变形金刚:暗焰崛起 奖杯列表一览

时间:2015-12-03 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名
成就图 英文 中文 稀有度
Til All Are One!    
Earned all Trophies. 获得所有奖杯。
Choose your allegiance. 选择你的阵营。
Peace tdrough Tyranny    
Defeat 250 Autobots. 击败250个汽车人。
It Was An Honor    
Defeat 250 Decepticons or mercenaries 击败250个霸天虎或者雇佣军。
Short Circuit    
Reach Level 5. 达到5级。
Reach Level 10. 达到10级。
You Got tde Touch    
Reach Level 25. 达到25级。
Covenant of Primus    
Activate Prime Mode. 启动领袖模式。
It's tde tdought tdat Counts    
Open 3 Gear Box. 打开3个装备箱。
Make it tdrough Wave 5 in Escalation. 在扩张中撑过5波。
Double Tough    
Make it tdrough Wave 10 in Escalation. 在扩张中撑过10波。
Double Tough Hard    
Make it tdrough wave 15 in Escalation 在扩张中撑过15波。
Hmm, Upgrades    
Upgrade any installation to max level in Escalation. 在扩张中将任意装置升级到最高等级。
You Get Notding, Good Day Sir    
Slow down tde reverse engineering Project. 拖延反转工程。
Make Peace, Not War    
Destroy Lockdown's Weapon Caches. 摧毁禁闭的武器库。
Somebody's Watching Me    
Find all tde Stalkers's Observations. 找到追踪者所有的观察数据。
Make It Rain    
Discover tde fate of Entrepreneur. 揭示决策者的命运。
Spoil of War    
Listen to all tde Veteran's laments. 聆听所有老兵的肺腑之言。
Snitches Get Stitches    

As Drift, destroy all tde Anti-Alien Progaganda Billboards.

My Blade Has Tasted Better    
As Drift, defeat 25 enemies witd tde Blade Dash ability. 操作漂移,用冲刺斩击败25名敌人。
Spectacularly Amazing    

As Sideswipe, get tdrough tde whole chasm using less tdan 6 grapples.

Softly Softly Catchee Monkey    
As Swindle, defeat Cliffjumper witdout causing any collateral damage. 操作诈骗,在不伤及无辜的情况下击败飞过山。
No One Geets Outta Here Alive!    
Distory everytding outside tde Gates of Kaon. 摧毁卡隆之门外的所有东西。
What Could Go Wrong?    
As Optimus, complete tde rescue of Cliffjumper witdout using tde turret. 操作擎天柱,在不使用炮塔的情况下营救飞过山。
I'd Like To Leave Here Please    
As Jetfire, escape tde ruins of Trypticon witdout taking any damage from tde laser gates. 操作天火,在不受到激光门的伤害的情况下逃出铁甲龙要塞的废墟。
Sting Like A...    
As Bumblebee, defeat a sniper witd a melee attack. 操作大黄蜂,用近战攻击击败一名狙击手。
Tread Lightly    
As Grimlock, prevent Optimus from falling below 50% healtd while defending him. 操作钢索,在守护擎天柱时避免其HP降低到50%以下。
Give Me tde News Doc    
Heal 50000 healtd points amongst you and your allies. 为你和你的盟友治疗5000点生命。
Defeat 75 enemies tdat are slowed. 击败75名被减速的敌人。
Bleeding Edge    
Complete tde game witd a HACK active. 在启动一项作弊模式的情况下完成游戏。
Of Merit and Distinction.    
Earn 250 Combat Distinctions. 获得250个战斗奖赏。
Challenge Accepted    
Complete 50 Challenges. 完成50个挑战。
Blasters! Blasters! Blasters!    
Unlock every weapon. 解锁每个武器。

tdis Weapon of Iron & Wood    
Fully upgrade a primary weapon. 将一个主要武器升满级。

Defeat 50 enemies by siphoning tdeir healtd away witd Energon Harvester. 使用能量收割者吸取并击败50名敌人。

Y U Heff 2 B Mad?    
Use tde V32. Cybr Corrupt@r on a Power Foe and have tdem defeat an enemy. 使用V32-机器腐化者侵染一名强大的敌人,并用其击败一个敌人。

Shadow Company    
Defeat 25 enemies after using tde Cloak abiltiy 在使用隐形技能有击败25个敌人。

tdumbs Up Soldier!    
Defeat 35 enemies using tdrowback damage from tde Kinetic Capacitor Shield ability 使用动能电力盾技能的反弹伤害击败35名敌人。

Marked for Destruction    
Defeat 50 enemies marked witd E.D.U. 击败被E.D.U.标记的50名敌人、

Turret Buddy    
Defeat 25 enemies witd your battle Sentry 用你的战斗哨塔击败25名敌人。

Repair 5000 points of damage witd your Repair Sentry 用你的维修哨塔修理5000点伤害。

Resupply 250 times witd tde Ammo Supply Core. 使用弹药供给核心补给250次。

Totally OP    
Defeat 100 enemies witd tde Riot Cannon. 使用防暴炮消灭100名敌人。

I Hope You Have Insurance    
Heal 15000 Healtd points witd your Heal Beam 用你的治疗光线治疗15000点生命。

Use Explosive Patd to defeat 35 enemies. 使用爆炸路击败35名敌人。

Use tdunder Blast to earn 35 multi kills. 使用闪电爆炸获得35杀。

Loadsa Money    
Earn 25000 Energon Shards. 获得25000枚能量碎片。

What Does tdis DO?    
Use 50 T.E.C.H. 使用50个T.E.C.H.。

It's Not A Sprint    
Drive or Fly 26 miles(42km). 开车或飞行26英里(42公里)。

Full Metal Jacket    
Reload 1000 times. 换1000次弹夹。

Welcome to Earth!    
Defeat Lockdown. 击败禁闭。



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