上古卷轴5:天际 帝国图书馆资料中文翻译一览

时间:2016-02-25 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名














  Pyandonea is an island-continent located to the far southwest of Tamriel which is home to the elusive Maormer, who had been exiled there by the ancient Aldmer during the days of Aldmeris. Theisland is covered mostly in dense rain forests which provides a habitat for thesouthern water spirits. It was also marshy, and full of insects. The Maormeripractice a powerful form of snake magic which they use to tame the sea serpents of Pyandonea for use as mountsand warbeasts. KingOrgnum, famous for his coffer, was from thisland. Pyandonea translates to "The Veil of Mist", and according tolegend, Orgnum and his followers were banished to this place after he tried tolead a rebellion against the Aldmer, and an impenetrable mist would foreverkeep them from Aldmeris. However, this mist would not keep them from targetingSummerset and southwestern Tamriel.


  In the Middle Merethic Era,an Altmeri exploratory ship, the Pasquiniel, setsail south from the Summerset Isle in the direction of Pyandonea. It wasnever heard from again, and it's popularly assumed that they were lost at seaor died at the hands of the Pyandoneans.

  At one point, Pyandonea may have become alliedwith theAldmeri Dominion, though they'd made countless attempts to invade the Summerset Islethroughout the course of history. For almost every year of the First andSecond eras, Pyandonean forces led by King Orgnum harassed the coastlines ofSummerset. They were known to have pushed further north, as well, and harassedthe coastline of Valenwood during the Interregnum.

  In 2E 582, theGreen Lady Finoriell swam to Pyandonea, seeking vengeance for the murder of theSilvenar Edhelorn on Khanerthi's Roost. She killed the Maormer indiscriminatelyuntil she was spent. As she lay dying atop the highest sea-tower, the SeaElves' greatest warrior came to claim her head as a trophy. Instead, shegrabbed him and threw herself to the waves far below.

  One of the only glimpses into the actuallandscape of Pyandonea came in 2E 486,when a small Maormeri fleet was sighted off the coast of Alinor and King Hidellithorderedhis navy to give chase. The navy followed the ships through uncharted watersand were ambushed at Pyandonea itself. Most of the fleet was destroyed, but asingle warship returned to Summerset. They described Pyandonea as a "seajungle" barraged by mist storms. Massive plateaus spill over withvegetation which form mazes around valleys of ocean. Waving tendrils of kelptrap all but the Maormer's own ships, and provide a well-camouflaged home forthe sea serpents that are Orgnum's guards and occasional mounts.

  The last contact with the continent was in 3E110 during the War of the Isle, when the Altmer, with the help of the Imperial Navy and the PsijicOrder, eventually vanquished a Pyandoneanarmada. Legend credits the Psijics with creating a freak storm that decimatedthe Pyandonean fleet.

  The historical fiction The Wolf Queen, v4 gives some details of unknown veracityon Pyandonea. The Pyandoneans have insect-like ships made with membranous sailsand chitinous hulls, somewhat similar to some ships in Morrowind. The text also suggests that it was QueenPotema's machinations which led to the intervention of the Psijic Order duringthe War of the Isles.


  【1】是在想不到Green Lady该怎么翻译,胡诌了个青翠女士

  【2】此处的青翠女士游泳前往潘多尼亚的原文是the Green Lady Finoriell swam to Pyandonea,,或许可以理解为“航往”,但大概是觉得在此处用“swim”一词显得更有传奇色彩吧,于是保留了swim的本意,译为游泳。

  【3】原文为The Silvenar,按UESP上的解释是”The Silvenar is the Voice of the People for the Bosmer”

  【4】Khenarthi’s Roost,原文写作Khanerthi’s Roost,我认为是原文笔误,因为查找了一些资料后发现只有Khenarthi(暂译为:凯纳茜)拼写方式。Khanerthi是Khajiit(卡吉特,艾斯维尔的原住民,游戏中将其翻译成“虎人”,但结合设定来看,“虎人”的翻译是错误的。)对Kynareth(吉娜莱丝)的称呼方式。








  2E 578年 末种月5日

Ice Elves

  Fact or Fiction?

  The tale of a suspected encounter with an Ice Elf

  Author: Anonymous

  Are there Ice Elves? I have heard of these strange creatures but until recently, I dismissed the stories as myths. But now I am pretty sure I met one.

  My cousin Knudek and I were hunting deer south of Fort Amol with little luck. Knudek was determined to bag something bigger than a rabbit. After a few bottles of mead and feeling encouraged, he ran off waving his bow, telling me he would return with a fine buck before the sun fully set. I decided to make camp, figuring my cousin would soon tire of hunting as evening fell.

  The snow started just as I finished off another bottle of mead and crawled into our small tent. Not long after, I heard some strange beast thrashing about in the woods nearby. I called out, thinking it was Knudek. An eerie moan was the only response, making the hairs on my arms stand up.

  I grabbed my bow, determined to face the creature. As I leapt out, a strong gust of wind caused the snow to swirl. I became tangled up in my tent and pitched forward, my hand landing in the small campfire. I screamed in surprise, startling the creature as it paused near the camp.

  The creature was too small to be a frost troll. It made some odd noises and I yelled at it to go away. I could not see it clearly because of the snow and my eyes streaming from the pain of my burns. The creature made more unintelligible noises.

  In desperation and in fear for my life, I grabbed a handful of hot embers with my uninjured hand and flung them at the creature's head. The pain caused me to scream even louder than the creature, which began to thrash around, flailing into a snowdrift. I managed to stand as the creature struggled to its feet. It was pale-skinned and hunched. It did not attack me. The pain in my hands had rendered me speechless.

  In spite of my pain, I decided to make a run for it. I fled toward Fort Amol. Luckily, I ran into a group of soldiers heading back to the fort. They got me to healer, who tended to my hands. Knudek showed up several days later. He said he'd gotten lost, fallen and broken his arm, and was later attacked by a rogue mage who flung fireballs at him repeatedly. He was sorry he missed the Ice Elf. He wants to go looking for it again, after we both heal.









A Gift of Sanctuary

  Author: Anonymous

  A little boy, scion of a wealthy house, oncewent to the lake shore with his parents on holiday. While the elders sippedwine in a cabin with their snooty fellows, the boy was left to play in the sandand mud. He was terribly sad at being so scorned, and went searching for afriend.

  The boy did not have to search long. He founda wonderfully chatty duck in the reeds who told him stories of places the boycould only dream of. Though he was quickly enchanted by the tales, the boybecame melancholy that he would never see such a place with his own eyes. Theduck laughed and told him that this was not so! They would build one together!

  The boy and the duck waded out to a smallisland on the lake and together they built a tiny house of sticks and sand.This sufficed for an hour, until the duck suggested that a house was not afitting place for the boy. He deserved a palace! The mortar of mud would not beenough, but one of the adults might help.

  The boy went back to the cabin and found anoble who had stepped outside to relieve himself, so inebriated he was. He waseasily coaxed into following the boy back to the island, where the duck leaptand tore out his throat to use blood and flesh for the mortar and bones for thebeams. The boy was delighted, but the palace had to be bigger!

  Back he went, again and again, to collect thedrunken folk to show them the magnificent palace. Again and again the duckadded their bits to the wondrous palace, whose spires and arches dried tobecome alabaster and gold.

  When the boy's parents came to collect him,he took them to see his magnificent palace out on the lake. They screamed andscreamed and ran, leaving the boy alone with the duck. He was not sad! Togetherthey made merry on the island until the mists closed in around it and spiritedit away to a land of cheer and mirth for all time.

  该文本出自上古卷轴OL,一个血腥而诡异的故事。在UESP的页面上则直接写上了A twisted tale of a boy'sencounter with a duck(一个关于男孩遇见鸭子的扭曲故事)这样的副标题,因为有剧透之嫌就没放在标题处翻译。

  关于题目的翻译,原本将A Gift of Sanctuary直译成“圣所的礼物”,但总感觉怪怪的,于是按文章内容将其转译成“鸭子的礼物”







  纵观夏暮群岛的历史可以发现,在奥格农的领导之下,锚莫对他们同是来自于远古大陆(Old Ehlnofey)的表亲发起了多次袭击。彼时的奥格农不但已是不死之身,且在数个世纪里变得越发年轻。或许在帝国地理协会的诸多学者中没有任何一人能够说清楚锚莫究竟发起了多少次对夏暮群岛的进攻,更没人知道他们为了攻打夏暮群岛而拿出了多少计谋,然而有一点是确凿无疑的,无论他们制定的谋略是多么的精妙,锚莫对夏暮群岛的进攻计划每次都以失败告终。








  锚莫们曾不断地航向夏暮岛,并试图征服它。纵观第一和第二纪元的历史,锚莫几乎每年都会航向并掠夺奥特莫(高精灵)的海岸。而奥格农本人则是这每一次袭击的领导者。然而无论发起了多少次进攻,进行了多少次对进攻的策划,锚莫们对夏暮岛的征服却总是以失败告终。(= =……智商啊)

  尽管锚莫们是第二先祖神洲的盟友,但先祖神洲仍然允许科洛文(Colovia )的统治者们拔除掉锚莫设立在泰姆瑞尔大陆西海岸上的一个个前哨站。









  时间:3E 110年



The Maormer of Pyandonea

  Author: Anonymous

  Entry 543,Atlas Notes, Imperial Geographical Society

  It was oncebelieved that the Maormer of Pyandonea were originally exiles from theSummerset Isles, but while it is likely they came from similar Aldmeriancestors, they certainly did not come from Summerset. Translations oftapestries in the Crystal Tower tell the tale of afar older separation. The Maormer likely differentiated from the ancient Aldmernot in Summerset, but in their original homeland of Aldmeris.

  Orgnum, theirleader and self-styled "King," according to the legend was aphenomenally wealthy Aldmeri nobleman, who used his fortune to finance arebellion against the powers of the land. He and his followers were banishedfor this to a place separated from Aldmeris by an impenetrable mist, Pyandonea,"The Mist-Veiled Isles." This exile proved so effective that thefollowers of Orgnum never again disturbed their former countrymen. The newAldmeri homeland of Summerset, however, was not so lucky.

  For much ofSummerset's history, the Maormer have launched attacks against their cousins ofOld Ehlnofey. Every one of these battles has been led by Orgnum himself, who itseems is not only immortal but grows more youthful by the century. Nohistorian, to the knowledge of the staff of the Imperial Geographic Society,has counted the number of wars and strategems employed against Summerset, butsomehow each has proved, no matter how ingenious, an ultimate failure.

  One attack inparticular is worthy of mention as it gives us our only glimpse into the actuallandscape of Pyandonea. In the year 2E 486, a small Maormeri fleet was sightedoff the coast of Alinor, and King Hidellithordered his navy to give chase. The navy followed the ships through unchartedwaters, into an ambush near Pyandonea itself. Most of the Altmeri navy wasdestroyed, but a single warship returned to Summerset to describe the land as a"sea jungle." Massive plateaus spilling over with vegetation formmazes around valleys of ocean. Waving tendrils of kelp trap all but theMaormer's own ships, and provide a well-camouflaged home for the sea serpentsthat are Orgnum's guards and occasional mounts. Mist storms spill over theland, further disorienting one's views. That even one ship survived the visitis a testament to the maritime genius of the Altmer.


  Maormer, also knownas Sea Elves or TropicalElves (or derogatorily as Fish Elves), are a race of Mer that reside on the island kingdom of Pyandonea, far south of the Summerset Isles.


  It was once believed that the Maormer ofPyandonea were originally exiles from the Summerset Isle. However, translationsof tapestries in the Crystal Tower tell the tale of how the Maormer werelikely separated in their original homeland of Aldmeris.

  According to the legend, the Maormer leader KingOrgnum was once a phenomenally wealthy Aldmer nobleman, who used his finances to launch a rebellion against thepowers of the land. He and his followers were banished for this to a placeseparated from Aldmeris by an impenetrable mist, Pyandonea, "The Veil ofMist". This boundary proved so effective that the followers of Orgnumnever again disturbed their former countrymen in Aldmeris.

  The Maormer were relentless in their drive toconquer Summerset, and there is scarcely a year throughout the First or Second Eras when they did not ravage the coastlines of the Altmer.

  Every attack launched by the Maormer againstSummerset has been led by Orgnum himself, and despite the number of wars andstrategies employed by the Maormer, each of these attacks has proved to be anultimate failure.

  The Maormer were allies of the second Aldmeri Dominion, although the Dominion allowed the kings of Colovia to eliminate Maormer outposts that had been established along thewestern coast of the mainland.

  The last documented appearance of the Maormerwas in 3E110 in the War of the Isle. The united alliance of the kings of Summerset and AntiochusSeptim, combining the Imperial fleet and theroyal navies of Summerset Isle, together with the magical powers of the PsijicOrder, succeeded in destroying the Pyandoneaninvading armada. It was said that the storm brewed by the Psijic of Artaeum so annihilated Orgnum's fleet that he was never again able to mustertogether enough of a force to dare another battle.


  The Maormer are known to possess blank, whiteeyes, and a strange, chameleon-like skin that is entirely colorless, as iftheir flesh were made of some white limpid jelly. Their chameleon-like skin isan involuntary process, similar to the forest-coupling skills of the Bosmer which allows them to walk into the shade of a single tree and vanish.


  The Maormer leader, King Orgnum, is a deathlesswizard who it seems is not only immortal but grows more youthful by thecentury.He is said to be the Serpent God of the Satakal. The Maormer practice a powerful form of snake magic. With this, theyhave tamed the sea serpents of their island for use as steeds and warbeasts. Thesesea serpents serve as King Orgnum's guards and occasional mounts. The Maormer'sships are described as looking insectoid, with membranous sails and a ruggedchitin hull, flying a markedly alien flag.

The War of the Isle

  3E 110

  The province of Summerset was nearly lost under the leadership of Antiochus. King Orgnum of the island-kingdom of Pyandonea attacked Summerset Isle as a result of a political plot of Queen Potema of Solitude.

  The united alliance of the kings ofSummerset and Antiochus only managed to defeat King Orgnum due to a freakstorm. Legend credits thePsijic Order of the Isle of Artaeum with the magic behind the storm andvictory, rather than the Imperial Navy.


  海德利斯王在第二纪元里统治阿利诺。他被人们相信是圣灵的直系后裔。他的统治被人们认为是精灵历史中最为长久且伟大的一任,并且,他也是精灵曲礼中最好的传统典范,而他的每一项决策都被当做范例而被收录入实践卷轴。2E 486年,一小支锚莫舰队于他王国的海岸线附近被发现,于是海德利斯王命令他的舰队追踪这支锚莫舰队。他的舰队一路跟踪锚莫的舰队来到潘多尼亚,此役除了一艘高精灵战舰之外,整个高精灵舰队全军覆没。

  他和妻子图茵登的孩子于2E555年的次种月5日出生,遵循着实践卷轴所记录的传统,他们将女儿命名为艾琳,并于为她举行了为期55天的庆生典礼。海德利斯王也有着其他的孩子,包括他的长子王子尼埃蒙。2E 563年,他和整个家族齐聚水晶塔,为艾琳即将开始如何统治的学习而举行庆祝典礼,然而艾琳却在典礼途中失踪了,直到2E 580年,海德利斯王去世时都没能再见她一面。

King Hidellith

  Ruler of Alinor in the Second Era. Hewas believed to be a direct descendant of the Divines who created Nirn. His rule is remembered as a long and great one, and he exemplifiedthe best traditions of High Elven Ceremoniarchy, basing his every decision onthe precedents laid down in the Scrolls of Praxis. In 2E486, a smallMaormeri fleet was sighted off the coast of his kingdom, and King Hidellithordered his navy to give chase. They followed the fleet to Pyandonea, where all but one of the ships were destroyed.

  His child with Kinlady Tuinden was born on the5th of Second Seed in 2E 555.Following the dictates of the Scrolls of Praxis, they named her Ayrenn, and held celebrations for fifty-five days. He had other children, aswell, including his eldest son Prince Naemon. In 2E 563, hegathered with his family at the Crystal Tower to celebrate what was supposed to be Ayrenn's entry for schooling as aruler, but his daughter disappeared. She would not return until afterHidellith's death in 2E 580.






  2E 582年,青翠女士Finoriell【1】(暂译为:芬诺蕾)游泳【2】前往潘多尼亚,向杀害了“波斯莫之声”【3】,Khenarthi’sRoost(暂译为:凯纳茜栖木)【4】的Edhelorn(暂译为:艾德赫伦)的凶手复仇。在她被死去之前,她无差别地屠杀了大量锚莫人。在她濒死前,她攀上了最高一座海之塔的塔顶,一名据称是海精灵最强战士的勇士誓要取下青翠女士的首级作为战利品,然而他却被青翠女士一把抱住,两人一同跌落塔下的怒涛同归于尽。

  在2E 486年,世人终于得以一瞥潘多尼亚的真实地貌。彼时一小支锚莫舰队在阿利诺附近海域被发现,于是海德利斯王派遣他的海军跟踪这支锚莫舰队。高精灵海军被锚莫舰队带往潘多尼亚附近的未知海域,并落入了锚莫早已设好的包围之中。这支海军除一艘舰船幸存外悉数被歼。据幸存者的叙述,潘多尼亚是一个被浓雾环绕的“海中丛林”,那是个被大洋环绕,由大量山谷、高原,植被组成的迷宫一般的地区,巨大的海藻会缠着除锚莫战船以外的所有船只,并且对于奥格农王的海蛇部队来说是一个绝佳的藏身之处。

  世人与海精灵的最后接触发生于3E 110年的夏暮岛之战,彼时由帝国,高精灵,赛伊克教团组成的联军击败了潘多尼亚前来侵略夏暮岛的无敌舰队。据传说记载,赛伊克教团召唤了一股强大的风暴摧毁了整支锚莫舰队。




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