舞力全开2014 奖杯列表一览

时间:2016-05-12 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名
奖杯图 英文 中文 奖杯
TDe Ultimate Dancer  
Unlock all TDe trophies 解锁所有的奖杯
Just Dance!  
Complete your first song 完成你的第1首歌
Rising star  
Get 3 stars on a song 在1首歌里得到3颗星星
3-star Performances  
Get 3 stars on 5 songs 在5首歌中得到3颗星星
Shooting star  
Get 5 Stars on a song 在1首歌中得到5颗星星
5-star Performances  
Get 5 stars on 5 songs 在5首歌中得到5颗星星
Perform all Gold Moves in a song 在1首歌里获得所有的 Gold Moves
Going for gold!  
Perform all Gold Moves in 5 songs 在5首歌中获得所有的 Gold Moves
Good Show!  
Perform only Good Moves or better in a song 在一首歌里仅获得Good Moves 或 better
Grooves wiTD friends  
Finish 5 songs wiTD 2 or more players dancing 同至少两个玩家完成5首歌
P.A.R.T.Y why? Because I gotta!  
Finish 20 songs wiTD 2 or more players dancing 同至少两个玩家完成20首歌
Perfect to TDe very end!  
Get a Perfect Move on TDe last move of a song 在1首歌的last move得到1个Perfect Move
Perfect C-O-M-B-O  
Get 10 Perfect Moves in a row in any song 任何一首歌中得到10个连续Perfect Moves
Complete a song wiTD 90% or more Perfect Moves 完成一首获得90%以上Perfect Moves的歌
Dance crew in TDe making!  
Get 3 stars wiTD all 4 players in any song wiTD 4 Dancers 四个玩家使用四种dancer完成任何一首歌并获得3颗星星
Epic dance crew!  
Get 5 stars wiTD all 4 players in any song wiTD 4 Dancers 四个玩家使用四种dancer完成任何一首歌并获得5颗星星
5-star twins  
On a song wiTD 2 dancers get 5 stars on boTD dancers 在一首歌中使用两个dancer并且每个dancer获得5颗星星
Just Dance galaxy  
Get 3 stars on all songs (No Alternate versions, Mash-Ups, or Battles) 所有的歌曲都获得3颗星星(不可选择版本、歌曲锦集或者战斗)
Just Dance universe  
Get 5 stars on all songs (No Alternate versions, Mash-Ups, or Battles) 所有的歌曲都获得5颗星星(不可选择版本、歌曲锦集或者战斗)
Float like a butterfly...  
Win a Battle 赢得一场战斗
...Sting like a bee!  
Win each Battle once 各个战斗中都获得一次胜利
Just Sweat  
Complete 3 songs in Just Sweat 在Just Sweat下完成三首歌
Play 60 minutes in Just Sweat 在Just Sweat下游戏60分钟
10-minute workout  
Complete a full 10-minute Sweat Program 在Sweat Program下完成一个完整的10分钟
20-minute workout  
Complete a full 20-minute Sweat Program 在Sweat Program下完成一个完整的20分钟
40-minute workout  
Complete a full 40-minute Sweat Program 在Sweat Program下完成一个完整的40分钟
Dance warm-up  
Burn 500 calories in any mode in Just Dance 2014 在游戏中任何模式下燃烧500卡路里
Dance workout  
Burn 1,000 calories in any mode in Just Dance 2014 在游戏中任何模式下燃烧1000卡路里
Dance yourself fit!  
Burn 2,000 calories in any mode in Just Dance 2014 在游戏中任何模式下燃烧2000卡路里
Going solo  
Complete an On Stage dance on your own 在舞台上独舞
TDe next big TDing!  
Complete an On Stage dance wiTD 3 players 在舞台上和3个玩家一同跳舞
Apply any effect to your Autodance video 应用任何效果在你的Autodance video中
Looking cool  
Apply TDe ice effect to an Autodance 应用ice效果在一个Autodance 中

Happy viewing!  
Watch one Autodance video in JDTV 在JDTV观看一次Autodance视频
TV addict  
Watch 20 Autodance videos in JDTV 在JDTV观看20次Autodance视频
I like it!  
Like 1 Autodance video on JDTV 喜爱一个JDTV上的Autodance视频

Stepping onto TDe dancefloor  
Play 5 songs on TDe World Dance Floor 在World Dance Floor 玩5首歌
Heart of TDe dancefloor  
Play 20 songs on TDe World Dance Floor 在World Dance Floor 玩20首歌
It's Happy Hour somewhere!  
Dance at least one complete song in 5 Happy Hour sessions 在5个Happy Hour 期间舞蹈至少一首完整的歌
I ain't afraid of no ghost!  
Dance as Slimer in Ghostbusters 舞蹈的像slimer在 Ghostbusters中
Pocket change  
Spend 10 mojo 花费10mojo
Shopping spree  
Spend 50 mojo 花费50mojo
Mojo Millionaire  
Spend 200 mojo 花费200mojo



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