
时间:2016-04-24 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名

1.Brittany - Museum

Talk to the director about Marcel’s workroom, the box, the accident and Venice. After he leaves the office, head to the bay on the left and take a look at the chest on the desk (zoom). Try to open the lid – the chest is locked with a digital lock. Blindly manipulating the discs won’t do, you have to know the code.


Leave the bay and take a look at the 3D printer beside it (zoom). The machine is obviously doing something. It’s worth getting to know what exactly. Go right and to the exhibition hall.

离开隔间,查看3D复制机(3D printer)。从右边出去到展览大厅

At the end of it, talk to the director about the code and the printer. Afterwards go to the aisle on the right and talk to Claire, the warden, about the work, Marcel, chest and the dictaphone.


Go back upstairs to the office (stairs on the depth of the screen) and open Marcel’s desk drawer (zoom). Take the dictaphone and tweezers. Take a closer look at the Dictaphone (right mouse button in the inventory) and notice that there is no memory card inside. Go back to the exhibition hall and talk to Claire about this. You will receive the card with Marcel’s recording. In order to listen to it, go to the office and put the card into the Dictaphone (combine both items in the inventory – if you wish to listen to it again, click the Dictaphone in the inventory with the right mouse button and left button while in zoom). The message is quite intriguing and it seems that Claire knows the 3rd number of the code – so you have to ask her about it.


Go down to the exhibition hall, but the warden won’t be there, so go out to the courtyard (pointer at the bottom of the screen). Talk to her (she’s by the well) and ask her about the recording, code lock and the 3rd number. Return to the exhibition hall and take a closer look at the ceiling (zoom).


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Go up to the office and examine the board to the left of the desk (zoom). Take a look at the reproductions, especially the one showing a storm; also examine the hand drawing in the corner, showing a fragment of ceramics.


Go to the bay – you have all the data needed to unlock the chest. Marcel said: storm (8 in Beaufort’s scale), Jupiter (5th planet of the Solar System) and the number received from Claire (2 – the day they’ve met). Place the hands (starting from the left one) on 8 (click 2 times on the left side of the 1st clock face), 5 (4 times on the right side of the clock face, moving the pointer down as the hand moves) and 2 (1 time on the right side of the clock face). The way in which you turn the hands is irrelevant really, it’s just important for the numbers to be in the ?window” of each hand.

回到放箱子的隔间,你已经找到打开箱子的密码了。Marcel在录音里说:gale (8 in Beaufort’s scale), Jupiter (5th planet of the Solar System) and the number received from Claire (2 – the day they’ve met).Gale是木板上的画,数字为8,Jupiter是木星,是银河系的第5颗行星,第三个数字claire知道,是她们相遇的日子,是2。密码是852。上输入密码,打开箱子

Open the lid and take 16th century pistol with a ramrod and a key. Now take a look at the piece of paper lying on the desk, to the left of the chest. It’s the list of items which Marcel found inside the chest. It seems that the antique ceramics fragment is missing. It should also wonder you why the pistol and the ramrod are written separately.


Take a look at them (right mouse button in the inventory) and take the ramrod from beneath the pistol. Afterwards examine the side of the chest (zoom).


Localize the lock and use the key found in the chest. You will notice that there is a hidden drawer there, but the lock is blocked. Take a look at the hole on the side of the chest (on the left). Put the ramrod inside it and unlock the mechanism. Now just open the drawer and take the old manuscript.


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Of course take a look at it while in zoom (right mouse button in the inventory). Look at the pages (arrows at the right and left edges or by clicking at the next page) – you will see that fragments of a map are sewed to the pages. Go out of the zoom and use the tweezers to get the threads out of the book (combine the two in the inventory). Now open the manuscript in zoom once again and click on the first map fragment. This way you will take all of them out of the book. Now you can read the clear manuscript and get to know something about the Tree of Life.


It’s time to put the map fragments into one (right mouse button in the inventory). You can drag it with the left button and place them on the board and turn 90 degrees with the right button. Additionally at the edge there will be an icon letting you see the other side of a piece, as the map has two sides and it’s worth to turn all the pieces so they show the same side (the right way to assemble the both sides is shown above, you choose which is easier for you).


Leave the bay and take another look at the 3D printer (zoom). Check each of the red lights. You will learn that the machine is missing powder, resin and dye. Open the left side and take the empty container.


Go to the right side of the room at take a look at the photocopier there (zoom). Raise the lid – you will see that it’s dirty. Also open the cover on the front and take an empty toner. If you want to copy the map, you will have to find a new one.


Go to the exhibition hall and talk to the director. He will tell you to go to the porter - Antoine. Take a look at the table and try to open the box, but Sylvie will want to ask the conservator for permission first.


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Go to the aisle and ask Claire for permission to use her tools. After the conversation, take the line hanging on the side of the Viking boat (left from Claire). Now go to the table with tools and take the cloth, varnish and brush from the box.


Eventually head to the left side of the courtyard and ring to the porter’s lodge. Talk with Antoine – if you want to ask him about everything before he leaves for a while, ask about Marcel in the end. This way you will receive a full toner and an advice to use flour as the powder. Once the porter will excuse you for a while, go left and leave the museum.


Once on the cliff, go right and talk to the innkeeper. Ask him for some flour and he’ll tell you that he needs water from the well at the courtyard. You will receive a bucket; return to the museum. You will be automatically called by the porter who will give you a container.


Approach the well (zoom) and push the bars covering it. Combine the line with the bucket in the inventory and lower it into the well. Once you have a bucket full of water, go back to the inn. Give it to the owner (or just talk to him) and you will receive the starch.


Go to the museum and into the office upstairs. Approach the photocopier (zoom), raise the top lid and clean the glass with the cloth. Place the map on it and close the lid. Open the front lid and insert the toner. Press the green button and after a while you’ll receive a map copy. Open the top lid and take the original map (however Sylvie will do it herself if you forget to). Go to the exhibition hall. Talk to the director and Claire – you will a key.



更多精彩尽在 神秘传奇:生命之树专题:


Return to the office and approach the secretaire (to the right of the desk; zoom). Open it with the key and take to dye container (second compartment from the right). Also take a look at Marcel’s notebook.


Go to the 3D printer (zoom). Put some starch to the empty red container (in the inventory), open the left lid and put the container into the right place. Open the lower lid and insert the binder container. Open the right lid and put the dye container into the empty hole. Push the green button.


After the copying is finished, move the transparent lid and take the jug lip copy. Take a closer look at it (right mouse button in inventory). You need to harden it. Put the brush into the varnish and paint the lip with it (inventory). Go to the exhibition hall and from there through the courtyard to the cliff.


Talk to the innkeeper about Marcel. In effect Sylvie will want to take a look around the place. Take a look at the fence by the inn (zoom) and take the wire hanging from it. Go a little to the left and look at the stone wall (zoom). Notice a golden coin in between the stones and take it out with the wire. Look at its both sides (right mouse button in inventory). Return to the museum and talk to the director about going to Venice.


更多精彩尽在 神秘传奇:生命之树专题:



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