
时间:2016-03-28 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名

其实这游戏是好像Star War:Battlefront的玩法共有四大职业


The Warrior is the main melee class in the game, featuring strong attacks and good armour.
The Warrior does not have any ranged abilities, but will usually prevail in
hand-to-hand combat.(战士是在游戏中主要的近战unit特点是高攻及高防战士并没有范围技但是在善于近战格斗)

Flaming sword (rage) (火剑估计是打人的狂暴值才可以使出)

Throwing Knives/Axe (ranged) (扔刀/斧头远攻)

Rumoured heroes:
Gimli "金辟"

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The Archer is the main ranged class in the game, being able to pick off its enemies at a large distance. the archer offers accuracy and ranged prowess,
it lacks the ability to defend itself against offensive melee classes.(弓箭手可以在远距离干掉敌人在游戏中是主要远攻的unit虽然弓箭手准确而强大的威力但未能有效防卫近战unit )

Abilities (技能)
Quick Shot (快速射击)
The quick shot is defined as a “panic button” in case an enemy gets too close for comfort. (快速射击是紧急用途之用如解决敌人太接近问题)
Fire Arrow (火箭)
A fire arrow can set enemy units or equipment on fire. (可以令敌人or其装备着火)
Poison Arrow (毒箭)
A poison arrow slows down enemy units within a certain radius. (在一定时间可以令敌人速度减慢)

Rumoured heroes: Legolas

Legolas is a strong hero, with extraordinary abilities, such as the (in)famous mumakil “kill move” which players can (attempt to) re-enact.
Faramir (法拉墨)

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The Scout is a class that can stealth itself and perform sneak attacks so their enemies are obnoxious to their presence.
Scouts are best used to undermine the enemies efforts by, both literally and figuratively, stabbing them in the back.
Consider taking out the enemies siege equipement advancing on Minas Tirith, or quickly cloaking as a large enemy force is about to take you out.

Abilities (技能)
Tar pits
Cloak (隐形)
Stab (突刺)
Rumoured Heroes:

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The Mage is the single magical class in the game, and boasts some very interesting and powerful attacks.
Mages can conjure up defensive spells to defend themselves and their allies, even heal their men, and attack their foes from a distance.

Fire spell (火咒)
Lightning bolts (放闪电)
Heal (治疗)
Defensive shield wall (防卫盾)

Rumoured heroes:
Gandalf (甘道夫)
Elrond (爱隆)

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Singleplayer | Splitscreen | 4-player Co-op

The campaign will take you trough the War of the Ring in a linear fashion. You will fight the enemy on a number of maps across Middle-earth. The initial campaign you can play is the ‘good’ campaign, which will closely follow the events as depicted in the movies - however - it will also feature a number of battles not seen in the books of movies, such as the Dwarves’ initial attempt to reclaim Moria from the Goblins. After finishing the ‘good’ campaign, you will unlock the evil campaign. The evil campain
revolves around what could have happened if Sauron has reclaimed the ring for his own by killing Frodo.
Instant Action Modes
Singeplayer | Splitscreen | 2-16 players Multiplayer

Conquest (占领)
Conquest revolves around capturing and holding points on the map. By holding these points your allies can “respawn” nearby and you gradually decrease the amount of ‘tickets’ your enemy has left to use to respawn.

Capture the Flag (夺旗)
Capture the Flag is one of the classic gameplay modes in shooters. The objective is to capture the enemies flag (usually well protected in their main base) and take it
back to your home location - while preventing your enemy from doing the same. Whichever team has captured their enemies flag the most times, wins the match.

Deathmatch (死亡竞赛)
Deathmatch is the free-for-all mode in Conquest. Nobody shares a team, and a killfest ensues. Skills in killing your enemies and preventing your death will ensure victory.

Hero Deathmatch (英雄死亡竞赛)
Hero deathmatch is the same as normal deathmatch, except that everyone will get to play as their favourite hero, instead of having to earn it.

Ringbearer (保护魔戒)
One player will play the ringbearer, while the rest players will take on the mantle of the Ringwraiths. The ringwraiths must find and kill Frodo, and the player who plays
as Frodo will get points the longer he managed to elude the Nazgûl. When one of the wraiths kills Frodo, that player will become Frodo. ‘Ringbearer’ is essentially a
classic game of “tag”.
(一个玩家会扮演魔戒的守护者其余的人会扮演戒灵戒灵需要猎杀Frodo(是个持魔戒的哈比人,,叫什么佛XX ) Frodo需要躲避那些戒灵当某个戒灵杀死了Frodo时该戒灵就要扮演Frodo的角色远征队根本就是魔戒的象征吧

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