战锤40K战争黎明之灵魂风暴: 对已存在7种族的调整(已翻译)

时间:2016-02-02 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名

SM的GK竟然需要Sacred Artifact ,成了T2.5单位...
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Space Marines:
* Scout Marines build cost increased from 90/0 to 100/0, reinforce cost remains the same
* Force Commander cost reduced from 260/50 to 220/50
* Tactical Missile Launcher reload increased from 5 to 5.75 s
* Tactical Missile Launcher cost reduced from 60/15 to 50/10
* Health and Damage upgrades have been split into two researches each (50/30 first, 100/50 second), mostly same bonuses between the two (ASMs get just +5% from first health research) but same total bonuses to all units
* Tactical Bolters only get 4 heavy weapons with Heavy Weapon Increase, not 5
* Grey Knights need a Sacred Artifact now
* Weaken Resolve is the same
* Monastery cost increased to 300/125 and 90 s
* Fortress Monastery cost increased to 340/340 and 100 s
* Heavy Armor Deployment cost increased to 450/450 and 100 s

* Possessed Space Marines cost increased to 260/120 from 220/100, reinforce cost increased to 65/30 from 55/25, and they now use two slots in a transport.
* Chaos Armory has cost decreased to 175/50 from 200/75
* Desecrated Fortress cost increased to 325/125 and 90 s
* Unholy Monastery cost increased to 340/340 and 100 s
* Chaos Energies cost increased to 450/450

* Howling Banshee Squad unit/squad stats unchanged.
* Warp Spider Squad unit/squad stats unchanged, weapons unchanged, research effects unchanged, Haywires unchanged.
* Soul Shrine cost increased to 225/225
* Mobilize for War cost increased to 340/340 and 100 s
* Annihilate the Enemy cost increased to 350/350 and 100 s
* Optics and Call of War are unchanged
* Armor 1 now increase Banshee health by 90 instead of 15% (gain of 32.25 HP before CoW, 3 HP after) and Banshee Exarch by 235 instead of 30% (gain of 104.5 HP before CoW, loss of 2 HP after)
* Armor 2 now increases Banshee health by 200 instead of 15% (gain 3 HP with CoW) and Banshee Exarchs by (loss of 2 HP with CoW)
* Ranger Infiltration cost increased to 75/75 from 50/50
* Imbue: Fortune cost reduced to 75/35 from 100/50 and 39 s from 35 s
* Imbue: Eldritch Storm cost reduced to 125/40 from 150/50 and 50 s from 70 s

* More Sluggas is a Tier 4 research now. No other changes to it, no limits on Boyz Huts.
* Pile O' Gunz! cost increased to 170/70 from 150/50 and 60 s from 50 s.
* Waaagh! Banner cost increased to 170/0 from 165/0 and 40 s from 37 s
* Orky Fort add-on cost increased to 340/340 from 300/300 and 95 s from 90 s.
* Extra Armor cost increased to 450/450 from 400/400 and 100 s from 96 s.

Imperial Guard:
* Telepathica Temple cost reduced from 75/25 to 50/25
* Basilisk cost reduced from 150/300 to 150/250. No other changes to Basilisk.
* Hellhound accuracy boosted to 80%, damage reduced to maintain DPS, FotM accuracy is 65% up from 35%
* Tactica Control cost increased to 175/50
* Battle Command cost increased to 300/175 and 90 s
* Regimental Command cost increased to 340/340 and 100 s
* Full Scale War cost increased to 450/450 and 100 s
* Heavy Weapons Team cost decreased to 225/50 from 250/50 and 40 s from 45 s
* HWT Lascannon base damage has gone up to 126-158.5 (from 110-137.5), about a 15% buff
* Guardsmen Plasma range increased to 25 from 22 (now 30 after Satellite Targeting Resolution)
* Sentinel has better penetration versus vehicle_high, now 25 (from 15). Sight radius increased to 30 from 25.

* Path to Enlightenment cost increased to 225/225 from 200/200
* Kauyon/Mont'Ka Command Post cost increased to 450/340 from 400/300 and 145 s from 144 s
* Teachings of Kauyon/Mont'Ka cost increased to 450/450 and 100 s
* EMP Grenade recharge time increased to 110 s from 90 s, no other changes
* Sonic Pulse double hit bug fixed. No longer does physical damage, only morale damage.

* Gens now add 25 power to their cost, not just 20.
* First power research effect reduced to 25% from 33%, cost increased to 400 power from 300 power. Second power research cost increased to 600 power from 550 power.
* The time display has been altered to correctly show their time bonus. Instead of showing the completely wrong display using 20% increments, it show the portion of the total bonus (which is a 66.7% reduction) received by adding 15% to the display. It still reduces times by 10% behind the scenes as it always has. Critical Locations have been reduced from a 15% bonus to 10%.
* The monolith does not become more durable as it is upgraded (this was a bug anyways).
* Flayed Ones become more durable with monolith upgrades. Every addon built adds 150 to their health, which is now only 550. These stack, so three fully upgraded monoliths brings them to 1450 HP. Sounds nasty until you consider that's a late T3, possibly T4 situation and is insanely expensive (which is even more expensive with more expensive generators). So they're no longer overpowered when they roll out, but they scale.
* The Necron Lord now gains 450 health with each monolith upgrade that has been built (potentially 4500 HP total if you're willing to blow that much power on it)
*The Necron Lord's jump capacity has been reduced to 1 and 2/3 charges.
* Lightning Field charge limit bug fixed, charging from Necron Lord's melee attacks reduced to 45% from 60%.
* You cannot delete troops possessed by the Deceiver, so don't worry about that exploit.
* Wraith damage reduced from 45-50 to 33-35
* Necron Warriors gain 75 health and 30% damage from their first upgrade (down from 95 and 35%), 50% health and 35% damage from the second (down from 60% and 35%). That's ~100 less health with both upgrades and ~4% less damage after the first upgrade.
* Tomb Spyders have 3000 HP (up from 2700 HP) and melee damage has been reduced to 500-610 (down from 540-670). Their piercing against building_high has also been reduced.
* As part of their reworking, Attack Scarabs now have 85 HP, 20 power reinforce, and a 3.5 s reinforce time.
* Builder Scarab flag raising invulnerability fixed (12 s down to 3 s)
* Immortals can now using Summoning, same properties as Necron Warriors/Flayed Ones.
* Awakened Monolith cost increased to 0/340 from 0/300 and 70 s from 60 s
* Engaged Monolith cost increased to 0/400 from 0/350 and 70 s from 60 s
* Energy Core cost increased to 0/550 from 0/500 and 50 s from 40 s
* Lord Destroyer health increased to 1750 from 1250. Possession casting time decreased to 6 s from 8 s.

*GK建造前提为Sacred Artifact (KB要坑,GK也要庙了...)
*Weaken Resolve未改动(作者也许认为这技能应该被加强,但他失望了,也难怪和它处于同一阶段的锁链那叫一

*T2 300/125/90s
*T3 340/340/100s
*T4 450/450/100s

*T2 325/125/90s
*T3 340/340/100s
*T4 450/450/100s

*Reinforced Armour和Enhanced Reinforced Armour升级将为女妖众带来90/200的生命提升;为Exarch带来

Eldritch Storm由150/50/70s降至125/40/50s
*T2 225/225/100s
*T3 340/340/100s
*T4 350/350/100s

*Unlimted Sluggas Work,无限砍砍现在是一项T4升级,但兵营的数量还是没有限制
*Pile O Gunz!增加至170/70/60s,原先为150/50/50s
*Orky Fort add-on由300/300/90s增加至340/340/95s
*T4 450/450/100s

*Telepathica Temple价格由75/25降至50/25(解锁灵能者建造那个)
*Tactica Control涨价至175/50
*重武器小队造价由250/50/45s降至225/50/40s,AV用的Lascannon DPS提升了约15%
*Sentinel现在可以更好的对付装甲为vehicle_high的单位(landraider baneblade.etc),AP值由15提升至25(相当

*T2 300/175/90s
*T3 340/340/100s
*T4 450/450/100s

*小蜜蜂(Vespid Stingwing Strain)的技能Sonic Pulse双次打击BUG修复,并且不再造成物理伤害(原先是50的无

*T2 225/225/100s
*T3 450/340/145s
*T4 450/450/100s

*Flayed Ones生命削减至550,但是monolith每次升级都可以使FO的生命+150

*Tomb Spyders HP上升,伤害下降
*Lord Destoryer生命由1250增加至1750,占据车辆时间由8秒缩短到6秒(竟然没削弱Stasis Field,ORZ)
*现在不能自爆被the Deceiver占据的车辆(这指得应该是Lord Destoryer干的事情吧,不过原先能么?)
*T2 0/340/70s
*T3 0/400/70s
*T4 0/550/50s

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