生化危机:启示录2 XBox One版奖杯成就列表一览

时间:2015-11-10 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名



Resident Evil Revelations 2 Trophy/Achievement List | 《生化危机:启示录2》奖杯/成就列表
Base Game | 本体游戏
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Bounty Hunter Get a total of 50,000 BP.
赏金猎人 取得总共50000 BP
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Cure for the Afflicted Defeat 100 Afflicted in the main campaign.
Afficted的解药 在故事模式中杀死100个Afficted
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Revenant Reaper Defeat 100 Revenants in the main campaign.
Revenant收割者 在故事模式中杀死100个Revenant
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Knifin' Around Defeat 100 enemies with the knife in the main campaign.
小刀乱舞 在故事模式中用小刀杀死100个敌人
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Fudge Them Up! Defeat 50 enemies with physical attacks in the main campaign.
干掉它们! 在故事模式中用肉搏攻击杀死50个敌人
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And STAY Down Perform 50 follow-ups in the main campaign.
快蹲下 在故事模式中执行50个follow-up指令
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From the Shadows Defeat 20 enemies with stealth attacks in the main campaign.
从暗处而来 在故事模式中用偷袭杀死20个敌人
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Flashlight Duty Use Moira's light to stun 50 enemies in the main campaign.
手电筒职责 在故事模式中用莫伊拉的手电令50个敌人陷入硬直
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I Can Do Blunt Weapons Use Moira's crowbar to defeat 50 enemies in the main campaign.
我也能用武器 在故事模式中用莫伊拉的撬棍杀死50个敌人
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Brick Layer Defeat 20 enemies with a brick as Natalia in the main campaign.
板砖达人 在故事模式中用娜塔莉亚的砖头杀死20个敌人
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Line 'Em Up! Defeat two enemies with one shot in the main campaign.
让它们排成一列 在故事模式中一发子弹消灭两个敌人
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Disarmed Destroy 30 Revenants' weapon arms.
警报消除 毁掉30个Revenant的攻击用胳膊
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Unfriendly Skies Shoot down 30 Afflicted in mid-jump in the main campaign.
不和谐的天空 在故事模式中射落正在跳跃的Afficted
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Now That's Teamwork! Have Moira stun an enemy and Claire follow up with a physical attack in the main campaign.
这样才是团队合作 在故事模式中先用莫伊拉手电晃瞎一个敌人然后克莱尔紧接肉搏攻击
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Friend Indeed Save your captured partner ten times in the main campaign.
好朋友 在故事模式中解救10次被绑架的同伴
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Fish in a Barrel Defeat five enemies with one exploding bottle or one firebomb bottle in the main campaign.
桶中鱼 在故事模式中用1个炸弹瓶或者火焰瓶杀死5个敌人
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Raiders of the Evil Clear one Raid Mode mission.
恶魔的盗墓者 完成一个Raid Mode任务
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Jammin' Evaluate an item in Raid Mode.
干扰 在Raid Mode中对一个物品进行评估
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I Saw, I Conquered Clear one Gauntlet in Raid Mode.
既来之则占之 在Raid Mode中完成一局Gauntlet
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"I Do Not Like Glasps," I Gasped Defeat 20 Glasps in the main campaign.
“我不喜欢Glasp”我抱 在故事模式中杀死20个Glasp

DLC: Episode 1 | DLC:章节1
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Three Women and a Barry Clear Episode One.
三个女人一个巴瑞 完成第一章节
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"Less Talking, More Walking" Clear Episode One in Countdown Mode.
“少说多走” 以“倒数模式”完成第一章节
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"Not Even Close to Easy" Clear Episode One in Invisible Mode.
“一点都不简单” 以“隐形模式”完成第一章节
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Only Good Guys Win Medals Get all medals in Episode One.
只有好人才能赢得奖章 获得第一章节的所有奖章
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Cutting Edge Clear Episode One only using the knife.
切割 只用小刀完成第一章节
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Who Needs Fire? Escape from the detention center in Claire's Episode One without using the flame-thrower bust.
谁要火? 使用克莱尔不用火焰喷射器逃出拘留所完成第一章节

DLC: Episode 2 | DLC:章节2
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Scared to Death Clear Episode Two.
我怕死 完成第二章节
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"Run, Moira. Run!" Clear Episode Two in Countdown Mode.
“快跑,莫伊拉,快跑” 以“倒数模式”完成第二章节
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"That's Gonna Be Fun" Clear Episode Two in Invisible Mode.
“这下有趣了” 以“隐形模式”完成第二章节
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There's a Medal for That Get all medals in Episode Two.
那么做会有一个奖章给你 获得第二章节的所有奖章
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Pedro, I'm Sorry... Defeat Mutant Pedro in Claire's Episode Two.
佩德罗,我很抱歉。。。 在第二章节中杀死变异的佩德罗

DLC: Episode 3 | DLC:章节3
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Conquered Fear Clear Episode Three.
克服恐惧 完成第三章节
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Pedal to the Metal Clear Episode Three in Countdown Mode.
从踏板到金属 以“倒数模式”完成第三章节
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I Can See Undead People Clear Episode Three in Invisible Mode.
我能看到活人 以“隐形模式”完成第三章节
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Sweet, Golden Medal Get all medals in Episode Three.
不错的金奖章 获得第三章节的所有奖章
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Here's My Resignation Moira defeats Neil in Claire's Episode Three.
这是我的辞呈 在第三章节中莫伊拉击败Neil
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A Ripple in Time Obtain the item that lies beyond the gate in the sewers in Barry's Episode Three.
岁月不饶人 在第三章节中使用巴瑞捡起下水道大门处的物品

DLC: Episode 4 | DLC:章节4
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True or False Clear Episode Four.
真假难辨 完成第四章节
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"You are Authorized to Panic" Clear Episode Four in Countdown Mode.
“你惊慌是正常的” 以“倒数模式”完成第四章节
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"There's Something in Here" Clear Episode Four in Invisible Mode.
“这里有情况” 以“隐形模式”完成第四章节
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I'm Not Leaving Without My Medal Get all medals in Episode Four.
没拿到奖章我就不走 获得第四章节的所有奖章
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What You Can't See Can Kill You Defeat six or more Glasps in the monument in Claire's Episode Four, on Normal difficulty or higher.
你看不见的东西能杀了你 以Normal难度或以上在第四章节中的遗迹中击败6个或以上的Glasp
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Routes of Future Past Complete both routes through the landfill in Barry's Episode Four.
未来与过去的通路 在第四章节中使用巴瑞完成垃圾处理场的两条路线



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