
时间:2017-07-07 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名


The Bunker-物品商店

物品和文件 价格
Small Recovery 100G
Medium Recovery 200G
Melee Attack Up (S) 100G
Ranged Attack Up (S) 100G
Melee Defense Up (S) 100G
Ranged Defense Up (S) 100G
HUD: HP Gauge 500G
HUD: Sound Waves 5,000G
HUD: Enemy Data 500G
HUD: Skill Gauge 500G
HUD: Text Log 500G
HUD: Mini-map 500G
HUD: EXP Gauge 5,000G
HUD: Save Points 500G
HUD: Damage Values 500G
HUD: Objectives 500G
HUD: Control 500G
HUD: Fishing Spots 5,000G
Auto-Attack 500G
Auto-Fire 500G
Auto-Evade 500G
Auto-Program 500G
Auto-Weapon Switch 500G


物品名称 价格
Rusted Clump 75G
Dented Plate 750G
Titanium Alloy 1,500G
Broken Key 75G
Warper Wire 75G
Stretched Coil 75G
Broken Circuit 75G
Stripped Screw 750G
Small Gear 750G
Rusty Bolt 750G
Crushed Nut 750G
Dented Socket 750G
Severed Cable 750G
Broken Battery 500G

The Bunker-Pod技能商店

Pod技能&商品 数量 价格
R010: Laser - Default
R020: Mirage 1 10,000G
R030: Hammer 1 10,000G
R040: Blade 1 10,000G
R050: Spear 1 10,000G
A060: P Shield 1 10,000G
R070: M Shield 1 10,000G
+8 背包格子 2 5,000G
+8 背包格子 2 10,000G
+16 背包格子 2 20,000G
+24 背包格子 1 30,000G

Resistance Camp-物品商店

物品&文件 价格
Small Recovery 100G
Medium Recovery 200G
Melee Attack Up (S) 100G
Ranged Attack Up (S) 100G
Melee Defense Up (S) 100G
Ranged Defense Up (S) 100G
Animal Bait 100G
Sachet 1,000G

Resistance Camp-武器商店

武器 类型 初始攻击力 初始连招 价格
Beastbane Small Sword 190-210 Lt 5 Hv 2 10,000G
Ancient Overlord Small Sword 150-185 Lt 4 Hv 2 15,000G
Beastlord Large Sword 320-350 Lt 2 Hv 2 10,000G

Resistance Camp-供应商店

商品 价格
Small Recovery 100G
Medium Recovery 200G
Melee Attack Up (S) 100G
Ranged Attack Up (S) 100G
Melee Defense Up (S) 100G
Ranged Defense Up (S) 100G
Animal Bait 100G
Sachet 1000G

Amusement Park-物品商店

商品名称 价格
Copper Ore 50G
Iron Ore 500G
Crystal 500G
Tree Seed 50G
Plant Seed 50G
Tree Sap 100G
Dye 500G

Machine Village-物品商店

物品名称 价格
Small Recovery 100G
Medium Recovery 200G
Melee Attack Up (S) 100G
Ranged Attack Up (S) 100G
Melee Defense Up (S) 100G
Ranged Defense Up (S) 100G
HUD: HP Gauge 500G
HUD: Sound Waves 5,000G
HUD: Enemy Data 500G
HUD: Skill Gauge 500G
HUD: Text Log 500G
HUD: Mini-map 500G
HUD: EXP Gauge 5,000G
HUD: Save Points 500G
HUD: Damage Values 500G
HUD: Objectives 500G
HUD: Control 500G
HUD: Fishing Spots 5,000G
Auto-Attack 500G
Auto-Fire 500G
Auto-Evade 500G
Auto-Program 500G
Auto-Weapon Switch 500G
Fast Cooldown 2,500G
Anti Chain Damage 500G
Drop Rate Up 500G
EXP Gain Up 2,500G
Animal Bait 100G
Sachet 1,000G

Machine Village-武器商店

武器名称 类型 攻击力 连招 价格
Machine Sword Small Sword 140-210 Lt 4 Hv 1 15,000G
Machine Axe Large Swords 280-350 Lt 2 Hv 1 15,000G
Machine Spear Spear 210-260 Lt 3 Hv 1 15,000G


物品名称 价格
Weapon Attack Up +3 3,500G
Down-Attack Up +3 3,500G
Critical Up +3 20,000G
Ranged Attack Up +3 3,500G
Fast Cooldown +3 20,000G
Melee Defense +3 3,500G
Ranged Defense +3 3,500G
Anti Chain Damage +3 3,500G
Max HP UP +3 3,500G
Offensive Heal +3 3,500G
Deadly Heal +3 20,000G
Auto-Heal +3 20,000G
Evade Range Up +3 3,500G
Moving Speed Up +3 3,500G
Drop Rate Up +3 3,500G
EXP Gain Up +3 20,000G
Shock Wave +3 20,000G
Last Stand +3 3,500G
Damage Absorb +3 3,500G
Vengeance +3 3,500G
Reset +3 20,00G
Overclock +3 20,00G
Resilience +3 3,500G
Counter +3 3,500G
Taunt Up +3 3,500G
Charge Attack +3 3,500G
Auto-use Item +3 20,00G



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