
时间:2015-11-15 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名


Total / 奖杯数量 : 50

Secret Trophies/ 隐藏奖杯 : 0

Platinum / 白金 : 1

Gold / 金 : 2

Silver / 银 : 11

Bronze / 铜 : 36

Total Trophy Points / 合计奖杯PTS(日式奖杯计算法) : 1230 pts

Total Trophy Points / 合计奖杯PTS(美式奖杯计算法) : 246 pts

线上奖杯 : 5 (包含白金)

离线奖杯 : 45 (不包含白金)


Total / 成就数量 : 50

成就总分 : 1,000 G

线上成就 : 5 (包含解锁全部成就)

离线成就 : 45 (包含解锁全部成就)

铁拳 TAG TOURNAMENT 2 奖杯/成就列表
图标 奖杯/成就名称 英文注释 中文注释 奖杯 成就分
All Hail,Tekken Incarnate! You earned everything 全奖杯/成就获得 10G
Be Still My Iron Heart You won a ranked match in Online Mode 线上模式打赢1场排名战 15G
Tug at My Iron Heart Strings You won a player match in Online Mode 线上模式打赢1场玩家战 15G
Iron Heartache You fought 3 times in Online Mode 线上模式打过3场 15G
Tekken Black Belt You earned 1st dan in Online Mode 线上模式升上"一段"等级 15G
Enter the Vanquisher! You earned Vanquisher in Offline Mode 离线模式升上"修罗"等级 30G
Behold the Tekken Lord! You became Tekken Lord in Offline Mode 离线模式升上"铁拳王"等级 45G
Preeminent Partner You cleared an Offline Mode arcade battle with a partner 离线模式-组队打通街机模式 15G
Solo Warrior You cleared an Offline Mode arcade battle solo 离线模式-单人打通街机模式 15G
Tenacious Fighter You won 3 team battles in Offline Mode 离线模式-在队伍模式中打赢3组对手 15G
Super-Speed Fists You cleared Offline Mode Time Attack within 20 minutes 离线模式-20分钟内通过竞速模式 15G
Proof of Your Existence You won 10 consecutive battles in Survival in Offline Mode 离线模式-在生存模式中连续打赢10场或以上 30G
Lead Coach You dealt a total of 1,000 damage in Practice in Offline Mode 离线模式-在练习模式中共打出1,000或以上的伤害 20G
Touch-Up Artist You customized a character 编辑过任何1位角色 15G
Dance to Your Own Beat You changed the background music using TEKKEN TUNES 用TEKKEN TUNES编辑过任何1个背景音乐 15G
Movie Buff You unlocked 40 characters' ending movies 解锁40个角色结局动画 30G
Combot,On Standby! You cleared Stage 1 in Fight Lab 完成FIGHT LAB的STAGE 1 15G
Combot,Move Out! You cleared Stage 2 in Fight Lab 完成FIGHT LAB的STAGE 2 15G
Combot,Engage! You cleared Stage 3 in Fight Lab 完成FIGHT LAB的STAGE 3 15G
Combot,Annihilate! You cleared Stage 4 in Fight Lab 完成FIGHT LAB的STAGE 4 15G
Combot,Return to Base! You cleared Stage 5 in Fight Lab 完成FIGHT LAB的STAGE 5 30G
Super Combot DX Complete You unlocked all the content in Fight Lab 解锁全部FIGHT LAB的隐藏要素 45G
PERFECT Player You won a PERFECT battle 任何一场战斗中获得PERFECT 20G
GREAT Gladiator You won a GREAT battle 任何一场战斗中获得GREAT 30G
Secret Weapon You used an item move 用过一次角色特殊武器技 15G
Who You Gonna Call? You defeated 30 ghosts 打赢过30个玩家角色(GHOST) 20G
Bazillionaire You earned over 10,000,000G total 共获得10,000,000G的游戏金币 30G
Fortunate Fighter You earned 3 Lucky Boxes 获得3个幸运箱 30G
Escape Artist You successfully completed 10 throw escapes 成功解投10次 15G
Dish Best Served Cold You pulled off 3 reversals 反击成功3次 15G
Stick It to 'Em You pulled off 10 homing attacks 追尾攻击成功10次 15G
Below the Belt You pulled off 3 low parries 下段拨开成功3次 15G
Oodles of Ukemi You pulled off 3 ukemi 受身成功3次 15G
Insane Juggler You dealt more than 62 damage in a midair combo 用空中连招打出62或以上的伤害 30G
Flying Butt-Kicker You pulled off 3 10 hit combos 10连攻击成功3次 15G
The Original Bouncer You pulled off 10 bound combos 组合连段成功10次 15G
Master of the Tag Combo You pulled off 10 Tag Combos TAG连招成功10次 20G
Master of the Tag Assault You pulled off 10 Tag Assaults TAG暴击成功10次 20G
Master of the Direct Tag Assault You pulled off 3 Direct Tag Assaults TAG(伙伴自动援助攻击)暴击成功3次 20G
Master of the Tag Throw You pulled off 10 Tag Throws TAG投技成功10次 15G
True Friendship You pulled off 3 Tag Crashes TAG(伙伴援助)中断攻击成功3次 15G
The Best of Friends You pulled off 3 partner-specific Tag Throws TAG特殊伙伴投技成功3次 30G
Impressive Moves You pulled off a GREAT combo 打出GREAT评语的连招 30G
Fickle Friend You switched places with your partner 765 times 换人765次 30G
Watch Your Step! You broke a floor 打穿地板 15G
Renovation Time You broke a wall 打穿墙壁 15G
Geronimooo! You broke a balcony 打穿阳台 15G
Avoid Flying Heads You escaped from Alisa's Spam Bomb move 逃过ALISA的头颅爆弹攻击 15G
Doused But Not Out Your upper body got wet in the Fallen Garden stage 在FALLEN GARDEN的场地令你用的角色上半身湿透 15G
Bad Date You dropped a damsel into the pool in the Eternal Paradise stage 在ETERNAL PARADISE的场地令背景的美女掉进泳池里 15G



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