
时间:2016-02-04 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名
  成就                                                 开启方法 
  Enemy of the Poor (5)  Grab and Throw 25 Harassers.  抓住并扔人25次
  Gifted Escapist (5)  Jump through 20 merchant stands.  跳过20个商人(?)
  March of the Pious (5)  Use Scholar blending 20 times.  使用信徒祈祷的方式躲避敌人20次
  Eagle's Dance (10)  Perform 50 leap of faith.  使用50次信仰一跳(自己起的明- -,就是从高处跳到草剁里)
  Keeper of the 8 Virtues (10)  Find All Hospitalier Flags in Acre.  找到Acre的所有Hospitalier旗帜
  Keeper of the Black Cross (10)  Find All Teutonic Flags in Acre.  找到Acre的所有Teutonic旗帜
  Keeper of the Creed (10)  Find All Flags in Masyaf.  找到Masyaf的所有旗帜
  Keeper of the Order (10)  Find all Templar Flags in Acre.  找到Acre的所有Templar旗帜
  Eagle's Eye (15)  Kill 75 guards by throwing knives.  使用飞刀杀死75个守卫
  Eagle's Talon (15)  Perform 50 stealth assassinations.  进行50次暗杀
  The hands of a Thief (15)  Pickpocket 200 throwing knives.  偷200个飞刀
  Conversationalist (20)  Go through every dialog with Lucy. 完成和Lucy的所有对话(?)
  Defender of the People: Acre (20)  Complete every free mission in Acre.  完成Acre的所有自由任务
  Defender of the People: Damascus (20)  Complete every free mission in Damascus.  完成Damascus的所有自由任务
  Defender of the People: Jerusalem (20)  Complete every free mission in Jerusalem.  完成Jerusalem的所有自由任务
  Eagle's Challenge (20)  Defeat 25 guards in a single fight.  在一次交锋中杀掉25个守卫
  Eagle's Dive (20)  Perform 50 Combo Kills in Fights.  在战斗中使用50次连续技击杀(就是X后击中瞬间再X)
  Eagle's Flight (20)  Last 10 minutes in open conflict.  在开放的冲突中坚持10分钟(?)
  Eagle's Prey (20)  Assassinate 100 guards.  刺杀100个守卫
  Eagle's Swiftness (20)  Perform 100 Counter Kill in Fights. 在战斗中使用100次反击(被攻击瞬间RT按下按X)
  Eagle's Will (20)  Defeat 100 opponents without dying.  在自己不死的前提下杀100个对手
  Hungerer of Knowledge (20)  See 85% of all the memory glitches.  看到85%的记忆脉冲(在有数字化图象时按任意键)
  Keeper of the Crescent (20)  Find All Flags in Damascus.  找到Damascus的所有旗帜
  Keeper of the Four Gospels (20)  Find All Flags in Jerusalem.  找到Jerusalem的所有旗帜
  Fearless (25)  Complete all Reach High Points.  占领所有的最高点。
  Keeper of the Lions Passant (25)  Find All of Richard's Flags in the Kingdom.  在Kingdom找到Richard的所有旗帜
  Blade in the Crowd (30)  Kill one of your main targets like a true assassin.  像一个真正的刺客一样刺杀一个主要的刺杀目标
  Disciple of the Creed (30)  Assassinate all your targets with a full DNA bar.  在DNA条(血条)满的情况下刺杀所有的目标
  Personal Vendetta (40)  Kill every Templar.  杀掉所有Templar
  Absolute Symbiosis (45)  Have a complete Synchronization bar.  完成同步条的收集(?)
  The Eagle and The Apple - 1191 (100)  Complete Assassin's Creed.  完成游戏

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