群星 第三档轨道轰炸 每月100%消灭一人口文件分享

时间:2016-08-30 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名

群星 第三档轨道轰炸 每月100%消灭一人口文件分享


开第三档轨道轰炸 原来每月15%几率消灭一人口

现在基本每月都会消灭一人口 直到行星被炸成无主状态

复制到 Stellaris\events 文件里 注意备份(因为附件无法上传,所以只能把内容贴上来了,如下)也可以到原贴这里下载:http://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-5103956-1-1.html

namespace = orbital_bombardment

planet_event = {

id = orbital_bombardment.1

hide_window = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {

# Kill a pop

random_list = {

2 = {

if = {

limit = {

or = {

orbital_bombardment = limited

orbital_bombardment = full

AND = {

orbital_bombardment = soft

fortification_health > 1  # don't kill any Pop if set to Light and fortification is at 1% or lower




if = {

limit = {

count_pops = {

count > 1

limit = {

is_sentient = yes

owner = { NOT = { is_country_type = "primitive" } }




FROM = {

country_event = { id = action.23 }


random_pop = {

limit = {

is_sentient = yes

owner = { NOT = { is_country_type = "primitive" } }


kill_pop = yes


else = {

if = {

limit = {

count_pops = {

count = all

limit = {

OR = {

is_sentient = no

owner = { is_country_type = "primitive" }





random_pop = {

kill_pop = yes







2 = {

if = {

limit = {

or = {

orbital_bombardment = limited

orbital_bombardment = full



if = {

limit = {

count_pops = {

count > 1

limit = {

is_sentient = yes

owner = { NOT = { is_country_type = "primitive" } }




FROM = {

country_event = { id = action.23 }


random_pop = {

limit = {

is_sentient = yes

owner = { NOT = { is_country_type = "primitive" } }


kill_pop = yes


else = {

if = {

limit = {

count_pops = {

count = all

limit = {

OR = {

is_sentient = no

owner = { is_country_type = "primitive" }





random_pop = {

kill_pop = yes







2 = {

if = {

limit = {

or = {

orbital_bombardment = full



if = {

limit = {

count_pops = {

count > 1

limit = {

is_sentient = yes

最后吐槽: 俺乡下人只会种田 与世无争


我要报复 不要你们割行星 只灭你们的族

更多精彩尽在 群星专题:



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