风暴英雄医疗兵莫拉莉斯技能预览 风暴英雄医疗天赋攻略

时间:2016-04-05 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名











[1] Feedback Loop - When Safeguard expires, 45 Mana is refunded.

W 效果结束后,返回45点法力值

[1] Prolonged Safeguard - Increases Safeguard's duration by 1 second.

W 效果延长1s

[1] Trauma Trigger - You gain an untalented Safeguard automatically if you
take damage while below 50% Health. This effect has a 20 second cooldown.

当你生命值低于50%时,你会自动获得一个不受天赋强化的W; 20s冷却


[4] Advanced Block - Periodically reduces the damage received from Hero Basic
Attacks by 50% . Stores up to 3 charges.


[4] Bioshield - If your target is at full Health, they gain a Shield that
absorbs 170 ( 27.5 + 7.5 per level) damage, stacking up to 5 times.

如果你治疗射线的目标生命值全满,他们将获得一个吸收170 ( 27.5 + 7.5 per level) 伤害的护盾,最多叠加5层

[4] Infused Grenade - Displacement Grenade's Mana cost is refunded if you hit
an enemy Hero.

如果 E 集中敌方英雄,返回全部法力值

[4] Upgraded Ballistics - Displacement Grenade travels 50% faster and enemies
directly impacted take 33% more damage.

E 的速度提高50%,对受到直接冲击的目标造成的伤害提高33% (不确定是易伤还是技能伤害提升,倾向于后者)


[7] Clear! - Displacement Grenade's explosion radius increased by 33% and
knocks back farther.

E 爆炸半径提升33%,击退距离增加

[7] Irradiate - Enemies near your Healing Beam's target take 50 ( 21.5 + 1.5
per level) damage a second.

你治疗射线目标附近的敌人会受到每秒 50 ( 21.5 + 1.5 per level) 的伤害


[10] Medivac Dropship - Medivac Dropship Cooldown: 50 seconds Target a
location for a Medivac transport. For up to 10.5 seconds before takeoff, allies
can right-click to enter the Medivac.

[10] Stim Drone - Stim Drone Cooldown: 90 seconds Grant an allied Hero 75%
Attack Speed and 25% Movement Speed for 10 seconds.


[13] Couples Therapy - While channeling Healing Beam you are healed for 25%
of the healing amount at the cost of an additional 4 Mana per second.


[13] Intensive Care - When Healing Beam is on a single target for over 3
seconds, its healing amount increases by 25% and Mana cost increases by 4 .


[13] Preventative Care - Basic Attacks against your Healing Beam target
reduce the attacker's Attack Speed by 25% for 2.5 seconds.

对你治疗射线目标造成的普通攻击会降低目标攻击速度25%, 持续2.5秒


[16] Inoculation - Increases Safeguard's initial damage reduction to 50% for
the first 1.5 seconds.

W 作用的前1.5秒的效果提升到50%

[16] Second Opinion - Reduces Displacement Grenade's cooldown by 2 seconds
and it now holds a second charge.

降低 E 冷却2秒,并可以有 2 层充能

[16] Shield Sequencer - After casting Safeguard, you can cast it a second
time within 3 seconds at no cost.

W 使用后,在3秒内可以免费再用一次

[16] System Shock - Displacement Grenade slows enemies by 50% for 4 seconds.
The slow amount decays over its duration.

E 会降低敌对目标移动速度50%,在4秒内递减


[20] Caduceus Reactor 2.0 - While Caduceus Reactor is active you restore 8
Mana a second and gain a Shield that absorbs 210 ( 58 + 8 per level) damage,
stacking up to 5 times.

被动技能 D 激活时,你每秒获得8点法力 和 210 ( 58 + 8 per level) 护盾,护盾最多叠加5层

[20] Medbay - Medivac heals nearby allies and everyone aboard for 300 ( 110 +
10 per level) Health per second.

治疗艇会治疗 附近友方 和 已登船的所有目标 每秒300 ( 110 + 10 per level) 点生命值

[20] Transfusion - Increases the duration of Stim Drone by 2 seconds. You
also gain the effect of Stim Drone when cast on an ally.

延长持续时间2秒; 当释放于其他友方英雄时,你同时也获得兴奋剂效果

风暴英雄医疗兵莫拉莉斯中尉技能预览 风暴英雄医疗天赋攻略。今天的攻略就是这样,更多资讯请关注多游游戏网。


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