《英雄无敌7》魔法技能及效果详解 光明与水系魔法技能效果

时间:2016-07-18 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名



  Light Magic comes from Elrath and is linked to ideals of Truth, Justice, and Perfection. Light shines on the virtuous but blinds and burns the impious. It can heal its servants, and even bring them back to life, protect them against various kinds of curses, and pierce through illusions and stealth.


艾尔拉思的信念- Elrath`s Conviction - 冒险魔法- (无技能需求)
The hero gets a buff increasing his Leadership and Defense.

治疗- Heal - 战斗魔法- (无技能需求)
Heals friendly stack, enemy undead stacks are dealt damage.

阳炎光束- Sun Beam - 战斗魔法- (无技能需求)
Single target damage.

天国护甲- Celestial Armor - 战斗魔法- (新手级)
Positive effect: damage received is absorbed up to a fixed value.

净涤之光- Cleansing Light - 战斗魔法- (新手级)
Removes negative effects from target creature.

反惩- Retribution - 战斗魔法- (专家级)
Positive effect: Every time the creature takes damage from another creature, deal light damage to the source of the damage.

阳炎爆- Sun Burst - 战斗魔法- (专家级)
Deals damage form a target tile in all 8 directions to enemy stacks. only the first taget in each direction gets the damage.

复活- Resurrection - 战斗魔法- (大师级)
Heals and resurrects friendly stack, up to the original stack size.

振奋之光- Uplifting Light - (新手)
+X leadership value per light spell cast until end of combat. Capped at +Y.

光明大师I - Master of Light I - (新手)
Heal targets all targets ( friendly creatures and enemyundead creatures) in an area of 4x4 tiles. Stacks damaged by Sun Beam have a 50% chance to receive "Blinded`. Blinded: The creature can`t act and retaliate until the end of its next turn.

光明学士- Light Scholar - (新手)
For the hero the costs of Light magic spells are decreased by X%.

光明领悟- Light Wisdom - (专家)
Cast Light magic spells with +X magic for each wisdom ability.

光明大师II - Master of Light II - (专家)
Celestial Armor and Cleansing Light target all friendly creatures in an area of 3x3 tiles.

光明大师III - Master of Light III - (大师)
Retribution also deals damage to the closest enemy creature if the enchanted creature is hit by a direct damage spell of the enemy hero. Stacks damaged by Sun Burst have a 50% chance to receive `Blinded`. Blinded:The creature can`t act and retaliate until the end of its next turn.

光之选民- Chosen of the Light - (宗师)
Whenever the hero targets a friendly creature with a positive light magic spell, its attack and defense me increased by X, morale and luck by Y and it deals maximum damage until the end of turn.



Paragon will increase the hero’s experience gain


交流学者- Scholar - (新手)
Interaction with friendly heroes teaches them all spells of the hero if the required skill to cast them is learned.

英武斗士- Fighter - (新手)
Might and Defense of the hero is increased by 2.

龙血之道- Dragon Blood - (新手)
Magic and Spirit of the hero is increased by 2.

神秘直觉- Arcane Intuition - (专家)
Whenever an enemy hero casts a spell in a combat, the hero has a 50% chance to learn this spell if he has the required skill to cast it.

启蒙导师- Enlightened Leader - (专家)
Governor: The experience gain is increased by 30% in the area of control of this town.

良师益友- Mentor - (大师)
Interaction with friendly heroes raises their experience points to 25 % of the hero`s current experience.

魔法大师- Master of Magic - (宗师)
The hero can cast all spells on the Master rank if he learned at least the novice rank of the respective school of magic.


  Exploration: Increases the hero`s movement by X per day.


顺手攫取- Snatch - (新手)

The hero does not spend movement points to pick up resources, access buildings and other similar actions.


根生土长- Native Terrain - (新手)

Governor: All friendly heroes in the town`s area of control have their movement cost over land reduced by X%.


船舶领航- Navigation - (新手)

The movement cost when sailing with a ship is reduced by X%.


敌情侦察- Scouting - (专家)

The hero`s scouting range is increased by 2 and allows him/her to see the precise number of creature stacks & the enemy heroes` buffs within his/her scouting range.


寻路觅径- Pathfinding - (专家)

There is no movement penalty on rough terrain for this hero.


漂泊无定- Rover - (大师)

Temporary stat increases from adventure map locations are doubled for this hero.


轻车熟路- Familiar Terrain - (宗师)

The hero`s movement costs over land of tiles inside friendly areas of control is reduced by X%.



Leadership: Increases Leadership by X (adds to creature morale.

排兵布阵- Tactics - (新手)
The hero can rearrange his creatures in the first 3 rows in tactics phase.

百折不挠- Resolution - (新手)
When a friendly creature wouldn`t be able to act during its turn because of bad moral, it gets a half turn instead (half movement and half damage) .

爱国志士- Patriot - (新手)
Governor: All friendly heroes in the town`s area of control get +X Leadership for combats.

多多益善- Outnumbering - (专家)
The hero can deploy two more creature stacks in combat. Therefor he has two more creature slots in his deployment bar during Tactics phase.

战前动员- Rousing Speech - (专家)
The initiative and morale of creatures in the hero`s army are increased each by X for the first 3 rounds of the combat.

身先士卒- Leading by Example - (大师)
If the hero attacks an enemy creature all your creatures attack this creature with +X attack for this round.

天降援军- Reinforcements - (宗师)
The stack sizes of all creatures in the hero`s army are increased by 5% at the start of each battle. (removed at the end of the combat).



  Water Magic comes from Shalassa and is linked to its various aspects (oceans, lakes, brooks, springs, rain, mist, steam, snow, ice, blood and tears…) but also to the emotions, the intuition, the creativity and empathy. Water magic renders the body and the mind as malleable as a liquid. It can conjure dream visions, trigger violent emotions, but can also drown armies of enemies in tidal waves, or freeze them to death in raging blizzards.


莎拉萨之舟- Vessel of Shalassa - 冒险魔法- (无技能需求)
A ship is created on a random adjacent water tile. / The spell can only be can if the hero is not on a ship already. / The spell cannot be cast when there is no empty adjacent water tile.

迷雾帷幕- Fog Shroud - 战斗魔法- (无技能需求)
Positive effect: target can`t be attacked with ranged attacks and cannot use its range attack and active abilities. The effect is lost if the target deals or receives melee damge.

暴风雪- Blizzard - 战斗魔法- (无技能需求)
Area effect: in a 4X4 area every stack gets a movement reduction debuff for one turn when starting their turn.

冰矢- Frost Bolt - 战斗魔法- (新手级)
Single target damage.

凝冰之击- Ice Strike - 战斗魔法- (新手级)
Target creatures gets the buff freezing strike. when ever this creature attacks or retaliates it deals additional water damage.

严冬冰环- Circle of Winter - 战斗魔法- (专家级)
Area damage circle, 8 tiles around a target tile.

液态护膜- Liquid Membrane - 战斗魔法- (专家级)
Positive effect: All damage dealt to the creature is reduced by 25% before any resistance or immunity effects of the creature are taken into account.

海啸- Tsunami - 战斗魔法- (大师级)
Target area 5x entire width of the battlemap: damage and relocate all non-flyers away from your hero.

流水之盾- Water Shield - (新手)
Grant X% damage protection buff for 3 turns to every friendly creature at combat start. Remove the buff after any damage is received.

水系大师I - Master of Water I - (新手)
Fog Shroud is not removed through dealing or receiving melee damage. The movement reduction debuff applied by Blirzzard lasts for 3 toms.

水系学士- Water Scholar - (新手)
For the hero the costs of Water magic spells are decreased by X%.

水系领悟- Water Wisdom - (专家)
Cast water spells with +X magic for each wisdom ability.

水系大师II - Master of Water II - (专家)
All creatures damaged by Frost Bolt or Ice Strike get the “Deep Freeze” debuff that decreases its movement by X for 3 turns.

水系大师III - Master of Water III - (大师)
Liquid Membrane also increases the movement by X. Circle of Winter also applies `Deep Freeze" that decreases its movement by Y for 3 turns.

霜寒刺骨- Frostbite - (宗师)
At the beginning of an enemy creature`s turn, they get X water magic damage for each water magic debuff currently applied to them.



  Metamagic is Academy`s Faction Skill, as always all skill effects are cumulative. The wizards` mastery of magic allows them to trigger synergies between spells to unleash even more power and destruction on the battlefield.


  Novice - Casting a single target hero spell on a creature under a magic effect triggers Magic Synergy: Increase the duration of positive effects on friendly creatures and the duration of negative effects on enemy creatures by 1.


  Expert - Magic Synergy increases the duration of magic effects by 1


  Master - Magic Synergy increases the duration of magic effects by 1.


蚀魂打击- Soul-Vanishing Strike - (新手)
The hero`s attack also applies the debuff "Soul-Vanishing Strike" on hit creatures. lt reduces all stats of the creature by 1 for its next 3 turns.

魔力提升- Magic Exaltation- (新手)
If a spell will trigger a Magic Synergy it will be cast with +X Magic.

魔力协调- Magic Attunement - (新手)
If a spell triggered a Magic Synergy the hero regains 50% of the spell`s mana cost.

魔力增幅- Magic Amplification - (专家)
Every triggered Magic Synergy increases your Magic by 1 until the end of combat with a maximum of 10.

削弱射击- Debilitating Shot - (专家)
The hero`s Small Pyramid (attack warfare unit) reduces the defense of the creature hit by X until the next 3 turns of the creature.

区域共鸣- Area Synergy- (大师)
All spells of the hero trigger Magic synergy.

心领神会- Clarity - (宗师)
For every Magic synergy triggered you have a 50% chance to get a second hero action this turn.



  Earth Magic comes from Sylanna and governs the mineral, vegetal and animal kingdoms, involving stone, dust, soil, wood and flesh, but also the feral instincts and the five senses. It is the path that leads to perfect harmony with Nature. It can heal and regenerate what is wounded or weakened, improve the stamina or heighten the senses, remove toxins, poisons, and diseases, but also unleash the powers of nature to turn trees into mighty warriors, or cause earthquakes.


  Earth Magic is favoured by the Elves, and very popular with the Orcs.


西莱纳的馈赠- Sylanna`s Bounty - 冒险魔法- (无技能需求)
[Buff]Target sawmill or ore pit`s production rate is doubled for X days.

石头皮肤- Stone Skin - 战斗魔法- (无技能需求)
[Buff]Targeted creature`s defense is increased by X.

再生- Regeneration - 战斗魔法- (无技能需求)
[Buff]At the beginning of the stack`s turn the stack`s top creature heals X health point (3 turns).

缠绕- Entangle - 战斗魔法- (新手级)
[Buff]Target enemy creature movement points are reduced.

毒液飞沫- Poison Spray - 战斗魔法- (新手级)
[Instant]At the beginning of its turn, the targeted creature recives Earth damage.

石尖刺- Stone Spikes - 战斗魔法- (专家级)
[Instant]Each creature in target area is dealt Earth damage.

地震- Earthquake - 战斗魔法- (专家级)
[Instant]All destructible obstacle and walking creatures on the combat map recive Earth damage.

毒云笼罩- Poison Cloud - 战斗魔法- (大师级)
Creates a poison cloud on a 3x3 area for 3 turns. At the beginning of a combat turn the poison cloud expands by 1 tile in each direction. - On casting each creature standing in the target area is dealt Earth damage. "Undeacd" and "Construct" creatures are immune. - Whenever a creature moves onto a tile of the poison cloud. it is dealt earth damage, but it can continue its movement. - Any creature that starts its turn while standing in the poison cloud receives the same damage. / Each stack is only damaged once per combat turn from this effect.

坚如磐石- Rock Solid - (新手)
+X defense value per Earth spell cast by the hero until end of combat.

土系大师I - Master of Earth I - (新手)
Stone Skin and Regeneration target friendly creatures in an area of 4x4 tiles.

土系学士- Earth Scholar - (新手)
For the hero the costs of Earth magic spells are decreased by X%.

土系领悟- Earth Wisdom - (专家)
Cast Earth magic spells with +X magic for each wisdom ability.

土系大师II - Master of Earth II - (专家)
Creatures with Entangle applied receive earth magic damage if they leave their tile. The duration of Poison Spray is increased to 10 turns.

土系大师III - Master of Earth III - (大师)
Earthquake deals double damage to any already damaged wall. Stone Spikes deals double the damage to the creature on the center tile.

自然活力- Nature`s Vitality - (宗师)
Friendly creatures` health points are increased by X%.



  Dark Magic comes from Malassa and is related to the mysterious, unfathomable shadows, to the subconscious mind, and to the lethargic, and sometimes lethal, powers of sleep, fatigue and coma. Darkness hides and shelters its followers but weakens its enemies and feeds them with intangible horrors or disruptive delusion. It can wrap allies in shadows to help them disappear from view, drain the life force of enemies until they fall unconscious, or conjure their worst nightmares in their mind until they flee in terror or become catatonic.


  Dark Magic is favoured by the Faceless and the Dark Elves, and very popular within the Necromancers.


马拉萨的诱惑- Malassa`s Temptation - 冒险魔法- (无技能需求)
[Buff] The chance for negotiations with neutral armies is increased.

绝望- Despair - 战斗魔法- (无技能需求)
[Buff] Targeted enemy creature`s moral is decreased.

虚弱- Weakness - 战斗魔法- (无技能需求)
[Buff] Targeted enemy creature`s attack value is decreased for 3 turns.

恐吓面容- Face of Fear - 战斗魔法- (新手级)
[Buff] Enemy stacks that get attacked by targeted creature move away two tiles in the opposite direction in a straight line of as far as possible after being attacked. Diagonally the stack only moves 1 tile. (3 turns)

清除- Purge - 战斗魔法- (新手级)
[Instant] Removes X random positive magic effects from the target stack

痛苦- Agony - 战斗魔法- (专家级)
[Buff] Targeted enemy creature receives Dark Magic damages at the beginning of its turn (3 turns)

阴影镜像- Shado - 战斗魔法- (专家级)
[Instant] Summon a copy of target stack (size determined by Skill rank). When the summoned stack receives any damage it is destroyed completely.

阴影披风- Shadow Cloak - 战斗魔法- (大师级)
[Buff] The next two attacks (melee, ranged, retaliation or hero attack) automatically miss the targeted creature (dealing no damage and triggering no effects).

灵魂收割- Soul Harvest - (新手)
Whenever a basic hero attack kills at least one creature the hero gains X mana.

黑暗大师I - Master of Darkness I - (新手)
Despair and Weakness target all enemy creatures in an area of 4x4 tiles.

黑暗学士- Darkness Scholar - (新手)
For the hero the costs of Darkness magic spells are decreased by X%.

黑暗领悟- Darkness Wisdom - (专家)
Cast Darkness magic spells with +X magic for each wisdom ability.

黑暗大师II - Master of Darkness II - (专家)
Purge also adds the Curse debuffs (3 turns). The creature cannot be the target of positive spells or buffs. Enemy creatures attacked with Face of Fear receives the Catatonic Fear debuff making it lose its retaliation for the next 2 creature turns.

黑暗大师III - Master of Darkness III - (大师)
Agony targets all enemy creatures in an area of 4x4 tiles. Any Shadow comes into play with the "Shadow Cloak" buff.

恐惧阴影- Shadow of Dread - (宗师)
Whenever a dark magic spell of the hero hits an enemy creature, it loses X% of its stacksize. Creatures lost this way return to their army in case the hero won the combat.



With each skill rank you unlock, you will be granted X Offense points

百步穿杨- Achery - (新手)
There is no half range penalty for ranged attacks.

好勇斗狠- Battle Frenzy - (新手)
The damage of melee creatures in the hero`s army is increased by X.

箭无虚发- Accuray - (新手)
The damage of ranged creature in hero`s army is increased by X..

本土作战- Homeland - (专家)
Governor: All friendly heroes fighting in the town`s area of control get +X Might.

巨人杀手- Giant Slayer - (专家)
The hero`s creatures have +X attack when attacking or retaliating large (2x2) creatures.

包抄大师- Master Flanker - (大师)
The flanking and full flanking bonus is increased by X.

攻无不克- Perfect Offense - (宗师)
The hero`s creatures` attack value is raised to match its targets` defense value automatically when attacking.



With each skill rank you unlock, you will be granted X Defense points

身强体壮- Vitality - (新手)
The health of creatures in the hero`s army is increased by X.

保家卫国- Town Protector - (新手)
Governor: The local guard`s core creature capacities are increased by X and for elite creatures by Y."

不动如山- Defensive Stance - (新手)
If friendly creatures did not attack or use an active ability during their turn, their defense value is increased by X until the beginning of their next turn.

火力规避- Evasion - (专家)
The defense of creatures in the hero`s army is increased by X against all ranged attacks.

先发制人- Preemptive Strike - (专家)
The retaliation of defending creatures is performed before the attacker`s strike.

眼观六路- Alertness - (大师)
Enemy creature`s flanking and full flanking bonus pecentages are subtracted by 25 points.

无懈可击- Perfect Defense - (宗师)
The hero`s creatures` defense value is raised to match its targets` attack value automatically when attacking.



With each skill rank you unlock, you chance for successful negotiations with neutral armies will be improved by X%.

物尽其用- Adaptability - (新手)
When visiting or being in the garrison, town level layers can be dismantled instead of destroyed to regain some resources.

特赦恩典- Amnesty - (新手)
The costs for surrender in combats is halves.

必要之盟- Necessary Alliance - (新手)
There is no morale penalty for foreign creatures in the hero`s army.

巧若银舌- Silver-Tongued- (专家)
Costs for recruiting neutrals are decreased by 25%.

自告奋勇- Volunteers - (专家)
Governor: The growth rate of core dwellings in this town is increased by X per week.


不烂金舌- Golden-Tongued - (大师)
Creatures always offer you to join for free after successful negotiation.

君王风范- Suzerain - (宗师)
Governor: All towns of the player benefit from the hero`s governor abilities. Effects cannot be applied multiple times to the same town.



Economy will increase daily income

市政专员- Town Planner - (新手)
Governor: There can be two buildings build on the same day in this town.

产业能手- Foreman - (新手)
The production of all sawmills and ore pits in the area of the control of this town is increased by 1.

通贸商户- Merchant - (新手)
The trade rates for resources are enhanced like having an additional marketplace.

炼金术师- Alchemist - (专家)
The hero grants one random rare resource per day.

建筑行家- Architect - (专家)
Governor: The gold costs of town buildings are decreased by 20% in this town.

征兵主管- Recruiter - (大师)
Governor: The gold costs for recruiting creatures is decreased by 15% in this town.

理财大师- Estates - (宗师)
The daily income of all friendly towns is increased by 30%.




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