《战锤全面战争》兵种介绍 末日之始兵种背景翻译一览

时间:2016-06-10 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名



  {harpy_descr}Harpies from the dark cliffs of Naggaroth


  {harpy_descr_short}Bloodthirsty infantry




  {pirates_descr}Attempting to live a fruitful life in the Old and New world is wrought with challenge, strife and utter misfortune。 There are those who (may rightly) believe that living under some overlord only serves to further the ambitions of the nobility, whilst the peasantry is left to rot and struggle。 These men may have given up a somewhat 'comfier'

  lifestyle, but they have broke free from their shackles, taking up arms and claiming whatever they may come across, these

  men have took to the ravenous seas in search of their own fortune, and only answer to themselves。 Most hail from the small

  island of Sartosa, which has become a haven for pirates and other criminals alike。 Whilst they may only fight for the

  highest bidder, it has not been unknown for them to come together when their only safe haven be threatened。 Due to the

  nature of their work, these men have become hardened to the atrocities of this world, and only those with great strength

  and a bloodthirsty nature can truly survive。 These hardships have turned these men into great attacking infantry, so long

  as you have the right amount of coin。







  {pirates_descr_short}Bloodthirsty infantry

  They are known to have grand armies who make devote their lives to their particular weapons这段我想了半天也不是很明白他说的什么意思,反正我就这么理解了,也许他的意思是震旦人会将他们的生命投入到武器中(干将莫邪?大雾)


  {besiegers_bodyguard_descr}The famous regiment of Besiegers was originally employed by the ingenious Borgio 'The Besieger',

  Prince of Miragliano, as a special siege unit of crossbowmen。 Borgio wanted marksmen who could pick off defenders in the

  walls at close range in the face of a hail of enemy missiles or provide missile support for advancing units。 Braganza's

  troops soon proved their worth and turned out to be equally good as a rearguard in open battles。 Heavily armoured, their

  broadbacked shields provide cover whilst they reload, making them an effective anti-archer unit。

  著名的围攻者军团一开始是被Miragliano亲王'The Besieger'狡诈的Borgio所雇佣来作为特殊的围城弓弩部队



  {vendetta_descr}The duellists of Vendetta Vespero wear tight-fitting black clothes and are dressed in raincoats。 They are

  young and agile, wear long hair and dress up in the latest fashion。 They are armed with a graceful fencing blade and dagger

  under the left arm。 This dagger they use to block strikes of the opponent's sword, with the hilt having the form to hold

  the enemies blade。 There are guns which are hidden under the cloak, so the duellists may accompany the host, deliver

  messages to him, or go through the streets without attracting undue attention and without disclosing the fact that they are

  armed。 In battle they skillfully use their cloaks to reflect and capture the opponent's blade。 Vespero, like many of his

  people, has a couple of impressive duel recieved scars。



  他们的战斗风格灵巧而凶狠,甚至可以一眼看穿对手的技巧。 晚祷,他们中的许多人都一样,身上留有决斗中留下的醒目伤疤

  {wagons_descr}Carts merchants use are made from the most durable types of wood and covered with a special solution, which

  is able to protect the structure from moisture。 In the front part of the convoy sharp stakes with metal tips are set, which

  are capable of penetrating the belly of even the woolly rhinoceros。 In the event of an attack the infantry guard takes

  defense near carts, making it easy to reflect cavalry attacks and fire killing arrows and bullets to those who would try to

  escape。 In wartime, similar tactics are used to protect supplies。 In the heaviest battles front covered carts can hold out

  longer than the ranks of heavy infantry。






  Blood_dragons_descr}These are the Immortal sons of Abhorash。 They call themselves Blood Dragons, in memory of the great

  dragon that Abhorash defeated and drank blood from。 The dragon blood liberated him from his thirst of mortal blood。 The

  Blood Dragons main strife is to improve his combat abilities and become so skilled that he can survive without drinking

  blood, like their master Abhorash did before them。 This is the strife to become the ultimate warrior, an immortal man with

  the skills of a vampire no longer needing human blood to survive。 When a Blood Dragon succeeds in becoming the ultimate

  warrior Abhorash would call for him to join him, and they would go to war。 It is said that Abhorash still awaits at the

  mountain peak where he defeated the dragon。 Walach Harkon was the vampire who took the Blood Dragons to the lands of the

  Empire by defeating the entire Order of the Blood Dragon on his own。 Those deemed worthy were given a sip of his blood

  passing his curse to them。 Blood Dragons are usually fallen knights from the realm of Bretonnia。 They are the most skilled

  warriors in the old world and many have several centuries of combat experience making them superior to any mortal foe。

  这些艾伯赫拉锡之子,自称血龙, 以纪念他们 祖先艾伯赫拉锡的屠龙壮举。 因此艾伯赫拉锡战 胜了对人类鲜血的渴望。 血龙骑士无时不刻

  刻苦 磨砺战技,以达到战胜血液渴望的目标, 正如他 们的先辈艾伯赫拉锡。 血龙是不知疲倦的战士,不断地完善和磨砺自己的战斗技巧而

  且开发出新的 杀人方法。他们心中燃烧的狂怒让他们永不 休息。只到他们精通战斗技巧并获得永久抑制对人 血的渴求。血龙之父——艾伯

  赫拉锡就会召唤他们 ,并且他们就会加入战争。据说艾伯赫拉锡一直隐 居在当初他屠龙的山脉之上。

  血龙们已经听说了西尔凡尼亚的吸血鬼领主们发起 的战争,他们来到卡斯坦因家族的宝座下,提供他 们的援助。这些血龙会从他的敌人中

  选择被认为是 值得接受他们的血脉的人,将不朽的诅咒传递给他 们。血龙骑士的前身大多是来自巴托尼亚境内的堕落骑士



  {wild_rider}Wild Rider狂野骑手

  {wild_rider_descr}As the personal guard of their King Orion, Wild Riders are aggressive and impulse cavalry who prove much

  tougher than Glad Riders。 They have transcended the status of Elf and through the magic of Orion become akin to the forest

  spirits。 They ride atop Great Stags, which are ferocious beasts of immense charging power, native to the woodlands。 Like

  all forest spirits they are dormant in the winter however experience a violent rebirth in the spring, raiding the lands

  from allied Bretonnia to even the far north。 They stop for nothing, and slaughter all those who would dare stand cross

  paths with the Wild Hunt。 These formidable warriors are the talk of legend, not many who have laid eyes on them have ever

  lived to tell the tale, even Wood Elves themselves。


  {wild_rider_descr_short}Elite Stag Cavalry精英雄鹿骑士

  They are known to have grand armies who make devote their lives to their particular weapons这段我想了半天也不是很明白他说的什么意思,反正我就这么理解了,也许他的意思是震旦人会将他们的性命投入到武器中(干将莫邪大雾)


  {mortals}Nehekharan Mortals Nehekharan凡人战士

  {mortals_descr}The men of Nehekhara were believed all to be killed when the great and powerful curse of Nagash swept the

  lands。 However, some did survive and dare not resist their eternal overlords。 To exist amongst a primarily dead population

  takes a certain breed of man, and these men show no fear as their usefulness as living breathing servants of Tomb Kings

  cannot be underestimated。 They fight with the same ferocity as their undead counterparts, and it could be argued they may

  do so with more skill as their limbs are not liable to splinter。



  stromfels}Sons of Stromfels


  {stromfels_descr}The worship of Stromfels, the shark god, is banned throughout the old world, with the sole exception of

  Sartosa。 While the priests of Mannan decry the shark-worshippers as heretics, one cannot deny the power their god

  possesses。 To his most loyal followers, Stromfels gives the。jpgt of transformation, allowing them to turn into a shark for

  a short time。 These warriors, when transformed, are among the deadliest in the known world, and few have survived

  encounters with them。 They fight with the ferocity and anger of their Shark God, leaving only death in their wake。




  {stromfels_descr_short}Heavy Monstrous Infantry重型怪物部队

  {Alcatani_descr}The life of a farmer, even a wealthy landowner, was never an easy one in the war-torn land of Tilea。 When

  Roderigo Delmonte found himself destitute he embarked upon the only course of action that temained to him: he became a

  soldier。 His workforce, faced with the unappealing option of starvation, signed up without question。 In Remas, Roderigo

  sold his last mule and bought some shoddy armour, helmets and a batch of slightly bent pikes。 He and his men prepared

  themselves for their first battle。 These men could not face starvation, they could no longer accept a life without the coin

  to see the next day。 They gained a reputation for being stalwart and reliable mercenaries sought after by those who were

  not extremely rich, but would also stand up for those who shared their commoner background。

  作为一个农夫,即使是一 个富裕的农场主, 在提 列尔这片战火纷飞的大陆 都不轻松。 罗德利哥· 德尔蒙发现在饥寒交迫之 下,他只剩下

  成为佣兵这 一条路了。 他的同伴们 面对饥饿,不得不签订了 这份契约。在里马斯,罗 德利哥卖掉了他的最后一 匹骡子,买了些劣质铠甲 ,

  和一批稍微翻新一番的 头盔。他和他的人准备好 了为生活而战斗。他们不能够再面对饥荒,不能再忍受没钱的日子,他们因为自己的坚实可



  {Armored_orcs}Ruglud's Armoured Orcs

  {Armored_orcs_bodyguard}Ruglud's Guards

  {Armored_orcs_bodyguard_descr}Ruglud Bonechewer is a powerful and wealthy Orc mercenary who sells his services all across

  the known world, from the treacherous Badlands in the south up through the realm of the Border Princes and throughout the

  mountains surrounding the Empire。 Rumours suggest that even the Empire itself has hired his services on occasion。 Ruthless

  to the core, Ruglud's only loyalty is to himself and he has been known to change sides during battle if offered more

  payment and more loot and pillage。 After every battle they his company always takes crossbows and bolts which they prize

  very highly。





  {Black_Mountain_Boys}Harboth's Orc Archers哈波斯的兽人弓箭小子

  {Black_Mountain_Boys_descr}Harboth’s Black Mountain Boys moved out of the Black Fire Pass to terrorise the lands beyond。

  The uneasy partnership between the Black Mountain Boys and Notlob’s bolt-thrower crews was dissolved, over a trivial

  misunderstanding due to the limited nature of the Orcish language。 The Orcish Word for moving out can also mean deserting,

  running away or soiling one’s underwear。 Impressed by Notlob’s missile weapons, the Black Mountain Boys armed themselves

  with bows in addition to the normal Dwarf Tickler and mail coat。




  兽人语里,move out也可以说是舍弃,逃跑或者尿裤子



  {Black_Orcs_descr}Black Orcs are the biggest and strongest of all Orcs, and get their name from their dour, grim demeanour

  as much as from the colour of their skin, which is extremely dark green or black。 They are bigger and stronger than normal

  Orcs and pride themselves on being the best fighters of all。 They are more disciplined than other Orcs and have better

  equipment。 Many of their fearsome weapons are captured in battle, and carried as a mark of their self-evident superiority,

  while others are paid in tribute by subjugated tribes。 The origins of the Black Orcs are shrouded in mystery, but some

  maintain that they were created by the Chaos Dwarfs of the Dark Lands, perhaps to serve as slaves or warriors。 Certainly,

  the Black Orcs' sturdy constitution would allow them to prosper in the harsh land of the Chaos Dwarfs where other

  Greenskins workers would perish。 They first appeared in the Old World during Sigmar's time, as a whole tribe crossed the

  World's Edge Mountains and conquered other Orcs living in the hills to the northwest of Stirland。 When Sigmar first united

  the Men of the middle Old World into the Empire, he had to first drive out the Orcs and Goblins that lived there。 Those

  battles against the Black Orcs were by far the hardest fought, and only won at terrible cost to Sigmar's armies。 Black Orcs

  regard other Orcs and Goblins with contempt, especially Goblins, who are always running away instead of standing and

  fighting。 In battle, Black Orcs keep a constant eye out for bickering in the ranks, and it takes little more than a dark

  scowl or a throaty growl from a single Black Orc to bring the lesser Greenskins into line。 Should that fail, Black Orcs are

  perfectly willing, and exceptionally able, to wade in and smash some heads together, thus restoring order quick smart at

  the insignificant cost of the lives of the wrongdoers。















  {Black_guard_bodygard_descr}The Black Guard are the personal guard of the Witch King Malekith。 They are sometimes sent to

  armies as extensions of the Witch King’s will。 The Black Guard are the soldiery of the Dark Elf capital Naggarond and

  rightfully regarded as the fiercest fighters in all of the Land of Chill。 Wondrously ruthless and efficient on the attack,

  and with an impenetrable defense, the Black Guard are the bane of their enemies。 However, any commander fielding these

  troops should be careful never to forget that the Black Guard fight for the Witch King, and the Witch King alone。 In the

  face of defeat the Black Guard will show no hesitation in executing the wrath of Malekith to ensure that such failure never

  happens again。 Failing the will of the Witch King is sure path to a brutal death at either the hands of the Black Guard or

  the dreaded assassins of Khaine。








  {Lost_legion_cros_descr}Pirazzo's Lost Legion are all that remains of the expedition sent to Lustria by the merchants of

  Tobaro。 The regiment was one of three recruited in Tobaro from among the reckless and poverty-stricken youths of the city。

  The promise of untold wealth to be found in the jungles of Lustria was a temptation none could resist and they joined the

  colours in droves。 These Crossbowmen were feared throughout the land, though when battling on a terrain not owned to them,

  they quickly found themselves deep in trouble。 They are excellent marksmen however, and often their bolts strike true。






  {Lost_legion_pike_bodyguard_descr}Pirazzo's Lost Legion are all that remains of the expedition sent to Lustria by the

  merchants of Tobaro。 The regiment was one of three recruited in Tobaro from among the reckless and poverty-stricken youths

  of the city。 The promise of untold wealth to be found in the jungles of Lustria was a temptation none could resist and they

  joined the colours in droves。 These men wield large pikes to not only keep their enemy at bay, but also dish out terrible

  damage thrust after thrust。












  {Republican_Guard_Pikeman_bodyguard_descr}With Ricco at their head, the regiment marched out of Remas with their loot。 The

  citizens cheered them from the rooftops, and a few tears were shed by the ladies of Remas who threw silken scarves and

  handkerchiefs to which the troopers tied them about their arms and helmets as a memento of the hospitality they had

  enjoyed。 They marched from Tilea to Sartosa and travelled over the sea to Estalia, Bretonnia, the Empire, Kislev and the

  beleaguered Border Princes, where the regiment has continued to win fame and renown ever since。








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