
时间:2016-07-23 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名


【FMYX】【FM2010 Blogs】【七】全新的战术制作器
【FMYX】【FM2010 Blog】【七】New Tactics Creator Module


感谢出色的现代化科技手段,及SEGA优秀的视频编辑人员, 这篇贴子不会有很多的文字描述(看视频就够了,视频里应有尽有), 我们全新的战术设计器的基本情况都在这儿了!
在看视频前,几点要注意的事项。 首先,游戏中有不同的球员位置类型的完整介绍 (过去的几个月里,我对于“9号半”球员的了解加深了很多)。
第2点, 视频里没有提到一些 “ 高级 ” 选项, 像 要求边锋更多的内切。在明天的第2期博客中, 我会更详细地向大家介绍这些内容,以及在“边线的大声喊叫” (译者PS:Touchline Shouts, 我没看懂什么意思,不会是新加的特性,在比赛的场边还可以大声训话吧?)。
在我被论坛上的连珠炮式的问题搞得焦头烂额前(官网论坛),像 “我以前的战术还会在新系统上使用吗?” “如果我想用旧的战术设计系统", 答案是肯定的, ”YES“。 你一样可以分享用新的战术设计器创造出的战术。
在我闪人之前,还要万分感谢与SI合伙人Oliver Collyer 研究出新的战术设计器的 Gareth, Richard, 和 Mark。 在后续的博客中,我会采访他们其中的几位来谈谈合作是如何进行的,及一些职业足球工作者对作品的看法。
今天就到这里。 明天,就像我许诺的,我会谈一谈 高级设置 和 边线训话(Touchline Shouts???明天应该有答案吧)。 如果你们好好表现,作个乖孩子的话,我还会在这周放出另外一部比赛引擎的视频。

Today I want to give you the first look at the brand new tactics creator module.
Thanks to the wonders of modern day technology, and SEGA having someone who's good at doing video editing, there's no massive wall of text to show this to you (and as you'll see from the video, there's a lot of stuff there) so here are the basics of the tactics creator!
A few points to make post you watching the video. First off, yes, there are full descriptions of all of the player position types in the game (my knowledge of what a Trequarista is has improved greatly in the last couple of months!).
Secondly, one thing the video doesn't show is the "advanced" options, which are things like being able to tell wingers to cut inside. I'll go into more detail on that, and also talk about "touchline shouts" in tomorrow's "part 2" blog.
Before I get bombarded with questions on our forums (community.sigames.com) like "will my old tactics still work?" and "what if I want to use the old system?" the answer to both questions is yes. You can also share your tactics created with the new tactics creator too.
Oh, and before I go, I need to give huge thanks for Gareth, Richard, Rashid and Mark who worked alongside SI co-founder Oliver Collyer to come up with the tactics creator for the game. I'll be interviewing a couple of them alongside Ov later on in the blog season to give an idea on how the collaboration came together, and what some professionals in the football world think of the work.
That'll do for today I think. Tomorrow, as I've said, I'll be looking at advanced instructions and touchline shouts. And if you're all well behaved and eat all



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