我的世界0.16版本BOSS更新 最凶残的生物来袭

时间:2017-08-07 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名

  我的世界0.16版本BOSS更新 最凶残的生物来袭。那下面给大家分享的则是我的世界0.16版本的BOSS更新内容介绍哦~有不知道的玩家不妨进来看看下面的介绍吧!希望大家喜欢。

  游戏园我的世界官方群:325049520  256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!

  玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入:141931866 群一起联机玩游戏哦!


  如果你有心仪的作品或者心得分享的话,欢迎来游戏园投稿,大家可以点击>>>投稿<<<进行投稿哦~ 有奖品哦~

  The adventurous among you will know there’s nothing quite like taking down a ferocious boss to prove your gaming might. Until now, that’s been a tricky thing for Pocket Edition/Windows 10 crafters to do.


  Thanks to update 0.16 that’s about to change. Soon Pocket Edition/Windows 10 players will have access to some of the most ferocious mobs we’ve ever devised. But we’re not stopping there - the update will also include ocean monuments and the trinkets to explore them, a bunch of new blocks, beacons, and Slash commands. We’re calling it The Boss Update because it includes bosses, is “boss” in nature, and is in charge of hiring and firing all the other updates released so far.

  由于0.16更新的一些改变。很快PE版/ Win 10版玩家将得到一些我们所设计的最凶残的生物。但是我们不止这些,更新还包括海底神殿和此类方块,很多新方块,信标,一些初级的命令。我们称之为BOSS更新,因为它更新了BOSS,自然界中的BOSS,负责目前为止所以其他的更新。

  So yes, the big baddies. First, there’s the Elder Guardian who has a penchant for hanging out in the new underwater ocean monuments with an army of minions while shooting lazers. Elder Guardians are a force to be reckoned with. But this update also includes the Wither - a three-headed spookster that shoots blue skulls at your face. I’m a bit scared of the Wither to be honest. That said, I don’t recommend shying away from either of these mobs - defeat them and you’ll get rare loot including sponges and Nether Stars. Handy!


  In less creepy news we’re also bringing Slash commands to Pocket and Windows 10 Editions of Minecraft. They give you the chance to tweak the way the game plays - you can give items away, summon mobs, change the time of day, and lots more, all while playing the game. This update included 20 commands but we’ll be adding more in the future.

  在令人毛骨悚然的新闻之后,我们也将初级的命令加入到了pe版和Win 10版。他们给你调整游戏的方式的机会——你可以改变你的东西,召唤生物,改变时间,等等等等。当你玩这个游戏时。这个更新包括了20个命令,但我们会在未来增加更多。

  The Boss Update will be available as a free update soon-ish for all Pocket Edition, Windows 10 Edition, and Gear VR Edition players but if you’re playing Minecraft on Android, you can help us test it out right now! Sign up to the beta, and give us feedback so we can make it even better! One note - players with active Realms won’t be able to access them while testing - you’ll need to revert back to 0.15.6 to re-enter your worlds.

  BOSS更新将在PE/Win10/Gear VR上免费更新,但是如果你是Android玩家,你可以帮助我们测试一下!加入测试组,并给我们反馈,我们可以做得更好!一个提示--玩家在测试的时候无法使用领域服,您需要回到0.15.6版本

  We’ll be sharing more information on The Boss Update at MINECON. Until then, happy crafting!我们在MINECON会分享更多boss更新的信息。在那之前,好好玩吧!


  以上就是我的世界0.16版本BOSS更新 最凶残的生物来袭。更多精彩尽在游戏园我的世界专区。



  我的世界0.16即将发布 或将有新功能

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  我的世界0.16版本BOSS更新 最凶残的生物来袭。那下面给大家分享的则是我的世界0.16版本的BOSS更新内容介绍哦~有不知道的玩家不妨进来看看下面的介绍吧!希望大家喜欢。

  游戏园我的世界官方群:325049520  256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!

  玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入:141931866 群一起联机玩游戏哦!


  如果你有心仪的作品或者心得分享的话,欢迎来游戏园投稿,大家可以点击>>>投稿<<<进行投稿哦~ 有奖品哦~

  The adventurous among you will know there’s nothing quite like taking down a ferocious boss to prove your gaming might. Until now, that’s been a tricky thing for Pocket Edition/Windows 10 crafters to do.


  Thanks to update 0.16 that’s about to change. Soon Pocket Edition/Windows 10 players will have access to some of the most ferocious mobs we’ve ever devised. But we’re not stopping there - the update will also include ocean monuments and the trinkets to explore them, a bunch of new blocks, beacons, and Slash commands. We’re calling it The Boss Update because it includes bosses, is “boss” in nature, and is in charge of hiring and firing all the other updates released so far.

  由于0.16更新的一些改变。很快PE版/ Win 10版玩家将得到一些我们所设计的最凶残的生物。但是我们不止这些,更新还包括海底神殿和此类方块,很多新方块,信标,一些初级的命令。我们称之为BOSS更新,因为它更新了BOSS,自然界中的BOSS,负责目前为止所以其他的更新。

  So yes, the big baddies. First, there’s the Elder Guardian who has a penchant for hanging out in the new underwater ocean monuments with an army of minions while shooting lazers. Elder Guardians are a force to be reckoned with. But this update also includes the Wither - a three-headed spookster that shoots blue skulls at your face. I’m a bit scared of the Wither to be honest. That said, I don’t recommend shying away from either of these mobs - defeat them and you’ll get rare loot including sponges and Nether Stars. Handy!


  In less creepy news we’re also bringing Slash commands to Pocket and Windows 10 Editions of Minecraft. They give you the chance to tweak the way the game plays - you can give items away, summon mobs, change the time of day, and lots more, all while playing the game. This update included 20 commands but we’ll be adding more in the future.

  在令人毛骨悚然的新闻之后,我们也将初级的命令加入到了pe版和Win 10版。他们给你调整游戏的方式的机会——你可以改变你的东西,召唤生物,改变时间,等等等等。当你玩这个游戏时。这个更新包括了20个命令,但我们会在未来增加更多。

  The Boss Update will be available as a free update soon-ish for all Pocket Edition, Windows 10 Edition, and Gear VR Edition players but if you’re playing Minecraft on Android, you can help us test it out right now! Sign up to the beta, and give us feedback so we can make it even better! One note - players with active Realms won’t be able to access them while testing - you’ll need to revert back to 0.15.6 to re-enter your worlds.

  BOSS更新将在PE/Win10/Gear VR上免费更新,但是如果你是Android玩家,你可以帮助我们测试一下!加入测试组,并给我们反馈,我们可以做得更好!一个提示--玩家在测试的时候无法使用领域服,您需要回到0.15.6版本

  We’ll be sharing more information on The Boss Update at MINECON. Until then, happy crafting!我们在MINECON会分享更多boss更新的信息。在那之前,好好玩吧!


  以上就是我的世界0.16版本BOSS更新 最凶残的生物来袭。更多精彩尽在游戏园我的世界专区。



  我的世界0.16即将发布 或将有新功能

  我的世界0.16.0更新资料汇总 远古守护者图鉴一览

  我的世界0.16.0新特性 全新的选项菜单



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