1.9快照第42版本15w47a发布 诸多BUG被修复

时间:2018-01-23 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名

  1.9快照第42版本15w47a发布 诸多BUG被修复。我的世界1.9快照已经更新到底41个版本15w47a了,那下面就给大家介绍一下此次15w47a版本的更新内容吧!希望大家喜欢。

  游戏园我的世界官方群: 325049520 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!

  Snapshot. Time. Again. Yay!


  Our bug tracker is now the home page in our browsers and we are going to keep it that way until Minecraft 1.9 is ready for release. We want to say “thank you” to everyone who’s reporting bugs and voting on them. And of course we also want to thank our moderators helping us to focus on the important issues, they are doing an awesome job to keep the bugs under control.


  Due to some complaints that we were too focused on fixing bugs and not adding more features for 1.9, this weeks snapshot will focus on solving issues instead.

  由于一些关于"我们过于专注在修复bug上而不再添加其他的特性feature bug"的投诉,这个星期的快照相反,将专注于解决问题【笑,这不是一回事吗,文字游戏。

  Notable changes:


  _Fixed a lot of bugs_



  Solved a lot of issues


  Better support for transparency in skins


  Reverted a change to redstone blocks that caused some issues with redstone contraptions in the previous snapshot


  Prepared the game for the upcoming holidays


  Changed something in the bacon block


  Balancing tweaks


  Bugs fixed in this snapshot:


  [Bug MC-1777] - Placing a painting “behind” a button makes button unclickable

  [Bug MC-1777] - 在按钮的位置放置画会导致按钮不可点击。

  [Bug MC-1973] - Items placed into a beacon are lost upon destroying it or reloading a world

  [Bug MC-1973] - 放置在信标里的物品会在摧毁/重载世界后丢失。

  [Bug MC-2844] - Doors have no placement sound.

  [Bug MC-2844] - 门没有放置音效。——然而上一个快照的修复列表里也有它……

  [Bug MC-5927] - Daylight Sensor outputting signal when encased

  [Bug MC-5927] - 日光传感器在被方块包裹时也会输出信号。——同上,这些bug诈尸啦

  [Bug MC-7519] - Clearing Nausea Potion Effect will stop it but show portal tint

  [Bug MC-7519] - 移除反胃药水的效果时,屏幕会显示在传送门中的效果(紫色烟雾)。——话说这个bug不是也在上一个快照被修复了吗!

  [Bug MC-9089] - Suicide from potions gives player a point in playerKillCount

  [Bug MC-9089] - 用药水自杀将会把玩家的playerKillCount+1。

  [Bug MC-12959] - TNT mesh rotated wrongly placed vs primed

  [Bug MC-12959] - TNT在放置和点燃时纹理错误。 ——同上

  [Bug MC-33384] - Noteblocks and jukeboxes play the wrong walk, place and break sounds

  [Bug MC-33384] - 音符盒和唱片机的行走音效、放置音效和破坏音效出错。

  [Bug MC-42150] - On Christmas trapped chests don’t have texture of presents

  [Bug MC-42150] - 在圣诞节的时候陷阱箱不会变成圣诞礼物。

  [Bug MC-46772] - Skin hat layer translucency only works in the end dimension

  [Bug MC-46772] - 皮肤中帽子的透明效果只能在末地起效。

  [Bug MC-59777] - Endermen lose ability to dodge melee attacks after being hit

  [Bug MC-59777] - 末影人被攻击后失去了躲避混战的攻击的能力。

  [Bug MC-65240] - Banner pole texture mis-aligned

  [Bug MC-65240] - 旗帜的极纹理系统不对齐。

  [Bug MC-65699] - Armor Stand Duplication

  [Bug MC-65699] - 盔甲架复制。

  [Bug MC-67017] - The small cube in slime blocks isn’t displayed in inventory and when dropped

  [Bug MC-67017] - 在史莱姆方块中间的小绿色方块在背包里/掉落到地上时不会显示。 ——眼力好评

  [Bug MC-84625] - Mobs don’t navigate correctly in contact with Chorus Plants

  [Bug MC-84625] - 生物不能正确与紫影植物接触。

  [Bug MC-89141] - Shulker spawn instant position is crooked (not aligned to block grid)

  [Bug MC-89141] - 潜影贝在生成出来的瞬间是歪的(没有和方块网格对齐)

  [Bug MC-89882] - Shulkers Don’t Drop Experience

  [Bug MC-89882] - 潜影贝不掉落经验

  [Bug MC-92202] - Villagers stand outside opening and closing doors instead of entering

  [Bug MC-92202] - 村民站在门外不断的开关门,但没有进入门。

  [Bug MC-92443] - Typo in soundevent name “enttiy.zombie.infect”

  [Bug MC-92443] - 打错了声音事件的名字 “enttiy.zombie.infect” ——上一个快照不是修复了吗,又打错了?!无可救药也

  [Bug MC-92556] - Mobs bouncing and spinning on grass

  [Bug MC-92556] - 生物在玻璃上跳跃和旋转。

  [Bug MC-92559] - Splash potions are broken / All thrown potions are water potions

  [Bug MC-92559] - 喷溅型药水损坏/所有扔出的药水都是水瓶。

  [Bug MC-92562] - Redstone blocks emit power through blocks

  [Bug MC-92562] - 红石块向周围的方块强充能。 ——嗯对这就是那个有趣的feature bug

  [Bug MC-92595] - Redstone blocks don’t update adjacent blocks’ power state correctly

  [Bug MC-92595] - 红石块不能正确的更新周围方块的充能强度。

  [Bug MC-92866] - Purpur Slab variant displays “DEFAULT” in capital letters

  [Bug MC-92866] - 紫珀台阶的变种会在大写字母中显示"DEFAULT"。

  Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!


  To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (See the “new profile” dialog).

  想要下载快照,请打开您的正版启动器并且点击"New Profile"按钮,在对话框中把"Enable experimental development snapshots"选项打开,然后将"Use version"选为"Use Latest Version",保存,然后点击"Play"开始游戏吧~您可以在版本下拉列表中选择回普通的版本。在体验快照前请记得备份地图或者在"new profile"对话框里更改游戏文件夹。

  Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.



  以上就是1.9快照第42版本15w47a发布 诸多BUG被修复。更多精彩尽在游戏园我的世界专区。



  简陋的欧式花园小房子设计图 我的世界花园小房子介绍

  巨大别墅洋房设计图 一座美轮美奂的欧式别墅

  马里奥兄弟的女性皮肤下载 女扮男装的妹纸

  1.9快照第42版本15w47a发布 诸多BUG被修复。我的世界1.9快照已经更新到底41个版本15w47a了,那下面就给大家介绍一下此次15w47a版本的更新内容吧!希望大家喜欢。

  游戏园我的世界官方群: 325049520 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!

  Snapshot. Time. Again. Yay!


  Our bug tracker is now the home page in our browsers and we are going to keep it that way until Minecraft 1.9 is ready for release. We want to say “thank you” to everyone who’s reporting bugs and voting on them. And of course we also want to thank our moderators helping us to focus on the important issues, they are doing an awesome job to keep the bugs under control.


  Due to some complaints that we were too focused on fixing bugs and not adding more features for 1.9, this weeks snapshot will focus on solving issues instead.

  由于一些关于"我们过于专注在修复bug上而不再添加其他的特性feature bug"的投诉,这个星期的快照相反,将专注于解决问题【笑,这不是一回事吗,文字游戏。

  Notable changes:


  _Fixed a lot of bugs_



  Solved a lot of issues


  Better support for transparency in skins


  Reverted a change to redstone blocks that caused some issues with redstone contraptions in the previous snapshot


  Prepared the game for the upcoming holidays


  Changed something in the bacon block


  Balancing tweaks


  Bugs fixed in this snapshot:


  [Bug MC-1777] - Placing a painting “behind” a button makes button unclickable

  [Bug MC-1777] - 在按钮的位置放置画会导致按钮不可点击。

  [Bug MC-1973] - Items placed into a beacon are lost upon destroying it or reloading a world

  [Bug MC-1973] - 放置在信标里的物品会在摧毁/重载世界后丢失。

  [Bug MC-2844] - Doors have no placement sound.

  [Bug MC-2844] - 门没有放置音效。——然而上一个快照的修复列表里也有它……

  [Bug MC-5927] - Daylight Sensor outputting signal when encased

  [Bug MC-5927] - 日光传感器在被方块包裹时也会输出信号。——同上,这些bug诈尸啦

  [Bug MC-7519] - Clearing Nausea Potion Effect will stop it but show portal tint

  [Bug MC-7519] - 移除反胃药水的效果时,屏幕会显示在传送门中的效果(紫色烟雾)。——话说这个bug不是也在上一个快照被修复了吗!

  [Bug MC-9089] - Suicide from potions gives player a point in playerKillCount

  [Bug MC-9089] - 用药水自杀将会把玩家的playerKillCount+1。

  [Bug MC-12959] - TNT mesh rotated wrongly placed vs primed

  [Bug MC-12959] - TNT在放置和点燃时纹理错误。 ——同上

  [Bug MC-33384] - Noteblocks and jukeboxes play the wrong walk, place and break sounds

  [Bug MC-33384] - 音符盒和唱片机的行走音效、放置音效和破坏音效出错。

  [Bug MC-42150] - On Christmas trapped chests don’t have texture of presents

  [Bug MC-42150] - 在圣诞节的时候陷阱箱不会变成圣诞礼物。

  [Bug MC-46772] - Skin hat layer translucency only works in the end dimension

  [Bug MC-46772] - 皮肤中帽子的透明效果只能在末地起效。

  [Bug MC-59777] - Endermen lose ability to dodge melee attacks after being hit

  [Bug MC-59777] - 末影人被攻击后失去了躲避混战的攻击的能力。

  [Bug MC-65240] - Banner pole texture mis-aligned

  [Bug MC-65240] - 旗帜的极纹理系统不对齐。

  [Bug MC-65699] - Armor Stand Duplication

  [Bug MC-65699] - 盔甲架复制。

  [Bug MC-67017] - The small cube in slime blocks isn’t displayed in inventory and when dropped

  [Bug MC-67017] - 在史莱姆方块中间的小绿色方块在背包里/掉落到地上时不会显示。 ——眼力好评

  [Bug MC-84625] - Mobs don’t navigate correctly in contact with Chorus Plants

  [Bug MC-84625] - 生物不能正确与紫影植物接触。

  [Bug MC-89141] - Shulker spawn instant position is crooked (not aligned to block grid)

  [Bug MC-89141] - 潜影贝在生成出来的瞬间是歪的(没有和方块网格对齐)

  [Bug MC-89882] - Shulkers Don’t Drop Experience

  [Bug MC-89882] - 潜影贝不掉落经验

  [Bug MC-92202] - Villagers stand outside opening and closing doors instead of entering

  [Bug MC-92202] - 村民站在门外不断的开关门,但没有进入门。

  [Bug MC-92443] - Typo in soundevent name “enttiy.zombie.infect”

  [Bug MC-92443] - 打错了声音事件的名字 “enttiy.zombie.infect” ——上一个快照不是修复了吗,又打错了?!无可救药也

  [Bug MC-92556] - Mobs bouncing and spinning on grass

  [Bug MC-92556] - 生物在玻璃上跳跃和旋转。

  [Bug MC-92559] - Splash potions are broken / All thrown potions are water potions

  [Bug MC-92559] - 喷溅型药水损坏/所有扔出的药水都是水瓶。

  [Bug MC-92562] - Redstone blocks emit power through blocks

  [Bug MC-92562] - 红石块向周围的方块强充能。 ——嗯对这就是那个有趣的feature bug

  [Bug MC-92595] - Redstone blocks don’t update adjacent blocks’ power state correctly

  [Bug MC-92595] - 红石块不能正确的更新周围方块的充能强度。

  [Bug MC-92866] - Purpur Slab variant displays “DEFAULT” in capital letters

  [Bug MC-92866] - 紫珀台阶的变种会在大写字母中显示"DEFAULT"。

  Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!


  To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (See the “new profile” dialog).

  想要下载快照,请打开您的正版启动器并且点击"New Profile"按钮,在对话框中把"Enable experimental development snapshots"选项打开,然后将"Use version"选为"Use Latest Version",保存,然后点击"Play"开始游戏吧~您可以在版本下拉列表中选择回普通的版本。在体验快照前请记得备份地图或者在"new profile"对话框里更改游戏文件夹。

  Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.



  以上就是1.9快照第42版本15w47a发布 诸多BUG被修复。更多精彩尽在游戏园我的世界专区。



  简陋的欧式花园小房子设计图 我的世界花园小房子介绍

  巨大别墅洋房设计图 一座美轮美奂的欧式别墅

  马里奥兄弟的女性皮肤下载 女扮男装的妹纸



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