恶灵附身-白金心得 全奖杯达成攻略-duouoo

时间:2016-02-01 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名


  Pure Evil –Platinum

  -Unlocked all other Trophies for The Evil Within.解锁其他所有奖杯

  Weapon of Choice– Bronze

  -Defeat the Sadist within the village.打倒村里的虐待狂

  ThisTrophy is story related. 故事奖杯

  Old Flame –Bronze

  -Finish off a shrieking beast打倒尖叫的怪兽.

  ThisTrophy is story related.故事奖杯

  Two on Two –Bronze

  -Take out both Guardians before the church.在到达教堂前干掉2个守卫者

  ThisTrophy is story related.故事奖杯

  What’s In TheBox?! – Bronze

  -Escape the Keeper beneath the catacombs.逃出地下墓园的看守

  ThisTrophy is story related.故事奖杯

  The First, Notthe Last – Bronze

  -End a monstrosity in the underground garage.打倒地下停车场的怪物

  ThisTrophy is story related.故事奖杯

  Arachnophobia –Bronze

  -Outrun a gigantic threat in the city.逃出城市里的巨大威胁

  ThisTrophy is story related. 故事奖杯

  Slither intoOblivion – Bronze

  -Remove an invisible enemy from the

  ThisTrophy is story related. 故事奖杯

  One of the Many –Bronze

  -Defeat the ultimate evil within.打倒最终的心魔

  ThisTrophy is story related.故事奖杯

  First Step intoDarkness – Bronze

  -Complete the game on Casual difficulty.完成游戏休闲难度。

  See the Trophy “Master of Horror”for more details. 参考“恐怖大师”奖杯细节。

  Another Day onthe Job – Silver

  -Complete the game on Survival difficulty.完成游戏生存难度

  See the Trophy “Master of Horror”for more details. 参考“恐怖大师”奖杯细节。

  Master of Horror– Silver

  -Complete the game on Nightmare difficulty.完成游戏噩梦难度

  Nightmaredifficulty is unlocked by completing the game on Survival
difficulty. This isjust basically playing the game on hard. You take more damage
and deal lessdamage. Ammo is also more scarce. The difficulty trophies stack but
to playNightmare, you’ll need to beat it on Survival (normal) first to

  Every Nook andCranny – Silver

  -Collect every collectible in the game.搜集所有游戏里的可搜集物品

  Thereis a total 106 collectibles. Key items cannot be missed as they are
needed forstory progression. Anything you have found will carry over to your New
GamePlus play-through.

  AudioTapes – 10磁带-10

  MissingPerson Posters – 15 失踪人员海报-15

  Documents– 16 文件-16

  Newspapers– 21 新闻报纸-21

  MapFragments – 28 地图碎片-28

  Journal– 16 日志-16(让我想起了Jornal这个葡语单词,也是newspaper的意思,果然很久没有看英文了。。。。)

  Master ofUnlocking – Bronze

  -Open up all the lockers in the save room.打开记录房间的所有储藏柜

  Thesave room is hospital where you can save your game at the desk. You’ll
be takenhere as part of the story. After you complete Chapter 4, you’ll be taken
to themorgue area where the lockers are. There are 45 lockers to be opened. Key
areneeded to open the lockers. The keys can be found in chests, crates,
smallwhite statues or even in some of the morgue lockers. The crates and statues
arebroken by using a melee attack.

  Hardbody – Silver

  -Fully upgrade all of Sebastian’s attributes. 全部升级男主角的能力

  See the trophy “Why Can’t I Hold All This Ammo?”for more details.

  My Best Friend –Bronze

  -Completely upgrade one weapon. 完全升级一件武器

  See the trophy “Why Can’t I Hold All This Ammo?”for more details.

  The Power of Three – Bronze

  -Completely upgrade three weapons.完全升级三件武器

  See the trophy “Why Can’t I Hold All This Ammo?”for more details.

  UnstoppableArsenal – Gold

  -Completely upgrade all weapons.完全升级所有武器。

  See the trophy “Why Can’t I Hold All This Ammo?”for more details.

  Why Can’t I HoldAll This Ammo? – Bronze

  -Upgrade all options in the stock menu. 升级库存菜单里面的所有内容

  GreenGel is used to upgrade everything in this game. The Gel can be found
in thechapters and can also be dropped by killing enemies. You’re going to need
a lotof it so keep your eyes peeled for it as you play through the game.

  Allweapons – 638,000 Gel 全武器

  Allattributes – 178,000 Gel 全属性

  Allstock options – 112,800 Gel 全库存项目

  Blow Up thePlaying Field – Silver

  -Use a secret explosive weapon to kill 10 enemies. (Agony Bolt effects

  You’llearn the secret rocket launcher for completing the game. You can then
use itduring your New Game Plus play-through.

  Full House –Bronze

  -Kill five enemies with each type of Agony Bolt.使用全部痛苦弓弩击杀5个敌人

  Thereare five different types of Agony Bolts, Explosive, Shock, Freeze,
Flash andHarpoon. All you gotta do is kill five enemies with each bolt type. For
theFlash Bolts, you have Sneak Kill them while they are stunned by the Flash


  Silent Kill –Bronze

  -Kill five enemies in a row with a sneak kill without being

  Tosneak kill, hold R1 to crouch and then press X when you’re near an
enemy.Chapter 2 on the road toward opening the big gate is a good place to earn
this.Simply kill five in a row without alerting any of the enemies and the
Trophy isyours.

  Burn, Baby, Burn!– Bronze

  -Kill five enemies with a torch.使用火把消灭5个敌人

  Torchescan be picked up from enemies who are carrying one after you’ve
killed them.With the torch equipped, press Triangle to attack and kill an enemy
with it.It’s a one hit kill but you can only kill one enemy per torch.

  …And the CorpsesMount – Bronze

  -Kill 30 enemies. 杀死30个敌人

  See the Trophy “One Man Army” formore details.

  Krimson PD Fury –Bronze

  -Kill 200 enemies. 杀死200个敌人

  See the Trophy “One Man Army” formore details.

  One Man Army –Silver

  -Kill 400 enemies. 杀死400个敌人

  ThisTrophy will unlock as you play through the game. Simply kill enemies
you comeacross to add to your total. Your kill count will carry over to
otherplay-throughs, it does not need to be completed in one play-through.


  AmmoConservationist – Bronze

  -Kill 25 enemies with melee attacks.使用近战攻击杀死25个敌人。

  Youcan use the melee attack by pressing Triangle. This is another Trophy
that willunlock as you progress through the game. This is a Trophy that is
easiercompleted on Casual difficulty. You can use other weapons to damage the
enemy,but the killing blow must be a melee strike.


  Bloody Bar Brawl– Bronze

  -Sneak kill an enemy after hitting them with a bottle.用瓶子打到敌人后潜伏击杀敌人。

  Bottlescan be found almost everywhere in the game. Pick one up and throw it
at anenemy. Make sure you hit them in the head with the bottle to stun them.
Whilethey are stunned, run up to them, hold R1 and press X to sneak kill


  Drop It Like It’sHot – Bronze

  -Kill three living enemies with one drop of a match.使用1根火柴消灭3个活着的敌人。

  Onceyou knock down an enemy you have the option (IF you have matches) to
pressCircle and light the enemy on fire to kill them. Shooting an enemy in the
legwill cause them to fall over. You can either get three enemies on the
groundnext to each other or drop one enemy and light him on fire as two stand
near.There are many chance to earn this throughout the game as enemies attack
ingroups quite frequently.


  The Quick and theDead – Gold

  -Finish the game with a clear time of under 5:00:00.五小时内通关游戏

  Thisis best done on Casual difficulty on New Game Plus. You’ll have all
your upgradeditems and a special one hit kill rocket launcher unlocked. Skip the
cutscenesand avoid fighting enemies by running past them and straight to the
objectivesif possible.It’s recommended to not attempt this until after
you’vefinished the story and are comfortable with the game.


  It is What It Is– Gold

  -Finish the game without upgrading any skills with Green Gel.


  ThisTrophy is easiest earned on Casual difficulty. All you gotta do is play
throughand complete the game without upgrading anything. During Chapter 2 you’ll
beforced to spend 100 Green Gel, that will not negate the Trophy as it is
anunavoidable story requirement.


  You Asked For It– Gold

  - Finish the game on 悪夢(AKUMU) mode.完成游戏 AKUMU模式

  Akumumode is unlocked by completing the game on Survival difficulty. In
this mode ifyou get hit once, you die. If you are damaged in any way, its
instant death.You cannot play this on New Game Plus. When you start the mode
it’ll be with anew character with no upgrades. Just stay aware of what’s going
on around.Never get close to enemies, always try to take them out from a
distance. Aimfor the legs so you can make them fall. When you get enemies on the
groundimmediately run over to them and burn them with matches. Always be on
thelookout for matches as they will help you dispose of enemies quickly.
Someattributes to upgrade that will help out with this are Sprint
Duration,Matches, Freeze and Flash Bolts and any of the other weapons.


  A la Corvo –Bronze

  -Have they lost their minds? Better get past them without a fight. (Ch.


  Thearea for this Trophy begins at the small cabin. There will be an enemy
poundingon the door and you need to go in and continue by climbing through the
window.Do not kill the enemy pounding on the door. From that point on, you need
tomake it through the gate without killing any of them. Once you get to the
pointwhere the cutscene triggers, you’ll be chased by some enemies. You can
lurethose enemies into the traps that are set on the road. They’ll die, but
itwon’t count against the Trophy.


  Knife BeatsChainsaw – Silver

  -His engine roars, but my knife is strong enough to take him out. (Ch.


  Beforeyou can beat Chapter 3, you have to fight a chainsaw wielding boss.
To get thisTrophy, you have to beat him with your knife. It’s actually a lot
easier thanit sounds. Hit him with three Explosive Bolts and then a Flash Bolt.
While heis stunned by the Flash Bolt run up to him, hold R1 and press X to Sneak


  Home Is Where theHospice Is – Bronze

  -That vision in the hospice… why here? Why now? (Ch. 4)


  Atthe beginning of Chapter 4, go into the house ahead of you. As you come
aroundthe corner after entering the house a cutscene will trigger. After
thecutscene, kill the doctor to trigger the vision.

  当第四章开始,进入你前面的房子。当你进入房子的角落,会触发剧情 ,剧情之后杀死医生,触发幻觉。

  Not Part of theJob Description – Silver

  -The water’s rising, but we’ll get out of this without a scratch. (Ch.


  DuringChapter 5 you’ll encounter an area that has you fighting alongside
Joseph torescue Kidman. During this part, Joseph cannot take any damage. This
can be alittle tricky to say the least. This is much easier if attempted on
Casualdifficulty after you’ve completed the game and unlocked the


  Everybody GetsOne – Bronze

  -Who wouldn’t reach out for a man clinging for his life? (Ch. 6)


  You’llget the opportunity to earn this during the area when the enemies are
shootingarrows from the side of a tower. You gotta get Joseph to fall off a
ledge andthen help him back up. Get to an area near a ledge and let Joseph
fightenemies. He will either slip and fall or be knocked off. As he is hanging,
getto him and press X to help him back up.


  I Don’t Have Timefor This! – Bronze

  -It won’t stay dead! Better only fight when I have to. (Ch. 7)


  ThisTrophy will require you to only kill two Keepers. They are the enemies
with thesafe like boxes on their heads. Every time you kill one and move onto a
newarea, a new Keeper will spawn. Kill the first one and the door will
openallowing you to move on to the next area. In the next area, sprint to the
valveand shut off the gas. After the gas is shut off, a door will be opened to
thenext area. Run to this area without killing the Keeper. In the third area,
killthe Keeper and shut off the gas with the valve. In the fourth area, a
Keeperwill smash the valve you need to shut off. There is a spare valve sitting
on atable, pick it up and place it where the Keeper smashed the previous one.
Onceit’s on, turn the valve to shut the gas off. Freeze Bolts work best for
slowingdown the Keeper in the final area as you put on and turn the valve.
Escape thearea and finish the mission.


  Item Management –Bronze

  -This cave echoes like crazy. Better put the gun away and keep quiet. (Ch.


  Youcannot fire any of your weapons during Chapter 8. It’s not too
difficult. Justrun past enemies as you come across them. In the beginning, you
can either lurethe enemies away from the gate by having them follow you or you
can deal withthem by using melee attacks. Luring them away is the easier route.
Have themfollow a little ways and then sprint back to the gate and open it.


  Bathed in Flames– Silver

  -Enough running! I’ll burn her to the ground right here! (Ch. 10)


  Towardthe end of Chapter 10 you’ll encounter the multiple limbed monster,
Laura. Youneed to kill her before getting in the elevator. You can’t get too
close to theelevator or a cutscene will play and you’ll enter the elevator. This
is anotherTrophy that should be attempted on your New Game Plus play-through. On
NG+,you’ll have unlocked the secret rocket launcher. This will kill Laura in
only afew hits.


  Not a Scratch onHer! – Bronze

  -I’m not taking any chances, this bus can’t take much more damage. (Ch.


  Youhave to drive down the highway avoiding the enemies. You can’t hit any
of them.This is after you get off of the mounted weapon.


  Entry levelElectrician – Bronze

  -I should get this whole generator panel running just in case. (Ch. 14)


  Simplyplace all three of the electrical parts onto the panel at the same
time. Don’tput any of the pieces on the panel until you have all three. If you
set a parton the panel and back out of the puzzle, you’ll negate the trophy.
Just placeand power up all three at the same time.




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