
时间:2016-08-10 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名

Film reels – Central

While the entire game world is open to you from the beginning of the game, Cole Phelps begins his career in LA's Central district. With that in mind, we'll start our search at the southeastern corner of the map, and gradually work our way northwest to Hollywood from there.

1. Notorious

At the eastern edge of the map, there's a nameless road that intersects with Olympic Blvd. Just north of that intersection, you'll find a dirt road that leads to this warehouse:

Drive inside the open loading doors to the south, and you'll see a little office on your right. The first reel is waiting on the floor.

11. The Maltese Falcon

Just northwest of Grand Ave. (and one block north of 1st Street), you'll see a mostly fenced-in alley/semi-vacant area next to the Globe Bakery. Head in through the south entrance.

Once you've entered, immediately turn right and head into the Globe's backyard.

You'll see the next reel along the inside of the southern fence, just waiting to be grabbed.

12. Angels With Dirty Faces

While the map above shows the next reel's location as the corner of 2nd and Spring, you won't find it just lying on the street. Instead, you'll need to look for the ladder up to the construction site on 2nd, between Spring and Broadway.

Once you climb up, head right from the ladder and follow the walkway as it curves around to the left. You should see a little makeshift hut:

Head inside, and you'll see the 1938 James Cagney classic sitting on the edge of a wire-spool table.

2. Double Indemnity

Not too far north of where you found Notorious, and off the same nameless road, you'll see a military base. Its front entrance, which you should smash right through, looks like this:

Drive up to the first building on your left. Just to the west of it, you'll see a pathway sloping downward. Follow it.

Follow the path behind the building pictured above, and you'll find a practice range. The second reel is sitting on one of the tables in front of it:

3. Body and Soul

This one's tricky, because you'll need to actually get inside of the 7th St. bridge. If you're coming from the direction of the nameless road, squeeze past the bridge's right side, like so:

This will bring you to one of LA's many drainage canals. Just drive straight across to the other side.

Once there, hang a left and head for the collection of bridge supports that look like this:

Hidden behind them on the big support, you'll see a little door. Head on in.

Climb the stairs and head to bear right, past a couple of hobos:

Just past the barrels pictured below, you'll find the next reel:

4. Detour

A few blocks southwest of the 7th Street bridge, there's see a railroad depot situated just north of Bay Street (the below is what it looks like if you're coming from Alameda). Head for its western end.

Curl around to the north side of the depot, and you'll see a couple of red cars standing close together under the awning. The next reel is on the ground between them.

5. Scarlet Street

Once you've got Reel 4, head up to 6th Street and find the alley to the north of it (near 6th and Alameda):

Once you're in the (surprisingly spacious) alley, head for the northern edge of the loading dock to the east.

The reel is on the ground, next to a dumpster. Looks like someone got a little too careless with their print of Scarlet Street.

6. Gun Crazy

After grabbing Scarlet Street, head north to 1st Street and follow it east (or just fast-travel, whichever). Shortly after crossing the bridge, you'll see train tracks headed south, past this parking structure. Your target is the small water tower just visible under the arrow:

Head over to it, and you'll see the next reel laying on the ground, semi-hidden by a pipe.

7. House of Bamboo

Head back west along 1st Street, and head south at Alameda. There's a factory on the eastern side of the street; here's what it looks like when you're coming up from the south:

Smash through the gates in front of the place and drive on it. If you're approaching from Alameda, you'll see a staircase on the right that looks like this:

Climb that sucker and look to the right. The next reel is in plain sight near the corner of the catwalk.

8. Pickup on South Street

Here's an easy one: just go to Union Station. If you haven't found it (which you normally will in the second Traffic-desk case), take Alameda north and it'll be on your right. Once you've find it, you can tick a landmark off your list and head inside the southernmost entrance.

Run around the locker kiosk, and you'll see a little gift stand on the right.

The next reel is on the counter, freely available for you to grab.

9. Leave Her to Heaven

Northwest of Union Station, nestled at the corner of a couple of nameless streets, you'll find a decrepit public pool. Here's what it looks like from the street to its north:

As you're heading over to the entrance on the pool's east end, take a look a tthe fenced yard. You'll see the next reel sitting near a tree.

To get to it, just head in through the front door and hang a right.

10. Key Largo

Did you think the last location was spooky? It can't touch this one for remoteness, even though this place is really just a few blocks northwest of the pool. While you'll visit this eerie ranch house in the final hours of the game, you may as well head over there and grab the reel now. On the north side of the nameless road shown below the "Player" icon above, you'll see the entrance to the ranch's dirt road, which looks like this:

Follow it around until you've driven through the ranch's entry arch, and look for this ramshackle farmhouse:

Head up to the front door, and the reel will be on your left, just waiting to be taken to safety.



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