我的世界16w38a发布 1.11第六个预览版详解

时间:2017-10-21 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名

  我的世界16w38a发布 1.11第六个预览版详解。那下面给大家分享的则是我的世界1.11版本的第六个预览版本的16w38a版,有感兴趣的玩家不妨进来看看下面关于16w38a预览版的更新内容介绍吧!

  游戏园我的世界官方群:325049520  256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!

  玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入:141931866 群一起联机玩游戏哦!


  如果你有心仪的作品或者心得分享的话,欢迎来游戏园投稿,大家可以点击>>>投稿<<<进行投稿哦~ 有奖品哦~


  It’s snapshot time again!


  This snapshot gives you a lot of bug fixes and also a new gamerule! If you are longing for new features - don’t worry, since MINECON is very close now! And during MINECON we will give you info about several new exciting 1.11 features!

  本次快照修复了很多漏洞,添加了新的游戏规则(gamerule)!如果你想知道有什么新特性 - 不要担心,Minecon很快就开幕了!在Minecon期间我们会揭开1.11新特性的神秘面纱!

  And this snapshot includes…


  Notable changes:


  The poor squids shouldn’t spawn in lava anymore. At least I would not enjoy spawning in lava


  We have a new gamerule: maxEntityCramming


  Mooshrooms now really appreciates to walk on mycelium. Probably it feels soft and cosy on their hooves


  Bugs fixed in 16w38a:



  [Bug MC-3841] - Attacking an unsaddled pig while holding a saddle saddles the pig

  [Bug MC-3841] - 如果玩家在手持鞍的同时攻击野生猪,鞍会被安上。

  [Bug MC-36927] - Durability of Golden Swords occasionally dropped by Zombie Pigmen is not random (always 25)

  [Bug MC-36927] - 金剑的耐久度遇到25的僵尸猪人会有几率下降

  [Bug MC-46456] - Written books given by command crashes when copied in crafting table if “Author” is missing

  [Bug MC-46456] - 当合成者复制合成表上的物品时,用命令召唤出来的书会导致崩溃

  [Bug MC-61997] - squids spawn in lava

  [Bug MC-61997] - 鱿鱼在岩浆里生成

  [Bug MC-66946] - 2-block tall hitbox on small armor stands.

  [Bug MC-66946] - 小型盔甲架上面的碰撞箱(hitbox)有2格高

  [Bug MC-67406] - Small armor stands display items differently than normal ones

  [Bug MC-67406] - 小型盔甲架上面摆设的物品大小不一样了

  [Bug MC-70424] - Baby Zombie Pigmen’s sword slightly tiled forward

  [Bug MC-70424] - 小僵尸猪人的剑微微向前倾

  [Bug MC-70738] - Killing Guardian with Lava does not give Cooked Fish

  [Bug MC-70738] - 用岩浆杀死的守卫者不会掉落熟鱼

  [Bug MC-80551] - You can place redstone, doors, rails etc. onto 7/8 layers of snow

  [Bug MC-80551] - 7/8层高的雪片上面,仍然可以摆放红石,门,轨道,等等。

  [Bug MC-86130] - Shields changes its base color when damaged & repaired / Crafting different in colors results in damage

  [Bug MC-86130] - 受损过&维修过的盾牌的颜色不一样了/受损过的盾牌会导致颜色不同

  [Bug MC-86164] - armor stands can’t be renamed by name tag

  [Bug MC-86164] - 不能用命名牌更改盔甲架的名字

  [Bug MC-89921] - Elytra not rendered on entities/mobs

  [Bug MC-89921] - 鞘翅无法在实体/生物上面呈现

  [Bug MC-91383] - Horses (now only skeleton horses and zombie horses) drop different amount of loot than before

  [Bug MC-91383] - 马匹(现在仅限于骷髅马和僵尸马)掉落更多种类的物品

  [Bug MC-92772] - Saddled pigs don’t drop saddle with doMobLoot=false

  [Bug MC-92772] - 如果使用命令doMobLoot=false:有鞍的猪不会掉落鞍

  [Bug MC-92776] - Ink sacs are fished in stacks of 1 instead of 10

  [Bug MC-92776] - 墨囊的重叠限制由10降低至1

  [Bug MC-93435] - Cobblestone walls listed in “Building Blocks” tab

  [Bug MC-93435] - 圆石墙被分类到“建筑方块”栏目

  [Bug MC-93609] - Player is floating above the saddle of a mule

  [Bug MC-93609] - 玩家站在有鞍的骡上面可以实现漂浮

  [Bug MC-93824] - Feeding golden carrot to breed horse works if InLove is greater than 0

  [Bug MC-93824] - 如果命令InLove数据大于10,可以用金萝卜繁殖马匹

  [Bug MC-94476] - Killing Rabbits with Looting does not give more raw rabbit

  [Bug MC-94476] - 用物品杀死的兔子不会掉落生兔肉

  [Bug MC-94947] - Chicken “steping” sound still works when the chicken is swimming

  [Bug MC-94947] - 鸡在游泳时仍然可以听到它的“脚踏声”

  [Bug MC-95450] - Villager Loot Table missing

  [Bug MC-95450] - 村名的物品掉落表丢失

  [Bug MC-95469] - Middle click / pick block on farmland gives dirt

  [Bug MC-95469] - 在农田中点击鼠标中键会制造灰尘

  [Bug MC-96499] - Boats collide with any entity (Arrows, Paintings, etc.) even if Marker:1b is on (armor stand)

  [Bug MC-96499] - 船只和任何实体(弓箭,画)都会发生碰撞,即使开启Marker:1b(盔甲架)

  [Bug MC-98260] - Water bottles have inconsistent NBT tag depending on how you obtain them.

  [Bug MC-98260] - 不同方式所获得的水瓶的NBT标志都不一样

  [Bug MC-99602] - Impossible to detect Water Bottle from ocean in player’s inventory

  [Bug MC-99602] - 玩家的背包无法在海里检测到水瓶

  [Bug MC-100950] - Boats can travel / remain on the fog of lingering potion / dragon’s breath

  [Bug MC-100950] - 船只在药水浓雾,龙息中无法移动/停留(不清楚)

  [Bug MC-101615] - Silverfish do more damage to players on easy difficulty than on normal difficulty

  [Bug MC-101615] - 普通模式的蠹虫会给玩家造成比困难模式更多的伤害

  [Bug MC-101642] - Iron golem / VillagerGolem is holding red flower client side 400 ticks too long

  [Bug MC-101642] - 铁傀儡/村名拥有的玫瑰花长度过长(不清楚)

  [Bug MC-103339] - Mushroom Cows do not path to mycelium, but grass. Causes unintended spawning requirements

  [Bug MC-103339] - 哞菇不会在菌丝上面行走,但是在草方块上面没有任何问题。造成不应该有的生成要求

  [Bug MC-105071] - Random green/gray dot in anvil GUI

  [Bug MC-105071] - 铁拈的修复图标上会随机出现绿色或灰色的方块

  [Bug MC-106485] - Banner applied to a Shield doesn’t change the shield correctly

  [Bug MC-106485] - 把旗帜和盾牌无法合成正确的旗帜盾牌

  [Bug MC-106747] - Wither bosses break structure blocks / structure voids

  [Bug MC-106747] - 凋零可以破坏结构方块

  [Bug MC-106842] - Target selector stops parsing its arguments if an entry is not =

  [Bug MC-106842] - 选择物品功能遇到任何非=的项目会停止运作(不清楚)

  [Bug MC-106896] - Crash when using backspace after deleting all the characters in the name of anything with a custom one

  [Bug MC-106896] - 使用回车键删除角色名称会导致崩溃

  [Bug MC-107054] - lit_furnace item model but no item

  [Bug MC-107054] - 燃烧中的炉灶不被算作是一个物品

  [Bug MC-107055] - 2 models for old wooden slab’s item

  [Bug MC-107055] - 木板台阶拥有两个不同的物品

  [Bug MC-107062] - Hitting backspace in the anvil naming field when empty causes the game to crash

  [Bug MC-107062] - 如果在使用铁拈去更改任何物品的名称却什么也不填然后按下回车键会造成崩溃

  Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!


  To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (See the “new profile” dialog).

  如果你想试玩快照,请打开官方启动器并点击“New Profile”按钮,选中“snapshots”并选择“Enable experimental development snapshots”并点击保存。如果想切换到普通的版本,你可以在启动器左下角按钮上方的下拉菜单中选择。在开始快照前备份你的世界或在不同的文件夹中启动快照(见“new profile”对话框)。

  Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.







  以上就是我的世界16w38a发布 1.11第六个预览版详解。更多精彩尽在游戏园我的世界专区。


  9月25日11时我的世界1.11功能更新 坐等1.11新特性



  我的世界1.11新游戏规则详解 1.11快照抢先看

  我的世界16w38a发布 1.11第六个预览版详解。那下面给大家分享的则是我的世界1.11版本的第六个预览版本的16w38a版,有感兴趣的玩家不妨进来看看下面关于16w38a预览版的更新内容介绍吧!

  游戏园我的世界官方群:325049520  256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!

  玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入:141931866 群一起联机玩游戏哦!


  如果你有心仪的作品或者心得分享的话,欢迎来游戏园投稿,大家可以点击>>>投稿<<<进行投稿哦~ 有奖品哦~


  It’s snapshot time again!


  This snapshot gives you a lot of bug fixes and also a new gamerule! If you are longing for new features - don’t worry, since MINECON is very close now! And during MINECON we will give you info about several new exciting 1.11 features!

  本次快照修复了很多漏洞,添加了新的游戏规则(gamerule)!如果你想知道有什么新特性 - 不要担心,Minecon很快就开幕了!在Minecon期间我们会揭开1.11新特性的神秘面纱!

  And this snapshot includes…


  Notable changes:


  The poor squids shouldn’t spawn in lava anymore. At least I would not enjoy spawning in lava


  We have a new gamerule: maxEntityCramming


  Mooshrooms now really appreciates to walk on mycelium. Probably it feels soft and cosy on their hooves


  Bugs fixed in 16w38a:



  [Bug MC-3841] - Attacking an unsaddled pig while holding a saddle saddles the pig

  [Bug MC-3841] - 如果玩家在手持鞍的同时攻击野生猪,鞍会被安上。

  [Bug MC-36927] - Durability of Golden Swords occasionally dropped by Zombie Pigmen is not random (always 25)

  [Bug MC-36927] - 金剑的耐久度遇到25的僵尸猪人会有几率下降

  [Bug MC-46456] - Written books given by command crashes when copied in crafting table if “Author” is missing

  [Bug MC-46456] - 当合成者复制合成表上的物品时,用命令召唤出来的书会导致崩溃

  [Bug MC-61997] - squids spawn in lava

  [Bug MC-61997] - 鱿鱼在岩浆里生成

  [Bug MC-66946] - 2-block tall hitbox on small armor stands.

  [Bug MC-66946] - 小型盔甲架上面的碰撞箱(hitbox)有2格高

  [Bug MC-67406] - Small armor stands display items differently than normal ones

  [Bug MC-67406] - 小型盔甲架上面摆设的物品大小不一样了

  [Bug MC-70424] - Baby Zombie Pigmen’s sword slightly tiled forward

  [Bug MC-70424] - 小僵尸猪人的剑微微向前倾

  [Bug MC-70738] - Killing Guardian with Lava does not give Cooked Fish

  [Bug MC-70738] - 用岩浆杀死的守卫者不会掉落熟鱼

  [Bug MC-80551] - You can place redstone, doors, rails etc. onto 7/8 layers of snow

  [Bug MC-80551] - 7/8层高的雪片上面,仍然可以摆放红石,门,轨道,等等。

  [Bug MC-86130] - Shields changes its base color when damaged & repaired / Crafting different in colors results in damage

  [Bug MC-86130] - 受损过&维修过的盾牌的颜色不一样了/受损过的盾牌会导致颜色不同

  [Bug MC-86164] - armor stands can’t be renamed by name tag

  [Bug MC-86164] - 不能用命名牌更改盔甲架的名字

  [Bug MC-89921] - Elytra not rendered on entities/mobs

  [Bug MC-89921] - 鞘翅无法在实体/生物上面呈现

  [Bug MC-91383] - Horses (now only skeleton horses and zombie horses) drop different amount of loot than before

  [Bug MC-91383] - 马匹(现在仅限于骷髅马和僵尸马)掉落更多种类的物品

  [Bug MC-92772] - Saddled pigs don’t drop saddle with doMobLoot=false

  [Bug MC-92772] - 如果使用命令doMobLoot=false:有鞍的猪不会掉落鞍

  [Bug MC-92776] - Ink sacs are fished in stacks of 1 instead of 10

  [Bug MC-92776] - 墨囊的重叠限制由10降低至1

  [Bug MC-93435] - Cobblestone walls listed in “Building Blocks” tab

  [Bug MC-93435] - 圆石墙被分类到“建筑方块”栏目

  [Bug MC-93609] - Player is floating above the saddle of a mule

  [Bug MC-93609] - 玩家站在有鞍的骡上面可以实现漂浮

  [Bug MC-93824] - Feeding golden carrot to breed horse works if InLove is greater than 0

  [Bug MC-93824] - 如果命令InLove数据大于10,可以用金萝卜繁殖马匹

  [Bug MC-94476] - Killing Rabbits with Looting does not give more raw rabbit

  [Bug MC-94476] - 用物品杀死的兔子不会掉落生兔肉

  [Bug MC-94947] - Chicken “steping” sound still works when the chicken is swimming

  [Bug MC-94947] - 鸡在游泳时仍然可以听到它的“脚踏声”

  [Bug MC-95450] - Villager Loot Table missing

  [Bug MC-95450] - 村名的物品掉落表丢失

  [Bug MC-95469] - Middle click / pick block on farmland gives dirt

  [Bug MC-95469] - 在农田中点击鼠标中键会制造灰尘

  [Bug MC-96499] - Boats collide with any entity (Arrows, Paintings, etc.) even if Marker:1b is on (armor stand)

  [Bug MC-96499] - 船只和任何实体(弓箭,画)都会发生碰撞,即使开启Marker:1b(盔甲架)

  [Bug MC-98260] - Water bottles have inconsistent NBT tag depending on how you obtain them.

  [Bug MC-98260] - 不同方式所获得的水瓶的NBT标志都不一样

  [Bug MC-99602] - Impossible to detect Water Bottle from ocean in player’s inventory

  [Bug MC-99602] - 玩家的背包无法在海里检测到水瓶

  [Bug MC-100950] - Boats can travel / remain on the fog of lingering potion / dragon’s breath

  [Bug MC-100950] - 船只在药水浓雾,龙息中无法移动/停留(不清楚)

  [Bug MC-101615] - Silverfish do more damage to players on easy difficulty than on normal difficulty

  [Bug MC-101615] - 普通模式的蠹虫会给玩家造成比困难模式更多的伤害

  [Bug MC-101642] - Iron golem / VillagerGolem is holding red flower client side 400 ticks too long

  [Bug MC-101642] - 铁傀儡/村名拥有的玫瑰花长度过长(不清楚)

  [Bug MC-103339] - Mushroom Cows do not path to mycelium, but grass. Causes unintended spawning requirements

  [Bug MC-103339] - 哞菇不会在菌丝上面行走,但是在草方块上面没有任何问题。造成不应该有的生成要求

  [Bug MC-105071] - Random green/gray dot in anvil GUI

  [Bug MC-105071] - 铁拈的修复图标上会随机出现绿色或灰色的方块

  [Bug MC-106485] - Banner applied to a Shield doesn’t change the shield correctly

  [Bug MC-106485] - 把旗帜和盾牌无法合成正确的旗帜盾牌

  [Bug MC-106747] - Wither bosses break structure blocks / structure voids

  [Bug MC-106747] - 凋零可以破坏结构方块

  [Bug MC-106842] - Target selector stops parsing its arguments if an entry is not =

  [Bug MC-106842] - 选择物品功能遇到任何非=的项目会停止运作(不清楚)

  [Bug MC-106896] - Crash when using backspace after deleting all the characters in the name of anything with a custom one

  [Bug MC-106896] - 使用回车键删除角色名称会导致崩溃

  [Bug MC-107054] - lit_furnace item model but no item

  [Bug MC-107054] - 燃烧中的炉灶不被算作是一个物品

  [Bug MC-107055] - 2 models for old wooden slab’s item

  [Bug MC-107055] - 木板台阶拥有两个不同的物品

  [Bug MC-107062] - Hitting backspace in the anvil naming field when empty causes the game to crash

  [Bug MC-107062] - 如果在使用铁拈去更改任何物品的名称却什么也不填然后按下回车键会造成崩溃

  Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!


  To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (See the “new profile” dialog).

  如果你想试玩快照,请打开官方启动器并点击“New Profile”按钮,选中“snapshots”并选择“Enable experimental development snapshots”并点击保存。如果想切换到普通的版本,你可以在启动器左下角按钮上方的下拉菜单中选择。在开始快照前备份你的世界或在不同的文件夹中启动快照(见“new profile”对话框)。

  Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.







  以上就是我的世界16w38a发布 1.11第六个预览版详解。更多精彩尽在游戏园我的世界专区。


  9月25日11时我的世界1.11功能更新 坐等1.11新特性



  我的世界1.11新游戏规则详解 1.11快照抢先看



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