
时间:2017-08-09 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名

  我的世界愚人节“时尚更新”pre-release1发布。我的世界《the Trendy Update(时尚更新)》版本pre-release 1已经发布啦!那下面就给大家详细的介绍一下吧!希望对大家有所帮助。

  游戏园我的世界官方群:325049520 二群:256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!

  玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入:464651602 群一起联机玩游戏哦!

  如果你有心仪的作品或者心得分享的话,欢迎来游戏园投稿,大家可以点击>>>投稿<<<进行投稿哦~ 有奖品哦~


  Woho! It’s already time for a pre-release of the next Minecraft version: 1.RV, The Trendy Update! This must have been the speediest update we’ve ever been able to push out, only a few days after 1.9.2.

  woho!已经到时间发布下一个Minecraft版本的pre-release: 1.RV,“时尚更新”!这次一定是我们最快更新的一次,1.9.2才发布几天就发布了.

  With the Trendy Update we thought; why should we bring Minecraft to modern technology when we can bring technology to Minecraft? It’s time to get in line with the times and make Minecraft a game that feels it belongs in 2016. There has never been so much fuss about gadgets and wearables as in recent months, and trends are meant to inspire innovation. Not has there been a single IT exhibition without the flood of digital bracelets, miniature monitors attached to your glasses, and motion tracking devices. All to make our lives more engaged and immersed, with exciting new experiences.

  伴随着《the Trendy Update》“时尚更新”我们认为;我们既然可以将现代科技带入Minecraft为何还需要将Minecraft带入现代科技呢?是时候与时代同步并让人感受到Minecraft一个属于2016的游戏.这几个月以来从未有过任何关于gadgets(高科技产品工具)和wearables(可佩带的饰品)的新闻,要构建激励创新的机制. IT展览会怎么能少了智能手镯,眼镜的微型显示器,和人体运动跟踪设备.这些高科技设备会使我们的生活更加积极和更加沉浸.真是令人异常兴奋的体验.

  So here comes an update to Minecraft that will really make the game feel fresh and thrilling. Have a list of the feature highlights:这次的更新会使得Minecraft更新鲜以及更惊险刺激/扣人心弦. 更新亮点列表:

  Monsters will now be equipped with the latest gear on the market. What market? The monster market.

  怪物现在已装备商店最新的虚拟现实头盔. 什么商店?怪物商店啊.

  New tools that once you use them, you can’t remember how you could live your life without them. They may even not come off! But why would you want that anyway?

  你使用新工具时,你不可能忘记没有它们你该怎么办.它们甚至不可以掉落! 但是你为什么要这样想呢?

  Never miss any important information! What’s important? We don’t know, so it will tell you everything. With sound!

  决不错过任何重要信息!什么是重要的?我们不知道,所以它会告诉你一切. 用声音!

  All these gadgets will need more power, so we’ve added a USB Charger Block to help you out

  所有设备都需要更多的能量,所以我们增加了一个USB Charger Block(USB充电方块)来帮助你

  Digitalized Herobrine

  数据化 Herobrine

  Removed Herobrine

  移除 Herobrine

  This pre-release is available as a development snapshot in a launcher near you.

  你可以在客户端内的 development snapshot找到这个pre-release.




  我的世界海底神殿种子 minecraft愚人节开的小玩笑

  我的世界整蛊小机关 愚人节特别篇

  我的世界2实为愚人节玩笑 mojang暂无该版本设定

  我的世界愚人节“时尚更新”pre-release1发布。我的世界《the Trendy Update(时尚更新)》版本pre-release 1已经发布啦!那下面就给大家详细的介绍一下吧!希望对大家有所帮助。

  游戏园我的世界官方群:325049520 二群:256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!

  玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入:464651602 群一起联机玩游戏哦!

  如果你有心仪的作品或者心得分享的话,欢迎来游戏园投稿,大家可以点击>>>投稿<<<进行投稿哦~ 有奖品哦~


  Woho! It’s already time for a pre-release of the next Minecraft version: 1.RV, The Trendy Update! This must have been the speediest update we’ve ever been able to push out, only a few days after 1.9.2.

  woho!已经到时间发布下一个Minecraft版本的pre-release: 1.RV,“时尚更新”!这次一定是我们最快更新的一次,1.9.2才发布几天就发布了.

  With the Trendy Update we thought; why should we bring Minecraft to modern technology when we can bring technology to Minecraft? It’s time to get in line with the times and make Minecraft a game that feels it belongs in 2016. There has never been so much fuss about gadgets and wearables as in recent months, and trends are meant to inspire innovation. Not has there been a single IT exhibition without the flood of digital bracelets, miniature monitors attached to your glasses, and motion tracking devices. All to make our lives more engaged and immersed, with exciting new experiences.

  伴随着《the Trendy Update》“时尚更新”我们认为;我们既然可以将现代科技带入Minecraft为何还需要将Minecraft带入现代科技呢?是时候与时代同步并让人感受到Minecraft一个属于2016的游戏.这几个月以来从未有过任何关于gadgets(高科技产品工具)和wearables(可佩带的饰品)的新闻,要构建激励创新的机制. IT展览会怎么能少了智能手镯,眼镜的微型显示器,和人体运动跟踪设备.这些高科技设备会使我们的生活更加积极和更加沉浸.真是令人异常兴奋的体验.

  So here comes an update to Minecraft that will really make the game feel fresh and thrilling. Have a list of the feature highlights:这次的更新会使得Minecraft更新鲜以及更惊险刺激/扣人心弦. 更新亮点列表:

  Monsters will now be equipped with the latest gear on the market. What market? The monster market.

  怪物现在已装备商店最新的虚拟现实头盔. 什么商店?怪物商店啊.

  New tools that once you use them, you can’t remember how you could live your life without them. They may even not come off! But why would you want that anyway?

  你使用新工具时,你不可能忘记没有它们你该怎么办.它们甚至不可以掉落! 但是你为什么要这样想呢?

  Never miss any important information! What’s important? We don’t know, so it will tell you everything. With sound!

  决不错过任何重要信息!什么是重要的?我们不知道,所以它会告诉你一切. 用声音!

  All these gadgets will need more power, so we’ve added a USB Charger Block to help you out

  所有设备都需要更多的能量,所以我们增加了一个USB Charger Block(USB充电方块)来帮助你

  Digitalized Herobrine

  数据化 Herobrine

  Removed Herobrine

  移除 Herobrine

  This pre-release is available as a development snapshot in a launcher near you.

  你可以在客户端内的 development snapshot找到这个pre-release.




  我的世界海底神殿种子 minecraft愚人节开的小玩笑

  我的世界整蛊小机关 愚人节特别篇

  我的世界2实为愚人节玩笑 mojang暂无该版本设定



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