and irrefutable to all by the middle of the next century at thelatest.

  We can only hope that by then, your plan tosave our people will be revealed as well.







  1057年,斯叶特(S'jet)基斯召集了一次提尔戴阿米德(Daiamid)全体会议,讨论他们根据对北部沙漠流动模式的全面分析得出的结果,以及可能的毁灭性后果(原文注解:提尔的戴阿米德会议,由纳巴基斯建立,旨在各基斯开会并通过演讲辩论,讨论政策,解决分歧)。斯叶特基斯关于沙子流动和天气类型的调研还认为,保护北极地区的大屏障山脉(Great Barrier mountain range),虽然人们在过去的几个世纪都认为风沙是无法越过的,但如果不采取行动,该山脉在一百年之内将会失守。(原文注解:大屏障山脉,在太空轨道上可见,自然形成,绵延数百公里,横贯卡拉克地表,发挥隔绝风沙的天然屏障作用)。



  破风者之墙的建设耗时十年,而在此期间,加奥森基斯藏匿于赤道废土几个世纪之后,开始重新为世人所知(原文注释:Great Banded Desert,大沙海,由沙漠和岩石组成,在赤道地带温度通常达到水的沸点,很少有物种生活在该地区)。起初,加奥森的卷土重来只体现在各种贴在建筑工地的公报上,或者通过极地通讯转播的祷告演讲。但是无论通过何种方式,传递的信息是一致的:凡人基斯没有资格违抗神的意志(原文注释:The Great Maker Sajuuk,造物主萨祖克,传说中将基斯流放到卡拉克的神灵。也被称作“一手创造了一切的存在”)。如果北方继续执迷不悟,挡沙墙将会倒塌,正如萨祖卡的围墙倒塌了一样。当发现这番言论没有造成恐慌,人们不服从,加奥森基斯-萨就对北方发动了圣战,而这种状态一直持续至今。


  当然,加奥森不是唯一学习并完善了战争技巧的基斯。筑墙的人们并没有忘记过去。破风者不止是构筑屏障。初生的联盟军事部门坚持认为,这个项目所防御的应该不止是风沙,所以墙壁上嵌入了一系列的重火力点以及作为指挥中心的加固堡垒。初期这些防御设施粉碎了多次加奥森袭击,让数百名臭名昭著的“神之拳”(Fist of God)战士血洒沙场。在那之后的几个月里,相对比较和平,筑墙进度加快,完工指日可待。但是加奥森基斯-萨认识到,挡沙墙工程一旦完成,几十年内都不可能再对提尔形成威胁了。因此,他命令开展“Siifar Kor'shesh”行动——即“火焰匕首之夜”行动(the Night of Fiery Daggers)。













II. Project Stormbreaker

  The Northern Coalition and ProjectStormbreaker

  In the decades after the destruction ofSaju-Ka and Kiith Gaalsien's retreat into the desert, there was a naturaltendency for the remaining kiithid to pull together. First, they worked tochannel and settle the survivors of Saju-Ka, and later they joined in militaryco-operation against the Gaalsien raids for water and supplies.

  Over the next 350 years, as Gaalsienmarauders became little more than a bedtime story to tell children who refusedto obey their elders, the loose coalition of mutual dependencies faded intomemory… but was never totally forgotten.

  What had once been a network of emergencyco-operation became a system of trade and development links. While inter-kiithcompetition remained a factor in Kharakid society, a system of shiftingalliances based on mutual benefit became an organic part of economic andpolitical life in the north.

  This way of life made a new Coalitionpossible when a new threat reared its head that was too big for any singlekiith to handle.

  During the last triad of 1057, Kiith S'jetcalled a meeting of the full Daiamid of Tiir(The Daiamid of Tiir,Establishedby Kiith Naabal, the Daiamid is where kiithid gather to debate policy andsettle disputes through rational discourse.) to discuss theresults of their first full analysis of the northern desert flow patterns, andtheir devastating implications. Their investigation of sand flow and weatherpatterns revealed that the Great Barrier mountain range(GreatBarrier Mountain Range,Visible from orbit, this natural formation spans hundreds ofkilometers across the surface of Kharak, acting as a natural sand baffle) thatprotected the northern polar region, which had seemed insurmountable to stormand sand for centuries, would be overwhelmed within a hundred years unlesssomething changed.

  The necessary change was brought about bythe combined power of the Northern kiithid in the form of building a giantridge of sand baffle walls, a full kilometer wide, girdling the entire lowerface of the Barrier Mountains. Project Stormbreaker was a wall thousands ofkilometers long, designed to save civilization in the North.

  Architectural planning and system designwas provided by Kiith S'jet, while Naabal returned to the forefront of Daiamidpolitics to provide the engineering expertise for such a massive project. Hraalindustrial know-how and construction equipment produced and placed the massiveprefabricated sections. Kiith Somtaaw doubled their mining output for theentire duration of the project in order to keep the Hraal factories supplied,and Siidim Legionnaires provided security to the endless stream of convoys.Manaan money and statesmanship kept the project moving forward, despite thetensions between its member kiithid, and all the things that could go wrong.

  The Stormbreaker wall took nearly a decadeto complete, and during that time, Kiith Gaalsien began to make itself knownagain after centuries of hiding in the equatorial wastes(Great Banded Desert,Temperaturesin the equatorial band regularly reach the boiling point of water. Comprised ofdesert sand and rock, few species live there). At first, their return wasmarked only by communiques plastered all over construction sites and prayerspeeches tight-cast from the wastes into the polar comm relays. But no matterwhat the medium, the message was the same: mortal kiithid had no right ormandate to oppose God's will(The Great Maker Sajuuk,The deity that was said to have cast down the kiithid to Kharak.Also known as "He Whose Hand Shapes What Is."). If theNorth continued on this path, then this wall would fall, just as the one aroundSaju-Ka had once fallen. When words failed to inspire fear and obedience, theGaalsien Kiith-Sa declared holy war against the North, a state of affairs whichcontinues to this very day.

  Small raids began against constructionsites. From an historical viewpoint, it is clear that the Gaalsien wereperfecting their modern military tactics at the time. Learning how to inflictthe maximum amount of damage against more numerous but scattered enemies wastheir goal. Strikes became more ambitious over time, and caused more seriousdisruption to the construction schedule(Project StormbreakerSetbacks,Gaalsien pressure ultimately resulted in the use of weaker materialsin certain sections of the Wall to reach the targeted completion date). Everytriad, the sands flowed higher and faster.

  Of course, the Gaalsien were not the onlykiith learning and perfecting their warcraft. The wall builders had notforgotten the past. Stormbreaker was more than towering baffles and redirectionnets. The fledgling alliance military branches had insisted that the projectdefend against more than sandstorms, and the Wall was fitted with a series ofnested firebases and fortified command centers. The early activation of thesedefensive structures shattered a dozen Gaalsien raids and left hundreds of theirinfamous "Fist of God" warriors dead on the sand. For months after,there was peace, and the Wall sped towards completion... but the Gaalsien-Sa atthe time could see that if the Wall were completed, it would break any chanceof threatening Tiir for decades. For this reason, he ordered a full commitmentto "Siifar Kor'shesh": the Night of Fiery Daggers.

  On the first night of the year 1074, tenthousand Gaalsien Fists hit the twin gate wall forts guarding the main accessvalley to the interior, hoping to raze them and drive on into the rich landsbeyond. The Guardian forts were still incomplete, but manned by 500 warriorsand another 600 technicians and laborers.

  Withering cross-fire took down the fanaticsby the hundreds, but as the night passed, the Northern defenders were slowlywhittled away. By the first ripples of dawn, the fighting had entered the maingates. The last of the Siidim warriors fought and died side by side with S'jettechnicians and Hraal laborers who bravely sacrificed themselves to hold theirposition.

  When the last of the Gaalsien reserves hadbeen called into the breach, it was finally time for Naabal-Sa to give theorder to close the trap.

  One signal echoed out from the comm towersof the gate.

  "Bring the Red"

  And with that, two full legions of Sobanimercenaries rose up from the desert floor and broke the Gaalsien army againstthe stones of the gate. The Naabal had spent many lives to lure them in andmake sure the Gaalsien would be stripped of their army for a full generation…and it had worked.

  Stormbreaker held, and the NorthernCoalition was anchored in stone.

  The world had changed yet again.











  因此,在1100年,斯叶特基斯主导了一个全新的感应器系统,叫做文·卡尔项目(Project Viin Cal),以狩猎之神的名字命名。文·卡尔项目是一系列的强力深度扫描雷达卫星,能够扫描卡拉克轨道周围上亿公里的空间。虽然该项目看似前景广阔,但返回的一两次所谓轰动性成果,经过调查发现,无非是系统错误,或者是奇怪的局部磁力反转(原文注释:磁力反转,定义还不够严谨,指的是一种被错误显示为人造能量源的星际现象,该领域有待进一步研究)。到了1106年,文·卡尔项目在规模和人员上已经大规模缩减了。

  就在这种情况下,一位名叫雷卡勃·加勒西(Leykab Jaraci)的年轻技师负责处理一颗推进器故障的文·卡尔卫星。雷卡勃深知团队预算紧张,于是他尽量争取到一小时的时间来重新控制这颗翻滚的卫星,不然的话就只能很遗憾地下达自毁指令了。这本来应该是日渐衰败的文·卡尔项目又一悲伤的时刻,但雷卡勃忠实履行了职责,在关闭文件之前最后回放了一遍数据磁带(原文注释:数据存储方式,虽然跟最新的存储方式相比显得很古老,但数据磁带特别可靠,因此是编目工作的第一选择)。





除主要异常之外(Primary Anomaly),还观测到了很多信号不太强的回应,已在地图上标出

III. The Jaracy Object

  Location EquatorialWastes

  Analysis Metallurgymatches orbital debris

  Age Unknown

  Origin Unknown

  The story of the Kharakid space program isa tale of surprises and blind luck.

  Had our initial boosters been just a littlemore efficient, our first launches would have been high enough to be destroyedinstantly by the debris belt, instead of safely discovering it.

  Had our first spacewalker not brought herkiith medallion(Kiith Family Medallion, Bearing the individual kiith's familyinsignia, these medallions were originally a means of identification during theHeresy Wars.) with her, she would have been helpless to do anything but stareat the piece of alien metal that had torn a hole in her capsule, instead ofhaving the perfect-sized piece of soft metal to seal the breach.

  And without a glitch in a nav program, wewould never have found a trace of the greatest secret of this world.

  After 80 years of spaceflight andretrievals, it was very clear that at least one and perhaps several spaceshipsof non-Kharakid origin had broken up in orbit. Our technology has grown byleaps and bounds due to back-engineering of the small pieces of wreckage wehave retrieved thus far, but still the sacred bounty we most desired eluded us:a functioning, intact vessel of any kind seemed an impossible dream. Decadespassed with nothing larger than an office chair being spotted.

  As a result, in 1100, Kiith S'jetinstituted a new sensor system called Project Viin Cal, after the ancient Godof the hunters. Viin Cal was a series of potent deep-scan radar sats capable ofsweeping the space around Kharak orbit for hundreds of millions of kilometers.While the program started with promise, returning a hit or two which seemed tobe larger objects in high orbit, these turned out to be malfunctions andstrange, localized magnetic inversions(Magnetic Inversion Loosely-definedstellar phenomenon that falsely registers as a synthetic power source. Furtherstudy is recommended in this area) upon investigation. By 1106, the Project hadbeen reduced significantly in terms of scale and staff.

  It was under these conditions that a youngtechnician named Leykab Jaraci presided over a Viin Cal sat with a malfunctionin its maneuvering thrusters. Aware of how tight budgeting for his team hadbecome, Leykab fought for the better part of an hour to bring the tumbling satunder control before he had to regretfully give the self destruct command. Itseemed at first to be another sad moment in a fading program, except thatLeykab dutifully ran the last data tape (Data Storage, Though considered"old" by recent storage methods, data tapes are exceptionallyreliable, making them the prime choice for cataloging.)before closing the file.

  The recorded data had miraculously revealeda large metal object — but it was not in orbit. The sat’s spinning path had causedit to repeatedly scan large swathes of Kharak’s equatorial region. The power ofthe radar scan had penetrated to a distance of almost a hundred meters throughthe shifting sands.

  And so, with shaking hands, Leykab sent hisreport on the Anomaly that would bear his name through history. Somethingartificial was buried in the heart of the equatorial desert. Something huge,made of metal, and surrounded by masses of stone built in regular geometricpatterns.

  Since that day, other sats with improvedground-penetrating radar have been tasked to scan the Jaraci Object, but due tostorms, the shifting static-charged sands, and pure luck, no other scan hasrevealed as much information as the first fateful accident.





  古时候,作为基斯-萨,可以命令全体基斯成员进入战争状态,或者要求各个家庭为某个特殊项目贡献人力物力,甚至带领整个基斯搬去另一个地区。而在现代,整个基斯通过全民公投形成共同意志,而基斯-萨作为政治和财务方面的领导,必须遵循全体基斯的意志行事。全卡拉克的基斯-萨都会参加首都提尔的大戴阿米德会议(the Great Daiamid),就全球政策进行辩论,或解决基斯之间的法律冲突。





  在动荡的年代,斯叶特基斯一直都是不可多得的好盟友,好顾问,而不是作为附庸。如果任何基斯杀害了或者试图拷问一个斯叶特人,那么将会被这些科学哲人们抵制不少于100年的时间,而且为了保护其知识不遭到腐化,任何希望成为斯叶特的基斯,都必须直接向斯叶特-萨宣誓,并且要有至少两代人保持忠心耿耿,才会被授予神圣的智慧。唯一可以撼动斯叶特基斯的,可被称作丑闻的事件发生于理性时代,当时曝光了一个情况,那就是在异端战争中,个别的斯叶特家臣实际上在暗中还对纳巴基斯效忠。这些隐藏的纳巴人利用其斯叶特豁免权穿梭于不同的交战派系当中,执行一些刺探情报的任务。当事实被披露的时候,愤怒的情绪很高涨,但芙利尔·斯叶特-萨(Fliir S'jet-Sa)认为由于形势的极端性,这种背叛也是有理由的。虽然她能够让她麾下的许多基斯理性考虑,让一些涉事家族免于制裁或流放,但这一事件还是在一些斯叶特人和纳巴基斯之间埋下了不信任的种子,直至今日。而将科学当做权力来使用的辩题也仍然热门。

  随着理性时代的发展,斯叶特基斯的研究领域也不再局限于太空机械和数学了。很多家族开始钻研大自然和卡拉克上的生命。不到一个世纪,克瑞尔·斯叶特(Kriil S'jet)就向提尔的戴阿米德会议提交了一份论文,展示了一些科学依据,证明我们和卡拉克上的广大生命形式存在着很大的生物学差异。科学证明和关于“流放”的宗教信条震动了卡拉克社会,但也彻底证明了斯叶特基斯是坚持真理的,无论这真理是否会引起恐慌。

IV.Kharakid Social Systems

  Society on Kharak is organized along loosefamily associations, many of which now include hundreds of thousands ofmembers. An extended family grouping is called a kiith (plural: kiithid), andmost archaeologists agree it is a social artifact that dates back before thebeginnings of recorded history.

  A kiith has a loose hierarchy based onone’s social position within the family. Originally, this was based primarilyon seniority, but as technology has changed the face of life on Kharak, thekiithid too have changed, and now family ranking is based more on wealth orpersonal influence than age. Organization within the kiith is recursive innature and models that of a core family unit. Where a single family has aprimary leader, a secondary and then a group of dependents, the next level ofkiith organization is based on the same system — there is a primary family whomakes policy decisions, a secondary family which hears disputes and makesrecommendations, and a number of families of lesser power that have swornallegiance to the primary. The primary family within a kiith is called thekiith-Sa.

  This structure is not static by any meansand, while it is not a trivial matter, families are free to change theirprimary allegiances as they see fit. A family’s position within the kiith risesand falls with how many swear allegiance to them. Although it is much rarer,from time to time a family will move from one kiith to another or even feel theneed to become their own full kiith.

  In ancient times, a kiith-Sa could directall within the kiith to war, demand families dedicate time and finances tospecial projects, or even move the kiith to another region. In modern times,the kiith-Sa is a political and financial leader only in that it acts on thewishes of the entire kiith as established by referendums. The kiith-Sa from allover Kharak meet in the Great Daiamid located in the capital of Tiir to debateglobal policy and resolve legal conflicts between kiithid.

  Traditionally, kiithid concentrate theirpower in one or two disciplines and gather families under their banner by beingthe best place to find advancement in a particular field. For example, KiithS’jet has been associated with the sciences on Kharak for over a thousand yearsand is known to have the most advanced computer labs in the world. Bondedcouples interested in the field often apply to a S’jet family associated withsuch labs. Alliances between kiithid are also based on mutual interests, andthey often lead to closer ties or complete reorganizations.

  In the modern era, the kiithid have slowlytransferred their power to the individual, but it should be noted that it isstill a powerful means of social identity. Kharakid society pursues a singlegoal today, and our new sense of racial destiny has reminded us that we are allfamilies of one grand kiith. Unfortunately for the unity of our people,tradition dies hard, and it takes little stress for any Kharaki to think offamily first and Kharak second.


  Kiith S’jet is something of an oddity amongthe power structures of the kiithid. While they are an ancient and respectedkiith whose expertise has been courted by kiithid-Sa across Kharak, they havenever parlayed this influence into any real political power. The true power ofKiith S’jet lays in its undying desire to question, observe, predict, andrecord. In ancient times, they were the first to plot the path of the planetsin the Kharakid system and derive a calendar from them. They were the first to discoverthe 13-year progressive cycle of sandstorms that tear around the equator ofthis world and predict where the rains that follow the end of every cycle wouldfall. Most of the impartial histories of the Heresy Wars and the resultingreformation were penned by S’jet scribes, who recorded it along with theirobservations of top-soil destruction and the slow crawl of the sands northward.

  During periods of upheaval, Kiith S’jethave always been too valuable as allies and advisors to be turned into vassals.Any kiith who killed or attempted to interrogate a S’jet was shunned by theScience philosophers for a period no shorter than 100 years, and in order tokeep their knowledge from being corrupted, any kiith who wished to become S’jetswore an oath directly to the S’jet-Sa and had to serve faithfully for twogenerations before being instructed in the sacred wisdoms. The closest thing toa scandal that has ever shaken the S’jet kiith occurred during the Time ofReason, when it came to light that during the Heresy Wars certain S’jet vassalshad actually lived under a secret secondary oath to Kiith Naabal. These secretNaabal used their positions of S’jet immunity to move through the variouswarring factions and carry out missions of retrieval andintelligence-gathering. When this truth was revealed, the sense of outrage wasstrong, but Fliir S’jet-Sa realized the extremity of the situation may havejustified the betrayal. Even though she was able to bring enough of her kiithover to this line of reasoning to avoid sanctions or exile for the familiesinvolved, there is still a lingering thread of mistrust between some S’jet andKiith Naabal to this very day, and the debate over the use of Science as Poweris still a passionate one.

  As the Time of Reason progressed, KiithS’jet expanded their studies and moved away from the tradition of celestialmechanics and mathematics. Various families began to delve into the nature andorigin of life on Kharak. Within a century, Kriil S’jet presented a paper tothe Daiamid in Tiir presenting the scientific evidence that we bore littlebiological similarity to the vast majority of Kharakid life. This scientificproof of the religious tenet of Exile shook Kharakid society, but establishedonce and for all that Kiith S’jet served the truth, however disturbing thatmight be.



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