小心这些可爱的雪地杀手 我的世界关于北极熊的内幕

时间:2017-11-18 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名

  小心这些可爱的雪地杀手 我的世界关于北极熊的内幕。在我的世界游戏中有很多生物,那有些生物大家是需要注意的,比如下面的这个雪地杀手北极熊,那下面就给大家详细的介绍一下吧!

  游戏园我的世界官方群:325049520  256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!

  玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入:141931866 群一起联机玩游戏哦!


  如果你有心仪的作品或者心得分享的话,欢迎来游戏园投稿,大家可以点击>>>投稿<<<进行投稿哦~ 有奖品哦~

  熊:远处可爱。这在Minecraft中是真的,就像在现实生活中一样。他们可能看起毛茸茸令人喜爱,但它的牙齿,可不太挑剔,或者谁,是一顿饭(or who, constitutes a meal?)。但是北极熊不一定会攻击在视线内的玩家。开发人员为游戏设置的规则之一是,只有你没有挑衅就企图伤害你的是怪物。(这是Jens选择了雇佣(axe?)杀手兔的原因之一!)


  当然,这导致了一些有趣的社区创造利用bears which are super-aggressive。召唤一只北极熊让北极熊幼崽骑在它身上:一个永久处于攻击状态的北极熊骑士!Xzibit都会自豪,吓坏了。


  在我们的房子里有一个跟北极熊有关房间 它本质上是图书馆,或走廊,真的,那里有我们所有的书,还有两把椅子可以让你坐下来阅,但我们有一个北极熊挂毯,和大量的北极熊的毛绒玩具。这感觉就像一只北极熊的房间。

  Jenny唠叨了我很长时间在Minecraft添加一只熊。所以我告诉她 - 好吧,如果我们有一只属于我们自己的熊,我就会在Minecraft里添加一只熊。后来这件事变成真的了,我们的儿子出生,我们称他为Bj?rn(瑞典文字论坛不显示) - 这在瑞典是熊的意思!所以我不得不在游戏中添加一个熊。


  Bears: adorable at a distance. This is true in Minecraft, just as it is in real life. They may look huggable and furry, but they are full of teeth, and not too fussy about what, or who, constitutes a meal. Not that polar bears will necessarily attack you on sight in Minecraft. One of the rules the developers have set for the game is that the only kinds of things that will try to hurt you without provocation are monsters. (This is one of the reasons Jens chose to axe the Killer Bunny!)

  Polar bears are neutral mobs, but that didn’t feel sufficiently dangerous for Jens, so he made a special case: if they have a cub following them, they will become aggressive if you get within a short distance of them, mimicking the protectiveness of a parent over a child. In this case, a massive parent with massive claws. Don’t mess with them.

  We have a room in our house where all polar bear-related items end up. It’s essentially the library, or a hallway, really, with all our books in it, and there are two chairs so you can sit and read if you want - but we have a polar bear tapestry on the wall, and lots of polar bear plushies. So it feels like a Polar Bear room.

  Jenny had been nagging me for a long time to add a bear to Minecraft. And so I told her - well, if we ever have a bear of our own, I’ll add a bear in Minecraft. And then it turned true, because our son was born and we called him Bj?rn - which means bear in Swedish! So I had to add a bear in the game.



  以上就是小心这些可爱的雪地杀手 我的世界关于北极熊的内幕。更多精彩尽在游戏园我的世界专区。



  奇怪的雕像建筑 站在漂浮在杯子里的冰块上的北极熊


  我的世界北极熊怎么获得 驯服北极熊的方法是什么

  小心这些可爱的雪地杀手 我的世界关于北极熊的内幕。在我的世界游戏中有很多生物,那有些生物大家是需要注意的,比如下面的这个雪地杀手北极熊,那下面就给大家详细的介绍一下吧!

  游戏园我的世界官方群:325049520  256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!

  玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入:141931866 群一起联机玩游戏哦!


  如果你有心仪的作品或者心得分享的话,欢迎来游戏园投稿,大家可以点击>>>投稿<<<进行投稿哦~ 有奖品哦~

  熊:远处可爱。这在Minecraft中是真的,就像在现实生活中一样。他们可能看起毛茸茸令人喜爱,但它的牙齿,可不太挑剔,或者谁,是一顿饭(or who, constitutes a meal?)。但是北极熊不一定会攻击在视线内的玩家。开发人员为游戏设置的规则之一是,只有你没有挑衅就企图伤害你的是怪物。(这是Jens选择了雇佣(axe?)杀手兔的原因之一!)


  当然,这导致了一些有趣的社区创造利用bears which are super-aggressive。召唤一只北极熊让北极熊幼崽骑在它身上:一个永久处于攻击状态的北极熊骑士!Xzibit都会自豪,吓坏了。


  在我们的房子里有一个跟北极熊有关房间 它本质上是图书馆,或走廊,真的,那里有我们所有的书,还有两把椅子可以让你坐下来阅,但我们有一个北极熊挂毯,和大量的北极熊的毛绒玩具。这感觉就像一只北极熊的房间。

  Jenny唠叨了我很长时间在Minecraft添加一只熊。所以我告诉她 - 好吧,如果我们有一只属于我们自己的熊,我就会在Minecraft里添加一只熊。后来这件事变成真的了,我们的儿子出生,我们称他为Bj?rn(瑞典文字论坛不显示) - 这在瑞典是熊的意思!所以我不得不在游戏中添加一个熊。


  Bears: adorable at a distance. This is true in Minecraft, just as it is in real life. They may look huggable and furry, but they are full of teeth, and not too fussy about what, or who, constitutes a meal. Not that polar bears will necessarily attack you on sight in Minecraft. One of the rules the developers have set for the game is that the only kinds of things that will try to hurt you without provocation are monsters. (This is one of the reasons Jens chose to axe the Killer Bunny!)

  Polar bears are neutral mobs, but that didn’t feel sufficiently dangerous for Jens, so he made a special case: if they have a cub following them, they will become aggressive if you get within a short distance of them, mimicking the protectiveness of a parent over a child. In this case, a massive parent with massive claws. Don’t mess with them.

  We have a room in our house where all polar bear-related items end up. It’s essentially the library, or a hallway, really, with all our books in it, and there are two chairs so you can sit and read if you want - but we have a polar bear tapestry on the wall, and lots of polar bear plushies. So it feels like a Polar Bear room.

  Jenny had been nagging me for a long time to add a bear to Minecraft. And so I told her - well, if we ever have a bear of our own, I’ll add a bear in Minecraft. And then it turned true, because our son was born and we called him Bj?rn - which means bear in Swedish! So I had to add a bear in the game.



  以上就是小心这些可爱的雪地杀手 我的世界关于北极熊的内幕。更多精彩尽在游戏园我的世界专区。



  奇怪的雕像建筑 站在漂浮在杯子里的冰块上的北极熊


  我的世界北极熊怎么获得 驯服北极熊的方法是什么



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