
时间:2016-07-26 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名






  卷一 2920年

  Morning Star


  Book One of 2920

  卷一 2920年

  The Last Year of the First Era



  Carlovac Townway


  1 Morning Star, 2920Mournhold, Morrowind

  1st, 晨星,2920 哀伤之城,晨风

  Almalexia lay in her bed of fur, dreaming. Not until the

  阿玛莱希雅躺在她的那张软床上, 做着她的梦。 一直到烈日高照,

  sun burned through her window, infusing the light wood and

  炽热的光线穿过木窗, 为她房间里的那些轻亮的木头和鲜艳

  flesh colors of her chamber in a milky glow did she open


  her eyes. It was quiet and serene, a stunning reverse of

  映入眼帘的是一片安详平静, 这与她刚才的梦境形成极大的

  the flavor of her dreams, so full of blood and celebration.

  反差, 那血腥盛宴似乎停留在脑海深处。

  For a few moments, she simply stared at the ceiling, trying

  有好一会儿, 她只是盯着头顶的天花板,尝试着整理清楚她混乱的

  to sort through her visions.


  In the courtyard of her palace was a boiling pool which


  steamed in the coolness of the winter morning. At the wave

  在冒着热气。 随着她的手在空

  of her hand, it cleared and she saw the face and form of


  her lover Vivec in his study to the north. She did not want

  他那位于北方的书房里。 她不想出声打破这个

  to speak right away: he looked so handsome in his dark red

  美妙的场景: 今天他穿着那件深红色的礼服,衬得他英俊潇洒更

  robes, writing his poetry as he did every morning.


  “Vivec,” she said, and he raised his head in a smile,


  looking at her face across thousands of miles. “I have seen

  神情专注地望着她看似近在眼前,实则千里之外的面庞。 “我看到了一些

  a vision of the end of the war.”


  “After eighty years, I don't think anyone can imagine an


  end,” said Vivec with a smile, but he grew serious, trusting

  维瓦克微笑着应道, 但他很快变得严肃起来, 信赖与

  Almalexia's prophecies. “Who will win? Morrowind or the

  阿玛莱希雅的新预言。 “谁是赢家? 晨风还是帝国?”

  Cyrodilic Empire?”

  “Without Sotha Sil in Morrowind, we will lose,” she replied.

  “若是晨风城内没有索塔,我们会输,” 她回答。

  “My intelligence tells me the Empire will strike us to the


  north in early springtide, by First Seed at the latest.


  Could you go to Artaeum and convince him to return?”


  “I'll leave today,” she said, simply.


  4 Morning Star, 2920 Gideon, Black Marsh

  4th 晨星 2920 吉迪恩黑沼泽

  The Empress paced around her cell. Wintertide gave her

  皇后在她的房间里不安地踱来踱去。 冬季的到来给予了她多余的

  wasteful energy, while in the summer she would merely sit

  精力, 在夏天她至少还能坐在窗边,

  by her window and be grateful for each breath of stale


  swamp wind that came to cool her. Across the room, her


  unfinished tapestry of a dance at the Imperial Court seemed


  to mock her. She ripped it from its frame, tearing the

  嘲弄。 她将作品粗鲁地扯下框架,在它还未来得及倒向地面之前将其

  pieces apart as they drifted to the floor.


  Then she laughed at her own useless gesture of defiance.


  She would have plenty of time to repair it and craft a


  hundred more. The Emperor had locked her up in Castle


  Giovesse seven years ago, and would likely keep her here


  until he or she died.

  With a sigh, she pulled the cord to call her knight, Zuuk.


  He appeared at the door within minutes, fully uniformed as


  befitted an Imperial Guard. Most of the native Kothringi


  tribesmen of Black Marsh preferred to go about naked, but Zuuk

  都偏爱赤裸着上身在沼气中穿梭, 但祖克

  had taken a positive delight to fashion. His silver,

  的到来掀起了一股新的时尚潮流。 他那白得能反射映像的

  reflective skin was scarcely visible, only on his face, neck,

  皮肤被身上的制服遮盖, 只露出了脸,脖子和双手。

  and hands.

  “Your Imperial Highness,” he said with a bow.


  “Zuuk,” said Empress Tavia. “I'm bored. Lets discuss methods


  of assassinating my husband today.”


  14 Morning Star, 2920 The Imperial City, Cyrodiil

  14th 晨星 2920 皇城塞洛蒂尔

  The chimes proclaiming South Wind's Prayer echoed through the


  wide boulevards and gardens of the Imperial City, calling all to their temples. The Emperor Reman III always attended a

  感召着神庙。 雷曼三世常常在阿丽西娅的神庙中举办仪式,但那时

  service at the Temple of the One, while his son and heir Prince


  Juilek found it more political to attend a service at a


  different temple for each religious holiday. This year, it


  was at the cathedral Benevolence of Mara.

  The Benevolence's services were mercifully short, but it was


  not until well after noon that the Emperor was able to return to the palace. By then, the arena combatants were impatiently

  届时, 竞技场的战士们会焦躁不安地等待仪式的开始。

  waiting for the start of the ceremony. The crowd was far less


  restless, as the Potentate Versidue-Shaie had arranged for


  a demonstration from a troupe of Khajiiti acrobats.

  “Your religion is so much more convenient than mine,” said


  the Emperor to his Potentate by way of an apology. “What is the first game?”

  “A one-on-one battle between two able warriors,” said the


  Potentate, his scaly skin catching the sun as he rose. “Armed

  当他站起来时,他那鳞状的皮肤(亚龙人)反射着刺眼的阳光。“装备着befitting their culture.”


  “Sounds good,” said the Emperor and clapped his hands. “Let


  the sport commence!”

  As soon as he saw the two warriors enter the arena to the roar


  of the crowd, Emperor Reman III remembered that he had agreed


  to this several months before and forgotten about it. One combatant was the Potentate's son, Savirien-Chorak, a


  glistening ivory-yellow eel, gripping his katana and


  wakizashi with his thin, deceptively weak looking arms. The


  other was the Emperor's son, Prince Juilek, in ebony armor


  with a savage Orcish helm, shield and longsword at his side.


  “This will be fascinating to watch,” hissed the Potentate,


  a wide grin across his narrow face. “I don't know if I've even


  seen a Cyrodiil fight an Akavir like this. Usually it's army


  against army. At last we can settle which philosophy is better


  -- to create armor to combat swords as your people do, or to


  create swords to combat armor as mine do.”

  No one in the crowd, aside from a few scattered Akaviri

  人群开始窃窃私语, 撇开旁边的几个亚龙人顾问以及首相自己之外,没人

  counselors and the Potentate himself wanted Savirien-Chorak


  to win, but there was a collective intake of breath at the


  sight of his graceful movements. His swords seemed to be a part of him, a tail coming from his arms to match the one behind


  him. It was a trick of counterbalance, allowing the young


  serpent man to roll up into a circle and spin into the center


  of the ring in offensive position. The Prince had to plod


  forward the less impressive traditional way.

  As they sprang at each other, the crowd bellowed with delight.


  The Akaviri was like a moon in orbit around the Prince,


  effortlessly springing over his shoulder to attempt a blow


  from behind, but the Prince whirled around quickly to block


  with his shield. His counter-strike met only air as his foe


  fell flat to the ground and slithered between his legs,


  tripping him. The Prince fell to the ground with a resounding



  Metal and air melted together as Savirien-Chorak rained strike


  after strike upon the Prince, who blocked every one with his




  “We don't have shields in our culture,” murmured


  Versidue-Shaie to the Emperor. “It seems strange to my boy, I imagine. In our country, if you don't want to get hit, you


  move out of the way.”

  When Savirien-Chorak was rearing back to begin another series


  of blinding attacks, the Prince kicked at his tail, sending


  him falling back momentarily. In an instant, he had rebounded,


  but the Prince was also back on his feet. The two circled one


  another, until the snake man spun forward, katana extended.


  The Prince saw his foe's plan, and blocked the katana with


  his longsword and the wakizashi with his shield. Its short punching blade impaled itself in the metal, and


  Savirien-Chorak was thrown off balance.

  The Prince's longblade slashed across the Akavir's chest and


  the sudden, intense pain caused him to drop both his weapons.


  It a moment, it was over. Savirien-Chorak was prostate in the


  dust with the Prince's longsword at his throat.


  “The game's over!” shouted the Emperor, barely heard over the


  applause from the stadium.

  The Prince grinned and helped Savirien-Chorak up and over to


  a healer. The Emperor clapped his Potentate on the back,


  feeling relieved. He had not realized when the fight had begun


  how little chance he had given his son at victory.

  “He will make a fine warrior,” said Versidue-Shaie. “And a


  great emperor.”

  “Just remember,” laughed the Emperor. “You Akaviri have a lot


  of showy moves, but if just one of our strikes comes through,


  it's all over for you.”

  “Oh, I'll remember that,” nodded the Potentate.


  Reman thought about that comment for the rest of the games,


  and had trouble fully enjoying himself. Could the Potentate


  be another enemy, just as the Empress had turned out to be?


  The matter would bear watching.

  21 Morning Star, 2920 Mournhold, Morrowind

  21st 晨星 2920 哀伤之城晨风

  “Why don't you wear that green gown I gave you?” asked the


  Duke of Mournhold, watching the young maiden put on her



  “It doesn't fit,” smiled Turala. “And you know I like red.”


  “It doesn't fit because you're getting fat,” laughed the Duke,


  pulling her down on the bed, kissing her breasts and the pouch


  of her stomach. She laughed at the tickles, but pulled herself


  up, wrapping her red robe around her.

  “I'm round like a woman should be,” said Turala. “Will I see


  you tomorrow?”

  “No,” said the Duke. “I must entertain Vivec tomorrow, and


  the next day the Duke of Ebonheart is coming. Do you know, I never really appreciated Almalexia and her political skills


  until she left?”

  “It is the same with me,” smiled Turala. “You will only


  appreciate me when I'm gone.”

  “That's not true at all,” snorted the Duke. “I appreciate you



  Turala allowed the Duke one last kiss before she was out the


  door. She kept thinking about what he said. Would he appreciate


  her more or less when he knew that she was getting fat because she was carrying his child? Would he appreciate her enough


  to marry her?

  The Year Continues in Sun's Dawn



  Driftshade Refuge (Winterhold), on a table in the final room with the barred door


  Jorgen and Lami's House (Morthal), in a bucket on top of the barrel to the left of the bed


  Lost Echo Cave (Falkreath Hold), on the altar


  Northwatch Keep (Haafingar), behind the bar


  Sabre Cat den between Broken Tower Redoubt and Crabber's

  Shanty, on the body of a dead hunter (map)


  Next to a bed roll at Dayspring Canyon, at the top of Fort Dawnguard


  Skill: One-Handed








  卷一 2920年

  Morning Star


  Book One of 2920

  卷一 2920年

  The Last Year of the First Era



  Carlovac Townway


  1 Morning Star, 2920Mournhold, Morrowind

  1st, 晨星,2920 哀伤之城,晨风

  Almalexia lay in her bed of fur, dreaming. Not until the

  阿玛莱希雅躺在她的那张软床上, 做着她的梦。 一直到烈日高照,

  sun burned through her window, infusing the light wood and

  炽热的光线穿过木窗, 为她房间里的那些轻亮的木头和鲜艳

  flesh colors of her chamber in a milky glow did she open


  her eyes. It was quiet and serene, a stunning reverse of

  映入眼帘的是一片安详平静, 这与她刚才的梦境形成极大的

  the flavor of her dreams, so full of blood and celebration.

  反差, 那血腥盛宴似乎停留在脑海深处。

  For a few moments, she simply stared at the ceiling, trying

  有好一会儿, 她只是盯着头顶的天花板,尝试着整理清楚她混乱的

  to sort through her visions.


  In the courtyard of her palace was a boiling pool which


  steamed in the coolness of the winter morning. At the wave

  在冒着热气。 随着她的手在空

  of her hand, it cleared and she saw the face and form of


  her lover Vivec in his study to the north. She did not want

  他那位于北方的书房里。 她不想出声打破这个

  to speak right away: he looked so handsome in his dark red

  美妙的场景: 今天他穿着那件深红色的礼服,衬得他英俊潇洒更

  robes, writing his poetry as he did every morning.


  “Vivec,” she said, and he raised his head in a smile,


  looking at her face across thousands of miles. “I have seen

  神情专注地望着她看似近在眼前,实则千里之外的面庞。 “我看到了一些

  a vision of the end of the war.”


  “After eighty years, I don't think anyone can imagine an


  end,” said Vivec with a smile, but he grew serious, trusting

  维瓦克微笑着应道, 但他很快变得严肃起来, 信赖与

  Almalexia's prophecies. “Who will win? Morrowind or the

  阿玛莱希雅的新预言。 “谁是赢家? 晨风还是帝国?”

  Cyrodilic Empire?”

  “Without Sotha Sil in Morrowind, we will lose,” she replied.

  “若是晨风城内没有索塔,我们会输,” 她回答。

  “My intelligence tells me the Empire will strike us to the


  north in early springtide, by First Seed at the latest.


  Could you go to Artaeum and convince him to return?”


  “I'll leave today,” she said, simply.


  4 Morning Star, 2920 Gideon, Black Marsh

  4th 晨星 2920 吉迪恩黑沼泽

  The Empress paced around her cell. Wintertide gave her

  皇后在她的房间里不安地踱来踱去。 冬季的到来给予了她多余的

  wasteful energy, while in the summer she would merely sit

  精力, 在夏天她至少还能坐在窗边,

  by her window and be grateful for each breath of stale


  swamp wind that came to cool her. Across the room, her


  unfinished tapestry of a dance at the Imperial Court seemed


  to mock her. She ripped it from its frame, tearing the

  嘲弄。 她将作品粗鲁地扯下框架,在它还未来得及倒向地面之前将其

  pieces apart as they drifted to the floor.


  Then she laughed at her own useless gesture of defiance.


  She would have plenty of time to repair it and craft a


  hundred more. The Emperor had locked her up in Castle


  Giovesse seven years ago, and would likely keep her here


  until he or she died.

  With a sigh, she pulled the cord to call her knight, Zuuk.


  He appeared at the door within minutes, fully uniformed as


  befitted an Imperial Guard. Most of the native Kothringi


  tribesmen of Black Marsh preferred to go about naked, but Zuuk

  都偏爱赤裸着上身在沼气中穿梭, 但祖克

  had taken a positive delight to fashion. His silver,

  的到来掀起了一股新的时尚潮流。 他那白得能反射映像的

  reflective skin was scarcely visible, only on his face, neck,

  皮肤被身上的制服遮盖, 只露出了脸,脖子和双手。

  and hands.

  “Your Imperial Highness,” he said with a bow.


  “Zuuk,” said Empress Tavia. “I'm bored. Lets discuss methods


  of assassinating my husband today.”


  14 Morning Star, 2920 The Imperial City, Cyrodiil

  14th 晨星 2920 皇城塞洛蒂尔

  The chimes proclaiming South Wind's Prayer echoed through the


  wide boulevards and gardens of the Imperial City, calling all to their temples. The Emperor Reman III always attended a

  感召着神庙。 雷曼三世常常在阿丽西娅的神庙中举办仪式,但那时

  service at the Temple of the One, while his son and heir Prince


  Juilek found it more political to attend a service at a


  different temple for each religious holiday. This year, it


  was at the cathedral Benevolence of Mara.

  The Benevolence's services were mercifully short, but it was


  not until well after noon that the Emperor was able to return to the palace. By then, the arena combatants were impatiently

  届时, 竞技场的战士们会焦躁不安地等待仪式的开始。

  waiting for the start of the ceremony. The crowd was far less


  restless, as the Potentate Versidue-Shaie had arranged for


  a demonstration from a troupe of Khajiiti acrobats.

  “Your religion is so much more convenient than mine,” said


  the Emperor to his Potentate by way of an apology. “What is the first game?”

  “A one-on-one battle between two able warriors,” said the


  Potentate, his scaly skin catching the sun as he rose. “Armed

  当他站起来时,他那鳞状的皮肤(亚龙人)反射着刺眼的阳光。“装备着befitting their culture.”


  “Sounds good,” said the Emperor and clapped his hands. “Let


  the sport commence!”

  As soon as he saw the two warriors enter the arena to the roar


  of the crowd, Emperor Reman III remembered that he had agreed


  to this several months before and forgotten about it. One combatant was the Potentate's son, Savirien-Chorak, a


  glistening ivory-yellow eel, gripping his katana and


  wakizashi with his thin, deceptively weak looking arms. The


  other was the Emperor's son, Prince Juilek, in ebony armor


  with a savage Orcish helm, shield and longsword at his side.


  “This will be fascinating to watch,” hissed the Potentate,


  a wide grin across his narrow face. “I don't know if I've even


  seen a Cyrodiil fight an Akavir like this. Usually it's army


  against army. At last we can settle which philosophy is better


  -- to create armor to combat swords as your people do, or to


  create swords to combat armor as mine do.”

  No one in the crowd, aside from a few scattered Akaviri

  人群开始窃窃私语, 撇开旁边的几个亚龙人顾问以及首相自己之外,没人

  counselors and the Potentate himself wanted Savirien-Chorak


  to win, but there was a collective intake of breath at the


  sight of his graceful movements. His swords seemed to be a part of him, a tail coming from his arms to match the one behind


  him. It was a trick of counterbalance, allowing the young


  serpent man to roll up into a circle and spin into the center


  of the ring in offensive position. The Prince had to plod


  forward the less impressive traditional way.

  As they sprang at each other, the crowd bellowed with delight.


  The Akaviri was like a moon in orbit around the Prince,


  effortlessly springing over his shoulder to attempt a blow


  from behind, but the Prince whirled around quickly to block


  with his shield. His counter-strike met only air as his foe


  fell flat to the ground and slithered between his legs,


  tripping him. The Prince fell to the ground with a resounding



  Metal and air melted together as Savirien-Chorak rained strike


  after strike upon the Prince, who blocked every one with his




  “We don't have shields in our culture,” murmured


  Versidue-Shaie to the Emperor. “It seems strange to my boy, I imagine. In our country, if you don't want to get hit, you


  move out of the way.”

  When Savirien-Chorak was rearing back to begin another series


  of blinding attacks, the Prince kicked at his tail, sending


  him falling back momentarily. In an instant, he had rebounded,


  but the Prince was also back on his feet. The two circled one


  another, until the snake man spun forward, katana extended.


  The Prince saw his foe's plan, and blocked the katana with


  his longsword and the wakizashi with his shield. Its short punching blade impaled itself in the metal, and


  Savirien-Chorak was thrown off balance.

  The Prince's longblade slashed across the Akavir's chest and


  the sudden, intense pain caused him to drop both his weapons.


  It a moment, it was over. Savirien-Chorak was prostate in the


  dust with the Prince's longsword at his throat.


  “The game's over!” shouted the Emperor, barely heard over the


  applause from the stadium.

  The Prince grinned and helped Savirien-Chorak up and over to


  a healer. The Emperor clapped his Potentate on the back,


  feeling relieved. He had not realized when the fight had begun


  how little chance he had given his son at victory.

  “He will make a fine warrior,” said Versidue-Shaie. “And a


  great emperor.”

  “Just remember,” laughed the Emperor. “You Akaviri have a lot


  of showy moves, but if just one of our strikes comes through,


  it's all over for you.”

  “Oh, I'll remember that,” nodded the Potentate.


  Reman thought about that comment for the rest of the games,


  and had trouble fully enjoying himself. Could the Potentate


  be another enemy, just as the Empress had turned out to be?


  The matter would bear watching.

  21 Morning Star, 2920 Mournhold, Morrowind

  21st 晨星 2920 哀伤之城晨风

  “Why don't you wear that green gown I gave you?” asked the


  Duke of Mournhold, watching the young maiden put on her



  “It doesn't fit,” smiled Turala. “And you know I like red.”


  “It doesn't fit because you're getting fat,” laughed the Duke,


  pulling her down on the bed, kissing her breasts and the pouch


  of her stomach. She laughed at the tickles, but pulled herself


  up, wrapping her red robe around her.

  “I'm round like a woman should be,” said Turala. “Will I see


  you tomorrow?”

  “No,” said the Duke. “I must entertain Vivec tomorrow, and


  the next day the Duke of Ebonheart is coming. Do you know, I never really appreciated Almalexia and her political skills


  until she left?”

  “It is the same with me,” smiled Turala. “You will only


  appreciate me when I'm gone.”

  “That's not true at all,” snorted the Duke. “I appreciate you



  Turala allowed the Duke one last kiss before she was out the


  door. She kept thinking about what he said. Would he appreciate


  her more or less when he knew that she was getting fat because she was carrying his child? Would he appreciate her enough


  to marry her?

  The Year Continues in Sun's Dawn



  Driftshade Refuge (Winterhold), on a table in the final room with the barred door


  Jorgen and Lami's House (Morthal), in a bucket on top of the barrel to the left of the bed


  Lost Echo Cave (Falkreath Hold), on the altar


  Northwatch Keep (Haafingar), behind the bar


  Sabre Cat den between Broken Tower Redoubt and Crabber's

  Shanty, on the body of a dead hunter (map)


  Next to a bed roll at Dayspring Canyon, at the top of Fort Dawnguard


  Skill: One-Handed








  卷一 2920年

  Morning Star


  Book One of 2920

  卷一 2920年

  The Last Year of the First Era



  Carlovac Townway


  1 Morning Star, 2920Mournhold, Morrowind

  1st, 晨星,2920 哀伤之城,晨风

  Almalexia lay in her bed of fur, dreaming. Not until the

  阿玛莱希雅躺在她的那张软床上, 做着她的梦。 一直到烈日高照,

  sun burned through her window, infusing the light wood and

  炽热的光线穿过木窗, 为她房间里的那些轻亮的木头和鲜艳

  flesh colors of her chamber in a milky glow did she open


  her eyes. It was quiet and serene, a stunning reverse of

  映入眼帘的是一片安详平静, 这与她刚才的梦境形成极大的

  the flavor of her dreams, so full of blood and celebration.

  反差, 那血腥盛宴似乎停留在脑海深处。

  For a few moments, she simply stared at the ceiling, trying

  有好一会儿, 她只是盯着头顶的天花板,尝试着整理清楚她混乱的

  to sort through her visions.


  In the courtyard of her palace was a boiling pool which


  steamed in the coolness of the winter morning. At the wave

  在冒着热气。 随着她的手在空

  of her hand, it cleared and she saw the face and form of


  her lover Vivec in his study to the north. She did not want

  他那位于北方的书房里。 她不想出声打破这个

  to speak right away: he looked so handsome in his dark red

  美妙的场景: 今天他穿着那件深红色的礼服,衬得他英俊潇洒更

  robes, writing his poetry as he did every morning.


  “Vivec,” she said, and he raised his head in a smile,


  looking at her face across thousands of miles. “I have seen

  神情专注地望着她看似近在眼前,实则千里之外的面庞。 “我看到了一些

  a vision of the end of the war.”


  “After eighty years, I don't think anyone can imagine an


  end,” said Vivec with a smile, but he grew serious, trusting

  维瓦克微笑着应道, 但他很快变得严肃起来, 信赖与

  Almalexia's prophecies. “Who will win? Morrowind or the

  阿玛莱希雅的新预言。 “谁是赢家? 晨风还是帝国?”

  Cyrodilic Empire?”

  “Without Sotha Sil in Morrowind, we will lose,” she replied.

  “若是晨风城内没有索塔,我们会输,” 她回答。

  “My intelligence tells me the Empire will strike us to the


  north in early springtide, by First Seed at the latest.


  Could you go to Artaeum and convince him to return?”


  “I'll leave today,” she said, simply.


  4 Morning Star, 2920 Gideon, Black Marsh

  4th 晨星 2920 吉迪恩黑沼泽

  The Empress paced around her cell. Wintertide gave her

  皇后在她的房间里不安地踱来踱去。 冬季的到来给予了她多余的

  wasteful energy, while in the summer she would merely sit

  精力, 在夏天她至少还能坐在窗边,

  by her window and be grateful for each breath of stale


  swamp wind that came to cool her. Across the room, her


  unfinished tapestry of a dance at the Imperial Court seemed


  to mock her. She ripped it from its frame, tearing the

  嘲弄。 她将作品粗鲁地扯下框架,在它还未来得及倒向地面之前将其

  pieces apart as they drifted to the floor.


  Then she laughed at her own useless gesture of defiance.


  She would have plenty of time to repair it and craft a


  hundred more. The Emperor had locked her up in Castle


  Giovesse seven years ago, and would likely keep her here


  until he or she died.

  With a sigh, she pulled the cord to call her knight, Zuuk.


  He appeared at the door within minutes, fully uniformed as


  befitted an Imperial Guard. Most of the native Kothringi


  tribesmen of Black Marsh preferred to go about naked, but Zuuk

  都偏爱赤裸着上身在沼气中穿梭, 但祖克

  had taken a positive delight to fashion. His silver,

  的到来掀起了一股新的时尚潮流。 他那白得能反射映像的

  reflective skin was scarcely visible, only on his face, neck,

  皮肤被身上的制服遮盖, 只露出了脸,脖子和双手。

  and hands.

  “Your Imperial Highness,” he said with a bow.


  “Zuuk,” said Empress Tavia. “I'm bored. Lets discuss methods


  of assassinating my husband today.”


  14 Morning Star, 2920 The Imperial City, Cyrodiil

  14th 晨星 2920 皇城塞洛蒂尔

  The chimes proclaiming South Wind's Prayer echoed through the


  wide boulevards and gardens of the Imperial City, calling all to their temples. The Emperor Reman III always attended a

  感召着神庙。 雷曼三世常常在阿丽西娅的神庙中举办仪式,但那时

  service at the Temple of the One, while his son and heir Prince


  Juilek found it more political to attend a service at a


  different temple for each religious holiday. This year, it


  was at the cathedral Benevolence of Mara.

  The Benevolence's services were mercifully short, but it was


  not until well after noon that the Emperor was able to return to the palace. By then, the arena combatants were impatiently

  届时, 竞技场的战士们会焦躁不安地等待仪式的开始。

  waiting for the start of the ceremony. The crowd was far less


  restless, as the Potentate Versidue-Shaie had arranged for


  a demonstration from a troupe of Khajiiti acrobats.

  “Your religion is so much more convenient than mine,” said


  the Emperor to his Potentate by way of an apology. “What is the first game?”

  “A one-on-one battle between two able warriors,” said the


  Potentate, his scaly skin catching the sun as he rose. “Armed

  当他站起来时,他那鳞状的皮肤(亚龙人)反射着刺眼的阳光。“装备着befitting their culture.”


  “Sounds good,” said the Emperor and clapped his hands. “Let


  the sport commence!”

  As soon as he saw the two warriors enter the arena to the roar


  of the crowd, Emperor Reman III remembered that he had agreed


  to this several months before and forgotten about it. One combatant was the Potentate's son, Savirien-Chorak, a


  glistening ivory-yellow eel, gripping his katana and


  wakizashi with his thin, deceptively weak looking arms. The


  other was the Emperor's son, Prince Juilek, in ebony armor


  with a savage Orcish helm, shield and longsword at his side.


  “This will be fascinating to watch,” hissed the Potentate,


  a wide grin across his narrow face. “I don't know if I've even


  seen a Cyrodiil fight an Akavir like this. Usually it's army


  against army. At last we can settle which philosophy is better


  -- to create armor to combat swords as your people do, or to


  create swords to combat armor as mine do.”

  No one in the crowd, aside from a few scattered Akaviri

  人群开始窃窃私语, 撇开旁边的几个亚龙人顾问以及首相自己之外,没人

  counselors and the Potentate himself wanted Savirien-Chorak


  to win, but there was a collective intake of breath at the


  sight of his graceful movements. His swords seemed to be a part of him, a tail coming from his arms to match the one behind


  him. It was a trick of counterbalance, allowing the young


  serpent man to roll up into a circle and spin into the center


  of the ring in offensive position. The Prince had to plod


  forward the less impressive traditional way.

  As they sprang at each other, the crowd bellowed with delight.


  The Akaviri was like a moon in orbit around the Prince,


  effortlessly springing over his shoulder to attempt a blow


  from behind, but the Prince whirled around quickly to block


  with his shield. His counter-strike met only air as his foe


  fell flat to the ground and slithered between his legs,


  tripping him. The Prince fell to the ground with a resounding



  Metal and air melted together as Savirien-Chorak rained strike


  after strike upon the Prince, who blocked every one with his




  “We don't have shields in our culture,” murmured


  Versidue-Shaie to the Emperor. “It seems strange to my boy, I imagine. In our country, if you don't want to get hit, you


  move out of the way.”

  When Savirien-Chorak was rearing back to begin another series


  of blinding attacks, the Prince kicked at his tail, sending


  him falling back momentarily. In an instant, he had rebounded,


  but the Prince was also back on his feet. The two circled one


  another, until the snake man spun forward, katana extended.


  The Prince saw his foe's plan, and blocked the katana with


  his longsword and the wakizashi with his shield. Its short punching blade impaled itself in the metal, and


  Savirien-Chorak was thrown off balance.

  The Prince's longblade slashed across the Akavir's chest and


  the sudden, intense pain caused him to drop both his weapons.


  It a moment, it was over. Savirien-Chorak was prostate in the


  dust with the Prince's longsword at his throat.


  “The game's over!” shouted the Emperor, barely heard over the


  applause from the stadium.

  The Prince grinned and helped Savirien-Chorak up and over to


  a healer. The Emperor clapped his Potentate on the back,


  feeling relieved. He had not realized when the fight had begun


  how little chance he had given his son at victory.

  “He will make a fine warrior,” said Versidue-Shaie. “And a


  great emperor.”

  “Just remember,” laughed the Emperor. “You Akaviri have a lot


  of showy moves, but if just one of our strikes comes through,


  it's all over for you.”

  “Oh, I'll remember that,” nodded the Potentate.


  Reman thought about that comment for the rest of the games,


  and had trouble fully enjoying himself. Could the Potentate


  be another enemy, just as the Empress had turned out to be?


  The matter would bear watching.

  21 Morning Star, 2920 Mournhold, Morrowind

  21st 晨星 2920 哀伤之城晨风

  “Why don't you wear that green gown I gave you?” asked the


  Duke of Mournhold, watching the young maiden put on her



  “It doesn't fit,” smiled Turala. “And you know I like red.”


  “It doesn't fit because you're getting fat,” laughed the Duke,


  pulling her down on the bed, kissing her breasts and the pouch


  of her stomach. She laughed at the tickles, but pulled herself


  up, wrapping her red robe around her.

  “I'm round like a woman should be,” said Turala. “Will I see


  you tomorrow?”

  “No,” said the Duke. “I must entertain Vivec tomorrow, and


  the next day the Duke of Ebonheart is coming. Do you know, I never really appreciated Almalexia and her political skills


  until she left?”

  “It is the same with me,” smiled Turala. “You will only


  appreciate me when I'm gone.”

  “That's not true at all,” snorted the Duke. “I appreciate you



  Turala allowed the Duke one last kiss before she was out the


  door. She kept thinking about what he said. Would he appreciate


  her more or less when he knew that she was getting fat because she was carrying his child? Would he appreciate her enough


  to marry her?

  The Year Continues in Sun's Dawn



  Driftshade Refuge (Winterhold), on a table in the final room with the barred door


  Jorgen and Lami's House (Morthal), in a bucket on top of the barrel to the left of the bed


  Lost Echo Cave (Falkreath Hold), on the altar


  Northwatch Keep (Haafingar), behind the bar


  Sabre Cat den between Broken Tower Redoubt and Crabber's

  Shanty, on the body of a dead hunter (map)


  Next to a bed roll at Dayspring Canyon, at the top of Fort Dawnguard


  Skill: One-Handed



  卷二 2920年

  Sun’s Dawn


  Book Two of 2920

  卷二 2920年

  The Last Year of the First Era



  Carlovac Townway


  3 Sun's Dawn, 2920 The Isle of Artaeum, Summurset

  3rd, 破晓,2920 阿特耶姆岛,夏暮群岛

  Sotha Sil watched the initiates float one by one up to the


  oassom tree, taking a fruit or a flower from its high branches


  before dropping back to the ground with varying degrees of grace. He took a moment while nodding his head in approval


  to admire the day. The whitewashed statue of Syrabane, which


  the great mage was said to have posed for in ancient days, stood at the precipice of the cliff overlooking the bay. Pale purple proscato flowers waves to and fro in the gentle breeze.


  Beyond, ocean, and the misty border between Artaeum and the


  main island of Summurset.

  “By and large, acceptable,” he proclaimed as the last student


  dropped her fruit in his hand. With a wave of his hand, the


  fruit and flowers were back in the tree. With another wave,

  the students had formed into position in a semicircle around


  the sorcerer. He pulled a small fibrous ball, about a foot


  in diameter from his white robes.

  “What is this?”


  The students understood this test. It asked them to cast a


  spell of identification on the mysterious object. Each initiate closed his or her eyes and imagined the ball in the


  realm of the universal Truth. Its energy had a unique resonance as all physical and spiritual matter does, a negative aspect,


  a duplicate version, relative paths, true meaning, a song in


  the cosmos, a texture in the fabric of space, a facet of being


  that has always existed and always will exist.

  “A ball,” said a young Nord named Welleg, which brought


  giggles from some of the younger initiates, but a frown from


  most, including Sotha Sil.

  “If you must be stupid, at least be amusing,” growled the


  sorcerer, and then looked at a young, dark-haired Altmer lass


  who looked confused. “Lilatha, do you know?”


  “It's grom,” said Lilatha, uncertainly. “What the dreugh meff


  after they've k-k-kr-krevinasim.”


  “Karvinasim, but very good, nonetheless,” said Sotha Sil.


  “Now, tell me, what does that mean?”


  “I don't know,” admitted Lilatha. The rest of the students


  also shook their heads.

  “There are layers to understanding all things,” said Sotha


  Sil. “The common man looks at an object and fits it into a


  place in his way of thinking. Those skilled in the Old Ways,


  in the way of the Psijic, in Mysticism, can see an object and identify it by its proper role. But one more layer is needed


  to be peeled back to achieve understanding. You must identify the object by its role and its truth and interpret that meaning.


  In this case, this ball is indeed grom, which is a substance


  created by the dreugh, an underwater race in the north and


  western parts of the continent. For one year of their life,

  they undergo karvinasim when they walk upon the land.


  Following that, they return to the water and meff, or devour the skin and organs they needed for land-dwelling. Then they


  vomit it up into little balls like this. Grom. Dreugh vomit.”


  The students looked at the ball a little queasily. Sotha Sil


  always loved this lesson.

  4 Sun's Dawn, 2920 The Imperial City, Cyrodiil

  4th, 破晓,2920 皇城,塞洛蒂尔

  “Spies,” muttered the Emperor, sitting in his bath, staring


  at a lump on his foot. “All around me, traitors and spies.”


  His mistress Rijja washed his back, her legs wrapped around


  his waist. She knew after all these many years when to be sensual and when to be sexual. When he was in a mood like this,


  it was best to be calmly, soothingly, seductively sensual.


  And not to say a word unless he asked her a direct question.

  Which he did: “What do you think when a fellow steps on his


  Imperial Majesty's foot and says 'I'm sorry, Your Imperial


  Majesty'? Don't you think 'Pardon me, Your Imperial Majesty'


  is more appropriate? 'I'm sorry,' well that almost sounds like


  the bastard Argonian was sorry I am his Imperial Majesty. That


  he hopes we lose the war with Morrowind, that's what it sounds like.”

  “What would make you feel better?” asked Rijja. “Would you


  like him flogged? He is only, as you say, the Battlechief of


  Soulrest. It would teach him to mind where he's stepping.”


  “My father would have flogged him. My grandfather would have


  had him killed,” the Emperor grumbled. “But I don't mind if


  they all step on my feet, provided they respect me. And don't


  plot against me.”

  “You must trust someone.”


  “Only you,” smiled the Emperor, turning slightly to give Rijja


  a kiss. “And my son Juilek, I suppose, though I wish he were


  a little more cautious.”

  “And your council, and the Potentate?” asked Rijja.


  “A pack of spies and a snake,” laughed the Emperor, kissing


  his mistress again. As they began to make love, he whispered,


  “As long as you're true, I can handle the world.”

  13 Sun's Dawn, 2920 Mournhold, Morrowind

  13rd, 破晓,2920 哀伤之城,晨风

  Turala stood at the black, bejeweled city gates. A wind howled


  around her, but she felt nothing.


  The Duke had been furious upon hearing his favorite mistress


  was pregnant and cast her from his sight. She tried again and


  again to see him, but his guards turned her away. Finally,


  she returned to her family and told them the truth. If only she had lied and told them she did not know who the father


  was. A soldier, a wandering adventurer, anyone. But she told


  them that the father was the Duke, a member of the


  House Indoril.And they did what she knew they would have to


  do, as proud members of the House Redoran.

  Upon her hand was burned the sign of Expulsion her weeping


  father had branded on her. But the Duke's cruelty hurt her

  far more. She looked out the gate and into the wide winter


  plains. Twisted, sleeping trees and skies without birds. No


  one in Morrowind would take her in now. She must go far away.


  With slow, sad steps, she began her journey.


  16 Sun's Dawn, 2920 Senchal, Anequina (modern day Elsweyr)

  16th, 破晓,2920 ,森夏尔,安奎那(如今的艾斯维尔省)

  “What troubles you?” asked Queen Hasaama, noticing her


  husband's sour mood. At the end of most Lovers' Days he was


  in an excellent mood, dancing in the ballroom with all the


  guests, but tonight he retired early. When she found him, he


  was curled in the bed, frowning.

  “That blasted bard's tale about Polydor and Eloisa put me in


  a rotten state,” he growled. “Why did he have to be so



  “But isn't that the truth of the tale, my dear? Weren't they


  doomed because of the cruel nature of the world?”


  “It doesn't matter what the truth is, he did a rotten job of


  telling a rotten tale, and I'm not going to let him do it


  anymore,” King Dro'Zel sprang from the bed. His eyes were


  rheumy with tears. “Where did they say he was from again?”


  “I believe Gilverdale in easternmost Valenwood,” said the


  Queen, shaken. “My husband, what are you going to do?”


  Dro'Zel was out of the room in a single spring, bounding up


  the stairs to his tower. If Queen Hasaama knew what her husband

  was going to do, she did not try to stop him. He had been erratic


  of late, prone to fits and even occasional seizures. But she


  never suspected the depths of his madness, and his loathing


  for the bard and his tale of the wickedness and perversity


  found in mortal man.

  19 Sun's Dawn, 2920 Gilverdale, Valenwood


  “Listen to me again,” said the old carpenter. “If cell three


  holds worthless brass, then cell two holds the gold key. If


  cell one holds the gold key, then cell three hold worthless


  brass. If cell two holds worthless brass, then cell one holds


  the gold key.”

  “I understand,” said the lady. “You told me. And so cell one


  holds the gold key, right?”

  “No,” said the carpenter. “Let me start from the top.”


  “Mama?” said the little boy, pulling on his mother's sleeve.


  “Just one moment, dear, mother's talking,” she said,


  concentrating on the riddle. “You said 'cell three holds the


  golden key if cell two holds worthless brass,' right?”

  “No,” said the carpenter patiently. “Cell three holds


  worthless brass, if cell two --”

  “Mama!” cried the boy. His mother finally looked.


  A bright red mist was pouring over the town in a wave, engulfing


  building after building in its wake. Striding before was a


  red-skinned giant. The DaedraMolag Bal. He was smiling.


  29 Sun's Dawn, 2920 Gilverdale, Valenwood


  Almalexia stopped her steed in the vast moor of mud to let


  him drink from the river. He refused to, even seemed repelled


  by the water. It struck her as odd: they had been making


  excellent time from Mournhold, and surely he must be thirsty.


  She dismounted and joined her retinue.

  “Where are we now?” she asked.


  One of her ladies pulled out a map. “I thought we were


  approaching a town called Gilverdale.”

  Almalexia closed her eyes and opened them again quickly. The


  vision was too much to bear. As her followers watched, she


  picked up a piece of brick and a fragment of bone, and clutched


  them to her heart.

  “We must continue on to Artaeum,” she said quietly.

  “我们必须继续向 前进,”她尽量平稳地说道。

  The Year continues in First Seed.



  Ansilvund Burial Chambers (Eastmarch), in the second section,

  large room with the hanging cages, on a pressurized pedestal.


  Darklight Tower (The Rift), near the entrance to Darklight Chambers, on a table.


  Movarth's Lair (Hjaalmarch), in the part of the cave accessed via the passage to the left of Movarth's throne, on an end table.


  Temple of Dibella, Inner Sanctum (Markarth), on the lowest

  shelf of a bookcase in a long row of books.


  On an island between Reachcliff Cave and Old Hroldan Inn (The Reach), at the top of a waterfall cliff, in an apprentice-locked chest. (map)


  Skill: Illution



  Agrius's Journal


  by Agrius


  Neverthought I'd see the day we were run out of the


  KnifepointGang. Least the storm should cover our tracks. Vidgrod, Raen, and I tookshelter in a cave for the night.


  Lookslike there's an old ruin here. Least there are no



  Vidgrodand Raen both want to set up here for a while,


  maybedo some raiding. They ought to know better- the road's


  deserted,especially this time of year. Plenty of better places up north. But they seemawfully insistent about


  stayinghere. Wouldn't even lend a hand when I went out to



  Something'swrong. Raen hasn't said a word since she woke


  upthis morning, just keeps staring off into space. Vidgrod


  isn'tmuch better. They sick? Not like any illness I ever


  heardof. I'd just walk out on them, but I can't seem to


  getup the nerve. I feel like something's holding me back. What is this place?

  We'renot alone. I can hear him now. Someone, speaking in


  mymind. Old. Powerful. Halldir, that's the name. He wants


  somethingfrom us. Needs us to stay for the magic to work.


  Itried to run, can't. Just like them.

  Raenjumped first. Onto the cairn. That's what Master wants


  -blood, sacrifice, power to live again. His magic, I can


  feelit pulsing in my blood. He's draining us. We'll serve


  himsoon, our bodies, our souls. Just like the others.


  They'rewaiting. It's my turn.




  卷三 2920年

  First Seed


  Book Three of 2920

  卷三 2920年

  The Last Year of the First Era



  Carlovac Townway


  15 First Seed, 2920 Caer Suvio, Cyrodiil


  From their vantage point high in the hills, the Emperor Reman


  III could still see the spires of the Imperial City, but he

  knew he was far away from hearth and home. Lord Glavius had


  a luxurious villa, but it was not close to being large enough to house the entire army within its walls. Tents lined the


  hillsides, and the soldiers were flocking to enjoy his lordship's famous hot springs. Little wonder: winter chill


  still hung in the air.

  “Prince Juilek, your son, is not feeling well.”


  When Potentate Versidue-Shaie spoke, the Emperor jumped. How


  that Akavir could slither across the grass without making a


  sound was a mystery to him.

  “Poisoned, I'd wager,” grumbled Reman. “See to it he gets a


  healer. I told him to hire a taster like I have, but the boy's


  headstrong. There are spies all around us, I know it.”


  “I believe you're right, your imperial majesty,” said


  Versidue-Shaie. “These are treacherous times, and we must take


  precautions to see that Morrowind does not win this war, either


  on the field or by more insidious means. That is why I would suggest that you not lead the vanguard into battle. I know


  you would want to, as your illustrious ancestorsReman I, Brazollus Dor, and Reman II did, but I fear it would be


  foolhardy. I hope you do not mind me speaking frankly like this.”

  “No,” nodded Reman. “I think you're right. Who would lead the


  vanguard then?”

  “I would say Prince Juilek, if he were feeling better,” replied


  the Akavir. “Failing that, Storig of Farrun, with Queen Naghea


  of Riverhold at left flank, and Warchief Ulaqth of Lilmoth


  at right flank.”

  “A Khajiit at left flank and an Argonian at right,” frowned


  the Emperor. “I never do trust beastfolk.”


  The Potentate took no offense. He knew that “beastfolk”


  referred to the natives of Tamriel, not to the Tsaesci of Akavir


  like himself. “I quite agree your imperial majesty, but you


  must agree that they hate the Dunmer. Ulaqth has a particular


  grudge after all the slave-raids on his lands by the Duke of Mournhold.”

  The Emperor conceded it was so, and the Potentate retired.


  It was surprising, thought Reman, but for the first time, the


  Potentate seemed trustworthy. He was a good man to have on


  one's side.

  18 First Seed, 2920 Ald Erfoud, Morrowind


  “How far is the Imperial Army?” asked Vivec.


  “Two days' march,” replied his lieutenant. “If we march all


  night tonight, we can get higher ground at the Pryai tomorrow


  morning. Our intelligence tells us the Emperor will be commanding the rear, Storig of Farrun has the vanguard, Naghea


  of Riverhold at left flank, and Ulaqth of Lilmoth at right flank.”

  “Ulaqth,” whispered Vivec, an idea forming. “Is this


  intelligence reliable? Who brought it to us?”


  “A Breton spy in the Imperial Army,” said the lieutenant and


  gestured towards a young, sandy-haired man who stepped forward


  and bowed to Vivec.

  “What is your name and why is a Breton working for us against


  the Cyrodiils?” asked Vivec, smiling.


  “My name is Cassyr Whitley of Dwynnen,” said the man. “And

  “我是凯索 惠特利,来自德温安,”年轻人回答。“而我之所以会为您工作是因

  I am working for you because not everyone can say he spied


  for a god. And I understood it would be, well, profitable.”


  Vivec laughed, “It will be, if your information is accurate.”


  19 First Seed, 2920 Bodrums, Morrowind


  The quiet hamlet of Bodrum looked down on the meandering river,


  the Pryai. It was an idyllic site, lightly wooded where the


  water took the bend around a steep bluff to the east with a gorgeous wildflower meadow to the west. The strange flora of


  Morrowind met the strange flora of Cyrodiil on the border and


  commingled gloriously.

  “There will be time to sleep when you've finished!”


  The soldiers had been hearing that all morning. It was not


  enough that they had been marching all night, now they were


  chopping down trees on the bluff and damming the river so its


  waters spilled over. Most of them had reached the point where


  they were too tired to complain about being tired.

  “Let me be certain I understand, my lord,” said Vivec's


  lieutenant. “We take the bluff so we can fire arrows and spells


  down on them from above. That's why we need all the trees cleared out. Damming the river floods the plain below so


  they'll be trudging through mud, which should hamper their



  “That's exactly half of it,” said Vivec approvingly. He


  grabbed a nearby soldier who was hauling off the trees. “Wait,


  I need you to break off the straightest, strongest branches of the trees and whittle them into spears. If you recruit a


  hundred or so others, it won't take you more than a few hours to make all we need.”

  The soldier wearily did as he was bade. The men and women got


  to work, fashioning spears from the trees.

  “If you don't mind me asking,” said the lieutenant. “The


  soldiers don't need any more weapons. They're too tired to


  hold the ones they've got.”

  “These spears aren't for holding,” said Vivec and whispered,


  “If we tired them out today, they'll get a good night's sleep


  tonight” before he got to work supervising their work.

  It was essential that they be sharp, of course, but equally


  important that they be well balanced and tapered proportionally. The perfect point for stability was a pyramid,


  not the conical point of some lances and spears. He had the men hurl the spears they had completed to test their strength,


  sharpness, and balance, forcing them to begin on a new one


  if they broke. Gradually, out of sheer exhaustion from doing


  it wrong, the men learned how to create the perfect wooden spears. Once they were through, he showed them how they were


  to be arranged and where.

  That night, there was no drunken pre-battle carousing, and


  no nervous neophytes stayed up worrying about the battle to


  come. As soon as the sun sank beneath the wooded hills, the


  camp was at rest, but for the sentries.

  20 First Seed, 2920, Bodrum, Morrowind


  Miramor was exhausted. For last six days, he had gambled and


  whored all night and then marched all day. He was looking


  forward to the battle, but even more than that, he was looking


  forward to some rest afterwards. He was in the Emperor's

  command at the rear flank, which was good because it seemed


  unlikely that he would be killed. On the other hand, it meant


  traveling over the mud and waste the army ahead left in their wake.

  As they began the trek through the wildflower field, Miramor


  and all the soldiers around him sank ankle-deep in cold mud.


  It was an effort to even keep moving. Far, far up ahead, he


  could see the vanguard of the army led by Lord Storig emerging from the meadow at the base of a bluff.

  That was when it all happened.


  An army of Dunmer appeared above the bluff like rising Daedra,


  pouring fire and floods of arrows down on the vanguard.


  Simultaneously, a company of men bearing the flag of the Duke


  of Mournhold galloped around the shore, disappearing along


  the shallow river's edge where it dipped to a timbered glen

  to the east. Warchief Ulaqth nearby on the right flank let out a bellow of revenge at the sight and gave chase. Queen


  Naghea sent her flank towards the embankment to the west to


  intercept the army on the bluff.

  The Emperor could think of nothing to do. His troops were too


  bogged down to move forward quickly and join the battle. He


  ordered them to face east towards the timber, in case


  Mournhold's company was trying to circle around through the


  woods. They never came out, but many men, facing west, missed


  the battle entirely. Miramor kept his eyes on the bluff.

  A tall Dunmer he supposed must have been Vivec gave a signal,


  and the battlemages cast their spells at something to the west.


  From what transpired, Miramor deduced it was a dam. A great


  torrent of water spilled out, washing Naghea's left flank into


  the remains of the vanguard and the two together down river to the east.

  The Emperor paused, as if waiting for his vanquished army to


  return, and then called a retreat. Miramor hid in the bushes


  until they had passed by and then waded as quietly as he could to the bluff.

  The Morrowind army was retiring as well back to their camp.


  He could hear them celebrating above him as he padded along


  the shore. To the east, he saw the Imperial Army. They had


  been washed into a net of spears strung across the river,


  Naghea's left flank on Storig's vanguard on Ulaqth's right flank, bodies of hundreds of soldiers strung together like beads.

  Miramor took whatever valuables he could carry from the


  corpses and then ran down the river. He had to go many miles


  before the water was clear again, unpolluted by blood.

  29 First Seed, 2920, Hegathe, Hammerfell


  “You have a letter from the Imperial City,” said the chief


  priestess, handing the parchment to Corda. All the young


  priestesses smiled and made faces of astonishment, but the


  truth was that Corda's sister Rijja wrote very often, at least once a month.

  Corda took the letter to the garden to read it, her favorite


  place, an oasis in the monochromatic sand-colored world of


  the conservatorium. The letter itself was nothing unusual: filled with court gossip, the latest fashions which were


  tending to winedark velvets, and reports of the Emperor's ever-growing paranoia.

  “You are so lucky to be away from all of this,” wrote Rijja.


  “The Emperor is convinced that his latest battlefield fiasco


  is all a result of spies in the palace. He has even taken to


  questioning me. Ruptga keep it so you never have a life as


  interesting as mine.”

  Corda listened to the sounds of the desert and prayed to Ruptga


  the exact opposite wish.


  The Year is Continued in Rain's Hand.



  House of Clan Cruel-Sea (Windhelm), on a shelf in the bedroom

  upstairs above the dining area with a cooking spit.


  Palace of the Kings Upstairs (Windhelm), on a cupboard in the

  first room to your left as you enter, go upstairs and turn left.


  Wreck of the Brinehammer (The Pale), in the Brinehammer Below

  Deck section in the back on the floor near the foot of a raised bed.


  Castle Volkihar, on the lower of two shelves on the wall, in a small study upstairs.


  卷四 2920年

  Rain's Hand


  Book One of 2920

  卷四 2920年

  The Last Year of the First Era



  Carlovac Townway


  3 Rain's Hand, 2920, Coldharbour, Oblivion


  Sotha Sil proceeded as quickly as he could through the


  blackened halls of the palace, half-submerged in brackish


  water. All around him, nasty gelatinous creatures scurried into the reeds, bursts of white fire lit up the upper arches


  of the hall before disappearing, and smells assaulted him,


  rancid death one moment, sweet flowered perfume the next.


  Several times he had visited the Daedra princes in their


  Oblivion, but every time, something different awaited him.


  He knew his purpose, and refused to be distracted.


  Eight of the more prominent Daedra princes were awaiting him


  in the half-melted, domed room. Azura, Prince of Dusk and Dawn;


  Boethiah, Prince of Plots; Herma-Mora, Daedra of Knowledge; Hircine, the Hunter; Malacath, God of Curses; Mehrunes Dagon,


  Prince of Disaster; Molag Bal, Prince of Rage; Sheogorath,


  the Mad One.

  Above them, the sky cast tormented shadows upon the meeting.


  5 Rain's Hand, 2920, The Isle of Artaeum, Summurset


  Sotha Sil's voice cried out, echoing from the cave, “Move the



  Immediately, the initiates obeyed, rolling aside the great


  boulder that blocked the entrance to the Dreaming Cavern.


  Sotha Sil emerged, his face smeared with ash, weary. He felt


  he had been away for months, years, but only a few days had


  transpired. Lilatha took his arm to help him walk, but he


  refused her help with a kind smile and a shake of his head.

  “Were you ... successful?” she asked.


  “The Daedra princes I spoke with have agreed to our terms,”


  he said flatly. “Disasters such as befell Gilverdale should


  be averted. Only through certain intermediaries such as witches or sorcerers will they answer the call of man and mer.”

  “And what did you promise them in return?” asked the Nord boy



  “The deals we make with Daedra,” said Sotha Sil, continuing


  on to Iachesis' palace to meet with the Master of the Psijic


  Order. “Should not be discussed with the innocent.”

  8 Rain's Hand, 2920, The Imperial City, Cyrodiil


  A storm billeted the windows of the Prince's bedchamber,


  bringing a smell of moist air to mix with the censors filled


  with burning incense and herbs.

  “A letter has arrived from the Empress, your mother,” said


  the courier. “Anxiously inquiring after your health.”

  “What frightened parents I have!” laughed Prince Juilek from


  his bed.

  “It is only natural for a mother to worry,” said


  Savirien-Chorak, the Potentate's son.

  “There is everything unnatural about my family, Akavir. My


  exiled mother fears that my father will imagine me of being


  a traitor, covetous of the crown, and is having me poisoned,”


  the Prince sank back into his pillow, annoyed. “The Emperor


  has insisted on me having a taster for all my meals as he does.”

  “There are many plots,” agreed the Akavir. “You have been abed


  for nearly three weeks with every healer in the empire


  shuffling through like a slow ballroom dance. At least, all


  can see that you're getting stronger.”

  “Strong enough to lead the vanguard against Morrowind soon,


  I hope,” said Juilek.

  11 Rain's Hand, 2920, The Isle of Artaeum, Summurset


  The initiates stood quietly in a row along the arbor loggia,


  watching the long, deep, marble-lined trench ahead of them


  flash with fire. The air above it vibrated with the waves of


  heat. Though each student kept his or her face sturdy and


  emotionless, as a true Psijic should, their terror was nearly

  as palpable as the heat. Sotha Sil closed his eyes and uttered


  the charm of fire resistance. Slowly, he walked across the


  basin of leaping flames, climbing to the other side, unscathed. Not even his white robe had been burned.

  “The charm is intensified by the energy you bring to it, by


  your own skills, just as all spells are,” he said. “Your


  imagination and your willpower are the keys. There is no need for a spell to give you a resistance to air, or a resistance


  to flowers, and after you cast the charm, you must forget there


  is even a need for a spell to give you resistance to fire.

  Do not confuse what I am saying: resistance is not about


  ignoring the fire's reality. You will feel the substance of


  flame, the texture of it, its hunger, and even the heat of it, but you will know that it will not hurt or injure you.”

  The students nodded and one by one, they cast the spell and


  made the walk through the fire. Some even went so far as to


  bend over and scoop up a handful of fire and feed it air, so


  it expanded like a bubble and melted through their fingers.


  Sotha Sil smiled. They were fighting their fear admirably.

  The Chief Proctor Thargallith came running from the arbor

  这时,首席学监法尔加利斯从藤架拱门跑来,“索塔 希尔!阿玛莱希雅已经到达

  arches, “Sotha Sil! Almalexia has arrived on Artaeum. Iachesis


  told me to fetch you.”

  Sotha Sil turned to Thargallith for only a moment, but he knew


  instantly from the screams what had transpired. The Nord lad


  Wellig had not cast the spell properly and was burning. The smell of scorched hair and flesh panicked the other students


  who were struggling to get out of the basin, pulling him with


  them, but the incline was too steep away from the entry points. With a wave of his hand, Sotha Sil extinguished the flame.

  Wellig and several other students were burned, but not badly.


  The sorcerer cast a healing spell on them, before turning back


  to Thargallith.

  “I'll be with you in a moment, and give Almalexia the time


  to shake the road dust from her train,” Sotha Sil turned back

  to the students, his voice flat. “Fear does not break spells,


  but doubt and incompetence are the great enemies of any


  spellcaster. Master Welleg, you will pack your bags. I'll arrange for a boat to bring you to the mainland tomorrow



  The sorcerer found Almalexia and Iachesis in the study,


  drinking hot tea, and laughing. She was more beautiful than


  he had remembered, though he had never before seen her so disheveled, wrapped in a blanket, dangling her damp long black


  tresses before the fire to dry. At Sotha Sil's approach, she


  leapt to her feet and embraced him.

  “Did you swim all the way from Morrowind?” he smiled.


  “It's pouring rain from Skywatch down to the coast,” she


  explained, returning his smile.

  “Only a half a league away, and it never rains here,” said


  Iachesis proudly. “Of course, I sometimes miss the excitement


  of Summurset, and sometimes even the mainland itself. Still,


  I'm always very impressed by anyone out there who gets anything


  accomplished. It is a world of distractions. Speaking of distractions, what's all this I hear about a war?”

  “You mean the one that's been bloodying the continent for the


  last eighty years, Master?” asked Sotha Sil, amused.


  “I suppose that's the one I mean,” said Iachesis with a shrug


  of his shoulders. “How is that war going?”


  “We will lose it, unless I can convince Sotha Sil to leave


  Artaeum,” said Almalexia, losing her smile. She had meant to


  wait and talk to her friend in private, but the old Altmer


  gave her courage to press on. “I have had visions; I know it


  to be true.”

  Sotha Sil was silent for a moment, and then looked at Iachesis,


  “I must return to Morrowind.”

  “Knowing you, if you must do something, you will,” sighed the


  old Master. “The Psijics' way is not to be distracted. Wars


  are fought, Empires rise and fall. You must go, and so must



  “What do you mean, Iachesis? You're leaving the island?”


  “No, the island will be leaving the sea,” said Iachesis, his


  voice taking on a dreamy quality. “In a few years, the mists


  will move over Artaeum and we will be gone. We are counselors


  by nature, and there are too many counselors in Tamriel as


  it is. No, we will go, and return when the land needs us again, perhaps in another age.”

  The old Altmer struggles to his feet, and drained the last


  sip of his drink before leaving Sotha Sil and Almalexia alone:


  “Don't miss the last boat.”

  The Year Continues in Second Seed.



  Blind Cliff Bastion (The Reach) on Petra (only as part of quest The Affairs of Hagravens).


  Falion's House (Morthal), on a table.


  Hall of the Dead (Markarth), on the shelf next to the priest's bed.


  370 ft NNE of Journeyman's Nook (Winterhold), at the end of a crevasse. (map)


  Behind Widow's Watch Ruins (Haafingar). (map)


  卷五 2920年

  Skill: Restoration


  Second Seed


  Book Five of 2920

  卷五 2920年

  The Last Year of the First Era



  Carlovac Townway


  10 Second Seed, 2920, The Imperial City, Cyrodiil


  “Your Imperial Majesty,” said the Potentate Versidue-Shaie,


  opening the door to his chamber with a smile. “I have not


  seen you lately. I thought perhaps you were ... indisposed with the lovely Rijja.”

  “She's taking the baths at Mir Corrup,” the Emperor Reman


  III said miserably.

  “Please, come in.”


  “I've reached the stage where I can only trust three people:


  you, my son the Prince, and Rijja,” said the Emperor


  petulantly. “My entire council is nothing but a pack of spies.”

  “What seems to be the matter, your imperial majesty?” asked

  “是什么让您如此担忧,陛下?”贝西多 沙耶同情地问,同时拉上他房间里厚

  the Potentate Versidue-Shaie sympathetically, drawing


  closed the thick curtain in his chamber. Instantly all


  sound outside the room was extinguished, echoing footsteps in the marble halls and birds in the springtide gardens.

  “I've discovered that a notorious poisoner, an Orma


  tribeswoman from Black Marsh called Catchica, was with the


  army at Caer Suvio while we were encamped there when my son


  was poisoned, before the battle at Bodrum. I'm sure she


  would have preferred to kill me, but the opportunity didn't present itself,” The Emperor fumed. “The Council suggests that we need evidence of her involvement before we prosecute.”

  “Of course they would,” said the Potentate thoughtfully.


  “Particularly if one or more of them was in on the plot. I


  have a thought, your imperial majesty.”

  “Yes?” said Reman impatiently. “Out with it!”


  “Tell the Council you're dropping the matter, and I will


  send out the Guard to track this Catchica down and follow


  her. We will see who her friends are, and perhaps get an


  idea of the scope of this plot on your imperial majesty's life.”

  “Yes,” said Reman with a satisfied frown. “That's a capital


  plan. We will track this scheme to whomever it leads to.”


  “Decidedly, your imperial majesty,” smiled the Potentate,


  parting the curtain so the Emperor could leave. In the


  hallway outside was Versidue-Shaie's son, Savirien-Chorak. 然后走进了房间。

  The boy bowed to the Emperor before entering the Potentate's chamber.

  “Are you in trouble, father?” whispered the Akaviri lad.


  “I heard the Emperor found out about whatshername, the



  “The great art of speechcraft, my boy,” said Versidue-Shaie


  to his son. “Is to tell them what they want to hear in a


  way that gets them to do what you want them to do. I need


  you to get a letter to Catchica, and make certain that she


  understands that if she does not follow the instructions perfectly, she is risking her own life more than ours.”

  13 Second Seed, 2920, Mir Corrup, Cyrodiil


  Rijja sank luxuriantly into the burbling hot spring,


  feeling her skin tingle like it was being rubbed by millions


  of little stones. The rock shelf over her head sheltered


  her from the misting rain, but let all the sunshine in,


  streaming in layers through the branches of the trees. It


  was an idyllic moment in an idyllic life, and when she was


  finished she knew that her beauty would be entirely restored. The only thing she needed was a drink of water. The bath itself, while wonderfully fragrant, tasted always of chalk.

  “Water!” she cried to her servants. “Water, please!”


  A gaunt woman with rags tied over her eyes ran to her side


  and dropped a goatskin of water. Rijja was about to laugh


  at the woman's prudery -- she herself was not ashamed of


  her naked body -- but then she noticed through a crease in the rags that the old woman had no eyes at all. She was


  like one of those Orma tribesmen Rijja had heard about, but

  never met. Born without eyes, they were masters of their


  other senses. The Lord of Mir Corrup hired very exotic


  servants, she thought to herself.

  In a moment, the woman was gone and forgotten. Rijja found


  it very hard to concentrate on anything but the sun and the


  water. She opened the cork, but the liquid within had a


  strange, metallic smell to it. Suddenly, she was aware that


  she was not alone.

  “Lady Rijja,” said the captain of the Imperial Guard. “You


  are, I see, acquainted with Catchica?”

  “I've never heard of her,” stammered Rijja before becoming


  indignant. “What are you doing here? This body is not for


  your leering eyes.”

  “Never heard of her, when we saw her with you not a minute


  ago,” said the captain, picking up the goatskin and


  smelling it. “Brought you neivous ichor, did she? To poison the Emperor with?”

  “Captain,” said one of the guards, running up to him quickly.


  “We cannot find the Argonian. It is as if she disappeared


  into the woods.”

  “Yes, they're good at that,” said the captain. “No matter


  though. We've got her contact at court. That should please


  his Imperial Majesty. Seize her.”

  As the guards pulled the writhing naked woman from the pool,


  she screamed, “I'm innocent! I don't know what this is all


  about, but I've done nothing! The Emperor will have your heads for this!”

  “Yes, I imagine he will,” smiled the captain. “If he trusts





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