
时间:2016-04-27 来源:88130安卓下载 作者:佚名


After talking about everything you can with the organiser, go to the meeting hall (in the depth of the screen). Once there go to the niche (forward). Take the ladder and look at the lower part of the sculpture on the right (zoom). Place the ladder in front of the sculpture, thanks to which you can reach its upper part (zoom).


There a riddle waiting for you – you have to arrange the sign on the stone tablet by moving the squares. Start with making a free space by taking away the lower right square. After arranging the sign, put it back to its original place (you can view the properly arranged sign on the screen below).


This way you will unlock the mechanism which will let you rotate the bases of the two columns on both sides of the sculpture. Their movement causes the centre part of the sculpture to turn left or right accordingly. Turn the left column 2 times and the right 4 times – this way you will reveal a hole. Take a look at it (zoom). Move away the grating and take the dry seed.


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Leave the niche and go to the meeting hall (pointer at the bottom of the screen). A messenger from count Saint-Germain is waiting for you there. However during your conversation there will be an unexpected accident. Fortunately the man will give Sylvie the chronometer.

Afterwards talk about the situation with the organiser. You will receive permission to use the tools from the cabinet in the hall, if only you will manage to get there without leaving any trace despite the tapes. After the conversation, take a look at the chronometer (right mouse button in the inventory) and open its lid – Sylvie will notice an inscription – unfortunately you’re unable to read it at this moment.



Approach the desk on the left (zoom). Take a copy of your book, a pen and from the bag: nail varnish, a remover and a cotton pad.


Approach the sealed door (zoom) and use the remover on the tape. Go inside and approach the display cases on the left.


Pick up the golden coin lying by one of the chairs and the documents from the third chair. Approach the right display case (zoom) and try to open it – it’s locked. Return to the hall and talk to the organiser about the keys. As Sylvie did recover his documents, the man will give them away without hesitation.


Go to the display case and open it with the received key. Take the tools from inside: brush, cloth, silver cleaner, silver patiniser, spatula and a magnifying glass.


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Exit the meeting hall and glue the tattered tape with the nail varnish. It’s time to read the inscription on the watch. Firstly put some silver cleaner on a cotton pad (in the inventory) and use it on the chronometer. Take a closer look at it (right mouse button in the inventory) – it seems Sylvie overdid it and the inscription is unreadable. Take some of the silver patiniser on the brush and put in onto the chronometer. Then use the cloth. Take the magnifying glass and read the inscription (right mouse button in the inventory).

Inform the organizer about what you have learned. You will receive the chest’s description and will be told that someone has called you. After a while the count will call again and ask Sylvie to meet him.



Go outside the building (pointer at the bottom of the screen) and go to the square (bottom of the screen once again). Talk to the couple in carnival suits by the well. In effect Sylvie (while not unveiling her identity) will obligate to get an autograph of the book’s author. In order to do that, you have to move away a bit. Approach the rubbish bin (behind the carnival couple).


Take the empty champagne bottle. Open the green box left to the right of the bin and take the forceps and scissors. Finally sign the book with a pen (if you haven’t looked at it before, open it in zoom). Return to the square and give the pair. In return you’ll receive a carnival mask and a flare.


Return to the building and approach the shredder in the hall (right side of the desk; zoom). Insert the mask and after a while open the lid and take the cut mask fragments.


Now go up the stairs to the bay. Take the white tablecloth from the table (zoom) and also the curtain hanging by the windows (together with curtain tape).


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Notice the hatch on the left (zoom). Try to lift it – it’s nailed down. Get rid of them with the forceps. Raise the lid – unfortunately it will fall back down so tie it to the curtains with the tape and look into the opened hatch. Of course you can’t jump down from such height, so tie (in the inventory) the tablecloth with the curtain. Attach the receive line to the handle in the floor and lower yourself to the pier.


Take a look at the gondola docked there (zoom). Take the matches, door key (use it to open the door by the pier and getting to the building if you don’t have the needed items) and the broken paddle. You won’t get far using the paddle, so take the stick from the pier and connect them with the police tape (in the inventory).


Now cut the top of the flare with the scissors and put in the cut mask fragments. Put the flare with mask fragments into the champagne bottle. Place the bottle with a flare in the bottle handle (zoom onto the ship) and light up the flare with the matches. This way Sylvie will be able to safely swim next to the man on the bridge.


Once you arrive, approach the bars blocking the way to the count’s house (zoom). In order to raise it, you have to use the hands by the bells to set a code on the counter below. The count said to Sylvie on the phone that she knows his address, so you must search for the code like for the square, in the chronometer inscription: ?Mary Celeste 1872”. So pull the bell hands and set the code: 1-8-7-2. The mechanism budge but the gate won’t open – something is obviously blocking it. Take a look at the edge of the wall at the very top of the chain – there’s a stone which you have to remove with the paddle.


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Once in the count’s gardens, before going to the apse, take a look at the pool (zoom). Take the watering can and the green bowl. Take some water into the can from the pool.

Also take a look at the grass to the left from the pool (zoom). Take the gardening gloves lying by the tree stump. Afterwards head to the count (left).


After an interesting conversation about Briggs, Mary Celeste and the chronometer, Saint-Germain will order Sylvie to investigate a certain plank. Approach the table on the right (zoom) and investigate the remaining fragment of a ship. Use the spatula at the spot where the paint has cracked – you will unveil a part of the sign.


You need the right tools to continue, so search the shelf under the table. You the lye, polyvinyl acetate and a rice brush. First you must secure the unveiled part of the sign – take some polyvinyl acetate on the brush (inventory) and spread it on the plank. Now pour some lye into the bowl, combine the gloves with the rice brush – which means that Sylvie has protected her hands – and scrub the plank. Afterwards wash off the paint with the water from the can and unveil the sign with the spatula.


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Report the count, this time the man insists that Sylvie becomes his private expert and find the chest for him. Eventually he’ll ask her to solve floor relief problem – a part of it is missing. Check behind the net on the left (?under the window”; zoom). Take the stone tiles (the important one is the one above the three others).


Take a look at the relief (zoom), at its centre to be exact (another zoom). Put the missing tile in the hole (there are four of them and the matching one is mentioned above). Return to the previous zoom.


Your task is to arrange a certain pattern on the relief. Notice that the circles can be moved (by pulling them, not clicking) in pairs – the 1st (middle one) with the 3rd and the 2nd with the 4th. You move them by moving the pointer a bit and letting go off the button each time. Starting with the default relief, you have to move 3x middle, 1x 2nd and 4x 2nd or 4th, all of them counter clockwise (in the end, after moving one of the two circles, the count should make a comment). A correctly completed task (in each of the three stages) will be signalised by a mechanical rattle (don’t mistake it with the sound of the circle moving). If you have already make changes to the circles and can’t use the hints (and you haven’t saved your game before starting the riddle), just move the circles in the order I gave you (1st, 2nd, 2nd or 4th) with small breaks between the moves. Below there is a properly arranged relief:

然后转动上面的轮盘,按顺时针方向:中间3次,第二圈1次,第二圈 (或第4圈) 4次。如果中间出了错,只要按照中间,第二圈,第二圈(或第四圈)这样的顺序进行,中间有一点停顿就行。

Notice that the four stone tiles situated around the circles. Investigate them (zoom), after removing each one of them you will find an urn with seeds but three of them are different than the one found before. The right seeds are in the urn under the upper tile. Take them and inform the count about the finding.


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