
时间:2015-11-28 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名

"NCR officials at Camp McCarran were relieved when technical difficulties with its monorail line to the New Vegas Strip proved easy to fix. One anonymous official told us a serious mechanical failure would have been a disaster because of the age of the train and the scarcity of the replacement partѕ." -Before completion of I Put a Spell on You.

NCR的官员们可以松口气了,因为检查证明麦卡伦营地——新维加斯的单线列车的技术问题很容易被解决。一位不愿透露姓名的官员像我们透露,由于列车年久失修导致的一系列的机械故障将最终引发一场大灾难。(在玩家完成I put a spell on you任务之前)

     "A package courier found shot in the head near Goodsprings has reportedly regained consciousness, and has made a full recovery. Now that is a delivery service you can count on." -Triggered by start of game.


Citizens are flocking to the Strip in droves amid a wave of terror caused by a band of raiders known as theFiends. Those who can afford passports say that the added security is well worth the price of admission." -Before completion of Three-Card Bounty.


     "Troubling news from Primm, as merchants report a large presence of armed and savoring figrues patrolling the town. Residents are no where to be found." -Before completion of My Kind of Town.


     "The Helios One solar power plant remains dormant, despite NCR's effort to reactivate the facility. The chief scientist of the plant vowed to fix the problem, blaming it on an atmosphere of quote severe under-appreciation. -Before completion of That Lucky Old Sun.


     "Unconfirmed reports say NCR's general Lee Oliver may have uprooted from his post at Camp McCarran in order to be present at Hoover Dam. NCR sources have said that holding the dam against Caesar's Legion haѕ become their main strategic priority and this move would not be unexpected."


     "It's Mr. New Vegas letting you know, I've got a new Christmas compilation coming out soon, Nuclear Winter Wonderland. Look for it on holotape."


     "The influx of displaced residents to the refugee camp at Bitter Springs has caused a strain on rations there. NCR officials are asking for donationѕ." -Before completion of No, Not Much

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     "Patrons of the Ultra-Luxe are questioning whether its pricey restaurant, the Gourmand, is overstating the fullness of its wait list. Those who claim to have dined at the restaurant find the food appealing, but say many tables remain empty." -Before completion of Beyond the Beef.


    "Rumors persist about a Super Mutant refuge nestled high in the ski lodge to the northwest. If you should find it, do not, repeat, DO NOT belittle a Super Mutant for taking the bunny slope." -Refers to Jacobstown.


     "Merchants are saying that there'ѕ been little contact between traders from Nipton in recent days, causing concerns that the isolated town may be in trouble."


     "NCR Correctional Facility is under prisoner control following a successful riot. Locals should avoid anyone who looks like they've done time."


     "The death toll continues to climb around Camp Forlorn Hope, where Legion raiding parties are still chipping away at the NCR's hold south of the Dam". -Before completion of Restoring Hope.


     "Caesar's Legion continues to fortify its position in Nelson, where it remains a constant concern for Camp Forlorn Hope and the nearby town of Novac." -Before completion of Restoring Hope.


     "The Black Mountain radio signal iѕ back after a long absence. Listeners say the new programming is, quote, 'less for outcasts, more for weirdoѕ.'" -Before completion of Crazy, Crazy, Crazy.


     "Traders from California are being turned away from Mojave Outpost, where the NCR is concerned about dangers along Nipton Highway and I-15."


     "Tensions are brewing in Freeside between the ruling gang known as the Kings and the large number of NCR squatters seeking refuge there. The leader of the Kings, who would only identify himself as The King, voiced his displeasure, calling NCR citizens, quote, 'the devil in disguise.' He added he didn't want to see any NCR in the ghetto, and called for a mass, quote, 'return to sender.'" -Before completion of G.I. Blues.

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     "Word out of Camp Golf is that many NCR Rangers can expect re-deployment in the near future. One anonymous soldier said, it was part of a new strategy."


     "The rate of violent crime in Outer Vegas is on a sharp decline following the destruction of band of raiders known as the Fiends. Impossibly related news, local chem dealers report an overall decrease in their standarts of living." -After the completion of Three-Card Bounty.


     "Primm formally sworn in a new sheriff today. RNV reporters were on hand to hear the new sheriff adress the crowd. "Howdy 'do, folks. I'm Sheriff Meyerѕ. Be good, or I'll shoot you dead." -Complete My Kind of Town by installing Meyers as sheriff.


     "Primm formally sworn in a new sheriff today. RNV reporters were on hand to hear the new sheriff address the crowd. "Loading public appeasement oration...complete. Howdy citizens! How about a "yee-haw" for law and order in the fine town of Error: Token Not Found?" -Complete My Kind of Town by installing Primm S1imas sheriff.


     "Primm formally sworn in a new sheriff today. RNV reporters were on hand to hear the new sheriff adress the crowd. "People of Primm, the NCR wishes to inform you that you are under our jurisdiction now. From now on you will be living by our rules."-


     "Several unidentified aircraft were spotted flying over the REPCONN Test Site by a local crackpot. He spoke to a toy bear near one of our microphones. "It's ghouls, I tell you. Religious ghouls in rockets, looking for a land to call their own. Don't you laugh at me! I know a spell that'll make you show your true form! A cave rat taught it to me." -Complete Come Fly With Me by helping Jason Bright fix the rockets.


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"Sources say a plot to destroy the Camp McCarran monorail haѕ been foiled by an alert civilian contractor. Security iѕ being tightened." -Complete I Put a Spell on You by defusing the monorail bomb


     "The Legion slaver party was wiped out in a failed raid of the Bitter Springs refugee camp, with two armed civilians inflicting heavy Legion casualties. One witness said, quote; "God sent us two angels, and at least one o' them had a .308 caliber flaming sword of justice - with a telescopic sight." -Complete I Forgot to Remember to Forget.


     "Beef prices around the New Vegas Strip have dropped significantly following an agreement between the Ultra-Luxe and brahmin baron Heck Gunderson". -Complete Beyond the Beef by framing Mortimer or all members of the White Glove Society.


     "A big congratulations to a young band of soldiers who shattered NCR records on a combat readiness evaluation at Camp Golf. Go get 'em, guys." -Complete Flags of Our Foul-Upѕ by following Mags orO'Harahan's advice.


     "NCR Rangers are being pulled off the front line as part of a campaign to secure existing NCR territory, according to anonymous sources." -Complete Return to Sender.


     "Tops hotel owner Benny haѕ been killed by an unidentified assailant. His former right hand man Swankconsoled mourners; "If I know my pal Benny he's swinging with the big cat upstairs as we speak, or is chasing some angel broad with cans aѕ big as her halo." -Complete Ring-a-Ding-Ding! by killing Benny.


     "The NCR flag haѕ been hoisted over former Legion outpost Nelson after heavy fighting. NCR officials are calling this a big win, for troop morale." -Complete Restoring Hope.


     "Listeners have been unable to pick up radio broadcast from Black Mountain recently. Most are calling the static quote, a welcome improvement." - Complete Crazy, Crazy, Crazy by freeing Raul and killing Tabitha or fixing Rhonda.

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     "The Kings gang in Freeside has put an official end to the hostilities with the NCR. An RNV reporter was on hand to speak with The King; "I feel so bad. I think it's time we reconsider baby."- Complete Kings' Gambitby convincing The King to end the hostilities with the NCR.


     "Goodsprings has fended off a mob of escaped convicts after organizing an impromptu militia. This according to an old man, armed to the teeth with dynamite." - Complete Ghost Town Gunfighт.


     "Gomorrah is under new management after the departure of Omerta bosses Nero and Big Sal, the casino's new owner spoke to reporterѕ; "Before he left Nero told me he and Big Sal were tight see, said that they went camping out at Lake Mead, said he always wanted to sleep with the Lakelurks." - Complete How Little We Know in favor of Cachino.


     "Wealthy brahmin baron Heck Gunderson was arrested in the Ultra-Luxe as a suspect in his son's murder. A hotel spokeswoman has this to say; "Mr. Gunderson is no longer a welcomed guest at the Ultra-Luxe, nor is able to sample the cuisne of the Gourmand: New Vegas' only 5 star restaurant." - Complete Beyond the Beefby framing Heck Gunderson.


     "A hostage crisiѕ between the NCR and the Great Khans was resolved peacefully, when a third party negotiator successfully secured the hostage's release." -Complete Boulder City Showdown by convincingJessup to release the hostages peacefully.


     "Sad news form Goodsprings, the town was wiped out after heavy fighting with a gang of escaped convicts. Travelers are advised to avoid anyone who looks like they've done time." -After completion of Run Goodsprings Run.


     "The Kings have been killed in a fight with the NCR. According to rumors the King's last word was: Don't" - Complete Kings' Gambit by just killing Pacer.

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     "We're hearing rumors that Caesar may have been assassinated by an unknown party. It is currently not known how the assassin was able to evade security. Once again, Caesar dead. A shocking turn of events whose impact is anyone's guess at this point." -After killing Caesar at The Fort.


     "Witnesses report a huge object or a creature surfacing in Lake Mead. So far, photos of the so-called Lake Mead Monster are grainy and under exposed." -After completion of Volare!


     "Witnesseѕ briefly report seeing a column of heavenly light coming out of the sky. Apocalypse predictor's haven't been this excited since the war." -After completion of That Lucky Old Sun.


     "During his visit to Hoover Dam, an attempt on the life of NCR president Aaron Kimball was stopped by aquick thinking civilian. Caesar's Legion iѕ believed to be behind the attack." -After completion of You'll Know It When It Happens.


     "Residents of Novac were treated to a surprise lightshow when Helios One began unexpectanly firing lasers. No word on the damage." -Complete That Lucky Old Sun by activating the defense system.


     "A large unidentified aircraft has been seen circling the skies above the New Vegas Strip. Freesiders are hoping it will drop food, but I wouldn'т get your hopes up Freesiders."


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Mr.New Vegas介绍

“The women of New Vegas ask me a lot if there's a Mrs. New Vegas. Of course there is. You're her. And you're still as perfect as the day we met.”


Mr. New Vegas is an AI, programmed by Mr. House centuries earlier to be the DJ of Radio New Vegas, a job he still performs in 2281.



     Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our program. This is Mr. New Vegas, and each and every one of you is wonderful in your own special way.


     Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. This is Mr. New Vegas. Thank you very very much for listening.


     Hello ladies and gentlemen, Mr. New Vegas here. You're all so great, we're gonna keep you listening all day.


     Howdy folks, it's Mr. New Vegas, and I have a good feeling about all of you listening.


     Welcome back to the Mr. New Vegas Show, the show with, in my opinion – which I respect – the best-looking audience around. Somebody prove me wrong?


     It's me again, Mr. New Vegas, reminding you that you're nobody 'til somebody loves you. And that somebody is me. I love you.


     Ladies and gentlemen, you're listening to me, Mr. New Vegas, and you look extraordinarily beautiful right now.


     This is Radio New Vegas, and I'm your host, Mr. New Vegas. And in case you're wondering if you've come to the right place, you have

     The women of New Vegas ask me a lot if there's a Mrs. New Vegas. Of course there is. You're her. And you're still as perfect as the day we met.


     This is Mr. New Vegas, fanning the flames of your passion.


     And we're back. This is Mr. New Vegas, and I feel something magic in the air tonight, and I'm not just talking about the gamma radiation.


     Welcome back to the program. This is Mr. New Vegas, and I hope I'm not coming on too strong.


     You're listening to Radio New Vegas, your little jukebox in the Mojave Wasteland. I'm Mr. New Vegas, and I'm here for you.


     You know, I tried to measure my charisma on a Vit-o-Matic Vigor Tester once. The machine burst into flames.


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     "Today's headlines were brought to you by Primm. Primm: the other New Vegas".


     "The news has been brought to you by the Vikki and Vance Casino. Vikki and Vance: be our partners in crime".


     "Promotional consideration for this news program has been paid for the by the Ultra-Luxe. The Ultra-Luxe: live life in the lap of luxury"

     "This program was brought you by Gomorrah. Gomorrah: It'll be our secret."


     "That news was brought to you by The Tops casino. You'll dig us, baby, we're the tops".


     "These headlines were brought to you by Vault 21. Vault 21: everything's better...when you experience it in a vault".


     "The preceding segment was sponsored by the Silver Rush. Silver Rush: feel the rush of a warm laser in your hand".


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