VR版本我的世界登陆Oculus Rift 点我点我查看

时间:2017-10-25 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名

  VR版本我的世界登陆Oculus Rift 点我点我查看。好消息,大家备受关注的我的世界VR版已经登陆了Oculus Rift了哦~那有感兴趣的玩家不妨进来看看吧!

  游戏园我的世界官方群:325049520  256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!

  玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入:141931866 群一起联机玩游戏哦!


  如果你有心仪的作品或者心得分享的话,欢迎来游戏园投稿,大家可以点击>>>投稿<<<进行投稿哦~ 有奖品哦~



  Is YOUR FACE ready for VR? Coz Minecraft now works on Oculus Rift! It's a free update, too!

  准备好使用VR版本了吗?Oculus Rift现在可以使用Minecraft了!免费升级哟!



  Minecraft VR今天登陆Oculus Rift!

  How’s your face? Is it ready? Is it ready to have Minecraft right up in it? It’d better be: today we’re releasing a FREE update to Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition Beta which will enable you to play Minecraft on Oculus Rift. Win 10 players just need to download the bespoke launcher from the Oculus store to get the full stereoscopic experience!

  你的脸怎么样了?好了吗?这是准备让Minecraft吧吗?最好是:今天我们发布了一个免费更新到Windows 10 Beta版Minecraft:这将使你在Oculus Rift玩Minecraft。赢得10的球员只需要从Oculus商店下载定制的发射器得到充分的立体体验!

  Back in April, we released Minecraft VR edition for Gear VR. It was the product of many, many months of hard work, reshaping the game you know and love to precisely fit the new medium of virtual reality. After such an achievement, you’d think we’d pat our beleaguered VR team on the back and send them on holiday, but, instead, we tricked them back into the Coding Pits by saying we’d spotted a Mewtwo in there and quietly barring the door. Since then, in exchange for scraps of old meat dropped from an overhead grill, our heroic team have worked relentlessly to further tweak and refine the experience, making our Oculus Rift feature-set even more impressive.

  早在四月,我们发布的Gear VR VR版Minecraft。这是许多,许多个月的努力工作,重塑你的游戏,你知道和爱,正是适应新媒体的虚拟现实的产品。这样的成就后,你会认为我们会拍受困的VR团队的背,把他们在度假,但是,相反,我们骗到编码坑说我们会发现在有超梦静静堵在门口。此后,在老肉屑交换下降从头顶上烧烤,我们的英雄团队一直努力不懈地进一步调整和完善的经验,使我们的Oculus公司裂谷特征集更令人印象深刻的。

  Well done, team! Double gristle rations for everyone! By the way, Owen tells me he spotted a Porygon in the Quality Assurance Gulag.


  Anyway, what are these new features?


  Innate keyboard and mouse support!


  VR control options for immersive comfortable turning with the Xbox One controller!

  身临其境的舒适的转折与Xbox One控制器虚拟控制选项!

  Fancy-pants graphics stuff, like MSAA for crisp visuals, new render distance settings that will make use of powerful VR graphics cards, and optimized Windows 10 DX11 performance!

  花哨的裤子图形的东西,喜欢脆的视觉效果来,新的渲染距离设置,将利用强大的虚拟现实图形卡,和Windows 10的DX11性能优化!

  Even more granular customisation of VR settings, so you can mix-n-match for personalised comfort!


  Of course, this is on top of the major VR-specific features we had already developed. We have a Virtual Livingroom, allowing you step back from the fully-immersive experience and into a virtual armchair - a great way to minimise the intensity of VR without breaking play. We’ve also made all kinds of tweaks to the way you move, some super subtle, some striking - like a special turning mode which breaks up the smooth rotation of your camera into abrupt jumps. It looks strange in videos, but it huuuugely improves the experience in-game.


  There are loads more besides. You can read more on our dedicated VR page, or watch the video embedded above in which VR heroes Saxs and Tommo explain how we came to make some of these counter-intuitive discoveries!


  So, get your peepers prepped!




  Marsh - @marshdavies

  沼泽- @ marshdavies


  以上就是VR版本我的世界登陆Oculus Rift 点我点我查看。更多精彩尽在游戏园我的世界专区。




  我的世界跨平台体验分享 支持GearVR

  我的世界VR版评测 虚拟的世界真实的感觉

  VR版本我的世界登陆Oculus Rift 点我点我查看。好消息,大家备受关注的我的世界VR版已经登陆了Oculus Rift了哦~那有感兴趣的玩家不妨进来看看吧!

  游戏园我的世界官方群:325049520  256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!

  玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入:141931866 群一起联机玩游戏哦!


  如果你有心仪的作品或者心得分享的话,欢迎来游戏园投稿,大家可以点击>>>投稿<<<进行投稿哦~ 有奖品哦~



  Is YOUR FACE ready for VR? Coz Minecraft now works on Oculus Rift! It's a free update, too!

  准备好使用VR版本了吗?Oculus Rift现在可以使用Minecraft了!免费升级哟!



  Minecraft VR今天登陆Oculus Rift!

  How’s your face? Is it ready? Is it ready to have Minecraft right up in it? It’d better be: today we’re releasing a FREE update to Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition Beta which will enable you to play Minecraft on Oculus Rift. Win 10 players just need to download the bespoke launcher from the Oculus store to get the full stereoscopic experience!

  你的脸怎么样了?好了吗?这是准备让Minecraft吧吗?最好是:今天我们发布了一个免费更新到Windows 10 Beta版Minecraft:这将使你在Oculus Rift玩Minecraft。赢得10的球员只需要从Oculus商店下载定制的发射器得到充分的立体体验!

  Back in April, we released Minecraft VR edition for Gear VR. It was the product of many, many months of hard work, reshaping the game you know and love to precisely fit the new medium of virtual reality. After such an achievement, you’d think we’d pat our beleaguered VR team on the back and send them on holiday, but, instead, we tricked them back into the Coding Pits by saying we’d spotted a Mewtwo in there and quietly barring the door. Since then, in exchange for scraps of old meat dropped from an overhead grill, our heroic team have worked relentlessly to further tweak and refine the experience, making our Oculus Rift feature-set even more impressive.

  早在四月,我们发布的Gear VR VR版Minecraft。这是许多,许多个月的努力工作,重塑你的游戏,你知道和爱,正是适应新媒体的虚拟现实的产品。这样的成就后,你会认为我们会拍受困的VR团队的背,把他们在度假,但是,相反,我们骗到编码坑说我们会发现在有超梦静静堵在门口。此后,在老肉屑交换下降从头顶上烧烤,我们的英雄团队一直努力不懈地进一步调整和完善的经验,使我们的Oculus公司裂谷特征集更令人印象深刻的。

  Well done, team! Double gristle rations for everyone! By the way, Owen tells me he spotted a Porygon in the Quality Assurance Gulag.


  Anyway, what are these new features?


  Innate keyboard and mouse support!


  VR control options for immersive comfortable turning with the Xbox One controller!

  身临其境的舒适的转折与Xbox One控制器虚拟控制选项!

  Fancy-pants graphics stuff, like MSAA for crisp visuals, new render distance settings that will make use of powerful VR graphics cards, and optimized Windows 10 DX11 performance!

  花哨的裤子图形的东西,喜欢脆的视觉效果来,新的渲染距离设置,将利用强大的虚拟现实图形卡,和Windows 10的DX11性能优化!

  Even more granular customisation of VR settings, so you can mix-n-match for personalised comfort!


  Of course, this is on top of the major VR-specific features we had already developed. We have a Virtual Livingroom, allowing you step back from the fully-immersive experience and into a virtual armchair - a great way to minimise the intensity of VR without breaking play. We’ve also made all kinds of tweaks to the way you move, some super subtle, some striking - like a special turning mode which breaks up the smooth rotation of your camera into abrupt jumps. It looks strange in videos, but it huuuugely improves the experience in-game.


  There are loads more besides. You can read more on our dedicated VR page, or watch the video embedded above in which VR heroes Saxs and Tommo explain how we came to make some of these counter-intuitive discoveries!


  So, get your peepers prepped!




  Marsh - @marshdavies

  沼泽- @ marshdavies


  以上就是VR版本我的世界登陆Oculus Rift 点我点我查看。更多精彩尽在游戏园我的世界专区。




  我的世界跨平台体验分享 支持GearVR

  我的世界VR版评测 虚拟的世界真实的感觉



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