
时间:2016-03-11 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名

Returning to the Allied ranks from the previous Red Alert games is the Spy, with Sean Connery-like accent and all. The Allied infiltration specialist is an extremely versatile unit being able to walk right into an enemy base disguised as enemy infantry, infiltrates and sabotages enemy structures, and new to Red Alert 3, can bribe enemy units to fight for you.


Disguising 伪装

The Spy’s main ability is to disguise itself as an enemy infantry unit, including dogs and bears. Just like in the previous installments of the Red Alert series, Attack Dogs, and now Burst Drones and Armored Bears can detect Spies. Also like in previous Red Alerts, a disguised Spy cannot be normally targeted by enemy units, but can still be force fired upon.



Being able to get the disguise relies on good scouting, either through good use of scouting units or the Surveillance Sweep support power. Selecting the right units to disguise is also very important since Spies are amphibious units. When sending a Spy through the water, select a disguise of an amphibious enemy unit. Dogs, bears, Shinobis, Engineers, and the three commandos are good choices here. Using land only infantry is a dead give away, and will blow your Spy’s cover in the water. Spies can also disguise themselves as Dolphins. This is a good disguise for the water; however the disguise stays as a Dolphin on land as well.


Using Terrain to Your Advantage 利用地形发挥优势

A good disguise can increase the survivability of your Spy, but knowing the layout of the map is also extremely important. Sending your Spy along the edges of the map is a good idea because many people do not scout these areas, even more so if they do not have a navy. Moving your Spy behind a ridge or neutral building can hide him even if the enemy has that area scouted. This leaves the Spy hidden in an area that can only be seen if your opponent rotates their camera angle.


Spies and Structures 间谍与建筑

The biggest non-battle influencing property that spies have is their ability to infiltrate enemy structures. Getting them in can be a daunting task, but in certain cases can open up chances for attacks or can give a player valuable intelligence as to what your opponent is doing. Sending your spies into different buildings provides different effects, which are listed below:
Construction Yard – Reveals fog of war from the building radius of your enemy’s Construction Yard. It’s perfect for seeing the layout of your enemy’s base as well as keeping tabs on what units are coming out of production structures.
Power Plants – Shuts enemy’s power off for 30 seconds. This is useful against turtlers before staging a major offensive or air strike.
Refineries – Entering a Spy into an enemy Refinery will steal $2,000 from your enemy regardless of how much money they have.
Unit Production Structures – Shuts the production structure down for 30 seconds making unit production and repairs impossible. As an added bonus, you will be able to see all units of produced from that structure for a short period of time.
Technology Structures - This will temporarily stop production of any tier 3 units or structures. More importantly though, it will reset the enemy’s radar, leaving only portions of the map where their units and structures are visible.
Superweapons – The Spy will reset the cool down counter back to its original time, useful for buying extra time to prepare before it is used.







Bribing 贿赂

For the first time in the Red Alert series, spies have a secondary ability; Bribe. When in a short vicinity of enemy units, the spy can convert enemy units into your own units for $1000. This is a particularly deadly tide turner in battle, especially against tier 3 units which are extremely powerful and an expensive loss for your opponent.


Pulling off a successful bribe is not easy though. Make sure at the very minimum your Spy is disguised as an enemy infantry unit. Sneaking a Spy from the rear or flank is best, creating a potential sandwich of your units between enemy units. This is also best because it buys a little bit of extra time that most units need to turn and fire on your Spy. Also, if your Spy is about to be crushed, bribe the enemy unit to save your Spy.


An easier way to pull off a successful bribe is by using the Chrono Chasm, Fissure, or Rift Powers. Use the support power on the group of units to be bribed, move in the Spy, and then as soon as the units come back from the chrono effect, bribe them. This is shown in the following video:


Spies and IFVs 间谍与多功能步兵车

Spies placed in IFVs act exactly like Snipers in IFVs from Red Alert 2, but without the long range. Aside from being great infantry killers, they can also destroy Terror Drones in one shot. For more information regarding this combination, refer to Allied Tip of the Week #1 - IFV Combinations.

间谍进了IFV就跟RA2中狙击进了IFV差不多,只是没有那么远的射程。除了能有效杀伤步兵,他们还能一枪秒杀恐怖机器人。想了解更多关于这种组合的信息,请查阅盟军每周TIPS #1 IFV的组合。

In Summary 摘要

Picking the right disguise increases your Spy’s chances for survival. Be sure to pick an appropriate disguise based on the route taken to the enemy’s base. Also, use terrain to your advantage.
Sending a Spy into an enemy structure can give some valuable information, stall your opponent’s ore gathering, stop unit production, or reset superweapon timers.
Bribing enemy units will turn them against their makers for $1000. Set up a distraction or use the Chrono Chasm ability to paralyze units and set your spies up for bribing.
Spies in a IFVs act as snipers and can take out groups of infantry with the correct micro.


红色警戒3 专区




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