
时间:2017-08-25 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名



Potion Ingredients Effect
Smallmagic armour potion 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Whisperwood
IncreasesMagic Armour for 3 turns
MinorHealing Potion 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Penny Bun Mushroom
Heals+35% HP
MediumHealing Potion 2x Minor Healing Potion Heals+50% HP
HealingElixir 1x Yarrow Flower

1x Healing Potion (any)
Instantlyheals +80%
MinorStrength Potion 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Amethyst Deceiver
1Strength for 3 turns
MinorConstitution Potion 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Farhangite
1Constitution for 3 turns
FireResistance Potion 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Guepinia Mushroom
15%Fire Resistance for 3 turns
SmallAir Resistance Potion 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Jellyroom
15%Air Resistance for 3 turns
EarthResistance Potion 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Earth Tongue Mushroom
15%Earth Resistance for 3 turns
WaterResistance Potion 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Bluegill Mushroom
15%Water resistance for 3 turns
SmallPoison Resistance Potion 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Drudanae
15%Poison Resistance for 3 turns
InvisibilityPotion 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Chanterelle
SetsInvisibility for 5 turns
MinorSpeed Potion 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Wizard's Hat Agaric
+1Memory for 3 turns
MinorFinesse Potion 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Boletus
+1Finesse for 3 turns
Physicalarmour potion 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Amadouvier
+39Physical Armour
MinorPerception Potion 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Puffball
+1Wits for 3 turns
Attarof the Black Rose 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Blood Rose
+1to all stats permanently
MinorResist All Potion 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Trumpet of Death
+15%Fire/Earth/Water/Air/Poison Resistance for 3 turns
SmallPoison Bottle 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Intestines
SetsPoisoned for 2 turns
1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Rotten Eggs
1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Ooze Barrel
MinorIntelligence Potion 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Calocera
+1Intelligence for 3 turns
??? 1x Empty Potion Bottle

1x Shadow Essence


Armor Ingredients
HandMade Leather (Chest) ThreadedNeedle

Leather Scraps
HandmadeCloth Shirt Needle& Thread

Cloth Scraps
HandmadePlate Armor Anvil Plate Scraps


Ingredients Product
Wood+ Oil + Pixie Dust SmallFlame Rune
Water+ Gold + Pixie Dust SmallThunder Rune
Water+ Metal + Pixie Dust SmallFrost Rune
Rock+ Beer + Pixie Dust SmallEarth Rune
Bone+ Poison + Pixie Dust SmallVenom Rune
LivewoodLog + Wine + Pixie Dust SmallMasterwork Rune
SmallFlame Rune + Small Flame Rune + Pixie Dust MediumFlame Rune
SmallThunder Rune + Small Thunder Rune + Pixie Dust MediumThunder Rune


Ingredients Final Product Effect (If it has one)
BowstringWoodenStick Twigwith a String N/A
WoodenStick WoodenStick ToyCrossbow
WoodenStick Skull Wand Air/Earth/Wateror Fire (type randomly chosen)
WoodenBranch Shell ImprovisedStaff Air/Earth/Wateror Fire (type randomly chosen)
WoodenBranch SharpStone 2Handed axe 2handed variant
WoodenBranch LeatherScrap 2Handed mace
WoodenStick SharpStone SharpStone On A Stick 1handed variant
WoodenStick Dagger Knifeon a Stick 1HSword
SharpMetal LeatherScrap Shank Dagger
Tong ClothScraps BigTongs Roped Together 2HMace. -0.2 Movement
InertClawed Wand AirEssence ImprovWand AirDamage
InertClawed Wand FireEssence ImprovWand FireDamage
InertClawed Wand EarthEssence ImprovWand EarthDamage
InertClawed Wand WaterEssence ImprovWand WaterDamage


Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Final Product Effect (If it has one)
ArrowShaft SlowdownArrowhead SlowdownArrow SetsSlowed for 2 turns
ArrowShaft ExplosiveArrowhead ExplosiveArrow Dealsfire damage in a 2m radius
ArrowShaft KnockdownArrowhead KnockdownArrow Knocksdown target
ArrowShaft SmokescreenArrowhead SmokescreenArrow Createsa smokescreen in a 4m radius
ArrowShaft WaterArrowhead WaterArrow Createsa pool of water in a 2m radius
ArrowShaft FreezingArrowhead FreezingArrow Freezesa target for 2 turns
ArrowShaft PoisonArrowhead PoisonArrow Createsa Poison field in a 2m radius
ArrowShaft SteamcloudArrowhead SteamcloudArrow SetsWet for 2 Turns
ArrowShaft CharmingArrowhead CharmingArrow Charmsa target for 1 turn
ArrowShaft StunningArrowhead StunningArrow SetsStunned for 1 turn
ArrowShaft FireArrowhead FireArrow Dealsfire damage in a 2m radius
ArrowShaft StaticCloud Arrowhead StaticCloud Arrow Createsa static cloud that sets stun
ArrowShaft Arrowhead Arrow
Arrowhead OoozeBarrel PoisonedArrowhead
Arrowhead OilBarrel SlowdownArrowhead
Arrowhead Intestines PoisonedArrowhead
Arrowhead FireResistance Potion ExplosiveArrowhead
Arrowhead WaterResistance Potion SteamcloudArrowhead
Arrowhead SmallAir Resistance Potion StaticCloud Arrowhead
Tooth Knife StunningArrowhead


Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Final Product Effect (If it has one)
EmptyPerfume Bottle PixieDust LoveGrenade SetsCharm for 2 turns; 5m radius
EmptyCanister EarthEssence TremorGrenade Knocksdown for 2 turns
EmptyCanister AirEssence ThunderboltGrenade Setsstunned for 2 turns
EmptyCanister TormentedSoul TerrorGrenade Setsfear for 2 turns in a 5m radius
EmptyCanister Intestines| Rotten Eggs ChemicalWarfare Grenade SetsDiseased for 4 turns
EmptyCanister Jellyroom RazzleDazzle Grenade SetsBlind for 2 turns in a 5m radius
EmptyGrenade Nails NailbombGrenade SetsBleeding for 3 turns in a 5m radius
EmptyGrenade FireEssence ClusterGrenade SetsBurning for 1 turn in a 3m radius
EmptyGrenade WaterEssence FrostGrenade SetsFrozen for 2 turns in a 4m radius
EmptyGrenade BrokenBottle Armor-PiercingGrenade Physicaland Phy. Armor damage
EmptyFlask OilBarrel OilFlask Createsan oil puddle of 2m radius
EmptyFlask OozeBarrel PoisonFlask Setspoisoned and creates an ooze surface of 2m radius


Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Final Product Effect (If it has one)
RepairHammer Nails Lockpicks(4) TheRepair Hammer is not lost
Soap Key(any) Lockpicks Thekey is not lost


Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Final Product Effect (If it has one)
Mortarand Pestle Wheat Flour
EmptyCup WaterBarrel Cupof Water
EmptyMug WaterBarrel Mugof Water
EmptyMug/cup Apple AppleJuice 10%resist pois, 10% health 6 turns
EmptyCup Orange OrangeJuice Finesse+1, +10% health 6 turns
EmptyBottle WaterBarrel Bottleof Water
Bucket WaterBarrel Bucketwith Water
Flour Cup/Bucketof Water Dough Ifcooked: bread = Strength +1, +10% health 6 turns
Dough Fish(any) FishPie (cook) Int+1 and health +10% for 6 turns
Dough Apple ApplePie (cook) poisonresist(?)
Dough Cheese CheeseBread Dough Health+10% for 6 turns
Dough TomatoSouce PizzaDough Health+10% for 6 turns
RepairHammer Tomato TomatoSouce Health+5% and 10% poison resist for 6 turns
CookingPot Bonfire MobileKitchen combinewith raw items to cook
MobileKitchen Fish(any),meat Dinner Strength+1 and Health +15% for 6 turns
MobileKitchen Pumpkin PumpkinSoup Wits+1 and Health +10% for 6 turns
Knife Potato ColdFries Heals5%
MobileKitchen ColdFries RivellonFries Finesse-1, Constitution +1, Health +15%, 6 turns


Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Final Product Effect (If it has one)
Knife WoodenLog WoodChips + 2 Branches
Knife Feather Quill
InkPot Feather InkPot and Quill
InkPot and Quill PixieDust ??? Materialsconsumed with no result
Wool Wool Yarn
Yarn Yarn Rope
Rope Rope Fuse
Hair Hair Thread
Thread Needle Needleand Thread
Mortarand Pestle StardustHerb Stardust
Mortarand Pestle Bone Bonedust
Mortarand Pestle Moonstone Moondust
Stardust Bonedust PixieDust
Stardust Moondust PixieDust
Needleand Thread PixieDust ??? Materialsconsumed with no result
WoodenFigurine Needle InertVoodoo Doll
InertVoodoo Doll PixieDust ???
WaterBarrel WoodChips Mushof Wood



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