史莱姆牧场0.2.4版本更新内容 0.2.4版本更新了什么

时间:2016-05-04 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名


  -调整了贩卖机的位置(plort应该是指贩卖机 应该是吧……)

  v0.2.4b changes:
  - Fixed a bug that was causing plort collectors and auto-feeders to lose their contents on game lod.
  Version 0.2.4b is now live! This is largely a bugfix patch.
  *You can keep your save files for this update*
  - Adjusted boom slime explosion timing to make it significantly less likely that several of them in an area explode simultaneously.
  - Add an option to completely disable gamepad/joystick input. This may prevent your camera from spinning if other solutions did not.
  - Increased the range of the mouse sensitivity slider.
  - Add a "Safe Mode"/"Low Graphics" mode to force the game to start up with the lowest graphics settings. Right click on the Steam library entry and select 'Safe Mode.'
  - Adjusted the position of the plort market slightly.
  - Splash effect now used when a puddle plort is destroyed on hitting a solid surface.
  - Made the key icon on the slime gate more clear.
  - Added some extra under construction signs in the world for clarity.
  - Fixed a bug allowing Slimes and chickens to disappear in Grotto
  - Fixed a bug where corrals and gardens on the ranch could sometimes be seen floating in space from far away.
  - Fixed a bug with formatting of the garden crop countdown text.
  - Fixed a bug where silos sometimes lost their contents on game load.
  - Fixed a bug where special characters were allowed in game names, leading to problems saving the game later.
  - Fixed a bug where shooting puddle plorts and slimes with water would cause them to disappear.
  - Fixed a bug where the range exchange offers would sometimes carry over into a new game.
  - Fixed a bug where footstep audio sometimes played during a jump.
  - Fixed a bug where several sounds were ignoring the Sound Effects audio volume setting.
  - Fixed a bug where the game time could be stuck in fast-forward mode.
  - Fixed a bug where the Emergency Return confirmation was not properly closing on Esc.
  - Fixed a bug where Phosphor slimes when on low graphics settings did not have wings.
  - Fixed a bug where Boom Rock Largos would eat fruit to transform into Tarr.
  - Fixed some typos in slimepedia descriptions.
  - Reduced game stutter when loading the first Slimepedia popup.
  - Fixed a bug where the slimepedia sometimes didn't properly unlock the initial vac and ranch pages.
  - Fixed a bug where controlling the view with mouse or gamepad didn't work until a button was pressed.
  - Fixed a bug where Tabby slimes and Tabby Largos would get stuck staring at food.
  - Fixed a bug where croPS in gardens sometimes ripened early on game reload.
  - Fixed a bug where objects could end up inside the plort collector's collection box.
  v0.2.4b changes:
  - Fixed a bug that was causing plort collectors and auto-feeders to lose their contents on game lod.
  以上就是多游攻略带来的史莱姆牧场0.2.4版本更新内容 0.2.4版本更新了什么,希望能够帮助到大家,祝大家游戏愉快。



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