龙腾世纪:审判 全人物背景故事介绍图文一览 中英对照

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  灰色守卫(the grey warden)们孤独地守望着世界,忍受着充满苦难的生活,牺牲一切去保卫这个世界远离那永远无法真正被战胜的邪恶。只有很少的人会自愿加入这些事情一一那痛苦,孤单,和注定无法平静的死亡(意指召礼the calling)。然而灰卫的道路也是一条勇气之路,那些选择加入这项事业的人都最终欣然知晓,他们成为了比自己更伟大的事物。布莱克沃就是那极少数自愿拿起这面盾牌的人。他对灰卫们高尚的理念是那样得深信不疑,以至于他绝不会选择任何其它的生活。

  The Grey Wardens hold a lonely vigil, enduring lives of hardship and sacrifice to protect the world from an evil that can never truly be conquered. Few would volunteer for this: the suffering, isolation, and promise of a violent death. But the path of a Warden is also one of valor, and those who give themselves to the cause are rewarded with the knowledge that they have become something more than they were. Blackwall is one of the rare few Wardens who chose, of his own accord, to pick up the shield. He believes so wholeheartedly in the noble ideal of the Grey Wardens that he would rather have this life than any other.


  距离上一次瘟潮(the Blight)已经过去了十年。灰色守卫(Grey Warden)的声望又一次开始消退。灰卫因为他们的守望而闻名。为了监视瘟潮,他们时刻注意着暗裔的动向。但布莱克沃并不愿意止步于守望。他完全将自己投入到了那些传奇一般的灰色守卫们曾经践行的理念中去,那些曾经站在赛达斯人民和风暴般来临的瘟潮之间的人,那些将自己作为世界的盾牌的人。













  [DRAGON AGE]: What is Blackwall's life like before he meets the Inquisition?

  [SHERYL CHEE]: The Blight is ten years past. The Grey Wardens' prominence is decreasing again. The Wardens are known for their vigil; they keep watch for the darkspawn, for the Blight. But Blackwall isn't interested in just watching. He is absolutely invested in the idea of the Grey Wardens of legend: those who place themselves between the people of Thedas and the oncoming Blight, acting as their shield.

  [DA]: Would you say that he sees himself as a defender of the people?

  [SC]: To him, that's a Grey Warden, someone who protects others, who takes a hit so someone else doesn't have to. And if that's a Grey Warden, then it's his moral imperative to act, even when there's no Blight. There's more evil in the world than just the darkspawn, and he believes it's his duty to do something about it. He lives by that old saying: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." [DA]: How does he become involved with the Inquisition?

  [SC]: When the Inquisition tries to get in contact with the Grey Wardens, they find Blackwall. He's traveling on his own, a bit of a loner. But with the world spiraling out of control, Blackwall sees the Inquisition as Thedas's last hope to restore order, and he realizes that he'll probably be able to do more good with its backing than by himself.

  [DA]: How would you describe Blackwall's character?

  [SC]: He's a veteran. He's been through many battles, many conflicts, and he knows their price. He's aware that in wars, the people who call the shots are often safe in their fortresses. It's the soldiers who die. He's seen people with power abuse it and use it to manipulate others, and he absolutely hates that.

  [DA]: How does he view himself in the hierarchy of war?

  [SC]: He's not going to put himself above the rank and file. He's not better than them. At the end of the day, after all the talk about good and protecting people, he's going to want to have a round of drinks with the rest of the troops and share stories.

  [DA]: What was it like for you to write his character in Inquisition?

  [SC]: I had a great deal of fun writing Blackwall. At least part of it was asking why someone might find the Grey Wardens appealing. Why choose to be part of that? A heroic sacrifice is still a sacrifice. What sort of person could decide that dying for something is better than just living?And I would love to say more, but I won't. Ask me again in October.

  [DA]: Being good and just can sometimes rub other characters the wrong way. How does Blackwall fit in with his fellow companions in Inquisition?

  [SC]: There are definitely characters that Blackwall enjoys the company of more than others. While he always keeps a close watch on his conduct, he loosens up around certain people. There's also the possibility that his relationships may change over time.


  她有很多名字。大多数人把她看做"夜莺修女〃或者"教皇的左手〃。而对于她极少数的朋友来说,她是蕾莉安娜。他们说她在黑暗中找到了信仰,她对上帝的奉献只能和她对教皇Justinia V,她的导师和拯救者,的奉献相提并论。那些赢得了她忠诚的人明白她是一个值得信赖的盟友。而教皇的敌人明白需要畏惧她,因为她隐藏在旭日王座(sunburst throne)的阴影里一一那个等待并守望,在她的目标最虚弱或者最放松的时候发动攻击的人。

  She has many names. Most know her as “Sister Nightingale” or “the Left Hand of the Divine.” To the rare friend, she is Leliana. They say she found faith amid darkness, and that her devotion to the Maker is matched only by her devotion to Divine Justinia V, a woman who is both mentor and savior. Those who have earned her loyalty know her as a steadfast ally. But enemies of the Divine know to fear her, for she is the shadow behind the Sunburst Throne一the one who watches and waits, who strikes when her mark is most vulnerable and least suspecting.”


  Sheryl Chee:在第五次瘟潮过后,蕾莉安娜被她的朋友和导师,神圣 Justinia V,征招到了Val Royeaux。

  DA :她们之间肯定有一段故事。

  SC :是的-----Justinaia之前被称作崇高圣母Dorothea,她在蕾莉安娜被


  DA :从我们认识她以后,她的性格发生了什么变化?

  SC :那些玩过龙腾世纪起源的人大概会记得,蕾莉安娜是一个快乐,乐观的年轻妹子。她尽自己最大的努力去做她认为是正确的事情。那已经是十年前的事情了,这之间发生了很多事情。她不再那么无优无虑。即使她想展示自己性格的另一面,她也不能这样做。

  DA :为什么会这样?

  SC :她是有着重大责任的审判庭高级成员,为了审判庭,她必须以某种 特定的方式展示自己。然而,如果你证明了自己是值得信任的,同时你也明白她为什么而来(you understand where she 's come f"om是不是这个意思?),她也许会放松她的警惕(L妹还是那个L妹!)

  DA :你觉得重新创作蕾莉安娜感觉如何?

  SC :回到蕾莉安娜给了我从龙腾世纪世界里,蕾莉安娜各种各样的形象中,找出和她相关的一切,并把这些东西统一起来。

  DA :以什么样的方式?

  SC :蕾莉安娜之歌展示了她的过往,在她和将成为教皇的女人之间建立了联系。在龙腾世纪起源中,蕾莉安娜试着面对自己的过去,并寻找真正的自己。在龙腾世纪2,小说Asunder•和Masked Empire里,我们看到蕾莉安娜作为教皇"左手〃的形象。这对她来说是一段很长的路,而在审判庭里,我们将要看到她的旅途是怎样改变她的人格的,而这又会在将来把她带往何方。

  DA :有没有觉得很有挑战?

  SC :蕾莉安娜总是显得有的麻烦,因为起源里玩家的选择会影响她。我必须要确保不论玩家在起源里做出过什么事情,蕾莉安娜在审判庭中的角色都说得过去。这事关尊重她的天性,所以不论发生过什么,或者现在发生了什么,她永远都是那个蕾莉安娜(这就是引入旧角色的蛋疼之处)。

  DA :你说如今蕾莉安娜是"教皇的左手〃。这到底什么意思?

  SC :就像我们所知道的那样,卡珊德拉是教皇的右手:冲锋陷阵卷入游涡中心的战士,她勇敢直率充满动力。蕾莉安娜是左手一一灾祸之手(thesinister hand 一语双关,也有左边的意思),就像字面意思一


  DA :这些技能对审判庭应该很有用吧?

  SC :审判庭是一个新的力量,对于赛达斯已经存在的组织是一种威胁。


  DA :那么她和审判庭的其他人关系怎么样?

  SC :审判庭是蕾莉安娜最先考虑的事情。她明白内斗会导致它迅速混乱的结束,所以她会把自己的个人感受放在一边,去做对组织最有好处的事情。

  DA :你能举个例子么?

  SC :她很尊敬卡珊德拉,即使她并不总是认同她。但是最终,她们的目标是一致的,她们会为她们所认为的更伟大的事业通力合作。这有点像爸爸和妈妈在紧闭的门后争吵,但是却对孩子显示出一致的态度。对库伦也是如此。

  DA :最后,每个人心上的问题:Schmooples(蕾莉安娜的兔猪)怎么样了?

  SC :呃,Schmooples啊。也许我们应该让人们在游戏中自己去发现。

  [DRAGON AGE]: Its been a few years since we last saw Leliana. What has she been doing?

  [SHERYL CHEE]: After the Fifth Blight, Leliana was summoned to Val Royeaux by her friend and mentor, Divine Justinia V.

  [DA]: There'sdefinitely some history between them.

  [SC]: Yes—Justinia was formerly known as Revered Mother Dorothea, the woman who saved Leliana when Leliana was betrayed and almost killed by her old mistress, Marjolaine. Because of their history, Leliana feels a close bond with Justinia; naturally, when Justinia needed her help, Leliana went to her side. She has been serving as the Divine,sLeft Hand for some time now.

  [DA]: How has her personality changed since her introduction to the series?

  [SC]: Those who played Dragon Age: Origins might remember Leliana as a cheerful, optimistic young woman who tried her best to do what she thought was right. Its now ten years later, and lots of things have happened. Shefsnot as carefree. Even if she wanted to show that side of her personality, she can't.

  [DA]: Why'sthat?

  [SC]: She'sa high-ranking member of the Inquisition with a great deal of responsibility, and she has to present herself a certain way for the Inquisition's sake. However, if you prove that you're trustworthy, and that you understand where she's come from, she might let her guard down a little.

  [DA]: How did you find revisiting Leliana?

  [SC]: Coming back to Leliana gave me the chance to pull everything from Leliana'svarious appearances throughout the Dragon Age world and fit them together.

  [DA]: In what way?

  [SC]: Leliana'sSong shared her backstory, establishing her relationship with the woman who would become the Divine. In Dragon Age: Origins, Leliana is coming to terms with her past and trying to figure out who she is. In Dragon Age II, and the Asunder and Masked Empire novels, we see Leliana in her role as Left Hand of the Divine. Its been a long road for her, and in Inquisition, we*!!get to see how her journey has shaped her as a person, and where the path might take her in the future.

  [DA]: Were there any challenges?

  [SC]: Leliana is always a little tricky because of how the player's choices in Origins can affect her. I had to make sure that no matter what the player did in Origins, Leliana'srole and character in Inquisition made sense. It's a matter of respecting her core nature, so that regardless of what happened (or happens) to her, she's always clearly "Leliana."

  [DA]: You said that Leliana is now “Left Hand of the Divine.”

  What exactly does that mean?

  [SC]: As we know, Cassandra is Right Hand of the Divine: the warrior who puts herself front and center, she'sbold and direct and driven. Leliana is the Left Hand一the “sinister” hand, as it were. She hangs back in the shadows. She watches the Divine's back, watches for enemies, waits for them to reveal their weaknesses, and comes at them from the shadows.

  [DA]: Those skills must be useful for the Inquisition?

  [SC]: The Inquisition is a new power, a threat to some of the existing structures within Thedas. Naturally, some people will oppose it, and Leliana will deal with these opposing forces should direct action or diplomacy fail.

  [DA]: So she gets along well with the rest of the Inquisition?

  [SC]: The Inquisition is Leliana'spriority. She knows that

  infighting will doom it to a quick and messy end, so she,soften willing to put aside her own personal feelings to do whatsbest for the organization.

  [DA]: Can you give us an example?

  [SC]: She has a healthy respect for Cassandra, even if she doesn't always agree with her. Ultimately, their goals align, and they' ll work together for what they believe is the greater good. Its a little like Mom and Dad quarrelling behind closed doors, but presenting a united front to the kids. Same goes for Cullen.

  [DA]: And finally, the question on everyone'smind: How is Schmooples?

  [SC]: Ah, Schmooples. Maybe we should let people find out on their own when they play the game.



  Cullen has seen the worst that magic and corruption can do to innocent people. Trained from a young age, he has devoted more than half his life in service to the Templar Order. He saw the Ferelden Circle fall during the Blight and was witness to the mage- templar conflict that tore Kirkwall apart. In the aftermath, it was Cullen who rallied what remained of Kirkwall's templars to restore order to the devastated city. His leadership and integrity caught the attention of Cassandra Pentaghast, who recognized in him a vital component in forming the Inquisition. Now the world is falling into chaos. Cullen is through waiting for others to act, and he's determined that the Inquisition will make a difference for the people of Thedas.


  Brianne Battye:库伦花了半辈子为圣殿骑士效力。在这期间他经历了很多事情。他在龙腾世纪起源中的法环危机中幸存,接着在龙腾世纪2中目睹了柯克沃陷入混乱。在龙腾世纪审判里,天空被撕裂了,恶魔肆虐,战争爆发...事情看上去真的不怎么样。

  DA :库伦在龙腾世纪2结局的时候做了个相当大的决定。从他决定站在圣殿骑士指挥官梅瑞迪斯的对立面之后,他的人生发生了什么样的变化?

  BB :梅瑞迪斯是库伦的直属上司;他希望可以相信她。但是和她作对让他走上了帮助建立将成为审判庭的组织的道路。圣殿骑士没没能保护他的所应该保护的人,也没能保护柯克沃的百姓。这个组织辜负了它的理想,虽然这对库伦并不容易,但他现在已经认识到了这一点。至今他仍在渐渐消化这个想法,但是他已经在试着前进,并为一些他认同的事情所奋斗。整个世界支离破碎,而库伦不会无所作为地看着这种事情发生(服气了,这句话我都记不清出现多少回了)。他希望成为解决办法的一部分。如果那以为着背弃圣殿骑士团而加入审判庭,那这就是他将要做的事情。

  DA :作为一个前圣殿骑士队长,库伦一定是经验丰富训练有素的。他主要的专业技能是什么?

  BB :他明显对圣殿骑士团有深刻的认识,同时亦有圣法战争的亲身经历。自然地,这并不是他被征召加入审判庭的唯一原因。库伦是一个充满动力的,有强烈责任感的人。他是一个领袖:一个人们可以求助的人,一个被相信可以做出正确决定的人,即便那决定并不容易。

  DA :你会怎样描述他在游戏中的角色?

  BB :库伦是帮助审判庭运作的三个顾问之一。特别地,他帮你管理审判庭的军事力量。库伦会为你提供战术建议和贯穿游戏的帮助。你会有很充分的理由来寻求他的帮助。

  DA :那么,听上去玩家会和他度过多时光。

  BB :当然----但这并不意味着总是关于工作。你会有了解库伦这个人的机会。尽管他出现在起源和龙腾世纪2的各个任务中,你并没有机会^他谈论除了突发事件之外的事情(哪啊,法环起源那个小库伦呢)。

  DA :现如今呢?

  BB :在之前的游戏里,库伦以一个圣殿骑士的身份出现。他有他需要完成的工作。但是他是怎样成为圣殿骑士的?在那之前他又是淮?除圣殿骑士之外他又是怎样一个人?这些是我必须思考的问题。在审判里,玩家可以寻找这些问题的答案。

  DA :你最喜欢创作他的哪一点?

  BB :库伦经历了太多事情。所以,他对待他的新职位非常严肃。你的士兵依赖他,不论如何,他会借助他们的力量做出正确的事情。他对自己还有审判庭有非常高的期望。我最喜欢的部分是他稍稍放下了自己的认真劲的时候——那些他放松的时刻和那些他可以成为士兵之外的角色的时刻。

  DA :你说他是三个顾问之一。库伦和他的同僚们相处的好么?

  BB :库伦对他的顾问同事很尊敬。当然,这不意味着他们的意见总是统一。比如,库伦是一个务实的人。他欣赏直来直去,诚实的方式。蕾莉安娜,一个在暗处为教皇服务多年的人,对于某个问题会有和库伦不同的处理方法。

  DA :库伦的粉丝在社区中号称"cullenites"。你认为是什么让他如此受欢迎?

  BB :呃,我确信他在起源里的露面为他赢得了很多粉丝一一尤其是在一些女性法师之中(明明是几乎所有么,其他起源见到的库伦就是个吓破胆的小盆友)。但是我不认为这是所有人的原因或是唯一的原因。库伦是一个为信仰而战的人。他试着去做正确的事情,即使他并不总能成功。他的过去让我很感兴趣,同时我也确信其他人也会很感兴趣。那些事情是怎么影响如今的他的?我想我知道答案,但是现在我不会说的。

  [DRAGON AGE]: What can you tell us about Cullen?

  [BRIANNE BATTYE]: Cullen spent more than half of his life in service to the templars. He's gone through a lot over that time. He survived what happened to the Circle Tower in Dragon Age: Origins, then watched Kirkwall fall to chaos in Dragon Age II. In Inquisition, the sky's torn open, demons are running loose, there's war... things aren't exactly looking up.

  [DA]: Cullen made a pretty big decision at the end of Dragon Age II. How has his life changed since he sided against Knight- Commander Meredith?

  [BB]: Meredith was Cullen's commanding officer; he wanted to trust her. But standing against her paved the way for him to help form what would become the Inquisition. The templars failed to protect their charges and the people of Kirkwall. The Order has not lived up to its ideal, and though it wasn't easy for him, Cullen now recognizes that. It's something he's still processing, but he's looking to move forward and fight for something he can believe in. The whole world's falling apart, and Cullen won't sit by and watch that happen. He wants to be part of a solution. If that means serving the Inquisition instead of the Order, then that's what he's going to do.

  [DA]: As a former knight-captain, Cullen is certainly well-trained and experienced. What is his primary area of expertise?

  [BB]: He obviously has insights into the Templar Order, as well as firsthand knowledge of the mage-templar conflict. Of course, those aren't the only reasons he was recruited into the Inquisition. Cullen is a driven individual with a strong sense of responsibility. He's a leader: someone people can turn to, someone they can trust to make the right call, even if it's a tough one.

  [DA]: How would you describe his role in the game?

  [BB]: Cullen is one of three advisors who help run the Inquisition. Specifically, he commands the Inquisition's military forces on your behalf. Cullen will offer tactical advice and assistance throughout the game. And you'll have plenty of reasons to seek it.

  [DA]: So, it sounds like players will get to spend some time with him.

  [BB]: For sure—but it doesn't have to be about work all the time. There will be opportunities to get to know Cullen himself. Though he was in Origins and appeared in quests throughout Dragon Age II, there wasn't a chance to talk to him about anything that wasn't an immediate issue.

  [DA]: And now?

  [BB]: In the previous games, Cullen was there as a templar. He had work to do. But why did he become a templar in the first place? Who was he before that? Who is he beyond that? These were questions I had to consider. In Inquisition, the player can explore these ideas with him.

  [DA]: What did you enjoy most about writing him?

  [BB]: Cullen's been through a lot. As a result, he takes his new position very seriously. Your soldiers depend on him, after all, and he will do right by them. He expects a lot of the Inquisition and of himself. Some of my favorite parts to write were the moments where he lets that drop a bit—the moments where you see him relax and he can be the person behind the soldier.

  [DA]: You mentioned that he is one of three advisors. Does Cullen get along well with his peers?

  [BB]: Cullen has a lot of respect for his fellow advisors. Of course, that doesn't mean they always get along. For example, Cullen is a practical person who appreciates a straightforward, honest approach. Leliana, who has worked behind the scenes for the Divine for years, won't come at a problem the same way.

  [DA]: Cullen fans have united on social media using the hashtag #cullenites. What do you think it is about him that makes him so popular?

  [BB]: Well, I'm sure his introduction in Origins won him some fans—especially among certain female mages. But I don't think that's everyone's reason or the only one.

  Cullen is someone who fights for what he believes in. He tries to do the right thing, even if he isn't always successful. His history interests me , and I'm sure other people are also curious about what it will mean . How has it infuenced the man he is now?I guess I know the answer to that , but I won't say more just yet .

卡珊德拉(Cassandra Pentaghast)

  尽管生于贵族家庭,卡珊德拉却抛弃了充满财富和特权的生活加入了真理追索者(Seekers of Truth)。这个古老的团体把自己当作监视堕落腐化还有魔法威胁的眼睛,被教会赋予了调查事情的最高权力——但是,它却对先前的法师叛乱保持了沉默而不履行自己的职责。卡珊德拉没有像她的兄弟姐妹们一样,正相反,她仍然对Divine Justinia(现任教皇)保持忠诚,并协助教皇恢复乱世之中的秩序。她既虔诚又充满动力,作为教皇的左右手,她对正义的追求胜过一切。

  Though of noble birth, Cassandra Pentaghast turned her back on a life of wealth and privilege to join the Seekers of Truth. The ancient order serves as a watchful eye over corruption and magical threats, granted ultimate authority in its investigations by the Chantry—or it did, prior to abandoning their duty in response to the mage rebellion. Cassandra did not join her brothers in this, instead remaining loyal to Divine Justinia and her efforts to restore order in the face of chaos. She is both pious and driven, the sword in the right hand of the Divine, seeking justice above all else.


  卡珊德拉是真理追索者(Seekers of Truth)组织的一员,那个带领圣殿骑士们脱离教会镇压法师叛乱的组织......但她同时也是Divene(教皇)的仆人,是那个作为教会精神领袖的人,也即整个赛达斯领袖的人的仆人。


















  [DRAGON AGE]: Dragon Age fans will remember Cassandra from the previous game, but for those meeting her for the first time, who exactly is she?

  [DAVID GAIDER]: Cassandra is a member of the Seekers of Truth, the order that led the templars away from the Chantry to battle the mage rebellion…but she is also servant to the Divine, the spiritual leader of the Chantry and thus all of Thedas.

  [DA]: Does that ever force her to pick sides?

  [DG]: She is part of both worlds, and when those worlds come into conflict, she chooses to stand with the Divine because, as she sees it, the Divine is seeking to end the chaos rather than add to it. To her fellow Seekers, this makes Cassandra a traitor, but it puts her in a position to be there when the Inquisition is founded, to do what needs to be done.

  [DA]: How much has Cassandra changed since players last saw her?

  [DG]: When Cassandra met Varric in Dragon Age II, she was convinced the world worked a certain way: things were black and white, good and evil. If there was a problem, there was a distinct cause behind it that could be dealt with.

  [DA]: And now?

  [DG]: What we find in Inquisition is a Cassandra who's realizing the world doesn't work like she believed it does. Her duty is not absolute, and perhaps neither is her faith. Having doubt need not make either of those things weaker, however, and that's the path that Cassandra has to now walk.

  [DA]: How do other characters in the game see her?

  [DG]: I think there's a big difference between how others would describe Cassandra and how she would describe herself. She can come across as very stern and rigid, perhaps even humorless, but then she'll surprise you with a wry comment or a bit of sarcasm.

  The things she has real passion for, she holds secret as she doesn't believe putting them on display is very seemly. There is a sense of propriety and duty in Cassandra that some of the other characters simply can't resist poking at until they elicit a reaction.

  [DA]: What is Cassandra like on the battlefield? Does she run toward danger head on?

  [DG]: It depends on where the greatest danger lies and who is threatened. She's very practical in battle, and far more oriented toward protecting the helpless and innocent before any other consideration. Fighting is not about having style or showing off; it's a necessary means to an end.

  [DA]: She sounds like a noble ally.

  [DG]: Cassandra does what she believes is right and just, and holds those values as more important than things like law or duty. If she needs to rebel against tradition in order to drag the world kicking and screaming back into a semblance of order, then she will do it. Once Cassandra commits to a cause, she jumps in with both feet, and the Inquisition is no exception.

  [DA]: What did you enjoy most about writing Cassandra's character?

  [DG]: At heart, deep down, Cassandra's a romantic. If you called her that, she would completely deny it, but it's absolutely true, and it made her quite fun for me to write. I don't think I've made a character quite like her previously.

  [DA]: Would you say that Cassandra is easy to get along with?

  [DG]: There are characters she sees eye to eye with, The Iron Bull

  being one of them. Vivienne is another. Even with those two, however, there are particular points that will cause contention between them—the Inquisition's c


  薇薇安被称作Madame de Fer•,也就是铁之女士。她绝对配的上自己的名号。作为法师中的领袖和皇宫(Imperial court)的官方(enchanter),她是一个出了名的值得害怕的家伙,一个通过欺诈和熟练的政治手腕获得地位的人。薇薇安不允许任何人挡在自己和自己想要的东西之间一一那些说她趋炎附势的人,那些尝试限制她力量的人,甚至是尝试把薇薇安拉入她所反对的叛乱中的法师同伴。薇薇安用尽所能,试图让这变得疯狂的世界恢复秩序......只要当一切结束以后,她是幸存者中的一员。

  Referred to as Madame de Fer, “the Lady of Iron”,Vivienne lives up to her title. A leader among the mages and official enchanter to the Imperial court, she is renowned as a fearsome woman who achieved her position through guile and deft political maneuvering. Vivienne allows nothing to stand in the way of what she desires—not those who claim she is a social climber, not those who seek to restrict her power, not even her fellow mages who would conscript her into a rebellion with which she disagrees. Vivienne fights to restore order in a world gone mad.so long as that leaves her among those left standing, once all is said and done.


  她曾是,如今也是皇廷(Imperial Court)的官方巫师(official enchanter)。现如今,赛达斯的法师是不允许掌控政治力量的,所以这个职位基本就像个有头衔的皇廷弄臣——那种听别人命令玩魔法戏法的人。




  之后法环(the Circle)就解体了,一场针对奥莱伊皇位的战争爆发了,并且有个家伙把天空撕裂了。所以,她运气是不咋样。









  我这两天听到了一个流言,说你正打算参加三个星期后在公爵夏曰庄园(the Duke's summer estate)举行的沙龙。我很确定这一定流言是一个无耻的谎言,大使,因为你和其它内瓦拉(Nevarran)使馆的使臣都没有收到邀请。作为聚会的举办者,我相信你不会打算像几个没有洗澡的工人一样喝上几杯麦芽酒,坏了一整个派对。我相信你不敢。




  Madame de Fer(铁之女士)

  [DRAGON AGE]: What was Vivienne's life like before she met the


  [MARY KIRBY]: She was, and still is, the official enchanter to the Imperial Court. Now, mages in Thedas can't hold political power, so the post was almost like a glorified court jester—someone to do magic tricks on command.

  [DA]: That sounds a bit humiliating for someone with her power. How did she deal with it?

  [MK]: Vivienne took the job and turned it into an advisory position for the Empress. She claimed her place as a respected, and sometimes feared, member of the court instead of as an oddity, and she got used to telling the most powerful nobles in the world what to think about magic and mages.

  [DA]: Al「s well that ends well, right?

  [MK]: And then the Circle shattered, a war started for the Orlesian throne, and someone ripped the sky open. So... could be better.

  [DA]: How does she come to join the Inquisition?

  [MK]: Vivienne is not the sort of person who would sit back and watch while the world crashed down around her. The Inquisition is the only group even trying to stand against the chaos. So she resorts to the only logical course of action for a courtier: she throws a party for them.

  [DA]: What was your favorite part about writing her character?

  [MK]: Vivienne was fun to write because she let me play around with different ways for a character to be powerful. Any mage can destroy their enemies with fire and ice, but Vivienne can rip apart her opponents verbally, politically, socially—and make ice seem like the gentlest option.

  [DA]: Does her personality conflict with her fellow companions, or does she fit right in with the Inquisition?

  [MK]: She takes great pride in her work, and her interactions with a certain unnamed Inquisition mage can be a little... explosive. In a good way. Mostly.

  [DA]: Vivienne doesn'tsound like someone you'dwant to tangle with. Can you share an example of how she interacts with people who get on her bad side?

  [MK]: Certainly.

  My dear ambassador,

  I don't believe we've met, so allow me to introduce myself. I am First Enchanter Vivienne, enchanter to the Imperial Court of Oriais, personal advisor to the Empress.

  A rumor has reached my ears that you plan on attending the salon held at the duke's summer estate three weeks hence. I'm certain this rumor must be a scandalous falsehood, Ambassador, as neither you nor anyone else from the Nevarran embassy has been issued an invitation. As host of the party, I trust you did not intend to crash it like some unwashed workman drunk on three tankards

  I know you are only seventy-third in line for the Nevarran throne, but that is hardly so lowly a position as to relegate you to trailing after Comtesse Montbelliard in the hope that she might give your suit a moment's thought. She won't, my dear. She only likes men with self-respect. Perhaps you might sober up and acquire some?

  I'm sure I don't have to tell you, Ambassador, that the world has become a dangerous place. Wars rage across the continent, the sky is torn open, and many say the end of the world is upon us. During such chaotic times, it behooves those of us in power to aid in the restoration of peace and the establishment of order. Lives have already been lost; should we not save those we can? In that spirit, I give you this friendly warning: I am not to be trifled with. I would not be in a rush to hasten my own demise if I were you, darling. If the demons have their way, it will come soon enough.

  Most sincerely,

  Madame de Fer

铁牛(Iron bull)

  整个赛达斯都把库那利人看作是凶残的长着角的巨人。他们从北方而来,曾几乎征服了整个大陆。这些信仰一种残酷哲学的无情的野蛮人,通过尉廷官(the Ben-Hassrath)确保他们的意志得到实现。尉廷官是他们的间谍和秘密警察。有一个杰出的特工能完成尉廷官所需要做的所有工作,追杀间谍,叛徒和逃兵,直到有一天他终于被击垮了。为了保留这个珍贵的财富,他的上级把他送到奥莱伊去监视和汇报......由此,铁牛诞生了。(库那利人内部是不以名字相称的,Dao的sten(斯坦)就是他的军衔。我就说说,怕新人不知道。)


  Qunari are known across Thedas as the brutal horned giants who descended from the north to nearly conquer the continent. These ruthless followers of a harsh philosophy enforce their will through the Ben-Hassrath: their spies and secret police. One brilliant agent did it all, hunting spies, rebels, and deserters until the day he finally broke. To preserve a valuable asset, his superiors sent him to Orlais to observe and report... and The Iron Bull was born.

  Today, Bull'sChargers are famous mercenaries, fiercely loyal to the huge Qunari warrior who leads them into battles and taverns with equal enthusiasm. The Iron Bull still sends the Ben-Hassrath reports, but years of living outside Qunari rules have him wondering which identity is really him. Whoever he is, he,smore than happy to join the Inquisition and get paid to kill demons.


















  铁牛只和那些对库那利不爽的人关系不好。他不会去试着改变别人的看 法,也不会为自己的生活方式道歉,而像瓦里克(Varric)这样在柯克沃见 过库那利最坏一面的人,可能会错误理解铁牛的做法。

  [DRAGON AGE]: What was The Iron Bull,slife like before the Inquisition?

  [PATRICK WEEKES]: The Iron Bull was a Ben-Hassrath internal agent on an island controlled by his people, the Qunari, but threatened by rebels and agitators. Imagine the Dragon Age equivalent of a federal anti-terrorism unit, and you'vegot the basic idea. When things got hot, he was the one the Qunari sent to handle the situation.

  [DA]: Sounds like demanding work. Although, judging by his character design, he seems up for the task.

  [PW]: True, but nobody can handle a job like that forever. When The Iron Bull burned out, his superiors moved him to what most people outside the Qunari think of when they imagine the Ben- Hassrath: spy work in other countries. He was told to set up a mercenary company, take jobs from nobles, and pass information back to the Qunari.

  [DA]: How does he end up with the Inquisition?

  [PW]: The official reason The Iron Bull joins the Inquisition is that his Qunari superiors want to know what the Inquisition is doing. Qunari have a pretty dim view of uncontrolled magic, and a giant hole in the sky is about as uncontrolled as you can get.

  [DA]: And unofficially?

  [PW]: Unofficially, The Iron Bull sees demons attacking innocent people, and he wants to help. He knows the Inquisition's agents would uncover his ties to the Ben-Hassrath, so he'sopted to save time and be completely up-front about his work. If the player can handle The Iron Bull sending reports, the Qunari agent can get the Inquisition valuable information in return from his spy network.

  [DA]: How would you describe The Iron Bull'scharacter?

  [PW]: The Iron Bull is casual, friendly, and confident. There are very few things in the world that he can'tkill if he needs to, which puts him at ease most of the time. He'sgot no need to compete with anyone or prove himself, and he doesn'tneed his ego stroked. What he does need are people he can trust to watch his back and friends he can laugh with. After surviving years of ugly, nasty fighting, The Iron Bull has learned not to take anything too seriously. Unless it involves demons.

  [DA]: Why demons?

  [PW]: The Iron Bull has a thing about demons.

  [DA]: What sets The Iron Bull apart from the other followers in Inquisition?

  [PW]: The Iron Bull really loves life outside the demands of the Qun, now that he,sgotten used to it, and he does everything big. He overeats, drinks himself sick, and will hop into bed with anyone he'sreasonably sure he won'tbreak. He'sbeen close to death enough times to appreciate life whenever he has the chance.

  [DA]: How does he get along with his fellow companions?

  [PW]: The Iron Bull is a relaxed, friendly guy who gets along with just about everyone. He loves talking shop with Cassandra after battles, for example, although he'sa lot more enthusiastic about chopping people in half than Cassandra is. He also gets along surprisingly well with Vivienne, who keeps him in line when he gets too boisterous.

  [DA]: You said “just about everyone.” Are there people that he doesn'tget along with?

  [PW]: The only folks The Iron Bull has trouble with are those who go looking for fights about the Qunari. He isn'ttrying to convert anybody, but he'snot going to apologize for his way of life, and people like Varric, who saw the Qunari at their worst in Kirkwall, might take that the wrong way.


  瑟拉为人冲动,在当下寻欢作乐(而不是过去也不是未来)。对她来说,重要的不是什么是对的,而是现在什么是对的。作为血手珍妮(the Friends of Red Jenny )的朋友,她以让有权利的人难堪为乐趣。然而现在这些贵族已经不只是自私,而还目光短浅。战争,恶魔,被撕裂的天 空:这些已经远不止是让人感到麻烦了,它们令人胆寒。幸运的是,瑟拉和她的朋友也可以变得可怕,而如果她需要用箭射死一些坏人从而能让普通人得一夕安寝,那就这么办吧。瑟拉为了那些处在夹缝中的人而战,但她也需要恢复秩序。只有世界变得正常,她才能继续在里面玩。

  Sera is impulsive and revels in the moment. For her, it's not about what's right, it's about what's right now. In the Friends of Red Jenny, she humbled authority and had fun doing it. But now the nobility are being not just selfish but blind. War, demons, a torn sky: these are more than troubling—they're terrifying. Fortunately, Sera and her "friends" can be frightening, too, and if she needs to put an arrow through some baddies so regular people can sleep at night, so be it. Sera fights for those caught in the middle, but she also needs order restored. The world has to be normal so she can

  在奥莱伊(OHais)的大街上,审判庭找到了瑟拉,或者说,瑟拉找到了审判庭。瑟拉一个精灵游侠。她的主创,Luke Kristjanson把她称作"惹祸精〃。她为审判庭带来了新的视角,在失控的世界里,处在各个势力夹缝间的那些人的视角。

  "瑟拉既盛气凌人又很搞笑,"Kristjanson这样说。"她什么也不当回事,除非事情真的需要认真处理,而这样的事情并没有多少。她习惯了从黑暗中看待权势(塞拉是friends of Red Jenny ,整天调戏这些人),这让她对于权力背后的那种傲慢毫无尊重之心。"








  Its on the streets of Orlais that the Inquisition finds Sera—or rather, she finds them.

  Sera‘san outsider, a rogue elf, who senior writer, Luke Kristjanson describes as a “troublemaker.” She brings to the Inquisition the perspective of the little people caught between powerful factions as the world spins out of control.

  “Sera is brash and fun,” Kristjanson says. “She takes nothing seriously until it deserves to be taken seriously, and not much does. Shefsonly seen power from the underside, a view that gives her an almost complete lack of respect for the arrogance behind authority.”

  The Inquisition is the fastest Sera's ever seen someone “in power” move. She's never had the chance to get in early and make sure those heading to the top stay humble. But there are also big questions that she needs to answer for herself — “hole in the sky” big—and the Inquisition seems like the place to do it.

  “The phrase I keep going back to is ‘she's not about what's right, she's about what's right now*,”Kristjanson says. “Doing something for the ‘greater good* makes her angry, because she thinks that's shorthand for ‘let's hurt people who don't deserve it because it's easier/ But she's got her own reasons for helping too. Play nice with the vulnerable and you*vealways got friends, and friends are better than power.”

  During 18 years at BioWare, Kristjanson has written many memorable characters for nearly all of BioWare*sfranchises from Baldur*sGate to Inquisition. Its different every time, but he says it s always fun.

  “Sera is raw and genuine,” says Kristjanson. Tve written plenty of characters who were too clever for their own good. Sera hasn'thad to test her beliefs, so she brings a level of honest discovery that is cutting and refreshing. I had a lot of fun with her voice in particular. The actor nailed it day one. From the first voice test, she was Sera. Her laugh is great.”

  With the fate of Thedas hanging in the balance and pressures mounting, Sera'sreckless abandon won'twin over every party member she fights alongside.

  “Sera likes people who try (even if they fail), and is suspicious of people who are so powerful they don'thave to,” Kristjanson says. “There are people she loves, people she hates, and people she loves to hate. That draws a line, in and out of the party.”

  In short, Sera speaks her mind.

  "She makes no secret of her feelings,” Kristjanson says. “I don,tthink she could if she tried.”

瓦里克(Varric Tethras)

  瓦叔一部分是敢于冒险的游侠,一部分是流行的故事家,而第三部分则是麻烦。在地表长大的他对自己地下的同胞们没什么感情一一^他所有的合约都是和商人协会(Merchants Guild)的矮人签订的,尽管他对这些人的生活体系毫无兴趣。尽管如此,作为一个外来者,他还是找到了自己的位置,既和富裕的上层任务也和最危险的恶棍打交道。听他自己讲,这就是他所在意的一切,然而所有真正了解他的人都不这么认为。他们说,尽管他试着远离冲突,瓦叔已经一点点被卷入了影响整个世界的纷争中去了一一那些他不能简单用一个故事就让自己远离的纷争。

  Varric Tethras is one part adventurous rogue, one part dashing storyteller, and three parts trouble. Born on the surface, Varric has little love for his underground brethren—all his contacts lie with the dwarves of the Merchants Guild, though he has little taste for their schemes. Still, he has found a place as an outsider, rubbing shoulders with both the wealthy elite as well as the worst of scoundrels. To hear him tell of it, thatsall he truly cares about, though anyone who truly knows him claims differently. They say that, try as he might, Varric has been drawn more and more into conflicts that shake the world—ones that he can'tget himself out of with a quick tale.


  Mary Kirby:还记得在龙腾世纪2里卡珊德拉审问瓦里克的情形吗?记得当时卡珊德拉正和蕾莉安娜还有一群穿着有眼睛标志衣服的人一起工作吗?


  MK:那就是刚有雏形的审判庭。崇高圣母Justinia V有一些疑问,而瓦里克就是有所有答案的那个人。






  MK:记住,这是一个认为伤痛海岸(Wouned Coast)非常不舒服的人。只有讽刺和荒野的故事让他能度过这种折磨。






  MK:这一次我创作了我在整个龙腾世纪系列里最喜欢的场景。它也许涉及到了邪恶的恩惠这个游戏(Wicked Grace伊萨贝拉在Dao里和主角玩的纸牌游戏。




  MK:他还是对那个"捅书审判〃(book-stabbing interrogation指卡姐在DA2开场拿匕首捅书吓唬瓦里克的场景)有点不爽。

  [DRAGON AGE]: Varric is back! That's the good news, but what kind of trouble has he gotten himself into this time?

  [MARY KIRBY]: Remember in Dragon Age II how Varric was being interrogated by Cassandra, who was working with Leliana and a large number of folks wearing eyeball symbols?

  [DA]: Of course.

  [MK]: That was the fledgling Inquisition. Divine Justinia V had questions, and Varric was the guy with all the answers.

  [DA]: Ah, so his reputation preceded him. Do you think he's starting to regret that?

  [MK]: Well, in Inquisition, he's still answering a lot of pointed questions. If he hadn't already figured this out at the start of his meeting with Cassandra, he's definitely finding out now that sometimes it's not so good to be the guy connected to every part of the story.

  [DA]: After all that Varric has endured—being betrayed by his brother and interrogated by Cassandra spring to mind—are things finally starting to look up for the poor guy?

  [MK]: In Inquisition, things are definitely worse for Varric in just about every possible way. He's hundreds of miles from home. Not a friend in sight. And the things that are happening around him are apocalyptic.

  [DA]: Varric just can't seem to catch a break.

  [MK]: Remember, this was the guy who found the Wounded Coast too far out of his comfort zone. Snark and wild stories are all that's going to get him through this ordeal.

  [DA]: Varric's trademark charm is probably his most visible quality, but what would we see if we dug a little deeper?

  [MK]: Thedas knows him primarily as a storyteller, but Varric is first and foremost extremely loyal. He tells stories to rewrite events he's lived through and make them less senseless, the people in them more inspirational, and to drag some meaning out of the mess that surrounds people he cares about. It doesn't always work. But at least he's turned Cassandra into a Hawke fan. That's something.

  [DA]: He seems to have a way with words that keeps him out of unnecessary altercations.

  [MK]: Varric would always prefer to talk his way out of trouble. He isn't as enthusiastic about leaping into battle as Cassandra or the Iron Bull. But he's completely confident in Bianca and her ability to get him out of any fight in one piece, and he's always willing to show off. He loves an audience, and he especially loves making everyone around him envious of Bianca.

  [DA]: Since this is your second go-around as Varric's writer, is there anything that you're particularly pleased to have written for him?

  [MK]: I got to write my favorite scene of the entire Dragon Age series this time. It may involve a game of Wicked Grace. I won't spoil it.

  [DA]: Varric is one of the more popular characters among the Dragon Age community. He's a pretty easy guy to get along with, but how does he fare with his new travel companions in Inquisition?

  [MK]: Varric will at least try to get along with most people in the

  Inquisition. People who are not Cassandra, anyway. [DA]: Oh?

  [MK]: He's still kind of bitter about that whole "book-stabbing interrogation" incident.



  Cole唯一所能确定的事,是这个世界充满了痛苦,而他必须在其中找到自己的位置。那些希望能够恢复秩序同时帮助那些无助者的人,会得到一个奇怪但是永不动摇的盟友。那些用自己的力量为自己谋利的人也许再也不会见到Cole 了一一如果他们一开始知道Cole的存在的话(判官干坏事小Cole会不干对吧)。

  He is a ghost in the shadows, walking unnoticed through crowds. He can slit an enemy's throat before they even realize he's there, and slip away, never to be seen again. Those few who do notice him soon forget he ever existed... and Cole isn't certain that he does exist. He is a spirit, impossibly caught between the immaterial realm of the Fade and the confusing realities of our physical world, but does that make him real? Does it make him human or a demonic pretender, as some believe?

  All Cole knows for certain is that the world is full of pain and he must find his place within it. Those who wish to restore order and help the helpless will find him a strange but unwavering ally. Those who use their power for selfish reasons may never see Cole again—if they remember that he was there to begin with.


  Patrick Weekes:想象一下你和这个世界里的人格格不入,但却又不知道为什么。想象一下试着去寻找自己真正的身份一一一个法师?一个恶魔?一同时永远也不知道自己能不能相信问题的答案,也不知道自己的朋友会不会在真相到来的时候站在你的身边,不论这真相究竟如何。

  DA :这就是人们常说的进退两难吧(being stuck between a rock and a hard place .)

  PK :正是如此。这正是Cole在我们的首席作家,DG大爷,创作的小说 Dragon Age : Asunder里面的角色演进(character arc)。而如今这种演进已经完成了。在这部作品中,我们将了解接下来会发生什么。

  DA :那么,你接管了一个最初由DG大爷主笔的角色。很明显,一点压力也没有(没有?!)

  PW :确实如此。戴夫(DG大爷的爱称--)非常善于创造令人同情的角 色,同时我很喜欢Cole在小说中的曲线(arc )。直到小说的高潮之前,我都一直在猜测Cole到底是淮。当探索者Lambert突然拿出安卓拉的祷文(Litany of Adralla对付血魔法控制思想的利器)时,那基本上把Cole的身份缩小到了恶魔和血法师之间,而既然他并不是在使用血魔法......

  DA :那么,Cole就一定是个恶魔了?

  PW :呃——他一定处在影界非灵体即恶魔的生物图谱上的某个位置

  (which I really hope exists somewhere我希望这东西真的存在,我感觉是在指图谱)。


  DA :听上去Cole饱受自己复杂身份的折磨啊。


  DA :很明显,你永远不知道什么时候会出岔子。(there is no foreseeable way that could go wrong 不太确定)

  PW :是的,Cole依然有需要改进的地方。任何允许他加入审判庭的人(同时因为在Asunder中一些人对他的回应是:"恶魔?上帝啊,不要。〃所以他的加入是可以选择的)将会听说一些奇怪的事情,比如淮也不知道是淮把那些萝卜扔进了火炉或者为什么城垛上被成摞的面包覆盖。

  DA :你提到玩家可以选择不允许Cole加入审判庭。其他的伙伴对此会有什么意见嘛?

  PW :哦,上帝啊,是的。薇薇安觉得Cole应该被安全地驱逐,而Sera完全拒绝和它讲话。

  DA :我猜铁牛也是如此吧。你在此前的一次访谈中提到他和恶魔有点事。


  DA :那么,既然你创作了Cole ,告诉我们为什么你认为他会是一个很好的伙伴。


  DA :太有用了!

  PW :然而,除了他战场上的技能以外......Cole还想去帮助那些痛苦中的人


  DA :这真是感人。

  PW :这就是经过Asunder事件以后的Cole成长的方式。这就是他现在将 前进的方向。我希望人们喜欢他将要做的事情。

  [DRAGON AGE]: When we last spoke, we talked about the Iron Bull, but you're also the writer for Cole. What can you tell us about him?

  [PATRICK WEEKES]: Imagine going through this world knowing that you're different, but not knowing how. Imagine trying to find out the truth about what you are—a mage? A demon?—and never being sure that you can trust the answer, or that your friends will still support you when the truth, whatever it is, comes out.

  [DA]: The proverbial being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

  [PW]: Exactly. That was Cole's character arc in the wonderful Dragon Age: Asunder, by our lead writer, David Gaider... and now that character arc is done. In this game, we find out what happens next.

  [DA]: So, you're taking over a character originally penned by David Gaider. No pressure, obviously.

  [PW]: Indeed. Dave is great at creating sympathetic characters, and I loved Cole's arc in the novel. I was guessing at his true nature until the climax of the book. But I couldn't just tell that story again. The character has to grow, for one thing... and also, that arc was tied to Cole not knowing what he is. Once Seeker Lambert whips out the Litany of Adralla, that pretty much narrows Cole down to blood mage or demon, and since he wasn't using blood magic.

  [DA]: So, Cole is definitely a demon?

  [PW]: Welllllllll... he's definitely somewhere on the Demon-or-Spirit Spectrum of Fade Creatures (which I really hope exists somewhere). A lot of people will always see him as a demon. He would rather be a spirit. He's trying.

  [DA]: It sounds like Cole suffers from a very complicated existence.

  [PW]: Now that he has accepted his nature, he's less constrained by human limitations. He can sense people's pain, which is actually what he was doing back in Asunder without realizing it, when he found the mages who were terrified and desperate enough to be able to see him. He can find people who are hurting, people in need, and he can help them.

  [DA]: Clearly, there is no foreseeable way that could go wrong.

  [PW]: Cole remains a work in progress, yes. Anyone who allows him to join the Inquisition (and because there are people whose response to him in Asunder was, "Demon? LOL NOPE," allowing him to join is optional) is going to hear about some weird things happening, with no one quite sure who put all those turnips in the fireplace or why the battlements are covered with loaves of bread.

  [DA]: You mentioned that the player can choose not to have Cole join the Inquisition. Are the other followers going to have an opinion?

  [PW]: Oh, Maker, yes. Vivienne thinks Cole should be safely banished, and Sera refuses to talk to "it" entirely.

  [DA]: As does the Iron Bull, presumably. You said during a previous interview that he had a thing about demons.

  [PW]: See, Bull is funny. He does hate demons, but if you're on the

  team, you're on the team. In Bull's mind, Cole is a weird squirrelly kid who just needs a night of good drinks and bad women to get him sorted out.

  [DA]: Well, since you wrote Cole, tell us why you think he would make a great follower.

  [PW]: If you want someone who can move around the battlefield undetected, sinking daggers into enemies who never see him coming, Cole is your guy. He can still make people forget him, but he's no longer the scared young man who couldn't stand against Seeker Lambert in Asunder. He knows he's more than human, and he is absolutely deadly when faced with foes who want to hurt innocent people (which safely applies to most of the Inquisition's enemies).

  [DA]: Useful!

  [PW]: Beyond his skill in combat, though... Cole wants to help people who are hurting. He may not always get it right, but he never stops caring. He will walk into the most painful moment of someone's life and offer them comfort without hesitation or judgment. And then he will disappear from their mind and walk away, because it's not about getting thanked, or even remembered. It's about helping.

  [DA]: That's very touching.

  [PW]: That's how Cole has grown since the events of Asunder. That's where he's going now. I hope people like where it takes him.



  Being from a proud bloodline of the Tevinter Imperium has its advantages: Dorian was born with a flair for magic that made him the envy of his peers. He is charming and confident, his wit as sharp as any blade, and if some suggest his manner cocky, it could be attributed to being a powerful mage in a land where mages rule. Indeed, Dorian would be the pride of his family—if he didn't oppose everything his homeland has come to stand for. He wears the labels of "pariah" and "outcast" proudly, knowing that views of the Imperium are unlikely to change until and unless someone of his ability stands up to make a difference.



























  [DRAGON AGE]: Let's start at the beginning. What can you tell us about Dorian?

  [DAVID GAIDER]: Dorian is a mage from the Tevinter Imperium, and his experiences are radically different from those of mages elsewhere.

  [DA]: How so?

  [DG]: In Tevinter, mages form the ruling class. He comes from a wealthy and influential family, one of many that arrange marriages and raise their children to become perfect mages... yet Dorian has rejected that life. He's seen the corruption to which it leads, and he refuses to play along despite the fact it's made him something of a pariah.

  [DA]: Can you expand on the "corruption" he's seen?

  [DG]: Without spoiling the plot, I'll say that Dorian got wind of

  something that his fellow Tevinter mages were doing, and decided to intervene. As he sees it, someone from Tevinter needs to stand up and say, "We don't agree with what these people are doing. They don't represent all of us." [DA]: Dorian has been described as sharp-tongued, with a knack for producing a great quip even in times of grave danger. How would you describe him?

  [DG]: Dorian is smart —perhaps too smart for his own good, really. He was raised in a society where both intelligence and wit are prized, where advancing yourself socially means outmaneuvering your peers, and he does so quite well... or, at least, he would if he didn't see through it all. That's left him rather jaded and sarcastic, naturally.

  [DA]: You're sure you didn't play some small part in cultivating that for him?

  [DG]: I tend to start at "sarcastic" and work my way from there.

  [DA]: Dorian is also a highly skilled mage. That sounds pretty useful on the battlefield.

  [DG]: He enjoys using his magic and doesn't see any reason why he should be ashamed about it. So he unleashes his full power when it's needed... and he has plenty of power to unleash, seeing as he comes from a society where mages are trained to use it rather than hide it. This includes powerful elemental spells, as well as spells involving the control of spirit and the dead—things societies outside of Tevinter might turn up their noses at and claim "distasteful." [DA]: Dorian seems to have a conflicted love-hate-love relationship with his homeland. Does he ever think about just leaving it all behind?

  [DG]: He doesn't believe that the situation in Tevinter is beyond repair, despite how impossible it seems that he personally might be able to do anything about it. Dorian has a streak of idealism hidden beneath his sarcasm, which naturally can lead him to be all the more disappointed when the world does exactly what he suspects it's going to.

  [DA]: How does Dorian compare to characters you've written in the past?

  [DG]: Dorian is an outcast—by choice, but only insofar as he chose not to live according to the expectations of his society. There are a lot of aspects to that which I enjoyed exploring, and which I haven't had to chance to do with other characters.

  [DA]: Anything in particular?

  [DG]: Dorian is gay —he is, in fact, the first fully gay character I've had the opportunity to write. It added an interesting dimension to his back story, considering he comes from a place where "perfection" is the face that every mage puts on and anything that smacks of deviancy is shameful and meant to be hidden. Dorian's refusal to play along with that facade is seen as stubborn and pointless by his family, which has contributed to his status as a pariah.

  [DA]: Are you happy with how his character turned out?

  [DG]: I suppose this aspect of Dorian will make him controversial in some corners, but I was glad to include it. It made writing Dorian a very personal experience for me, and I'm hopeful that will make him seem like a fully realized character to fans in the end.

  [DA]: Dorian's sarcasm must create some rather interesting banter with other members of the Inquisition. Any personal favorite combinations stand out for you?

  [DG]: I think I enjoy his relationship with Vivienne the most. They're complete opposites and will tear into each other viciously—or, at least, that's what it looks like to outsiders.

  [DA]: After listening to Mary Kirby talk about Vivienne's power, we're not so sure that's Dorian's wisest move.

  [DG]: Really, they find it good fun, and they'll go from arguing to banding together in order to criticize someone else in a cold second—like the Statler and Waldorf of Thedas. I love that.

  [DA]: Having a Qunari around has also got to yield some strange interactions.

  [DG]: Dorian's relationship with the Iron Bull is interesting. The Qunari have been at war with the Tevinter Imperium for centuries, after all, and the fact that neither Dorian nor Iron Bull are typical of their people makes for an intriguing arc.




  Solas has spent his life as an apostate, living in the wilderness well away from the civilized world and those who would shackle him for what he is. He mastered his magic without the help of tutors, spending years exploring the spirit realm of the Fade and coming to an understanding of its denizens that few others could claim. He would be happiest left alone to sleep in ancient ruins, searching for memories and knowledge that has been lost for ages, but the Breach in the sky threatens all worlds.

  At a time when other mages flee into hiding, Solas has put his freedom at risk by emerging from the shadows to assist those who would combat the chaos. He will not stand idly by when his knowledge of the arcane could mean the difference between salvation and utter destruction.

  DA :对于Solas你能和我们讲点什么?

  Patrick Weekes :说实话,他是很直率的一个人。他仅仅是一个平凡的(average)精灵异教徒,一个在法师叛乱愈演愈烈的时候加入审判庭,并提供自己对影界知识的人。

  DA :"平凡的(average)",嗯哼?

  PW :我喜欢让事情简单点(I like to keep it simple有没有更好的理解?)

  DA : Solas的背景有很多值得了解的地方,那么让我们从他异教徒的身份开始吧——这意味着他在法环之外练习魔法。他是和其他的叛逃法师一起溜走了么?

  PW :事实上,他一开始就不在法环里。

  DA :有意思。


  DA :没有了法环来提供训练,他是怎么学会控制自己的能力的?

  PW : Solas很大程度上是自学成才的;尽管他能够轻松地保卫自己,相对于扔火球,他更喜欢探索影界。

  DA :是什么让影界如此有趣?

  PW :好的,那么,影界呢——有点耐心,下面可能会变得有点奇怪—影界是龙腾世纪宇宙中属于精神的那一面。这是个满是记忆和幻梦的不可思议的世界,充满了我们世界强烈的情感或者浩大的事件留下的印记。Solas通过训练自己,使自己能够做些像清醒的睡觉这样的事情。他会去影帐薄弱的远古遗迹,在那里陷入睡梦,然后真真正正地体验那里很多世纪以来从未有人见过的历史。

  DA :那这种幻象准确么?


  DA :在过去的游戏中,影界是个满是恶魔的危险的地方。

  PW :的确如此。大多数赛达斯人都认为影界是恶魔的大陆...而Solas认为这正是问题所在。如果你要进入一个本就映射人类想法和恐惧的领域,而如果你在教会所学到的一切就是影界充满了想要杀死或者占据你的恶魔,那么当你到达那里时,它自然就成了那副模样。

  DA : Solas—点也不害怕影界?

  PW :我更愿意说他尊重影界。影界依然是危险的,但是Solas是依靠自己进入的影界,对影界没有先入为主的看法,所以他能够探索这个地域和友好的灵体,不带有非黑即白的想法。而这种想法正是阻挠法环法师探索影界的根源。在其他人都在保护自己,猜想影界的所有东西都是一种威胁的时候,Solas则会发现令人难以想象的光芒,微笑着走上前去细细端详。

  DA :你觉得这个角色很难写么?


  DA :我想人们会猜测他的伙伴对他的看法也是各种各样。



  DA :因为Cole是一个灵体?

  PW :对,Cole想明白这到底意味着什么,而Solas可以回答Cole的很多问题。这两个人经常会就做一个灵体是什么感觉展开极其有趣的谈话,而这总让队伍里的其他人咪着眼,用一种"这尼玛什么玩意(What is what )〃的眼神看着这两个人。

  DA :除了要对付世界对法师的看法,他还是个精灵。他是怎么对待这种困境的?

  PW :说实话,Solas讨厌别人看他的时候只注意到了他是个精灵。他认为这种态度也是一种非黑即白的偏见,而这种正是态度导致了龙腾世纪世界里的诸多悲剧。圣殿骑士和法师,恶魔和灵体,精灵和人类...事情远比这复杂得多。"你们要明白,事情远比这更复杂。〃大概就是Solas的标语口号。

  [DRAGON AGE]: What can you tell us about Solas?

  [PATRICK WEEKES]:He,s pretty straightforward, honestly. Just your average elven apostate who voluntarily joins the Inquisition in the middle of the mage rebellion to lend his expertise with the Fade.

  [DA]: “Average,” huh?

  [PW]: I like to keep it simple.

  [DA]: There,sa lot of ground to cover with Solas, so letsstart with him as an apostate—meaning he practices magic outside the Circle of Magi. Did he escape with the rest of the rebel mages?

  [PW]: Actually, he was never in one of the Circles to begin with.

  [DA]: Interesting.

  [PW]: Thedas is a pretty big place, and unless you go around burninating the peasants, you may never come to the attention of the templars.

  [DA]: Without the Circle to provide training, how did he learn to control his power?

  [PW]: Solas is largely self-taught; while he can comfortably defend himself, he cares more about exploring the Fade than he does about hurling fireballs.

  [DA]: What makes the Fade so interesting?

  [PW]: Okay, so, the Fade—bear with me, this gets a little weird— the Fade is the spirit side of the Dragon Age universe. Ifs this incredible place full of dreams and memories, imprints left behind by powerful emotions or events in our world. Solas has trained himself to do something a lot like lucid-dreaming. He goes to ancient ruins where the Veil is thin, goes to sleep, and actually experiences the history of places no one else has seen in centuries.

  [DA]: Is that sort of vision accurate?

  [PW]: Absolutely not. Its based off people,smemories, right? Ask ten different witnesses at a crime scene to describe what happened, and you'llget all kinds of conflicting information.

  Solas knows that everything he sees in the Fade is subjective and imperfect. It'slike a gigantic Wikipedia entry full of “[citation needed]” notes, but still, Solas has found some amazing things.

  [DA]: In past games, the Fade has been a dangerous place, full of demons.

  [PW]: Yes. Most people in Thedas think of the Fade as demon­land… and Solas believes this is part of the problem. If you go into a realm that by its very nature reflects the thoughts and fears of living people, and if all you' re ever taught in the Chantry is that the Fade is this terrible place that wants to kill or possess you, then when you get there, of course its like that.

  [DA]: Solas doesn'tfear the Fade?

  [PW]: rd say he respects it. It s still dangerous, but because Solas found the Fade on his own, he went in without preconceptions, letting him explore the area and befriend spirits without the black-and-white mentality that holds back mages trained in the Circle. While everyone else guards themselves, assuming everything in the Fade is a threat, Solas will find a brilliant unimaginable light, smile delightedly, and move in for a closer look.

  [DA]: Did you find his character challenging to write?

  [PW]: Writing Solas had its moments, yes. I personally love characters who are intelligent, characters who don,tnecessarily break the universe they,rein, but who make players reexamine their own assumptions and look at that world in a new way. Itll be interesting to see who thinks hef s fascinating and who thinks he'sout of his ever-Fade-loving mind.

  [DA]: One would assume that opinions vary among his fellow companions as well.

  [PW]:Absolutely. Vivienne is as loyal a Circle mage as you'llfind, so having this scruffy little hedge mage pop in and say, “You're all close-minded, you should be making friends with spirits,” causes her to get icily disdainful as only Vivienne can. Solas and the Iron Bull also spar over Qunari beliefs, as Solas believes in freedom of thought more than anything else, and the Qunari tend to be pretty rigid there. On the other hand, Solas and Cole get along rather wonderfully.

  [DA]: Because Cole is a spirit?

  [P W]: Yes; Cole is trying to figure out what that means, and Solas can answer a lot of Cole'squestions. The two of them have fascinating talks about what it means to be a spirit, usually with the rest of the party watching the two with these narrow-eyed “What the what?” looks.

  [DA]: In addition to dealing with the world'sperception of mages, he'salso elven. How does he deal with that much adversity?

  [PW]:Honestly, Solas hates people who look at him and just see an elf. He considers that kind of attitude part of the black-and-white dichotomy that has led to so much tragedy in the Dragon Age world. Templars versus mages, demons versus spirits, elves versus humans…it' s more complicated than that. Come to think of it, “It'smore complicated than that,” may actually be Solas's battle cry.



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