
时间:2017-11-22 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名


  游戏园我的世界官方群: 325049520 游戏园我的世界二群: 256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入: 464651602 群一起联机玩游戏哦!






  1. 每天不需要学太多,5到10个即可

  2. 该笔记会不断增加内容,所以会更很久

  3. 祝大家学得开心:P

  1. Minecraft n. 我的世界

  》mine n. 矿洞;矿井;矿山

  v. 挖矿

  -- stripe mine 露天矿

  》craft n. 工艺

  --crafting table 工作台

  2. multiplayer n. 多人游戏

  》singleplayer n. 单人游戏

  3. realm n. 领域

  4. create v. 创造

  》creative adj. 创造的;有创造力的

  》creation n. 生物


  5. survival n. 生存

  adj. 生存的

  》survive v. 生存;幸存

  -- survive the erathquake 从地震中幸存

  》survivor n. 幸存者

  6. option n. 选项

  7. difficulty n. 困难;难度

  [复] difficulties

  -- have difficulty in doing sth 做某事有困难

  》difficult adj. 困难的

  8. infinite adj. 无限的

  》infinity n. 无限

  9. block n. 方块;大楼

  v. 堵塞

  -- command block 命令方块

  10. command n. 指令;命令;掌握

  v. 命令

  -- have good of English 对英语掌握得很好

  * -- command block 命令方块

  11. spawn v. 生成

  *》spawner n. 刷怪笼

  》respawn v. 重生;复活

  -- respawn point (游戏中)重生点

  12. hardcore adj. 极限的

  13. inventory n. 库存;(游戏中)物品栏

  14. ore n. 矿石

  -- diamond/gold ore 钻石矿/金矿

  15. pickaxe n. 镐;鹤嘴锄

  -- wooden/stone/gold/iron/diamond pickaxe 木/石/金/铁/钻石镐

  16. axe n. 斧子

  [复] ~s

  17. sword n. 剑

  18. shovel n. 铲子

  19. hoe n. 锄头

  [复] ~s

  20. pumpkin n. 南瓜

  》Jack O Lantern 万圣节南瓜灯


  21. sharpness n. 锋利

  》sharp adj. 尖的;锋利的

  》sharpen v. 使……变尖

  22. loot v. 抢夺

  》looting n. 抢夺

  23. fortune n. 时运;运气

  24. efficiency n. 效率

  》efficient adj. 高效的

  25. thorn n. 荆棘

  26. arthropod n. 节肢动物

  *》Bane of Arthropod (附魔)节肢杀手

  27. smite v. 重击;破坏

  *》Smite n. 亡灵杀手

  28. aqua n. 水;溶液

  29. affinity n. 亲和力

  *》Aqua Affinity (附魔)水下速掘

  30. respiration n. 呼吸作用

  *》Respiration (附魔)水下呼吸

  31. blast v./n. 爆炸

  *》Blast Protection 爆炸保护

  32. feather n. 羽毛

  *》Feather Falling (附魔)摔落保护

  33. projectile n. 抛射物;弹射物

  *》Projectile Protection (附魔)弹射物保护


  游戏园我的世界官方群: 325049520 游戏园我的世界二群: 256070479 欢迎各路喜爱我的世界的小伙伴们加入讨论!玩服务器的小伙伴们可以加入: 464651602 群一起联机玩游戏哦!






  1. 每天不需要学太多,5到10个即可

  2. 该笔记会不断增加内容,所以会更很久

  3. 祝大家学得开心:P

  1. Minecraft n. 我的世界

  》mine n. 矿洞;矿井;矿山

  v. 挖矿

  -- stripe mine 露天矿

  》craft n. 工艺

  --crafting table 工作台

  2. multiplayer n. 多人游戏

  》singleplayer n. 单人游戏

  3. realm n. 领域

  4. create v. 创造

  》creative adj. 创造的;有创造力的

  》creation n. 生物


  5. survival n. 生存

  adj. 生存的

  》survive v. 生存;幸存

  -- survive the erathquake 从地震中幸存

  》survivor n. 幸存者

  6. option n. 选项

  7. difficulty n. 困难;难度

  [复] difficulties

  -- have difficulty in doing sth 做某事有困难

  》difficult adj. 困难的

  8. infinite adj. 无限的

  》infinity n. 无限

  9. block n. 方块;大楼

  v. 堵塞

  -- command block 命令方块

  10. command n. 指令;命令;掌握

  v. 命令

  -- have good of English 对英语掌握得很好

  * -- command block 命令方块

  11. spawn v. 生成

  *》spawner n. 刷怪笼

  》respawn v. 重生;复活

  -- respawn point (游戏中)重生点

  12. hardcore adj. 极限的

  13. inventory n. 库存;(游戏中)物品栏

  14. ore n. 矿石

  -- diamond/gold ore 钻石矿/金矿

  15. pickaxe n. 镐;鹤嘴锄

  -- wooden/stone/gold/iron/diamond pickaxe 木/石/金/铁/钻石镐

  16. axe n. 斧子

  [复] ~s

  17. sword n. 剑

  18. shovel n. 铲子

  19. hoe n. 锄头

  [复] ~s

  20. pumpkin n. 南瓜

  》Jack O Lantern 万圣节南瓜灯


  21. sharpness n. 锋利

  》sharp adj. 尖的;锋利的

  》sharpen v. 使……变尖

  22. loot v. 抢夺

  》looting n. 抢夺

  23. fortune n. 时运;运气

  24. efficiency n. 效率

  》efficient adj. 高效的

  25. thorn n. 荆棘

  26. arthropod n. 节肢动物

  *》Bane of Arthropod (附魔)节肢杀手

  27. smite v. 重击;破坏

  *》Smite n. 亡灵杀手

  28. aqua n. 水;溶液

  29. affinity n. 亲和力

  *》Aqua Affinity (附魔)水下速掘

  30. respiration n. 呼吸作用

  *》Respiration (附魔)水下呼吸

  31. blast v./n. 爆炸

  *》Blast Protection 爆炸保护

  32. feather n. 羽毛

  *》Feather Falling (附魔)摔落保护

  33. projectile n. 抛射物;弹射物

  *》Projectile Protection (附魔)弹射物保护

  34. aspect n. 方面

  *》Fire Aspect (附魔)火焰附加

  35. flame n. 火焰

  *》Flame (附魔)火矢

  36. unbreakable adj. 不可破坏的

  *》Unbreaking (附魔)耐久

  37. enchant v. 施魔法;(游戏中)附魔

  》enchantment n. 着迷;魅力;(游戏中)附魔魔咒

  *》enchanting table 附魔台


  38. stride v. 跨过

  n. 一步

  *》Depth Strider (附魔)深海探索者

  39. lure n. 饵;诱惑物

  v. 吸引

  *》Lure (附魔)饵钓

  40. lava n. 岩浆;熔岩


  41. magma n. 岩浆

  *》Magma Cube 岩浆怪

  *》magma cream 岩浆膏

  42. anvil n. 铁砧

  43. nether adj. 下方的;下界的

  *》Nether 下界;地狱

  44. fortress n. 要塞

  *》Nether fortress 下界要塞

  45. potion n. 药水;药剂

  46. wart n. 疣

  *》nether wart 地狱疣

  47. brew n. 酿造酒

  v. 酿造

  *》brewing stand 酿造台

  48. portal n. 门;入口

  adj. 门形的

  *》End portal 末地传送门

  49. end n. 结尾

  *End n. 末地

  --put an end to 使终止;使结束

  --end up by doing sth 最后处于/成为

  --come to an end 结束

  *Enderman 末影人

  *Ender Dragon 末影龙

  *Endermite 末影螨

  50. *teleport v. 传送

  51. wither n./v. 凋零;凋谢

  *》Wither 凋灵

  52. zombie n. 僵尸


  53. skeleton n. 骷髅;骸骨;骨架

  54. slime n. 煤泥;泥

  v. 涂上泥

  *》Slime 史莱姆

  55. creepe v. 爬行;匍伏

  》creeper n. 植物的匍伏茎

  *》Creeper 爬行者;苦力怕

  56. *Silverfish n. 蠹虫

  57. witch n. 女巫


  58. ghastly adj. 可怕的

  adv. 可怖地

  *》Ghast 恶魂;地狱幽灵

  59. ocelot n. 豹猫

  60. blaze n. 火焰

  *》Blaze 烈焰人

  61. birch n. 白桦树

  62. oak n. 橡树

  63. spruce n. 云杉

  64. acacia n. 金合欢

  65. sapling n. 树苗

  66. plank n. 木板

  67. taiga n. 针叶林

  68. swampland n. 沼泽地

  69. savanna n. 热带稀树草原

  70. plateau n. 高原

  71. mesa n. 平顶山

  72. plain n. 平原

  73. biome n. 生物群系

  74. terrain n. 地形

  75. terra firma n. 大陆;陆地

  *》Terra Firma Craft 群峦传说(mod)

  76. generate v. 生成;产生;引起;招致

  === regeneration n. 再生;恢复

  === regenerate v. 再生

  77. parameter n. 指数;参数

  *》health parameter (游戏中玩家或NPC的)生命值 (=HP)

  78. shift v. 转移;转变

  n, (键盘)换档键

  79. sneak V. 潜行

  === sneaky adj. 鬼鬼祟祟的

  80. log n. 原木;日志;对数符号

  ===logarithm n. 对数

  81. andesite n. 安山岩

  82. diorite n. 闪长岩

  83. granite n. 花岗岩

  84. gravel n. 沙砾;砾石

  85. dirt n. 泥土

  86. cobble adj. 粗糙的;草率的

  === cobblestone n. 鹅卵石

  87. obsidian n. 黑曜石

  88. bedrock n. 基岩;基石

  89. clay n. 粘土

  90. emernald n. 绿宝石

  === ruby n. 红宝石

  === sapphire n. 蓝宝石

  91. quartz n. 石英

  *》Nether quartz 下界石英

  === crystal n. 水晶

  92. Lapis Lazuli n. 青金石

  93. moss n. 苔藓

  === mossy adj. 长满苔藓的

  *》moss stone 苔石

  94. torch n. 火把;手电筒

  95. bow v. 鞠躬

  n. 弓;弧

  96. arrow n. 箭矢

  97. armor n. 盔甲

  98. flint n. 燧石

  》flint and steel n. 打火石

  99. trapdoor n. 活板门;陷阱门

  100. TNT n. 黄-色-炸-药;3(三)肖(硝)机(基)假(甲)本(苯) (= trinitrotoluene)

  === benzene n. 苯

  === toluene n. 甲苯

  === nitrobenzene n. 硝基苯

  101. minecart n. 矿车

  === cart n. 二轮货运马车;大车;手推车

  102. beacon n. 信标

  103. compass n. 指南针

  104. crosshair n. 十字光标;十字准星

  105. chest n. 胸脯;箱子

  106. tulip n. 郁金香

  107. cactus n. 仙人掌

  108. sugarcane n. 甘蔗

  109. vine n. 藤蔓

  110. swellfish n. 河豚

  111. dye (n.)染料;(v.)给…染色

  112. leather n. 皮革

  113. feather n. 羽毛

  114. gunpowder n. 火药

  115. void n. 虚空

  116. axis n. 数轴;坐标轴

  117. texture n. 材质;质地;本质;纹理

  118. entity n. 实体

  119. update v./n. 更新

  120. chunk n. 大块;*区块

  121. lever n. 杠杆;拉杆;闸柄

  122. ladder n. 梯子;途径

  123. coal n. 煤;煤炭

  124. ingot n. 金属锭

  125. wool n. 羊毛

  126. bucket n. 桶

  127. server n. 服务器

  128. fence n. 栅栏


  原句:It is reading our thoughts as though they were words on a screen.


  笔记:as though 好像

  原句:Words make a wonderful interface.


  笔记:interface n. 界面

  原句:And less terrifying than staring at the reality behind the screen.


  笔记:terrify v. 使……惊恐

  terrifying adj. 令人惊恐的

  原句:Back in the days when those who did not play called the players witches, and warlocks.


  笔记:warlock n. 术士

  原句:And players dreamed they flew through the air, on sticks powered by demons.


  笔记:demon n. 恶魔,恶鬼

  原句:It worked, with a million others,to sculpt a true world in a fold of the [scrambled], and created a [scrambled] for [scrambled], in the [scrambled].


  笔记:sculpt n./v. 刻画;雕刻,雕塑

  a fold of 一叠

  原句:No. It has not yet achieved the highest level. That, it must achieve in the long dream of life, not the short dream of a game.


  笔记:level n. 等级;水平;境界

  原句:But there are times it is sad, in the long dream. It creates worlds that have no summer, and it shivers under a black sun, and it takes its sad creation for reality.


  笔记:shiver v. 颤抖

  take sth for sth 把……视作/认作……

  原句:To cure it of sorrow would destroy it. The sorrow is part of its own private task. We cannot interfere.


  笔记:cure v. 治愈,治疗

  sorrow n. 悲伤

  interfere v. 干涉

  原句:Sometimes when they are deep in dreams, I want to tell them, they are building true worlds in reality.

  Sometimes I want to tell them of their importance to the universe. Sometimes, when they have not made a true connection in a while, I want to help them to speak the word they fear.


  笔记:the importance to sth 对…的重要性

  》be important to sth 对…很重要

  原句:Sometimes I do not care.Sometimes I wish to tell them, this world you take for truth is merely [scrambled] and [scrambled], I wish to tell them that they are [scrambled] in the [scrambled]. They see so little of reality, in their long dream.


  笔记:merely adv. 仅仅

  》mere adj. 仅仅的

  take sth for truth 把…视作真实

  原句:Too strong for this dream. To tell them how to live is to prevent them living.


  笔记:prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

  原句:The player is growing restless.


  笔记:be growing + adj. 正在变得…

  restless adj. 焦虑的

  原句 :No. A story that contains the truth safely, in a cage of words. Not the naked truth that can burn over any distance.


  笔记:naked adj. 直率的

  原句:Take a breath, now. Take another. Feel air in your lungs. Let your limbs return. Yes, move your fingers. Have a body again, under gravity, in air.Respawn in the long dream. There you are. Your body touching the universe again at every point, as though you were separate things. As though we were separate things.


  笔记:breath n. 呼吸

  -- breathe v. 呼吸

  》take a breath 呼吸

  lung n. 肺

  limb n. 肢体;四肢

  as though 尽管

  原句:Who are we? Once we were called the spirit of the mountain. Father sun, mother moon. Ancestral spirits, animal spirits. Jinn. Ghosts. The green man. Then gods, demons. Angels. Poltergeists. Aliens, extraterrestrials. Leptons, quarks. The words change. We do not change.


  笔记: spirit n. 精神

  ancestral adj. 古老的

  jinn n. 神祗

  alien n. 外星人

  extraterrestrials n. 地外生物

  leptons n. 轻粒子

  原句:Once upon a time, there was a player.


  笔记: once upon a time 很久以前




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