我的世界15w49a版本发布 修复约100个BUG

时间:2017-12-19 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名

  我的世界15w49a版本发布 修复约100个BUG。我的世界1.9版本第44个快照今天发布啦!此次15w49a修复了诸多BUG,约有100个。那下面游戏园小编就给大家详细的而介绍一下吧!希望大家喜欢。

  游戏园我的世界官方群: 325049520 游戏园我的世界二群: 256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入: 464651602 群一起联机玩游戏哦!

  Two weeks already since we released our previous snapshot? About time to make another one. We are so busy with fixing bugs in the game that we barely find time to finish anything els…


  [add description here]


  Notable changes:


  Fixed a lot of bugs (again)


  Improved doors


  Pathfinding is now approximately 1.97% smarter


  Balancing tweaks




  Issues solved in this snapshot:


  [Issue MC-729] - Zombies only fight back against players

  [Issue MC-729] - 僵尸只回击玩家

  [Issue MC-1973] - Items placed into a beacon are lost upon reloading a world

  [Issue MC-1973] - 重新加载世界后信标中物品消失

  [Issue MC-3626] - Signs, Sugar Cane, Vines, Two-block Plants and Cobwebs cause glitchy mob behavior

  [Issue MC-3626] - 告示牌,甘蔗,藤蔓,两个高的植物和蜘蛛网导致生物行为异常

  [Issue MC-7519] - Clearing Nausea Potion Effect will stop it but show portal tint

  [Issue MC-7519] - 清除反胃效果会停止但是会有一段传送门的效果

  [Issue MC-8017] - False Cobweb Behavior

  [Issue MC-8017] - 错误的蜘蛛网行为

  [Issue MC-9074] - Command selector syntax does not recognize decimals

  [Issue MC-9074] - 指令选择器语法不支持小数

  [Issue MC-10818] - Skeleton/Wither Skeleton leg texture experiences Z-fighting

  [Issue MC-10818] - 骷髅/凋零骷髅的腿的纹理带有Z缓冲区碰撞

  [Issue MC-18272] - Health Boost and Absorption Effects have the same Icon

  [Issue MC-18272] - 生命提升和伤害吸收效果有相同的图标

  [Issue MC-20431] - Player is floating above the saddle of a donkey

  [Issue MC-20431] - 玩家浮在驴的鞍上

  [Issue MC-33863] - Villagers rarely can turn to Baby Zombie Villagers / Chicken Jockey

  [Issue MC-33863] - 村民很少变为幼年僵尸村民/鸡骑士

  [Issue MC-38307] - Lightning strike area-effect destroys item frames, paintings, and armor stands

  [Issue MC-38307] - 闪电劈过的区域摧毁物品展示框,画,以及盔甲架

  [Issue MC-39098] - Endermen can pick up blocks behind walls

  [Issue MC-39098] - 末影人可以拿去墙后面的方块

  [Issue MC-46034] - Lava flows towards gaps even if they can’t be reached

  [Issue MC-46034] - 岩浆流向间隙即使岩浆无法流到那里

  [Issue MC-48570] - Server-Side Resource Packs do not show up in Resource Pack list

  [Issue MC-48570] - 服务器端资源包不显示在资源包列表中

  [Issue MC-50468] - Skeleton AI ignoring helmet - skeleton still stays in shadow

  [Issue MC-50468] - 骷髅AI无视盔甲——骷髅仍然呆在阴影中

  [Issue MC-50559] - Rain Texture is Upside Down

  [Issue MC-50559] - 雨的纹理颠倒

  [Issue MC-55942] - Nether wart, wheat, carrot, and potato hitboxes reflect only first stage

  [Issue MC-55942] - 地狱疣,小麦,胡萝卜和土豆的碰撞箱只反映了第一阶段

  [Issue MC-62552] - FallingSand shows alternate block textures while falling

  [Issue MC-62552] - 掉落沙掉落时显示交错的纹理

  [Issue MC-63129] - Baby Zombies named “Dinnerbone” can now fly

  [Issue MC-63129] - 名为“Dinnerbone”的幼年僵尸会飞

  [Issue MC-69328] - /playsound not tab-completing sounds

  [Issue MC-69328] - /playsound没有tab补全

  [Issue MC-69834] - Metal ring misplaced at tripwire hook / does not move

  [Issue MC-69834] - 绊线钩上的金属环错位/不移动

  [Issue MC-70306] - Can’t put Flower Pot on Piston

  [Issue MC-70306] - 不能在活塞上放置花盆

  [Issue MC-70327] - Blaze fireballs damage other blazes

  [Issue MC-70327] - 烈焰人的火球伤害其它烈焰人

  [Issue MC-72156] - Tamed wolves attack when a wild wolf is hurt.

  [Issue MC-72156] - 驯服的狼会在野生的狼受伤时攻击

  [Issue MC-72368] - Cactus can be placed under water, but doesn’t break

  [Issue MC-72368] - 仙人掌可以放在水下而不被破坏

  [Issue MC-73370] - Trapped chests are in “Decoration Blocks”

  [Issue MC-73370] - 陷阱箱在“装饰性方块”中

  [Issue MC-73884] - Projectiles get destroyed at contact with non solid blocks

  [Issue MC-73884] - 弹射物接触非固体方块时被破坏

  [Issue MC-75471] - Ocelots and Rabbits run from you in creative mode

  [Issue MC-75471] - 在创造模式中豹猫和兔子会逃离你

  [Issue MC-76045] - Clicking on non-existing link target or deleted screenshot gives error

  [Issue MC-76045] - 点击不存在的链接目标或已删除的截图给出错误

  [Issue MC-76975] - Pick block doesn’t work on the dragon egg

  [Issue MC-76975] - 拾取方块在龙蛋上不工作

  [Issue MC-77224] - Tp with relative x rotation above 90 affects y rotation

  [Issue MC-77224] - 在tp中使用大于90度的x轴相对旋转会影响y轴旋转

  [Issue MC-77758] - Guardian beam turns green at the end of charging

  [Issue MC-77758] - 深海守卫者的光束在蓄能的最后变绿

  [Issue MC-80148] - Custom Model Lighting Irregularities (Top & Bottom Faces)/each cuboid part of a model renders smooth lighting as if it were a full block

  [Issue MC-80148] - 自定义模型光照错误(上下面)/每一个长方体会作为一整个方块渲染平滑光照

  [Issue MC-80597] - Lit Furnace still obtainable using the /give command

  [Issue MC-80597] - 燃烧中的熔炉依然可以通过/give获得

  [Issue MC-81693] - Multiple items have missing (transparent) pixels

  [Issue MC-81693] - 多个物品的(透明)像素丢失

  [Issue MC-81725] - Shift+F3 menu remains on server disconnect

  [Issue MC-81725] - Shift+F3菜单在从服务器断开后依然保持

  [Issue MC-82452] - Server Resource Packs Not Staying Persistent

  [Issue MC-82452] - 服务器资源包不持久

  [Issue MC-83105] - Offhand items render while drawing bow

  [Issue MC-83105] - 副手的物品在拉弓时渲染

  [Issue MC-83107] - Shulkers deflect arrows from the side but not the top, arrows glitchy when shot at the edge

  [Issue MC-83107] - 潜影贝从边上弹开箭而不是顶部,箭射在边缘时会出问题

  [Issue MC-83174] - Zombies, Zombie Pigmen, Ghasts, Guardians, Slimes, Magma Cubes, Wither Skeletons, Spiders, Cave Spiders, Silverfishes and Endermites do not attack when hit by other mobs

  [Issue MC-83174] - 僵尸,僵尸猪人,恶魂,深海守卫着,史莱姆,岩浆怪,凋零骷髅,蜘蛛,洞穴蜘蛛,蠹虫和末影螨当被其它生物攻击时不回击

  [Issue MC-83193] - Punching cake eats it

  [Issue MC-83193] - 打蛋糕会吃了它

  [Issue MC-83271] - Bosses are unaffected by the potions / “new arrows”

  [Issue MC-83271] - Boss不受药水/“新的箭”影响

  [Issue MC-83599] - Arrow/Item in offhand still displayed while drawing bow in first person view

  [Issue MC-83599] - 第一人称视角中副手的箭/物品拉弓时依然会显示

  [Issue MC-83824] - infinite arrows with effect (infinity enchantment works with potion tipped arrows)

  [Issue MC-83824] - 无限药水箭(无限附魔可用于药水箭)

  [Issue MC-83850] - Squid and ghasts are unaffected by levitation

  [Issue MC-83850] - 鱿鱼和恶魂不受悬浮效果影响

  [Issue MC-83896] - Shulkers can teleport into other shulkers

  [Issue MC-83896] - 潜影贝可以传送到其它潜影贝内部

  [Issue MC-83930] - End City spawns even without Generate Structures

  [Issue MC-83930] - 末地城在生成建筑关闭时依然生成

  [Issue MC-85117] - Shulkers teleport even when they’re already dead

  [Issue MC-85117] - 潜影贝死后还会传送

  [Issue MC-85256] - Cauldrons are filled with water while snowing in biomes where it only snows above a certain height

  [Issue MC-85256] - 炼药锅中会在一些只在特定高度上方才会下雪的生物群系中被填满

  [Issue MC-85527] - Shulkers opening into blocks

  [Issue MC-85527] - 潜影贝向方块内打开壳

  [Issue MC-85756] - Blocks/items on mobs’ heads turn red when the mob takes damage

  [Issue MC-85756] - 生物头上的方块/物品当生物收到伤害时会变红

  [Issue MC-85963] - Melon and glistering melon textures have different rotations

  [Issue MC-85963] - 西瓜和南瓜的纹理旋转不同

  [Issue MC-86305] - AreaEffectCloud can be pushed by pistons

  [Issue MC-86305] - AreaEffectCloud可以被活塞推动

  [Issue MC-86385] - Leading zeroes omitted on dyed leather armor colour

  [Issue MC-86385] - 染色皮革颜色的前导零被忽略

  [Issue MC-86836] - Enderdragon can teleport through end_gateway

  [Issue MC-86836] - 末影龙可以通过末地折越门传送

  [Issue MC-86951] - Drop item scoreboard objective increases with /give

  [Issue MC-86951] - “物品掉落”计分板判据在使用/give时增加

  [Issue MC-86992] - Shulker floating 1/16 above ground

  [Issue MC-86992] - 潜影贝在地上浮起1/16格

  [Issue MC-87093] - Zombie / Skeleton / Zombie Pigman arm animation glitch if they can’t reach you.

  [Issue MC-87093] - 僵尸/骷髅/僵尸猪人无法达到你的位置时手臂动画错误

  [Issue MC-87143] - Setblock signs with text put “null” on empty lines by reloading the world

  [Issue MC-87143] - 放置的告示牌的空行在重新加载世界后显示“null”

  [Issue MC-87219] - Floating Mob Heads above baby zombies that wear them

  [Issue MC-87219] - 幼年僵尸带有头颅时头颅漂浮

  [Issue MC-87242] - Librarian zombie villager robe texture is sometimes white instead of transparent

  [Issue MC-87242] - 图书管理员僵尸村民纹理有时是白色而不是透明

  [Issue MC-87383] - shulker hitbox height

  [Issue MC-87383] - 潜影贝碰撞箱高度

  [Issue MC-87568] - Slimes with levitation moving

  [Issue MC-87568] - 带有悬浮效果的史莱姆移动

  [Issue MC-87573] - Spawned Slimes move always South (+Z) first

  [Issue MC-87573] - 生成的史莱姆总是先向南(+Z)移动

  [Issue MC-88401] - Arrow blocked by shield can get stuck above player

  [Issue MC-88401] - 盾牌挡掉的箭会卡在玩家上方

  [Issue MC-88465] - Shield still have metadata

  [Issue MC-88465] - 盾牌依然含有元数据

  [Issue MC-88569] - Armor slots inconsistency

  [Issue MC-88569] - 盔甲栏不一致

  [Issue MC-89181] - AreaEffectCloud does not work with some particles/crashes with others

  [Issue MC-89181] - AreaEffectCloud使用某些粒子时不工作/崩溃

  [Issue MC-89399] - If an end portal generates with 12 eyes in it, it is impossible to use it.

  [Issue MC-89399] - 如果末地传送门生成时带有12颗末影之眼,那么它没法用

  [Issue MC-90095] - elytra does goes invisible with player if potion is used.

  [Issue MC-90095] - 使用隐形药水时滑翔翅隐形

  [Issue MC-90417] - Enderdragon can be passenger on boats

  [Issue MC-90417] - 末影龙会坐在船上

  [Issue MC-90549] - Taking damage while gliding pushes you upwards

  [Issue MC-90549] - 潜行时收到伤害会让你向上移动

  [Issue MC-90587] - Frost Walker does not work on transparent blocks

  [Issue MC-90587] - 冰霜行者不在透明方块上起效

  [Issue MC-90601] - Pick block frosted ice warning

  [Issue MC-90601] - 捡起霜冰方块时被警告

  [Issue MC-90606] - Too small damage while hitting walls with Elytra

  [Issue MC-90606] - 滑翔时撞墙的伤害太少

  [Issue MC-91061] - Loot table exceptions are not caught

  [Issue MC-91061] - 可掠夺物品表的异常未被捕获

  [Issue MC-91177] - Rain puts out fires less often

  [Issue MC-91177] - 雨不常灭火

  [Issue MC-91264] - Right clicking a hoe or a shovel on grass or dirt plays the wrong sound

  [Issue MC-91264] - 用铲子或锄头右键泥土和草的声音不对

  [Issue MC-91528] - End crystal replacing blocks with fire/able to place end crystal inside blocks including bedrock (End dimension only)

  [Issue MC-91528] - 末影水晶会替换火/可以在方块(包括基岩)内放置末影水晶(仅限末地)

  [Issue MC-91533] - Container minecarts with invalid loot table cannot be removed from world

  [Issue MC-91533] - 拥有着无效可抢夺物品表的容器类矿车不能从世界中移除

  [Issue MC-91543] - Multiple (unlimited) number of Ender Crystals placeable on one block at the same time

  [Issue MC-91543] - 可以在一格内放置多个末影水晶

  [Issue MC-91666] - Exploding Creepers drop gunpowder when they set off an End Crystal

  [Issue MC-91666] - 被末影水晶引爆的爬行者掉落火药

  [Issue MC-91756] - Beam target of ender crystals on obsidian pillars does not update when ender dragon spawn sequence is stopped

  [Issue MC-91756] - 末影水晶的光柱在末影龙生成序列停止时不更新

  [Issue MC-91807] - Use /kill @e[type=EnderCrystal] instruction, rebirth ceremony continued execution

  [Issue MC-91807] - 使用/kill @e[type=EnderCrystal],重生末影龙的过程仍然继续

  [Issue MC-92140] - End Dragon Fight fails due to level.dat issue

  [Issue MC-92140] - 末影龙战斗失败由于level.dat的问题

  [Issue MC-92202] - Villagers stand outside opening and closing doors instead of entering

  [Issue MC-92202] - 村民不进门

  [Issue MC-92225] - Buggy AI for skeletons riding horses

  [Issue MC-92225] - 骷髅骑士的AI bug多多

  [Issue MC-92309] - “Block Broken” closed caption is inaccurate

  [Issue MC-92309] - “方块破坏”的字幕不准确

  [Issue MC-92344] - Beams from end crystals move towards wrong direction when spawning Ender Dragon

  [Issue MC-92344] - 末影水晶的光束在末影龙生成的过程中角度不对

  [Issue MC-92415] - mob pathing issue

  [Issue MC-92415] - 实体寻路问题

  [Issue MC-92451] - Ender Crystal Beam Detaching

  [Issue MC-92451] - 末影水晶的光束分离

  [Issue MC-92548] - Can’t place certain blocks on marker armor stand

  [Issue MC-92548] - 不能在marker属性的盔甲架的位置放方块

  [Issue MC-92697] - Activator Rails and Powered Rails powering each other

  [Issue MC-92697] - 激活铁轨和动力铁轨互相激活

  [Issue MC-92784] - Some subtitles are unrelated to the sound

  [Issue MC-92784] - 一些字幕和声音无关

  [Issue MC-92849] - mob kills due to knock back from a sweep attack fail to reward EXP

  [Issue MC-92849] - 实体被横扫击退是没有经验的

  [Issue MC-92972] - Villagers won’t go outisde

  [Issue MC-92972] - 村民不出门

  [Issue MC-92983] - Slimes are incorrectly offset from actual position

  [Issue MC-92983] - 史莱姆从其正确位置有不正确的偏移

  [Issue MC-93107] - Shulkers still produce sound even when Silent:1b

  [Issue MC-93107] - 被禁言的潜影贝依旧撕逼静音的潜影贝依然发声音

  [Issue MC-93118] - Some of the new textures weigh too much

  Issue MC-93118] - 有些新材质太宽了

  [Issue MC-93167] - Some textures (Easy to confirm with Netherack in the Nether) jump and change rotation as you move closer or farther from them

  [Issue MC-93167] - 一些材质在你靠近或者远离时会突然变化,你可以在地狱的虚空中确认

  [Issue MC-93289] - Level-up sound originates at position in world, not at player position

  [Issue MC-93289] - 升级的声音不在玩家本身位置上发出

  Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!


  To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (See the “new profile” dialog).

  如果你想试玩快照,请打开官方启动器并点击“New Profile”按钮,选中“snapshots”并选择“Enable experimental development snapshots”并点击保存。如果要切换到普通的版本,你可以在启动器左下角的按钮上面的下拉菜单中选择。在开始快照前备份你的世界或在不同的文件夹中启动快照(见new profile对话框)。

  Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.



  以上就是我的世界15w49a版本发布 修复约100个BUG。更多精彩尽在游戏园我的世界专区。


  我的世界探测铁轨有什么用 探测铁轨合成表



  我的世界奇奇怪怪的东西 人物武器自制出来的怪物

  我的世界15w49a版本发布 修复约100个BUG。我的世界1.9版本第44个快照今天发布啦!此次15w49a修复了诸多BUG,约有100个。那下面游戏园小编就给大家详细的而介绍一下吧!希望大家喜欢。

  游戏园我的世界官方群: 325049520 游戏园我的世界二群: 256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入: 464651602 群一起联机玩游戏哦!

  Two weeks already since we released our previous snapshot? About time to make another one. We are so busy with fixing bugs in the game that we barely find time to finish anything els…


  [add description here]


  Notable changes:


  Fixed a lot of bugs (again)


  Improved doors


  Pathfinding is now approximately 1.97% smarter


  Balancing tweaks




  Issues solved in this snapshot:


  [Issue MC-729] - Zombies only fight back against players

  [Issue MC-729] - 僵尸只回击玩家

  [Issue MC-1973] - Items placed into a beacon are lost upon reloading a world

  [Issue MC-1973] - 重新加载世界后信标中物品消失

  [Issue MC-3626] - Signs, Sugar Cane, Vines, Two-block Plants and Cobwebs cause glitchy mob behavior

  [Issue MC-3626] - 告示牌,甘蔗,藤蔓,两个高的植物和蜘蛛网导致生物行为异常

  [Issue MC-7519] - Clearing Nausea Potion Effect will stop it but show portal tint

  [Issue MC-7519] - 清除反胃效果会停止但是会有一段传送门的效果

  [Issue MC-8017] - False Cobweb Behavior

  [Issue MC-8017] - 错误的蜘蛛网行为

  [Issue MC-9074] - Command selector syntax does not recognize decimals

  [Issue MC-9074] - 指令选择器语法不支持小数

  [Issue MC-10818] - Skeleton/Wither Skeleton leg texture experiences Z-fighting

  [Issue MC-10818] - 骷髅/凋零骷髅的腿的纹理带有Z缓冲区碰撞

  [Issue MC-18272] - Health Boost and Absorption Effects have the same Icon

  [Issue MC-18272] - 生命提升和伤害吸收效果有相同的图标

  [Issue MC-20431] - Player is floating above the saddle of a donkey

  [Issue MC-20431] - 玩家浮在驴的鞍上

  [Issue MC-33863] - Villagers rarely can turn to Baby Zombie Villagers / Chicken Jockey

  [Issue MC-33863] - 村民很少变为幼年僵尸村民/鸡骑士

  [Issue MC-38307] - Lightning strike area-effect destroys item frames, paintings, and armor stands

  [Issue MC-38307] - 闪电劈过的区域摧毁物品展示框,画,以及盔甲架

  [Issue MC-39098] - Endermen can pick up blocks behind walls

  [Issue MC-39098] - 末影人可以拿去墙后面的方块

  [Issue MC-46034] - Lava flows towards gaps even if they can’t be reached

  [Issue MC-46034] - 岩浆流向间隙即使岩浆无法流到那里

  [Issue MC-48570] - Server-Side Resource Packs do not show up in Resource Pack list

  [Issue MC-48570] - 服务器端资源包不显示在资源包列表中

  [Issue MC-50468] - Skeleton AI ignoring helmet - skeleton still stays in shadow

  [Issue MC-50468] - 骷髅AI无视盔甲——骷髅仍然呆在阴影中

  [Issue MC-50559] - Rain Texture is Upside Down

  [Issue MC-50559] - 雨的纹理颠倒

  [Issue MC-55942] - Nether wart, wheat, carrot, and potato hitboxes reflect only first stage

  [Issue MC-55942] - 地狱疣,小麦,胡萝卜和土豆的碰撞箱只反映了第一阶段

  [Issue MC-62552] - FallingSand shows alternate block textures while falling

  [Issue MC-62552] - 掉落沙掉落时显示交错的纹理

  [Issue MC-63129] - Baby Zombies named “Dinnerbone” can now fly

  [Issue MC-63129] - 名为“Dinnerbone”的幼年僵尸会飞

  [Issue MC-69328] - /playsound not tab-completing sounds

  [Issue MC-69328] - /playsound没有tab补全

  [Issue MC-69834] - Metal ring misplaced at tripwire hook / does not move

  [Issue MC-69834] - 绊线钩上的金属环错位/不移动

  [Issue MC-70306] - Can’t put Flower Pot on Piston

  [Issue MC-70306] - 不能在活塞上放置花盆

  [Issue MC-70327] - Blaze fireballs damage other blazes

  [Issue MC-70327] - 烈焰人的火球伤害其它烈焰人

  [Issue MC-72156] - Tamed wolves attack when a wild wolf is hurt.

  [Issue MC-72156] - 驯服的狼会在野生的狼受伤时攻击

  [Issue MC-72368] - Cactus can be placed under water, but doesn’t break

  [Issue MC-72368] - 仙人掌可以放在水下而不被破坏

  [Issue MC-73370] - Trapped chests are in “Decoration Blocks”

  [Issue MC-73370] - 陷阱箱在“装饰性方块”中

  [Issue MC-73884] - Projectiles get destroyed at contact with non solid blocks

  [Issue MC-73884] - 弹射物接触非固体方块时被破坏

  [Issue MC-75471] - Ocelots and Rabbits run from you in creative mode

  [Issue MC-75471] - 在创造模式中豹猫和兔子会逃离你

  [Issue MC-76045] - Clicking on non-existing link target or deleted screenshot gives error

  [Issue MC-76045] - 点击不存在的链接目标或已删除的截图给出错误

  [Issue MC-76975] - Pick block doesn’t work on the dragon egg

  [Issue MC-76975] - 拾取方块在龙蛋上不工作

  [Issue MC-77224] - Tp with relative x rotation above 90 affects y rotation

  [Issue MC-77224] - 在tp中使用大于90度的x轴相对旋转会影响y轴旋转

  [Issue MC-77758] - Guardian beam turns green at the end of charging

  [Issue MC-77758] - 深海守卫者的光束在蓄能的最后变绿

  [Issue MC-80148] - Custom Model Lighting Irregularities (Top & Bottom Faces)/each cuboid part of a model renders smooth lighting as if it were a full block

  [Issue MC-80148] - 自定义模型光照错误(上下面)/每一个长方体会作为一整个方块渲染平滑光照

  [Issue MC-80597] - Lit Furnace still obtainable using the /give command

  [Issue MC-80597] - 燃烧中的熔炉依然可以通过/give获得

  [Issue MC-81693] - Multiple items have missing (transparent) pixels

  [Issue MC-81693] - 多个物品的(透明)像素丢失

  [Issue MC-81725] - Shift+F3 menu remains on server disconnect

  [Issue MC-81725] - Shift+F3菜单在从服务器断开后依然保持

  [Issue MC-82452] - Server Resource Packs Not Staying Persistent

  [Issue MC-82452] - 服务器资源包不持久

  [Issue MC-83105] - Offhand items render while drawing bow

  [Issue MC-83105] - 副手的物品在拉弓时渲染

  [Issue MC-83107] - Shulkers deflect arrows from the side but not the top, arrows glitchy when shot at the edge

  [Issue MC-83107] - 潜影贝从边上弹开箭而不是顶部,箭射在边缘时会出问题

  [Issue MC-83174] - Zombies, Zombie Pigmen, Ghasts, Guardians, Slimes, Magma Cubes, Wither Skeletons, Spiders, Cave Spiders, Silverfishes and Endermites do not attack when hit by other mobs

  [Issue MC-83174] - 僵尸,僵尸猪人,恶魂,深海守卫着,史莱姆,岩浆怪,凋零骷髅,蜘蛛,洞穴蜘蛛,蠹虫和末影螨当被其它生物攻击时不回击

  [Issue MC-83193] - Punching cake eats it

  [Issue MC-83193] - 打蛋糕会吃了它

  [Issue MC-83271] - Bosses are unaffected by the potions / “new arrows”

  [Issue MC-83271] - Boss不受药水/“新的箭”影响

  [Issue MC-83599] - Arrow/Item in offhand still displayed while drawing bow in first person view

  [Issue MC-83599] - 第一人称视角中副手的箭/物品拉弓时依然会显示

  [Issue MC-83824] - infinite arrows with effect (infinity enchantment works with potion tipped arrows)

  [Issue MC-83824] - 无限药水箭(无限附魔可用于药水箭)

  [Issue MC-83850] - Squid and ghasts are unaffected by levitation

  [Issue MC-83850] - 鱿鱼和恶魂不受悬浮效果影响

  [Issue MC-83896] - Shulkers can teleport into other shulkers

  [Issue MC-83896] - 潜影贝可以传送到其它潜影贝内部

  [Issue MC-83930] - End City spawns even without Generate Structures

  [Issue MC-83930] - 末地城在生成建筑关闭时依然生成

  [Issue MC-85117] - Shulkers teleport even when they’re already dead

  [Issue MC-85117] - 潜影贝死后还会传送

  [Issue MC-85256] - Cauldrons are filled with water while snowing in biomes where it only snows above a certain height

  [Issue MC-85256] - 炼药锅中会在一些只在特定高度上方才会下雪的生物群系中被填满

  [Issue MC-85527] - Shulkers opening into blocks

  [Issue MC-85527] - 潜影贝向方块内打开壳

  [Issue MC-85756] - Blocks/items on mobs’ heads turn red when the mob takes damage

  [Issue MC-85756] - 生物头上的方块/物品当生物收到伤害时会变红

  [Issue MC-85963] - Melon and glistering melon textures have different rotations

  [Issue MC-85963] - 西瓜和南瓜的纹理旋转不同

  [Issue MC-86305] - AreaEffectCloud can be pushed by pistons

  [Issue MC-86305] - AreaEffectCloud可以被活塞推动

  [Issue MC-86385] - Leading zeroes omitted on dyed leather armor colour

  [Issue MC-86385] - 染色皮革颜色的前导零被忽略

  [Issue MC-86836] - Enderdragon can teleport through end_gateway

  [Issue MC-86836] - 末影龙可以通过末地折越门传送

  [Issue MC-86951] - Drop item scoreboard objective increases with /give

  [Issue MC-86951] - “物品掉落”计分板判据在使用/give时增加

  [Issue MC-86992] - Shulker floating 1/16 above ground

  [Issue MC-86992] - 潜影贝在地上浮起1/16格

  [Issue MC-87093] - Zombie / Skeleton / Zombie Pigman arm animation glitch if they can’t reach you.

  [Issue MC-87093] - 僵尸/骷髅/僵尸猪人无法达到你的位置时手臂动画错误

  [Issue MC-87143] - Setblock signs with text put “null” on empty lines by reloading the world

  [Issue MC-87143] - 放置的告示牌的空行在重新加载世界后显示“null”

  [Issue MC-87219] - Floating Mob Heads above baby zombies that wear them

  [Issue MC-87219] - 幼年僵尸带有头颅时头颅漂浮

  [Issue MC-87242] - Librarian zombie villager robe texture is sometimes white instead of transparent

  [Issue MC-87242] - 图书管理员僵尸村民纹理有时是白色而不是透明

  [Issue MC-87383] - shulker hitbox height

  [Issue MC-87383] - 潜影贝碰撞箱高度

  [Issue MC-87568] - Slimes with levitation moving

  [Issue MC-87568] - 带有悬浮效果的史莱姆移动

  [Issue MC-87573] - Spawned Slimes move always South (+Z) first

  [Issue MC-87573] - 生成的史莱姆总是先向南(+Z)移动

  [Issue MC-88401] - Arrow blocked by shield can get stuck above player

  [Issue MC-88401] - 盾牌挡掉的箭会卡在玩家上方

  [Issue MC-88465] - Shield still have metadata

  [Issue MC-88465] - 盾牌依然含有元数据

  [Issue MC-88569] - Armor slots inconsistency

  [Issue MC-88569] - 盔甲栏不一致

  [Issue MC-89181] - AreaEffectCloud does not work with some particles/crashes with others

  [Issue MC-89181] - AreaEffectCloud使用某些粒子时不工作/崩溃

  [Issue MC-89399] - If an end portal generates with 12 eyes in it, it is impossible to use it.

  [Issue MC-89399] - 如果末地传送门生成时带有12颗末影之眼,那么它没法用

  [Issue MC-90095] - elytra does goes invisible with player if potion is used.

  [Issue MC-90095] - 使用隐形药水时滑翔翅隐形

  [Issue MC-90417] - Enderdragon can be passenger on boats

  [Issue MC-90417] - 末影龙会坐在船上

  [Issue MC-90549] - Taking damage while gliding pushes you upwards

  [Issue MC-90549] - 潜行时收到伤害会让你向上移动

  [Issue MC-90587] - Frost Walker does not work on transparent blocks

  [Issue MC-90587] - 冰霜行者不在透明方块上起效

  [Issue MC-90601] - Pick block frosted ice warning

  [Issue MC-90601] - 捡起霜冰方块时被警告

  [Issue MC-90606] - Too small damage while hitting walls with Elytra

  [Issue MC-90606] - 滑翔时撞墙的伤害太少

  [Issue MC-91061] - Loot table exceptions are not caught

  [Issue MC-91061] - 可掠夺物品表的异常未被捕获

  [Issue MC-91177] - Rain puts out fires less often

  [Issue MC-91177] - 雨不常灭火

  [Issue MC-91264] - Right clicking a hoe or a shovel on grass or dirt plays the wrong sound

  [Issue MC-91264] - 用铲子或锄头右键泥土和草的声音不对

  [Issue MC-91528] - End crystal replacing blocks with fire/able to place end crystal inside blocks including bedrock (End dimension only)

  [Issue MC-91528] - 末影水晶会替换火/可以在方块(包括基岩)内放置末影水晶(仅限末地)

  [Issue MC-91533] - Container minecarts with invalid loot table cannot be removed from world

  [Issue MC-91533] - 拥有着无效可抢夺物品表的容器类矿车不能从世界中移除

  [Issue MC-91543] - Multiple (unlimited) number of Ender Crystals placeable on one block at the same time

  [Issue MC-91543] - 可以在一格内放置多个末影水晶

  [Issue MC-91666] - Exploding Creepers drop gunpowder when they set off an End Crystal

  [Issue MC-91666] - 被末影水晶引爆的爬行者掉落火药

  [Issue MC-91756] - Beam target of ender crystals on obsidian pillars does not update when ender dragon spawn sequence is stopped

  [Issue MC-91756] - 末影水晶的光柱在末影龙生成序列停止时不更新

  [Issue MC-91807] - Use /kill @e[type=EnderCrystal] instruction, rebirth ceremony continued execution

  [Issue MC-91807] - 使用/kill @e[type=EnderCrystal],重生末影龙的过程仍然继续

  [Issue MC-92140] - End Dragon Fight fails due to level.dat issue

  [Issue MC-92140] - 末影龙战斗失败由于level.dat的问题

  [Issue MC-92202] - Villagers stand outside opening and closing doors instead of entering

  [Issue MC-92202] - 村民不进门

  [Issue MC-92225] - Buggy AI for skeletons riding horses

  [Issue MC-92225] - 骷髅骑士的AI bug多多

  [Issue MC-92309] - “Block Broken” closed caption is inaccurate

  [Issue MC-92309] - “方块破坏”的字幕不准确

  [Issue MC-92344] - Beams from end crystals move towards wrong direction when spawning Ender Dragon

  [Issue MC-92344] - 末影水晶的光束在末影龙生成的过程中角度不对

  [Issue MC-92415] - mob pathing issue

  [Issue MC-92415] - 实体寻路问题

  [Issue MC-92451] - Ender Crystal Beam Detaching

  [Issue MC-92451] - 末影水晶的光束分离

  [Issue MC-92548] - Can’t place certain blocks on marker armor stand

  [Issue MC-92548] - 不能在marker属性的盔甲架的位置放方块

  [Issue MC-92697] - Activator Rails and Powered Rails powering each other

  [Issue MC-92697] - 激活铁轨和动力铁轨互相激活

  [Issue MC-92784] - Some subtitles are unrelated to the sound

  [Issue MC-92784] - 一些字幕和声音无关

  [Issue MC-92849] - mob kills due to knock back from a sweep attack fail to reward EXP

  [Issue MC-92849] - 实体被横扫击退是没有经验的

  [Issue MC-92972] - Villagers won’t go outisde

  [Issue MC-92972] - 村民不出门

  [Issue MC-92983] - Slimes are incorrectly offset from actual position

  [Issue MC-92983] - 史莱姆从其正确位置有不正确的偏移

  [Issue MC-93107] - Shulkers still produce sound even when Silent:1b

  [Issue MC-93107] - 被禁言的潜影贝依旧撕逼静音的潜影贝依然发声音

  [Issue MC-93118] - Some of the new textures weigh too much

  Issue MC-93118] - 有些新材质太宽了

  [Issue MC-93167] - Some textures (Easy to confirm with Netherack in the Nether) jump and change rotation as you move closer or farther from them

  [Issue MC-93167] - 一些材质在你靠近或者远离时会突然变化,你可以在地狱的虚空中确认

  [Issue MC-93289] - Level-up sound originates at position in world, not at player position

  [Issue MC-93289] - 升级的声音不在玩家本身位置上发出

  Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!


  To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (See the “new profile” dialog).

  如果你想试玩快照,请打开官方启动器并点击“New Profile”按钮,选中“snapshots”并选择“Enable experimental development snapshots”并点击保存。如果要切换到普通的版本,你可以在启动器左下角的按钮上面的下拉菜单中选择。在开始快照前备份你的世界或在不同的文件夹中启动快照(见new profile对话框)。

  Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.



  以上就是我的世界15w49a版本发布 修复约100个BUG。更多精彩尽在游戏园我的世界专区。


  我的世界探测铁轨有什么用 探测铁轨合成表



  我的世界奇奇怪怪的东西 人物武器自制出来的怪物



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