我的世界闹鬼的假期与可怕的糖果 你们的万圣节还好吗

时间:2017-06-21 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名

  我的世界闹鬼的假期与可怕的糖果 你们的万圣节还好吗。那昨天不知道大家度过了一个怎么样的万圣节哦~这不我的世界Realms就分享了一下他的万圣节哦~有感兴趣的玩家不妨进来看看哦~

  游戏园我的世界官方群:325049520  256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!

  玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入:141931866 群一起联机玩游戏哦!


  如果你有心仪的作品或者心得分享的话,欢迎来游戏园投稿,大家可以点击>>>投稿<<<进行投稿哦~ 有奖品哦~




  With Halloween just around the corner, we asked community mapmakers if they were working on anything particularly Halloween-ish, and they replied with a resounding, “Yes!” This is the biggest Realms map release so far, with seven total upcoming experiences. Read on to find out more about each map!

  Herobrine’s Mansion by Hypixel and Xiantis

  三年前首次发布,Herobrine’s Mansion是最先大量使用命令方块的冒险地图之一。玩家将在击败他的随从之后与邪恶的Herobrine对抗。现在,在对机制与外表进行更新之后,你和朋友们将可以体验这个纯正的Herobrine’s Mansion重置版!

  Originally published three years ago, Herobrine’s Mansion was one of the first adventure maps to make extensive use of command blocks. Players face off against the devious Herobrine, but you can only reach him once you defeat his minions. Now, with some updated mechanics and a fresh coat of paint, this faithful recreation of Herobrine’s Mansion is ready for you and your friends!

  The Dornenstein Estate by Mangelware, DIDschl, and Saophai

  The Dorninstein Estate 是我们目前所知剧情最好的地图。在穿越令人毛骨悚然的公馆的同时,你还要找到数件圣物。诡异的影像与声音恶作剧般地充斥着整个屋子,恐怖的体验会让你怀疑何为真实,何为虚幻。

  The Dornenstein Estate is simply one of the best-scripted maps we’ve seen so far. While taking a short, spooky journey through this mansion, you’ll need to find several relics to progress. Tricks abound throughout the house as sights, sounds, and freaky experiences make you wonder what is real and what’s not.

  Forgotten Hamlet by Theticman and ChildOfStars

  虽然我们在降低新的生存出生点类地图的通过率(这个是第30个!),Forgetten Hamlet是无法被淘汰的。它不仅符合我们的万圣节发布风格,而且在Realms的地图中独树一帜,甚至还拥有自己的介绍片!我们非常喜欢这张地图,希望你也能一样喜欢。

  While we’re winding down on accepting new survival spawns for now (this marks the 30th one!), Forgotten Hamlet couldn’t be passed up. It fit the theme of our Halloween release, was markedly different from other maps on Realms, and it even has a trailer! We like this map a lot and hope that you’ll enjoy it as well.

  Trick or Treat by CommandRedstone, BREEZ90, gilly330, and Pebble

  我的世界闹鬼的假期与可怕的糖果 你们的万圣节还好吗。那昨天不知道大家度过了一个怎么样的万圣节哦~这不我的世界Realms就分享了一下他的万圣节哦~有感兴趣的玩家不妨进来看看哦~

  游戏园我的世界官方群:325049520  256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!

  玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入:141931866 群一起联机玩游戏哦!


  如果你有心仪的作品或者心得分享的话,欢迎来游戏园投稿,大家可以点击>>>投稿<<<进行投稿哦~ 有奖品哦~




  With Halloween just around the corner, we asked community mapmakers if they were working on anything particularly Halloween-ish, and they replied with a resounding, “Yes!” This is the biggest Realms map release so far, with seven total upcoming experiences. Read on to find out more about each map!

  Herobrine’s Mansion by Hypixel and Xiantis

  三年前首次发布,Herobrine’s Mansion是最先大量使用命令方块的冒险地图之一。玩家将在击败他的随从之后与邪恶的Herobrine对抗。现在,在对机制与外表进行更新之后,你和朋友们将可以体验这个纯正的Herobrine’s Mansion重置版!

  Originally published three years ago, Herobrine’s Mansion was one of the first adventure maps to make extensive use of command blocks. Players face off against the devious Herobrine, but you can only reach him once you defeat his minions. Now, with some updated mechanics and a fresh coat of paint, this faithful recreation of Herobrine’s Mansion is ready for you and your friends!

  The Dornenstein Estate by Mangelware, DIDschl, and Saophai

  The Dorninstein Estate 是我们目前所知剧情最好的地图。在穿越令人毛骨悚然的公馆的同时,你还要找到数件圣物。诡异的影像与声音恶作剧般地充斥着整个屋子,恐怖的体验会让你怀疑何为真实,何为虚幻。

  The Dornenstein Estate is simply one of the best-scripted maps we’ve seen so far. While taking a short, spooky journey through this mansion, you’ll need to find several relics to progress. Tricks abound throughout the house as sights, sounds, and freaky experiences make you wonder what is real and what’s not.

  Forgotten Hamlet by Theticman and ChildOfStars

  虽然我们在降低新的生存出生点类地图的通过率(这个是第30个!),Forgetten Hamlet是无法被淘汰的。它不仅符合我们的万圣节发布风格,而且在Realms的地图中独树一帜,甚至还拥有自己的介绍片!我们非常喜欢这张地图,希望你也能一样喜欢。

  While we’re winding down on accepting new survival spawns for now (this marks the 30th one!), Forgotten Hamlet couldn’t be passed up. It fit the theme of our Halloween release, was markedly different from other maps on Realms, and it even has a trailer! We like this map a lot and hope that you’ll enjoy it as well.

  Trick or Treat by CommandRedstone, BREEZ90, gilly330, and Pebble


  What would Halloween be without some trick-or-treating? This minigame puts you and your costumed friends into a haunted neighborhood, searching for candy. You’ll need to frantically run from house to house, obtaining goodies from villagers, all while dodging others who want to take your loot!

  Unsighted Shadow by MineMakers Team


  You play as a journalist, investigating a seemingly-empty building at night. Armed with your flashlight, camera, and a grappling hook, you’ve got to figure out what happened here, then escape what you find inside…

  Pumpkin Party by Plagiatus, dragonmaster95, and Tomhelduf


  Grab your friends and join us at the pumpkin party! There’s no dress code, though costumes are suggested. Try on the wither suit and more! Once you’ve suited up, you’ll cycle randomly through five exciting minigames. Have fun!

  Monster Kids by Moesh


  Some folks know that Moesh has been working behind the scenes with me for a while now, helping to make Realms content bigger and better. For Halloween, he’s created the answer to a question we found ourselves pondering: “Do monsters go trick-or-treating too!?” Players compete to gather the most candies by descending into the dark depths of their natural cave habitat. Get the most candy, and you win! Masterfully making members manage munchies, Moesh’s map is a marvel of monster mechanics.

  The more the scarier

  在庆祝万圣节之际,Monster Kids会在周一推出。剩余的6张地图现在就可在PC 版Realm中进行下载;启动Minecraft,点击Realms,将一个地图重置为这些体验之一即可。如果你或者你的朋友没有领域服,你可以在minecraft.net/realms找到更多信息。如果你喜欢这些地图,请花点时间告诉作者或我们;我们希望听到你的声音。

  Celebrating Halloween, Monster Kids will be available to you on Monday. The remaining six maps can be downloaded from Realms for PC right now; just load up Minecraft, click on Realms, and reset a world slot to one of these new experiences. If you or a friend don’t already have a Realm, you can find out more at minecraft.net/realms. If you enjoy these maps, take a moment to let the creators or myself know; we’d love to hear from you.


  Until next time!

  Marc - @Marc_IRL



  以上就是我的世界闹鬼的假期与可怕的糖果 你们的万圣节还好吗。更多精彩尽在游戏园我的世界专区。


  主机板万圣节鬼怪包来临 我的世界哈喽周(Halloweek)


  万圣节风格的不知名建筑 我的世界玩家脑洞大开的建筑

  万圣节风格城堡建筑分享及存档下载 一点都不吓人

  我的世界恐怖的万圣节 吓死宝宝了



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